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Why I will never be able to get a Skyscale.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!


> Thank you.


I hope you can do something for the op. As someone who has physical issues of their own, I also hope the development team will keep in mind that by gating things behind jumping puzzles and fast reflex achievements, they are locking out those of us who are physically incapable of doing such things. Offering an alternative to the Skyscale jps is good. Hopefully Anet will offer more options like that.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


> Woot? :o How so?


> Simply stand in the center of the playing field and you should have no trouble getting to each spot in time.

Really? Try reading that first paragraph that clearly explains why it is not this simple with how the OP has to play the game.

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I feel ashamed and can't apologize enough. ANet should simply send you an unlock item for this collection step. Also, there should be assistance for impaired people in several departments regarding difficult content that requires fast movement. Even ego shooters have it to some extent.

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Hey, I'm 70 years old with Osteo-Arithritus in my hands, cannot get the Agile Master, gw2 since start.5124 hrs play,WVW rank 1187, 12 chars,9 chars in full ascended gear, and cannot get the skyscale. Have put a ticket in and hope something will happen (like the stinky food ). I now feel I'm lucky to be in such great company of fellow battler's



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It's refreshing to see the posters in this thread who are willing to play the game to receive their rewards after seeing so many unwilling players facing lesser challenges. I hope it is possible for anet to meet them halfway . . .

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!


> Thank you.


Thank you all for your feedback and concerns, I do appreciate it. As I said before, I love this game! I was just looking for a way past the ball catching, but I will now get my friends to do this part for me. I do appreciate the treats we could use to bypass the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement, I bought 16 of them :-)


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I also faced problems at the hard level.

I had to switch to my herald, and turned on swiftness facet.

What helped also was to toggle action camera (c button), I kept the white dot in the direction of the skyscale, and managed to complete the 12 catches.

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> Here's a thought: can you bring other people into your instance with you and have them participate in the game of catch, therefore giving you some extra bodies on the field to work with?


If it's not already possible I think that should definitely be changed. Not even necessarily as a solution to the OP's problem, just because I think it would make sense in a multiplayer game to be able to do this with friends. In real life games like this are more fun with more people, I think it would be in the same in GW2.


(Maybe everyone who is working on the achievement could have their skyscales appearing and then you toss the ball between whichever of the humans is in the circle and all the skyscales. But that might require more additional work than just enabling multiple people to play with 1 skyscale.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!


> Thank you.


I know the devs want people to complete the story and collection chain but how about some kind of work around for helping people get skyscales that involve a community effort to contribute towards them being easier to get somewhat like that recent mystic forge event. A group unlock for players who have PoF and LWS4. I got my skyscale probably a day after those who started on the day of the patch release however I wouldn't mind being helpful to others as part of a large group event. Maybe a large skyscale breeding effort to save the species. A group event called "Save the Skyscales!" that would go to building a safe rookery for them. The players would contribute materials such as wood and mithril also the players have to give up their skyscale for 24 hours towards the breeding effort.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > Hi,

> >

> > The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!

> >

> > Thank you.


> I know the devs want people to complete the story and collection chain but how about some kind of work around for helping people get skyscales that involve a community effort to contribute towards them being easier to get somewhat like that recent mystic forge event. A group unlock for players who have PoF and LWS4. I got my skyscale probably a day after those who started on the day of the patch release however I wouldn't mind being helpful to others as part of a large group event. Maybe a large skyscale breeding effort to save the species. A group event called "Save the Skyscales!" that would go to building a safe rookery for them. The players would contribute materials such as wood and mithril also the players have to give up their skyscale for 24 hours towards the breeding effort.

While this would certainly help those unable (for personal or technical reasons) to get past that collection step, it would at the same time take that step away from everybody else that hasn't gotten that far yet and make them unable to experience it.


