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? JUNE Poll - You come across your most hated profession in WvW, what is it and why? ?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > Even if they are not the best roaming class, Dragonhunters are my most hated spec to come across. There is a very deep-seated anger that gets summoned from within me when I get ping-ponged through a trap.

> >

> > You understand that means you are letting him land a number of CC on you right? You know a single bit of stab will totally mitigate not only his long CD CC, but also the bulk of his damage right? F1 is not that hard to avoid, so it can be dodged or pop stab, if he ports to you with JI etc, pop stab, as the landing of the trap does little damage, it's being pushed out of the trap with shield 5 or bow. I watch people fight DH all the time, and even many YT videos where they win vs a DH, and many of these people are considered "good" players, but I can point out how they could have killed the DH 2-3 times over.

> >

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > Dragonhunter is at the very top of my list for most hated things to fight, and has been for a very long time. Although I by no means find it to be OP, I do think it is extremely forgiving and low effort. Free casting colossal amounts of damage while blocking 75% of the fight on top of literally having two legitimate heals ( traited Wings of Resolve is absurd ) just make it obnoxious to deal with.

> > >

> > > I don't typically struggle with them, but if I have the option to do so I'll avoid fighting them all together.

> >

> > Why are they free casting on you? If DH is doing "colossal" amounts of damage, they are 100% pure glass, and most of their burst is coming from a trap. That trap can be dodged and half the time you don't need to dodge but just walk away and not trigger it, as the only real way to land it is to burn JI, as such more DH will pull a target into the trap, so they have to land F1 on you, and then hope you don't pop stab, either of which will negate around 70-80% of their burst. LB on DH isn't very good anymore, though I never was a fan, with it's huge nerfs to a obvious rooted, 3/4 second cast time on true shot.

> >

> > F2 can be interrupted at any point in it's cast, which is quite long and very obvious, which will not give a heal, as heal is on landing. Trap heal is totally your choice to heal the DH, if you see the trap go down, avoid it and he just lost 90% of his healing. I see this ALL the time in fights on YT where the person fighting the DH just walks into the trap when the DH was 10% health, most of the time because they get tunnel vision, had they waited 2 more seconds, the DH would have been dead. Any good player will know and avoid the trap heal and makes it useless to run. It also has a long cast time, and healing was nerfed, if you see him low and the trap go down, just kite him, hes not going to want to move, and if he does move off the trap, hes dead. Also, if he drops the heal trap and has not used F1 for pull, as he uses the heal trap, use stab, because hes going to try and pull you into it, if he has not tethered you with F1 yet, be ready to dodge right after the heal trap is used, as hes going to try and hit you with F1 to pull you into it. Shelter for me is a far better option, however there are lots of unblockables in the game, which can mean death for someone running shelter, as it's heal is totally trash and it's block is the main use to mitigate a burst rather than recover from one.

> >

> > Find someone in game who mains a DH and duel them while they give you pointers. DH is not that hard to kill unless you are running thief, which DH is a pretty good hard counter to, unless you were running unblockable 1 shot DE. As someone who uses unblockables will show just how squishy DH is with one of the lowest base health pools in the game.


> You know this thread isnt about that right?


> If you feel the need to rant a loooong reply in defense of a class it just shows your bias. If someone has problems with DH... That just means they have problems with DH. Choosing a nemesis is personal.


Bias? For pointing out good ways to beat a spec that isn't even particularly strong? Some players aren't even trying to learn anymore.. :/

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**Class**: Soulbeast (but only full cheese version)

**Scenario**: Roaming

**Why**: at the extremes, this can be too much to handle. Bugged longbow range means they can start attacking from 1800 range. My longest attacks are 900.. Stacking multipliers mean they hit for 7k+ autoattacks and ~40k rapid fires with quickness and unblockable. I can be dead in 3 shots, or under 1s of rapid fire. Sic em means I can't stealth to avoid the burst while I close distance. I can't use my block either because of the easy access to unblockable. If I do try and block and find out they have unblockable active, I'm dead before I can attempt anything else. This would be more manageable if the multipliers weren't stacking like crazy and allowing such high damage even vs my fully tanky roamer.


