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Tips to manage salt and toxicity in WvW

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > After I cheese kill someone with my Mesmer, out of stealth, I start jumping on his corpse and hope he will whisper me with salty tears ;)

> >

> > So my tip is: Jump on the enemy corpse so you can read funny salt :)

> >

> > P.S. I am instantly screening the text and putting it in my folder, on the desktop, named "Precious Collection of Salt". I just love reading salt.


> Don't u mean after u cheese someone with sic em soulbeast? lmao


No, Mesmer is better cheeser. No one whisper me when I play SLB.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > After I cheese kill someone with my Mesmer, out of stealth, I start jumping on his corpse and hope he will whisper me with salty tears ;)

> > >

> > > So my tip is: Jump on the enemy corpse so you can read funny salt :)

> > >

> > > P.S. I am instantly screening the text and putting it in my folder, on the desktop, named "Precious Collection of Salt". I just love reading salt.

> >

> > Don't u mean after u cheese someone with sic em soulbeast? lmao


> No, Mesmer is better cheeser. No one whisper me when I play SLB.


Lmao right!

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The problem IMO isn't people who get triggered and msg you insults. They are solved by a simple block which takes 2 seconds. The problem are those people whining about some game mechanic they are disgruntled about in /shout while standing around in safe zone and bait up drama with other people. They don't contribute at all and take up a map slot so people who want to play wvw are locked out because the map is full.

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> @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> All I know is real life gives much more of an adrenaline rush from extreme sports like skateboarding


Get back to us when you're in your 40's and every injury comes back to visit permanently like a broke relative.



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > All I know is real life gives much more of an adrenaline rush from extreme sports like skateboarding


> Get back to us when you're in your 40's and every injury comes back to visit permanently like a broke relative.




I wear knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and a helmet. Also I stretch before I skateboard and eat healthy and sleep well. Problem?

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> @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > > All I know is real life gives much more of an adrenaline rush from extreme sports like skateboarding

> >

> > Get back to us when you're in your 40's and every injury comes back to visit permanently like a broke relative.

> >

> >


> I wear knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and a helmet. Also I stretch before I skateboard and eat healthy and sleep well. Problem?


No problem at all. It just means I’ll be employed longer.

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Great post


**Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**


**Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**


(managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)


My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?


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> @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > > All I know is real life gives much more of an adrenaline rush from extreme sports like skateboarding

> >

> > Get back to us when you're in your 40's and every injury comes back to visit permanently like a broke relative.

> >

> >


> I wear knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and a helmet. Also I stretch before I skateboard and eat healthy and sleep well. Problem?


Nah no problem, enjoy it while you can!

But I speak from first hand experience, your joints remember the impacts.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> +1


> Great post


> **Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**


> **Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

> Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**


> (managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)


> My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?



Why is this Anet's problem? You think a perfectly balanced game will change people acting out in a video game? You're new here?


Not sure why you +1 the thread ... it's about how YOU can manage these things, not a challenge to Anet to fix them.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > +1

> >

> > Great post

> >

> > **Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**

> >

> > **Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

> > Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**

> >

> > (managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)

> >

> > My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?

> >


> Why is this Anet's problem? You think a perfectly balanced game will change people acting out in a video game? You're new here?


> Not sure why you +1 the thread ... it's about how YOU can manage these things, not a challenge to Anet to fix them.




**Toxicity is bad for business**


'Even if your members seem to tolerate (or even moderate) toxic behavior, don’t be fooled - it’s bad for business. One reason Riot Games decided to really tackle the issue is because it had a negative effect on gamer recruitment and retention.'


'It makes sense - you can’t expect members to voice their discomfort if they’re not invested in the community. And if toxic behavior drives people away, then they’ll never become invested.'

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> +1


> Great post


> **Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**


> **Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

> Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**


> (managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)


> My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?



Anet has provided players reporting tools and employs human mods/CS to address issues with players and the game. There isn’t much else they need to do.



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Although by default, many gamers would be less than desirably matured due to their actual young age and limited exposure in life, things can improve much faster if we are aware of the childishness of our actions and thoughts.

> Just by being aware that what we are doing is childish and with a desire to change for the better, we can mature much faster as a player and as a person.


> While we can't really control the type of persons we encounter in WvW, we can learn to manage their toxicity and salt better.


> Let us list out some of the childish behaviors in game:

> * Whispering nasty comments after winning/losing a fight

> * Throwing siege or dancing on corpses

> * Standing over downed opponents and watching them bleed out

> * Knowingly interrupting duels

> * Pulling tactivators needlessly

> * Wasting supplies on needless siege

> * Insulting your commander or server mates

> * etc.


> I'm pretty sure most WvW old-timers would have experienced 1 or more of the above over the years.


> As a frequent troll in game, on the forums and being a popular Necro roaming video creator myself, I've faced my fair share of salt/toxicity.