Instead of invalidating a part of the process for everyone that didn't rush it I'd rather see an individual solution like several mentioned in this thread. Allow the minigame to be played by a party rather than an individual. That way you'd be able to get past it with the help of others just like you can in most story instances in this game. And/or add a special, craftable, tradeable ball (like the treats for the jp part of the collection) as an alternative. I'm sure ANet will figure out a creative solution for this. The fact that they implemented something similar with the jp part of the collection makes me think that they are in fact considering disabilities and technical problems when designing their content.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > I know the devs want people to complete the story and collection chain but how about some kind of work around for helping people get skyscales that involve a community effort to contribute towards them being easier to get somewhat like that recent mystic forge event. A group unlock for players who have PoF and LWS4. I got my skyscale probably a day after those who started on the day of the patch release however I wouldn't mind being helpful to others as part of a large group event. Maybe a large skyscale breeding effort to save the species. A group event called "Save the Skyscales!" that would go to building a safe rookery for them. The players would contribute materials such as wood and mithril also the players have to give up their skyscale for 24 hours towards the breeding effort.

> While this would certainly help those unable (for personal or technical reasons) to get past that collection step, it would at the same time take that step away from everybody else that hasn't gotten that far yet and make them unable to experience it.


> Instead of invalidating a part of the process for everyone that didn't rush it I'd rather see an individual solution like several mentioned in this thread. Allow the minigame to be played by a party rather than an individual. That way you'd be able to get past it with the help of others just like you can in most story instances in this game. And/or add a special, craftable, tradeable ball (like the treats for the jp part of the collection) as an alternative. I'm sure ANet will figure out a creative solution for this. The fact that they implemented something similar with the jp part of the collection makes me think that they are in fact considering disabilities and technical problems when designing their content.


It doesn't have to be totally free; just community effort to get them most of the way. If they want to take the hard path they still could. Add a title on the current hard path. Something like Skyscale Wrangler.


Any method to get skyscales quicker means that more players will have them to purchase skins quicker.

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Not to be rude or sound offencive but this thread makes me cringe.


Specifically the eternal issues that game developers have to deal with: Accessibility vs gameplay

At the end of the day you cant cater to all people and you have to make choices. GW2 tends to cater to alot of people with has its own merits but it sacrifices for this mainly in the difficulty department.

Take the ball catching I personally enjoyed it it was a novel albeit not too challenging mini-game. Now to make this more "accessable" would be to "reduce" its difficulty so the OP could perform it easily. Though this would likely deprive players of enjoyment.


At the end of the day you have to make sure core assumptions about players when making your game. Like heres a few obvious ones speaking X language. The ability to perform basic reasoning etc.


All I can say for OP is well that sucks. Maybe Anet like so many times before can provide a intersting solution that keep most parties happy but well GL with that like the hardcore community in this game your the minority so I wouldnt expect too much.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I feel ashamed and can't apologize enough. ANet should simply send you an unlock item for this collection step. Also, there should be assistance for impaired people in several departments regarding difficult content that requires fast movement. Even ego shooters have it to some extent.


It's OK, sleepy brain posts happen. I was going to reply to you last night that it wasn't about character speed in game but player reflexes being hindered but then decided against posting and just went to sleep. Glad I did, rather than have it escalate over a misunderstanding.


I'm inclined to agree with some other posters about being able to do the ball catch as a party (just like in personal story where a friend's kill count counted as your own as the instance owner) as a viable solution and leaving the difficulty as is for those that want to solo for more of a challenge.

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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> Not to be rude or sound offencive but this thread makes me cringe.


> Specifically the eternal issues that game developers have to deal with: Accessibility vs gameplay

> At the end of the day you cant cater to all people and you have to make choices. GW2 tends to cater to alot of people with has its own merits but it sacrifices for this mainly in the difficulty department.

> Take the ball catching I personally enjoyed it it was a novel albeit not too challenging mini-game. Now to make this more "accessable" would be to "reduce" its difficulty so the OP could perform it easily. Though this would likely deprive players of enjoyment.


> At the end of the day you have to make sure core assumptions about players when making your game. Like heres a few obvious ones speaking X language. The ability to perform basic reasoning etc.