**Class**: Scrapper/Firebrand

**Scenario**: Zerging

**Why**: The amount of shared cleanse is truly absurd. Given that most classes already have enough personal condi cleanse, the added shared cleanse in a large group means that basically none of my damage will stick in a zerg. I have to get in melee range and use a long cooldown attack (blowtorch), taking a huge risk, but it will be cleansed instantly and I'll do no damage. It'll actually be WORSE than doing no damage because scrappers are converting condi to boons basically once a second and exploiting rune of antitoxin, so by attacking a zerg with condi, I'm actually hurting my team instead of helping.


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I don't have one but a few that I struggle/can't beat in a 1v1.


Class: Dragonhunter

Most hated and feared encounter at moment. I've met a few who literally run circles around me, hit like a freight train and take little damage even when pounding into them. Or even if I get them to like 40% they just instantly heal. They eventually win, hold out into friends arrive or if I have allies turn up then they eventually die. I just head in the opposite direction if I spot one now. More broken to me than the soulbeast, that many go on about these days.


Class: Warrior/berserker/Spellbreaker

invuln...invuln...0...block...block.....invuln…..0. Hits like a freight train. I need say no more.


With the other classes I find it is more of a mixed bag. Lose some and win some. Depends on build/ player skill rather than class.




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**CLASS**: Mesmer/Mirage/Chrono

**SCENARIO**: Roamimng

**WHY**: I don't particularly have a hard time fighting them I just hate the visual clutter. It's a pain in the kitten to tell what they are doing half the time. I mostly end up just having to cleave for my life and hope things connect.

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Class: Holosmith

Scenario: 1v1

Why: I'm not that proficient at 1v1, but any time I'm face to face with a Holosmith, it starts with a flash of light, ends up with me knocked down, then dead. Say what you will, at least against Mesmers I have some time to incorrectly target and kill a clone before I eat dirt.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> **Class**: Soulbeast (but only full cheese version)

> **Scenario**: Roaming

> **Why**: at the extremes, this can be too much to handle. Bugged longbow range means they can start attacking from 1800 range. My longest attacks are 900.


The longbow range is not bugged, it is working as intended. Since there is a slight arc in the projectile, it may travel farther than the stated range. This would be similar to other projectiles that travel in arcs.

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Class: Mirage

Scenario: Roaming

Why: Its just a bother to play against them, i hate the pink animations, the invis and dodges. Also too easy to do well on them (imo) in a small scale fight scenario.


Class: Thief

Scenario: Any

Why: Engineer & Thief has always been my babes, but thief isnt fun no more. On the opposite of playing a mesmer, a thief needs to work too much for too little result (imo), and im not counting permastealth deadeye, lets pretend that didnt/doesnt exist. I get a small longing in my heart everytime i see a thief rocking the roamingscene, but forget how many times he/she just ran back from spawn before finding that one sweet fight every once in a while.

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> @"Noha.3749" said:

> Class: Mirage

> Scenario: Roaming

> Why: Its just a bother to play against them, i hate the pink animations, the invis and dodges. Also too easy to do well on them (imo) in a small scale fight scenario.


> Class: Thief

> Scenario: Any

> Why: Engineer & Thief has always been my babes, but thief isnt fun no more. On the opposite of playing a mesmer, a thief needs to work too much for too little result (imo), and im not counting permastealth deadeye, lets pretend that didnt/doesnt exist. I get a small longing in my heart everytime i see a thief rocking the roamingscene, but forget how many times he/she just ran back from spawn before finding that one sweet fight every once in a while.



gl to make any1 who never played thief believe its crap to play thief.

every1 still trully believes that a thief comes out of stealth 1 bangs you and moves to next 1 shot target :D


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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Even if they are not the best roaming class, Dragonhunters are my most hated spec to come across. There is a very deep-seated anger that gets summoned from within me when I get ping-ponged through a trap.


> You understand that means you are letting him land a number of CC on you right? You know a single bit of stab will totally mitigate not only his long CD CC, but also the bulk of his damage right? F1 is not that hard to avoid, so it can be dodged or pop stab, if he ports to you with JI etc, pop stab, as the landing of the trap does little damage, it's being pushed out of the trap with shield 5 or bow. I watch people fight DH all the time, and even many YT videos where they win vs a DH, and many of these people are considered "good" players, but I can point out how they could have killed the DH 2-3 times over.


> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Dragonhunter is at the very top of my list for most hated things to fight, and has been for a very long time. Although I by no means find it to be OP, I do think it is extremely forgiving and low effort. Free casting colossal amounts of damage while blocking 75% of the fight on top of literally having two legitimate heals ( traited Wings of Resolve is absurd ) just make it obnoxious to deal with.

