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Your favourite story Character

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I actually **like Marjory best**, but some of her dialogue in the past has been a bit overly cheesy on some occasions (in particular when she called Kas "doll" and the like at the end of each sentence - I don't like the exaggerated use of terms of endearment in any romantic relationship, but especially not the ones that make you sound like a macho). I also did not like the way she reacted to the Commander when Lazarus showed up in Aurene's chamber. But I am glad she is back and look forward to seeing more of my favorite GW2 couple. <3


**I used to be a huge fan of Canach until PoF**, where his banter with a majorly infantile Rytlock got so much on my nerves that I grew a bit tired of him.


**Logan Thackeray has always been a favorite of mine**, and so far he is the only character that has always acted in an adequate way, the only one who has never diasppointed me. ;) So I picked him. :)

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At first i wanted to put all "good characters" which took part in the story as main or secondary characters ( Jennah, Anise, Threarne, Faren, Aurene, Eir, etc... ), but the pool has a capacity of 10, so i had to cut ( and it was luck that i was able to put all the currently characters into the list ).


Maybe next pool will be "your favourite enemy" ;)

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Canach because not only is he strong-willed, he also has a cutting sense of humor. But when things hit the fan, he is reliable. He may have his own agenda, but ultimately I think he helped the Pack out of amity. (Freedom is a plus, I reckon!) Also, I feel like he'd be a good drinking buddy. XD

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Taimi, because even though I'm aware of how overly smart they made her, she's still one of the more amusing members of the team, and I love her!


And I know it wasn't asked, but as for who I absolutely cannot stand, to the point that their involvement hampers my enjoyment of the story, that would be Braham, with Marjory coming a close second.

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My favorite story character is Ei... oh wait.. ANet killed off Eir from a random mob in the Jungle, remember?!??? THANKS for that ANet! :rage:

So yeah, since we have no Norn hero anymore, and I really like Norns, _(You know why I am not counting Braham here)_, Caithe is my favorite one among with second place, Kasmeer due to her nobility and her beauty.


Also Zojja is way better than our currently annoying little crap Asuran stereotype hero, I wish ANet could give us an update how's she doing and how well she's recovering from the rescue of the jungle pods. :disappointed_relieved:

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Taimi and Canach are the only ones I would like to know in person. Maybe Zojja and Rox too. All the others are either too scary, depressing, boring, stupid or plain crazy, I would truly prefer to not be near them.

I choose Taimi because she's as snarky and capable as Canach, but even funnier.

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The list of characters I don't care for is longer.

But I am happy that Rytlock found a better boyfriend. I like Canach better than Logan, which isn't saying much because I can't stand Logan AT ALL.


Caithe was my favorite from the books. I liked Eir a lot. Canach is funny. Zojja is okay. Rytlock is okay. I miss Trahearne.

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I have to say Rytlock, because of early game history with him. Still, through Path of Fire, I feel he was kinda . . whiny? Not in the voice acting, but in the dialog itself. A lot of grousing and complaining, less gung-ho soldier like I'm used to.


:+1: for Taimi, though. Sure, she gets the brunt of being our Deus Ex and "annoying little sister" trope, but she's perky. And under that cloying exterior, she had to face some real hardship, and I was ready to bash in Phlunt's head, consequences be kittened.


She and Rytlock have been our steadfast companions into Dragons Watch. I understand Canach's position and appreciate his own brand of reluctant heroism.

I started off really liking Marjory. Still kinda do. With that husky voice and independent streak, I can understand why Kasmeer melts for her. :kissing_blush: I kinda waffle on my opinion of Kasmeer, though. Probably just that I don't relate to her, but she has a lot of potential pathos: family issues, relationship struggles, her gods suddenly appearing. I'm curious how she'll navigate.



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I voted Logan, if we are basing it off of story arcs, he seems to be the only one who has matured in the last 5 years. The only one who hasn't failed me in being solid


Caithe is just being forced on us to accept her


Marjory and Kasmeer are better characters overall when they are not together


Zojja is probably dead.


Rhytlock basically caused all the problems the world is facing right now and we are just shrugging it off.


Taimi is annoying. It's not even cute anymore.


Canach has his moments, but those moments are always sarcastic. (okay Daria We get it)


Roxx hasn't really done anything for a couple of years now. She basically should become Rhytlocks Idol.


I won't even start with Braham.



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