> All I can say for OP is well that sucks. Maybe Anet like so many times before can provide a intersting solution that keep most parties happy but well GL with that like the hardcore community in this game your the minority so I wouldnt expect too much.



I fully agree with you and I'm the one who opened the topic. I was frustrated at having spent over 25 hours doing a 100 little tasks only to be defeated by a ball. BUT my friends are coming over and we will beat the ball :-) I have played for the last 6 years and survived this far, I'm even 3K rank in wvw. I 'm happy for this topic to be closed as answered. In hindsight I would not want anything to change on my account in this great game that I have loved since day 1.

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> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.


> I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


I wish I could help you... While for me it was just super easy, for some it may be a big struggle.


If not for fun you will be having doing those collections, I would make a petition for Anet to give you Skyscale instantly.


I am with you and your story touched me very deep!

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> > >

> > > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

> >

> > Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.

> >

> > My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?

> >

> > I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.


> i have bin asking for so long that they stop with the flashy icons that pretty much forces me to click on them, in my case my ADHD can make a simple blinking icon get my stress level go from 0 to 12 in seconds.

> but till now ppl constantly laugh it off and Anet ignores stuff like this, that's the policy we have to deal with.....


Well recently on the patch notes, they wrote that one of cinematics for Vision contains flashing lights - Aurene's vision cinematic from A star to guide us.


I created a post about it, and thankfully they appear to have listened to us in this matter. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60924/urgent-updates-required#latest )

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team heard your feedback and are looking into it. We'll let you know as soon as we've been able to determine if anything can be done!


> Thank you.


Thank you from me too. I am uncoordinated due to brain damage. This game is good therapy for my hand-eye coordination, but, alas, there are some things I cannot do..dumb jumping puzzles :)

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> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.


> I have spent many days doing the Skyscale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!


Have a nice, warm, Texas Size hug from me.


As others have said, I too support the Devs giving you a Skyscale...to me though, it would not be giving..you earned it!


Lisa-Nodding her head firmly.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > > > I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

> > > >

> > > > I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

> > >

> > > Thanks, I was thinking about making a thread how this was ability gated but feared it would be merged with another issue.

> > >

> > > My issue is epilepsy. There are at least 2 things you have to do to complete it with flashing lights which can trigger photosensitive seizures. I was not even able to get that far as my brain had a strong feeling of vertigo trying to fly up the wing, which I know from experience can set off a seizure as well. To the people who are laughing at this: yes, brains do not always make sense, why do you think 'rides' at amusement parks that barely move warn of motion sickness?

> > >

> > > I would strongly urge they have someone on their playtesting or dev teams with a disability. They would point out these gotchas, even if the person might not be personally impacted by them.

> >

> > i have bin asking for so long that they stop with the flashy icons that pretty much forces me to click on them, in my case my ADHD can make a simple blinking icon get my stress level go from 0 to 12 in seconds.

> > but till now ppl constantly laugh it off and Anet ignores stuff like this, that's the policy we have to deal with.....


> Well recently on the patch notes, they wrote that one of cinematics for Vision contains flashing lights - Aurene's vision cinematic from A star to guide us.


> I created a post about it, and thankfully they appear to have listened to us in this matter. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60924/urgent-updates-required#latest )


that might be true for the cinematic part but the in-game part is still a problem, hearts and level up icons still blink to no end and after so many years they simply ignore this part.

they could at least lose the blinking and allow us to do the leveling up in one go when a scroll or something similar is used. (no seriously, do they like to make my knuckles hurt?)

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> @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> I have to agree with The Quad.8625 .

> I find no reason to pursue the skyscale mount in the pursuits current implementation. It's overly "make work" and pointless.

> And to be honest I also fail to see the point of the skayscale.


Thats not what the OP said at all mate read again

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a tip wont go into the disability issue but as have severe issues but a way that you only move left or right 2/3 inches, on the little hill that runs down from gorik go midway then do the easy one 1 ball and notice were the skyscale throws it back it always in same place to you will only move right or left repeat with ball 2 its not that much faster then ball 3 so your movement is only going left or right hope this helps

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