> >

> > I don't typically struggle with them, but if I have the option to do so I'll avoid fighting them all together.


> Why are they free casting on you? If DH is doing "colossal" amounts of damage, they are 100% pure glass, and most of their burst is coming from a trap. That trap can be dodged and half the time you don't need to dodge but just walk away and not trigger it, as the only real way to land it is to burn JI, as such more DH will pull a target into the trap, so they have to land F1 on you, and then hope you don't pop stab, either of which will negate around 70-80% of their burst. LB on DH isn't very good anymore, though I never was a fan, with it's huge nerfs to a obvious rooted, 3/4 second cast time on true shot.


> F2 can be interrupted at any point in it's cast, which is quite long and very obvious, which will not give a heal, as heal is on landing. Trap heal is totally your choice to heal the DH, if you see the trap go down, avoid it and he just lost 90% of his healing. I see this ALL the time in fights on YT where the person fighting the DH just walks into the trap when the DH was 10% health, most of the time because they get tunnel vision, had they waited 2 more seconds, the DH would have been dead. Any good player will know and avoid the trap heal and makes it useless to run. It also has a long cast time, and healing was nerfed, if you see him low and the trap go down, just kite him, hes not going to want to move, and if he does move off the trap, hes dead. Also, if he drops the heal trap and has not used F1 for pull, as he uses the heal trap, use stab, because hes going to try and pull you into it, if he has not tethered you with F1 yet, be ready to dodge right after the heal trap is used, as hes going to try and hit you with F1 to pull you into it. Shelter for me is a far better option, however there are lots of unblockables in the game, which can mean death for someone running shelter, as it's heal is totally trash and it's block is the main use to mitigate a burst rather than recover from one.


> Find someone in game who mains a DH and duel them while they give you pointers. DH is not that hard to kill unless you are running thief, which DH is a pretty good hard counter to, unless you were running unblockable 1 shot DE. As someone who uses unblockables will show just how squishy DH is with one of the lowest base health pools in the game.


Thanks for the tips! I'll toss it right in the trash for safe keeping.

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#1 Class: Spellbreaker

Scenario: Roaming


Reason: It's a land full of mines, the moment you get stunned, you're pretty much dead. The CC is a lot, the damage is too high, and most importantly... _gasps_ ... stop running billions of invulnerable's. From a Weaver's perspective, it's a dead-end duel if the warrior knows what they're doing.


#2 Class: Holosmith

Scenario: Roaming


Reason: CC, boons, damage, also damage from rifle aa's, mobility, sustain...


#3 Class: D/P Daredevil

Scenario: Roaming


Reason: Not OP, but the moment I Iand an attack on them they travel half the map and Daze is a disgusting CC. If you're not ranged, mobile, bursty or good at stun-locking... Good luck! Neither would land a kill. Daggerstorm is stupid as well if no (unblockable) hard CC is at hand.


#4 Class: Hybrid Herald

Scenario: With a Firebrand


Reason: AIDS


#5 Class: MM-BM Soulbeast

Scenario: Caught off-guard


Reason: 1800 range, Unblockable, lots of modifiers and one hard CC to get past evades, so if the foe isn't running any invulnerable's, it's over. I like fighting good soulbeasts though, but that starter at 1800 range already puts you at a disadvantage.


#6 Class: Reaper

Scenario: None


Reason: I just hate Chilled as an Elementalist, it's so broken against Elementalists.



#1 (Again) Hammer Herald/EXTRA LUCKY WEAVERS

Scenario: Zerging


Reason: Herald is just too much damage for an unseen skill #2, fyi, it has both higher base value and co-efficient than Meteor Shower. And for Weavers, when they're lucky enough that 3 meteors hit me the moment they start casting, I cry and hope I was able to have such RNG control over the skill when against others.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > Even if they are not the best roaming class, Dragonhunters are my most hated spec to come across. There is a very deep-seated anger that gets summoned from within me when I get ping-ponged through a trap.

> >

> > You understand that means you are letting him land a number of CC on you right? You know a single bit of stab will totally mitigate not only his long CD CC, but also the bulk of his damage right? F1 is not that hard to avoid, so it can be dodged or pop stab, if he ports to you with JI etc, pop stab, as the landing of the trap does little damage, it's being pushed out of the trap with shield 5 or bow. I watch people fight DH all the time, and even many YT videos where they win vs a DH, and many of these people are considered "good" players, but I can point out how they could have killed the DH 2-3 times over.

