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How are things going to turn out for WvW if they keep going the direction they are?


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> @"displayname.8315" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > > Never played wow but the PvP looks cool. Guys think classic will be worth a subscription in August? Warmode or whatever looks cool and assume some guilds are basically fights guilds or hope so.

> >

> > Tbh wow fights look so incredibly boring, especially pvp looks clunky af.


> It doesn't have the 100% swiftness and boon uptime sure. The pacing allows for more cerebral play tho and less faceroll button mashing, perma dodging, perma invuns.. that's nice. Build choices seem to matter more instead of picking the most broken class between "balance" patches.


> Vanilla WvW was probably better tho..



Im not talking about boon uptimes etc.

The gameplay itself just looks slow, clunky and boring.


Gw2 just has the flowing animations that go into each other so smooth, ive yet to see any other game doing it like that (and dont even mention BDO, ive played it, its not good)


Dodging spells on your own, not hoping for lucky dodges or resists based on stats is just so good, and coming out of a dodge, instantly casting the next spell, without awkwardly waiting for the animation to finish completely is awesome, i cant play any other mmo anymore because ive gotten so used to gw2, that those "oldschool" movements just annoy and bore me

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Not much skill left in the game. No reason to win. Nothing for being the best. Stealth then spam all your buttons first and hope you connect with the most targets. Don't have the mount by now? Good luck leaving your spawn/keep without getting ganked. I don't think Anet knows how to fix it. They are purely in autopilot now given we got mounts and even those haven't been fixed outside the silly 1 shot engages at release.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > > > Never played wow but the PvP looks cool. Guys think classic will be worth a subscription in August? Warmode or whatever looks cool and assume some guilds are basically fights guilds or hope so.

> > >

> > > Tbh wow fights look so incredibly boring, especially pvp looks clunky af.

> >

> > It doesn't have the 100% swiftness and boon uptime sure. The pacing allows for more cerebral play tho and less faceroll button mashing, perma dodging, perma invuns.. that's nice. Build choices seem to matter more instead of picking the most broken class between "balance" patches.

> >

> > Vanilla WvW was probably better tho..

> >


> Im not talking about boon uptimes etc.

> The gameplay itself just looks slow, clunky and boring.


> Gw2 just has the flowing animations that go into each other so smooth, ive yet to see any other game doing it like that (and dont even mention BDO, ive played it, its not good)


> Dodging spells on your own, not hoping for lucky dodges or resists based on stats is just so good, and coming out of a dodge, instantly casting the next spell, without awkwardly waiting for the animation to finish completely is awesome, i cant play any other mmo anymore because ive gotten so used to gw2, that those "oldschool" movements just annoy and bore me


Technically it's good sure. If alliances ever comes out maybe people will actually start logging in again too. If you were around during the HoT release the exodus was noticable, at least on NA.


For now being on the "wrong" server is just boring. Can still play, but most would rather do something else so...

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> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> Whats going to happen is what's already happening. Death. just a matter of time. CU gets released or a game that takes players and thatll be the end of it. anet needs to do something fast or its all over.


What if they're secretly waiting for similar games to come out so they can 'borrow' and improve on the idea? I know that's super far fetched but right now there's little to no competition and zero incentive to do anything about it until someone comes along with something bigger & better.

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Classic pvp is probably not going to be that bad as they will be running the 1.12 patch from the get go, which includes a lot of fixes and bringing broken op skills back in line. But it won't have the arena, just battlegrounds and open pvp. Warmode is for current wow bfa, not classic because people don't want those changes with no phasing. Either way eventually the open pvp system will start breaking down when servers get lopsided populations, some servers may even get lopsided 60/40 populations which will affect battleground times from like 30-60min wait times. There's been a couple good zone wars, but to be honest wvw mass fights have always been low level daily wvw pug fights, nothing to rival gvg level fights, and they certainly don't happen as often. Lets not talk about raid gear eventually turning some classes into monsters in pvp.


