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Why should we do events when Players just afk-leech off of us>

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


I'm all for this but there would also have to be something similar to measure heals/cleanses for the people that want to support and cannot do dmg.

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That would likely hinder condition builds against bosses with condition blocks, tanks that focus toughness or hp, or healers who try to do both.


Perhaps you can provide some examples?


Some classes using Attack 1 with full Berserker gear deal more damage than two of the other players using different builds while effectively using their skills.


I don't feel your suggestion would help.

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That would go against the whole game-philosophy in the open-world. It was always that way that people dont get rewarded for their individual performance, but for participating and tagging along. Would be a really bad move to push people into more damage-oriented playstyle/builds who doesnt want it but would have to in order to get the rewards.


Apart from that, it would also be a problem for support and healing roles, as others have already mentioned.


But what id like to know: Why does it bother you that some people are just standing there auto-attacking or whatever? Its not that they steal your loot or have otherwise a bad impact on your experience, do they?

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That would also be bad for daily map event days. The way it is now, you can walk in, tag a few baddies, and back off so that more people have a chance to get credit. It's already frustrating (and common) to follow an escort for five minutes and not get event credit because you didn't manage to tag enough enemies. If the bar is raised, it is going to get even harder, because everyone will be going all out, all the time and not leaving any mobs for the late-comers or those without ranged and AoEs.

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> @"all cheats.3186" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


> I'm all for this but there would also have to be something similar to measure heals/cleanses for the people that want to support and cannot do dmg.


Agreeing with this, when trying to balance something you wouldn't want the scales to be tipped too far the other way or it would just make another set of issues.

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Happens all the time, and not just with meta events, some people sit around and wait for 5% health on regular mobs before stepping in, or on other events and even heart progress they'll just tag something you're killing and move along to the next thing to tag. There's not much that can be done from Anets side to counter these types of players without punishing people that do help but just don't deal enough damage.


But, if it irritates you enough when you spot it happening to you, stop attacking the thing and wait for them to leave or put in extra effort to actually kill it and if they're sitting mounted up watching you die trying to kill the thing, walk it over to them and force them to participate more.

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There is a damage requirement per mob for loot, This used to be why players grouped up to zerg Cursed Shore events.


Because everything died so fast, players weren't hitting the minimum damage to qualify for loot. But in a group that minimum is shared between everyone who at least touched it.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> That would go against the whole game-philosophy in the open-world. It was always that way that people dont get rewarded for their individual performance, but for participating and tagging along. Would be a really bad move to push people into more damage-oriented playstyle/builds who doesnt want it but would have to in order to get the rewards.


> Apart from that, it would also be a problem for support and healing roles, as others have already mentioned.


> But what id like to know: Why does it bother you that some people are just standing there auto-attacking or whatever? Its not that they steal your loot or have otherwise a bad impact on your experience, do they?


but from the moment that Anet scales the events in ration to the people attending people must do more than auto-attack or afk. If it weren't for them we would be fighting Elites or veterans instead of champion tendrils with scaled hp to 30 people, where 15 are active.

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As other people have said there isn't a way to exclude good players who aren't trying without also excluding bad or low level players who are doing their best but can't compete with high level DPS builds. Not to mention discouraging players from healing or reviving others unless they're confident they're well above the damage threshold.


Besides which it doesn't do you any harm, you get rewards and XP based on your participation no matter how many people are involved or how much damage they do, and in some situations (like when everyone is competing for credit in events for a daily) it can actually be beneficial to discourage players from doing any more damage than necessary.


> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Happens all the time, and not just with meta events, some people sit around and wait for 5% health on regular mobs before stepping in, or on other events and even heart progress they'll just tag something you're killing and move along to the next thing to tag. There's not much that can be done from Anets side to counter these types of players without punishing people that do help but just don't deal enough damage.


> But, if it irritates you enough when you spot it happening to you, stop attacking the thing and wait for them to leave or put in extra effort to actually kill it and if they're sitting mounted up watching you die trying to kill the thing, walk it over to them and force them to participate more.


They may not all be doing it intentionally. Some of my friends like to joke that they could find champion spawns just by waiting for me to pick a nice, safe spot to go AFK for a few minutes, because it's so common that I'll come back to find that an event has started right on top of me. Of course when I notice it's happening I'll join in, if only so my spot is safe again, but I can see how that would look like trying to take advantage of other people's progress in the event.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> That would go against the whole game-philosophy in the open-world. It was always that way that people dont get rewarded for their individual performance, but for participating and tagging along. Would be a really bad move to push people into more damage-oriented playstyle/builds who doesnt want it but would have to in order to get the rewards.