> >

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > Dragonhunter is at the very top of my list for most hated things to fight, and has been for a very long time. Although I by no means find it to be OP, I do think it is extremely forgiving and low effort. Free casting colossal amounts of damage while blocking 75% of the fight on top of literally having two legitimate heals ( traited Wings of Resolve is absurd ) just make it obnoxious to deal with.

> > >

> > > I don't typically struggle with them, but if I have the option to do so I'll avoid fighting them all together.

> >

> > Why are they free casting on you? If DH is doing "colossal" amounts of damage, they are 100% pure glass, and most of their burst is coming from a trap. That trap can be dodged and half the time you don't need to dodge but just walk away and not trigger it, as the only real way to land it is to burn JI, as such more DH will pull a target into the trap, so they have to land F1 on you, and then hope you don't pop stab, either of which will negate around 70-80% of their burst. LB on DH isn't very good anymore, though I never was a fan, with it's huge nerfs to a obvious rooted, 3/4 second cast time on true shot.

> >

> > F2 can be interrupted at any point in it's cast, which is quite long and very obvious, which will not give a heal, as heal is on landing. Trap heal is totally your choice to heal the DH, if you see the trap go down, avoid it and he just lost 90% of his healing. I see this ALL the time in fights on YT where the person fighting the DH just walks into the trap when the DH was 10% health, most of the time because they get tunnel vision, had they waited 2 more seconds, the DH would have been dead. Any good player will know and avoid the trap heal and makes it useless to run. It also has a long cast time, and healing was nerfed, if you see him low and the trap go down, just kite him, hes not going to want to move, and if he does move off the trap, hes dead. Also, if he drops the heal trap and has not used F1 for pull, as he uses the heal trap, use stab, because hes going to try and pull you into it, if he has not tethered you with F1 yet, be ready to dodge right after the heal trap is used, as hes going to try and hit you with F1 to pull you into it. Shelter for me is a far better option, however there are lots of unblockables in the game, which can mean death for someone running shelter, as it's heal is totally trash and it's block is the main use to mitigate a burst rather than recover from one.

> >

> > Find someone in game who mains a DH and duel them while they give you pointers. DH is not that hard to kill unless you are running thief, which DH is a pretty good hard counter to, unless you were running unblockable 1 shot DE. As someone who uses unblockables will show just how squishy DH is with one of the lowest base health pools in the game.


> Thanks for the tips! I'll toss it right in the trash for safe keeping.


So you rather try and insult someone than take free advice they are giving to help you with something you are having a problem with? Ok...

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > Even if they are not the best roaming class, Dragonhunters are my most hated spec to come across. There is a very deep-seated anger that gets summoned from within me when I get ping-ponged through a trap.

> > >

> > > You understand that means you are letting him land a number of CC on you right? You know a single bit of stab will totally mitigate not only his long CD CC, but also the bulk of his damage right? F1 is not that hard to avoid, so it can be dodged or pop stab, if he ports to you with JI etc, pop stab, as the landing of the trap does little damage, it's being pushed out of the trap with shield 5 or bow. I watch people fight DH all the time, and even many YT videos where they win vs a DH, and many of these people are considered "good" players, but I can point out how they could have killed the DH 2-3 times over.

> > >

> > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > > Dragonhunter is at the very top of my list for most hated things to fight, and has been for a very long time. Although I by no means find it to be OP, I do think it is extremely forgiving and low effort. Free casting colossal amounts of damage while blocking 75% of the fight on top of literally having two legitimate heals ( traited Wings of Resolve is absurd ) just make it obnoxious to deal with.

> > > >

> > > > I don't typically struggle with them, but if I have the option to do so I'll avoid fighting them all together.

> > >

> > > Why are they free casting on you? If DH is doing "colossal" amounts of damage, they are 100% pure glass, and most of their burst is coming from a trap. That trap can be dodged and half the time you don't need to dodge but just walk away and not trigger it, as the only real way to land it is to burn JI, as such more DH will pull a target into the trap, so they have to land F1 on you, and then hope you don't pop stab, either of which will negate around 70-80% of their burst. LB on DH isn't very good anymore, though I never was a fan, with it's huge nerfs to a obvious rooted, 3/4 second cast time on true shot.

