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Are you tired of the pls nerf threads?


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They come in many ways, often disguised and seemingly reasonable but in the end, they want X class/ ability nerf or Y class/ ability nerf. This isn't to say that nerfs are never warranted just that there seems to be so many and really just based out of bias or an inability to overcome a particular amount of difficulty. Wouldn't it be better if people went to their own class forums and asked for buffs to deal with X,Y class/ ability or even advice from other players or am I just being insensitive to those that are struggling with personal viability or performance?

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As long as they explain why they think a nerf is needed and what they whould do im fine.

What i cant stand is the posts like "nerf this because i dont like it and i am right whatever you think".And i think we all agree with those.

In fact i think we should make more posts giving opinions (respectfully)and telling anet what we see they should change .And those pro players should give their opinion as they know better than most of us about their classes in their game modes

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I dont know...

If they re talking without knowledge i think its good to tell them why theyre wrong and that way they get better as players .

But on the other hand its true that a lot of posts about nerfs are annoying...its like a deadend i dont know how could it be solved.

(But isnt it gteat to discuss things calmly and politely?)

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Although those threads are a bit childish, they are "feedback." Good changes need feedback, positive and negative.


On the other hand, the threads are a good way to find out if the criticism is justified. If you know your class well and see someone else, asking the developers to nerf it, you are free to join the discussion and state your point of view. If it is just someone complaining that he lost a fight, the arguments can be easily neutralized. Sometimes the topic creator has a strange point of view or misconception about how a certain skill really works. So you can contribute your knowledge and experience.


Sometimes things are over performing, balancing classes is by far the most difficult job in the staff. Mistakes are made. If that is the case, it is good to know as much as possible about the problem. The more people contribute their experiences, the easier it is to determine the root of the problem.


The forums exist for us to discuss about the content. We give feedback, ideas and suggestions to make future content better. Opposite to the common misconception, the forums are read by the staff. They act and react according to our behavior here. They also read reddit and use a few more social media platforms. But writing on these boards has a purpose and is intended by ANet.


Share your ideas, opinions, experiences and thoughts. Contribute your part to make GW2 better.



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Yes. After years of nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf ad nauseum it's clear that balance isn't out because prof A needs another nerf it's out because prof B is in dire need of a buff to bring it up to level status.

If we all become "OP" nobody will be. Or some other paraphrasing from the Incredibles.

Because it looks like it's that or we continue to get everything nerfed into the ground so we all do 0 damage and just sit there hoping to bore eachother to death.

Sounds like hyperbole but this is why I don't do PvP or WvW anymore, it's a continuous mess all the time we solve one issue just to create another. Evidently, because we're still having more or less the same conversations 6 years later.

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Even if it's true; overall damage in game is way to high, downstate is meeh balanced, warclaw is utter bullshit to have add.


And to be fair i think the game is too toxic to play, yesterday i got jumper on my zealot-geared(mainly) firebrand because hé thought i was minstrel (also explains the overall to high damage)


Since matchup threads are not allowed

I wonder whats left lol



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