> People have gone from criticizing my game-play to my character to my family to my ancestors.

> In the past, I would have traded vile barbs with them while feeling real anger.

> This is however not a good way to handle things.

> Your mood turns sour, your day turns bad, you lose sleep, over a video game!


> So how do we handle these behaviors better?


> **The most important tip I can share is, be aware that this is only a game, a minute and ultimately unimportant part of your life on earth.**

> And when you realize this, you'll be able to ignore the salt/toxicity.

> And ignoring and not replying, is your best shield against them :3


Players can do what they want as long as it’s within the rules.


“Let us list out some of the childish behaviors in game:


Whispering nasty comments after winning/losing a fight”... Players can do that if they want. It’s the receiver who should report if necessary and/or block and move on.


“Throwing siege or dancing on corpses”... It happens, nobody cares. It doesn’t break the rules.


“Standing over downed opponents and watching them bleed out”... It happens, nobody cares. It doesn’t break the rules.


“Knowingly interrupting duels”... That’s a risk players take by dueling in wvw. If anyone gets killed while dueling then find other places to duel. It doesn’t break the rules.


“Pulling tactivators needlessly”... Report and move on.


“Wasting supplies on needless siege”... Report and move on.


“Insulting your commander or server mates”... Players can do that if they want. It’s the receiver who should report if necessary and/or block and move on.


...You’re not going to change behaviors with this post. Anet has systems and rules in place to handle “toxic” players so use them. And It’s much better than you trying to “educate” anonymous people on a video game forum.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> “Wasting supplies on needless siege”... Report and move on.


A week ago I had a commander throwing 3 Superior Flame Ram blueprints at a wall. We accidentally built the 4th Superior Flame Ram. People make mistakes, apparently even commanders do. You would seriously report such a person? Have not had so much fun in weeks. WvW is already boring enough, why report the funny wtf moments?

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > +1

> > >

> > > Great post

> > >

> > > **Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**

> > >

> > > **Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

> > > Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**

> > >

> > > (managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)

> > >

> > > My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?

> > >

> >

> > Why is this Anet's problem? You think a perfectly balanced game will change people acting out in a video game? You're new here?

> >

> > Not sure why you +1 the thread ... it's about how YOU can manage these things, not a challenge to Anet to fix them.


> https://kotaku.com/riot-blizzard-and-twitch-are-teaming-up-to-fight-toxi-1823941488


> **Toxicity is bad for business**


> 'Even if your members seem to tolerate (or even moderate) toxic behavior, don’t be fooled - it’s bad for business. One reason Riot Games decided to really tackle the issue is because it had a negative effect on gamer recruitment and retention.'


> 'It makes sense - you can’t expect members to voice their discomfort if they’re not invested in the community. And if toxic behavior drives people away, then they’ll never become invested.'


It is ... but it doesn't make sense to put the fix on Anet. Again, even if the game was perfectly balanced, you think bad behaviour would go away? I think you don't understand the nature of competitive environments, especially when people are more or less anonymous.


That's why they thread is about how PLAYERS can deal with toxicity. Anet has done what they can with the reporting system.

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Ultimately the best way to manage interpersonal interactions is to grow a thicker skin. Being upset about stuff is a choice. You can choose to be upset and salty, or you can choose to shrug and move on. It's not the place of game developers and publishers to create snowflake-friendly environments that stifle freedom of expression and competitive behavior.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > +1

> >

> > Great post

> >

> > **Toxicity with Corrupt Power Is Destruction and Dearh**

> >

> > **Toxic Balancing and Toxic Designs Empowers

> > Toxicity and promotes Saltininess**

> >

> > (managing-reducing-removal Toxicity is the way to a healthy gaming exprience)

> >

> > My question to Anet: what steps are they taking in addresing Toxicity?

> >


> Anet has provided players reporting tools and employs human mods/CS to address issues with players and the game. There isn’t much else they need to do.


> https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010187753-Reporting-a-Player-or-Guild


Of course they can' Eliminate or Minimize Toxic balancing and Toxic mechanic design. Yes, Anet is fully responsible for keeping balancing and game design healthy--Not the players.


It is fully a company Responsibility to maintain positive healthy competitive learning environment by the product they offer.


And it is the customer Responsibility to address Toxicity of the product to the company to be resolved.




(By the way; what has tools has done in dealing with Toxicity? How about providing social media tools? Absolutely, None)


--Reality Check and you already know it Swagger- the ones who reports Toxicity are treated as the Toxic player--



How about Anet providing us with healthy competitive skill-learning tools which will minimize or to eliminate Toxicity instead?


Why isn't anyone talking about that??


**Lead Than Follow**


Anet must take serious actions against Toxicity in their balance patches including in their game designs first, than we will follow through from their actions


(Afterall, it is Anet who is the Leader; not us)

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