> > >

> > > F2 can be interrupted at any point in it's cast, which is quite long and very obvious, which will not give a heal, as heal is on landing. Trap heal is totally your choice to heal the DH, if you see the trap go down, avoid it and he just lost 90% of his healing. I see this ALL the time in fights on YT where the person fighting the DH just walks into the trap when the DH was 10% health, most of the time because they get tunnel vision, had they waited 2 more seconds, the DH would have been dead. Any good player will know and avoid the trap heal and makes it useless to run. It also has a long cast time, and healing was nerfed, if you see him low and the trap go down, just kite him, hes not going to want to move, and if he does move off the trap, hes dead. Also, if he drops the heal trap and has not used F1 for pull, as he uses the heal trap, use stab, because hes going to try and pull you into it, if he has not tethered you with F1 yet, be ready to dodge right after the heal trap is used, as hes going to try and hit you with F1 to pull you into it. Shelter for me is a far better option, however there are lots of unblockables in the game, which can mean death for someone running shelter, as it's heal is totally trash and it's block is the main use to mitigate a burst rather than recover from one.

> > >

> > > Find someone in game who mains a DH and duel them while they give you pointers. DH is not that hard to kill unless you are running thief, which DH is a pretty good hard counter to, unless you were running unblockable 1 shot DE. As someone who uses unblockables will show just how squishy DH is with one of the lowest base health pools in the game.

> >

> > Thanks for the tips! I'll toss it right in the trash for safe keeping.


> So you rather try and insult someone than take free advice they are giving to help you with something you are having a problem with? Ok...


I'm insulting you because I stated in my initial comment that I don't typically struggle against them or find them OP, yet you open a response with a condescending remark. I dislike fighting them. It's that simple. Like getting a tooth pulled, you understand why it's happening but you don't have to like it.


I may have been more receptive had you asked what was giving me problems or not suggested to look for 1v1's against them when the subject of the thread is about what you _don't like fighting._


I do apologize for being rude as I'm not as annoyed now as I was when I initially read the comment, I just didn't like being lectured when I thought I had made it clear I didn't need it.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> #1 Class: Spellbreaker

> Scenario: Roaming


> Reason: It's a land full of mines, the moment you get stunned, you're pretty much dead. The CC is a lot, the damage is too high, and most importantly... _gasps_ ... stop running billions of invulnerable's. From a Weaver's perspective, it's a dead-end duel if the warrior knows what they're doing.

Not really. If SB went too far in damage stats then you don't have to worry about anything, you'll outheal him. If he balanced stats properly, there's basically one way to finish this duel - > predict 3-4 FC in a row. Then youre good to go. Thats for power based Weaver, condi might have lighter road.


> #3 Class: D/P Daredevil

> Scenario: Roaming


> Reason: Not OP, but the moment I Iand an attack on them they travel half the map and Daze is a disgusting CC. If you're not ranged, mobile, bursty or good at stun-locking... Good luck! Neither would land a kill. Daggerstorm is stupid as well if no (unblockable) hard CC is at hand.

DD d/p got hard nerf (Steal) and they aren't able to be mobile-permastealth beasts anymore. Maybe you're talking about s/d? This one can do half map dazes that differ from d/p.



> #6 Class: Reaper

> Scenario: None


> Reason: I just hate Chilled as an Elementalist, it's so broken against Elementalists.


xD how about dodging and cleansing it?



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For me it is sd thief and warrior. Sd thief is broken in the terms of mobility. You cannot kill them unless they screw up, you cannot catch them. It is boring to play against, like an annoying fly that can give you malaria.


Warrior on the other hand is quite dangerous in the hands of an experienced (semi experienced) player due to blocks, invuls and stun burst.


There are other builds that are dangerous, true. But these 2 are the ones thay I say "oh this again". They are not unbeatable, but really pain in the rear.



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> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> Pretty interesting that almost no-one votes weavers and revenants :) some of the toughest fights I had were against revs and weavers.

> Also the Distribution up to now is cool, so we have 4 "hated" classes (>10%), 3 medium hated (5-10%) and 2 classes loved by everyone to fight against.


It could be a matter of respect but, I obviously can't speak on everyone's behalf so I'm not sure. Personally if I respect the skill needed to play something, I usually enjoy fighting it. Although Revenants damage in WvW is _extremely_ high, it's still a relatively difficult class to play that can be very punishing. So I enjoy fighting them because I don't feel like they're being carried by their class/spec and I know if I lose I was outplayed. That isn't to say that something I _don't_ enjoy fighting is automatically faceroll or OP however.


