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Thank You For The Waterfalls

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Going to sound silly I know, but recently I've been running around on an alt that hasn't unlocked all WP and have really loved revisiting some of the scenery that I tend to port past on my main. The waterfalls in particular stand out to me.


Any particular element of scenery strike you as noteworthy?


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Oh, that's a hard question.


I think I go in for dramatic scenery more than specific features, although you're right that there are some beautiful waterfalls in this game. Yesterday I left my main character at the top of the Shattered Ice Floe jumping puzzle (doing the skyscale collection) and this morning when I logged into that character I was thinking it was an amazing view to start off with. (Especially when I got to see it whilst being warm at home.) And I always enjoy gliding/flying around the Shiverpeaks (especially Timberline Falls) and going through the HoT maps because it looks so pretty.


![](https://i.imgur.com/lV6I1HRh.jpg "")


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In real life, I have minor "high places" wibbles about unprotected long drops close behind me, but in-game, I'm a big big fan of going up high, but one of my favourite "oh wow" views is in Divinity's Reach. Go to the entrance to the Crown Pavilion (at the top of the stairs leading to the western side of the inner ring on the lower level) and look *into* the pavilion. You get the full impact of that big huge metal-and-glass bird staring right at you.

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I'm a sucker for Waterfalls myself.


Many years ago when I was still a student I used to grab my old Gameboy colour and head down to this nature reserve that was a short walk away from my home.

There's a river there that runs through it and at one point in the river there was a small waterfall, big enough when combined with the river to make a fair bit of running water noise and nearby is a large man made concrete block in the middle of the river which is easy to climb on due to the shallow water nearby.


I used to lay on top of that block for hours listening to the river the waterfall the rustling trees and the birds etc and play Pokemon on my gameboy until my batteries died.

It was ridiculously relaxing.

The location ended up becoming a common spot for loud screaming kids though so I stopped going there eventually as they ruined the relaxing element of it.


Shame really, a towel, a drink, some sandwiches, a gameboy and a pack of batteries is all I needed and I would spend the whole day there laying on the block relaxing and playing pokemon lol

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