> Apart from that, it would also be a problem for support and healing roles, as others have already mentioned.


> But what id like to know: Why does it bother you that some people are just standing there auto-attacking or whatever? Its not that they steal your loot or have otherwise a bad impact on your experience, do they?

It bothers me because everyone else is putting in effort to do the event while they leech and afk in an event that is meant for group play. They're being lazy and leechign off of everyone else. It's similar if I were to ask you to pay for my mortgage while you live somewhere else.


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> @"all cheats.3186" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


> I'm all for this but there would also have to be something similar to measure heals/cleanses for the people that want to support and cannot do dmg.


They did an update where healing and boon application contribute to participation, as long as you deal some damage to the boss. They felt like healers and support builds didn't get enough credit.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> The loot shower solves all.


As in make the system show the loot people get to everyone nearby?


Great, so some idiot sees someone got a precursor, or some other rare drop that is tradeable, and will harass them via email and tells to give it to them, they need it, they deserve it, etc.


Let people choose to share if they wish, as it is now.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> no pls. im happy with the current system.

> u do events for ur own enjoyment, why ppl care about afkers?


> also sometimes i afk cuz i have stomach upset... or other problems... u can't just group all afkers in to one category....


That's fine, iIf you afk for an emergency. I'm talkign about the people who afk because of greed.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > That would go against the whole game-philosophy in the open-world. It was always that way that people dont get rewarded for their individual performance, but for participating and tagging along. Would be a really bad move to push people into more damage-oriented playstyle/builds who doesnt want it but would have to in order to get the rewards.

> >

> > Apart from that, it would also be a problem for support and healing roles, as others have already mentioned.

> >

> > But what id like to know: Why does it bother you that some people are just standing there auto-attacking or whatever? Its not that they steal your loot or have otherwise a bad impact on your experience, do they?

> It bothers me because everyone else is putting in effort to do the event while they leech and afk in an event that is meant for group play. They're being lazy and leechign off of everyone else. It's similar if I were to ask you to pay for my mortgage while you live somewhere else.



This isn’t like other MMO’s where having more people can diminish your loot so no one can leech off you nor anyone else. At worst it’s like you pay your own mortgage while someone else gets to live for free. You are unaffected but resent their getting the same for no effort.


I am not in favor of any such change, most especially because it would incentivize meeting whatever arbitrary meter, rather than whatever most helps the group.

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> @"Rajani Isa.6294" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > The loot shower solves all.


> As in make the system show the loot people get to everyone nearby?


> Great, so some idiot sees someone got a precursor, or some other rare drop that is tradeable, and will harass them via email and tells to give it to them, they need it, they deserve it, etc.


> Let people choose to share if they wish, as it is now.



I thought they meant that all participants are showered with loot so there is no problem?


I don’t see how showing everyone everyone else’s loot would be good for anything as you’ve pointed out.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> They may not all be doing it intentionally. Some of my friends like to joke that they could find champion spawns just by waiting for me to pick a nice, safe spot to go AFK for a few minutes, because it's so common that I'll come back to find that an event has started right on top of me. Of course when I notice it's happening I'll join in, if only so my spot is safe again, but I can see how that would look like trying to take advantage of other people's progress in the event.


Oh, I know, and I very rarely slow code or intentionally walk mobs over to afkers (unless they're clearly botters).


But I have been known to walk away from something completely because several people just want to tag and leave but not stay and help finish (like in dead SW instances), it's the nature of the map or better yet what we've turned the map into, but it just feels wrong to give those types of players credit for something they barely participated in, so if it fails, it fails, but it's not going to suceed just because I stuck around to finish it.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> There is a flaw in the participation system. It rewards players for afking and auto-attacking. Please put a damage requirement for the rewards but don't make it high so that people can't just afk and leech off of the efforts of others.


There are damage requirements already. In fact, sometimes people who think they are participating aren't doing enough damage to reach the threshold for credit.


Put another way, if someone gets credit for an event, then they were participating.

(Save for a few bugs that affect this or that; those don't have much over impact though.)

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