I would have voted Weaver if it weren't for how much I dislike Dragonhunter, honestly. Sword/Dagger hybrid Weaver (the one that evades everything and seems to never run out of heals) is my _second_ least favorite thing to fight. As a Necro main however, I have the upper hand with boonrips/corrupts and Chill application so, as much as I hate fighting them they probably hate fighting me more.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > > Even if they are not the best roaming class, Dragonhunters are my most hated spec to come across. There is a very deep-seated anger that gets summoned from within me when I get ping-ponged through a trap.

> > > >

> > > > You understand that means you are letting him land a number of CC on you right? You know a single bit of stab will totally mitigate not only his long CD CC, but also the bulk of his damage right? F1 is not that hard to avoid, so it can be dodged or pop stab, if he ports to you with JI etc, pop stab, as the landing of the trap does little damage, it's being pushed out of the trap with shield 5 or bow. I watch people fight DH all the time, and even many YT videos where they win vs a DH, and many of these people are considered "good" players, but I can point out how they could have killed the DH 2-3 times over.

> > > >

> > > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > > > Dragonhunter is at the very top of my list for most hated things to fight, and has been for a very long time. Although I by no means find it to be OP, I do think it is extremely forgiving and low effort. Free casting colossal amounts of damage while blocking 75% of the fight on top of literally having two legitimate heals ( traited Wings of Resolve is absurd ) just make it obnoxious to deal with.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't typically struggle with them, but if I have the option to do so I'll avoid fighting them all together.

> > > >

> > > > Why are they free casting on you? If DH is doing "colossal" amounts of damage, they are 100% pure glass, and most of their burst is coming from a trap. That trap can be dodged and half the time you don't need to dodge but just walk away and not trigger it, as the only real way to land it is to burn JI, as such more DH will pull a target into the trap, so they have to land F1 on you, and then hope you don't pop stab, either of which will negate around 70-80% of their burst. LB on DH isn't very good anymore, though I never was a fan, with it's huge nerfs to a obvious rooted, 3/4 second cast time on true shot.

> > > >

> > > > F2 can be interrupted at any point in it's cast, which is quite long and very obvious, which will not give a heal, as heal is on landing. Trap heal is totally your choice to heal the DH, if you see the trap go down, avoid it and he just lost 90% of his healing. I see this ALL the time in fights on YT where the person fighting the DH just walks into the trap when the DH was 10% health, most of the time because they get tunnel vision, had they waited 2 more seconds, the DH would have been dead. Any good player will know and avoid the trap heal and makes it useless to run. It also has a long cast time, and healing was nerfed, if you see him low and the trap go down, just kite him, hes not going to want to move, and if he does move off the trap, hes dead. Also, if he drops the heal trap and has not used F1 for pull, as he uses the heal trap, use stab, because hes going to try and pull you into it, if he has not tethered you with F1 yet, be ready to dodge right after the heal trap is used, as hes going to try and hit you with F1 to pull you into it. Shelter for me is a far better option, however there are lots of unblockables in the game, which can mean death for someone running shelter, as it's heal is totally trash and it's block is the main use to mitigate a burst rather than recover from one.

> > > >

> > > > Find someone in game who mains a DH and duel them while they give you pointers. DH is not that hard to kill unless you are running thief, which DH is a pretty good hard counter to, unless you were running unblockable 1 shot DE. As someone who uses unblockables will show just how squishy DH is with one of the lowest base health pools in the game.

> > >

> > > Thanks for the tips! I'll toss it right in the trash for safe keeping.

> >

> > So you rather try and insult someone than take free advice they are giving to help you with something you are having a problem with? Ok...


> I'm insulting you because I stated in my initial comment that I don't typically struggle against them or find them OP, yet you open a response with a condescending remark. I dislike fighting them. It's that simple. Like getting a tooth pulled, you understand why it's happening but you don't have to like it.


> I may have been more receptive had you asked what was giving me problems or not suggested to look for 1v1's against them when the subject of the thread is about what you _don't like fighting._


> I do apologize for being rude as I'm not as annoyed now as I was when I initially read the comment, I just didn't like being lectured when I thought I had made it clear I didn't need it.


What condescending remark did I say to you?


If you already knew what I was stating, or didn't agree with it, a simple "yes, I already do this" or "I don't agree/you are wrong because of xxx" would have been far more constructive.

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