As for wvw, it will continue to rot. We have had 7 years to experience wvw, we've had 4 years to experience hot changes, which affected the game the most with changes to boons and conditions combat, we've had almost 2 years to experience pof changes and a few months for mounts, a year and half wait on alliance system. Which direction do you really think it's going now? It's obvious very little time is being spent on wvw development, very little time spent on balancing, heck they wouldn't even have the resources or time to revamp combat and that includes stealth, so don't expect changes there.


Frankly at this point even if they balance the population it probably won't do much, links brought people back for a couple months and then populations started dying off again. More people were playing, but was the game fun still? combat fun? ppting fun? winning and moving up tiers fun? Other factors drove people away from wvw, and I really don't think they will ever be addressed. Pve drives this game.

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The real trick in my opinion is not to move forward but to roll back, WVW was its greatest before the first expansion, before the devs felt the need to tickle and tweak based on PVE, it will never be that way again, but it's a hell of a sight better than what we're dealing with now

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> More boons, more condi, more AoE, more damage, more visual clutter, more lag. More more more. It seems to me if WvW keeps heading the way it has been it'll soon be nigh impossible to intelligently read and react to what's going on in fights. I thought GW2 was more about doing things horizontally with diversity and variety. Why then is everything in WvW growing vertically? The mount was a good example of horizontal expansion but things like the mount stomp added to the verticality.


> _Some_ verticality isn't bad but it seems like Anet has just kind of opened the flood gate and let lose. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they decided to raise the level cap next expansion and introduce "mythic" gear. I know, I know, they said they would never do those things but isn't that what the new professions have been essentially? Things like FB and Scourge are not just different than core guard and necromancer, they're wayyyy better. Not marginally better but severally better.


> I know this isn't news to anyone but I just want players (and anet) to think about what the game would look like if it continued changing the way it has. How long before they have to change how damage numbers are displayed because they are too big to read?


Finally someone explained why hammer rev is the symptom and not the cause of the current meta.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > Never played wow but the PvP looks cool. Guys think classic will be worth a subscription in August? Warmode or whatever looks cool and assume some guilds are basically fights guilds or hope so.


> Yeah, Vanilla WoW PvP was so great that Blizzard radically changed it patch after patch, year over year.......


> Rose Tinted Glasses + Ignorance + Grass is Always Greener = a lot of players with disappointment in their future.


Well i played the heck out of wow pvp both battlegrounds and arena for 11 years, and i can say anet can learn a thing or two about building a pvp side game from them. It actually pretty dang fluid and fast paced. Plus you had different modes of pvp didnt like the big ole 40vs40 then jump down to a 15vs15 or a 10vs10 or do arena and do some 2v2 3v3 5v5. I had more fun in wow pvp than most games. I really wish they would make a battleground type map here, it would be great for guilds to 10v10 or 20 v20.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> Dead game mode. ANET will do nothing to fix WvW as long as you pay money to transfer to the bandwagon server of the week.


That’s why I always felt like EOTM map was because players where fighting in WvsW, and Anet tough we were not playing the game as they tough the game should be played, aka the massive ktrains vs empty servers...


They kinda try to fix it but not towards decent and clever mechanics that promote fair and skilled gameplay

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > > Never played wow but the PvP looks cool. Guys think classic will be worth a subscription in August? Warmode or whatever looks cool and assume some guilds are basically fights guilds or hope so.

> >

> > Yeah, Vanilla WoW PvP was so great that Blizzard radically changed it patch after patch, year over year.......

> >

> > Rose Tinted Glasses + Ignorance + Grass is Always Greener = a lot of players with disappointment in their future.


> Well i played the heck out of wow pvp both battlegrounds and arena for 11 years, and i can say anet can learn a thing or two about building a pvp side game from them. It actually pretty dang fluid and fast paced. Plus you had different modes of pvp didnt like the big ole 40vs40 then jump down to a 15vs15 or a 10vs10 or do arena and do some 2v2 3v3 5v5. I had more fun in wow pvp than most games. I really wish they would make a battleground type map here, it would be great for guilds to 10v10 or 20 v20.


I agree, but that's like saying Ford Trucks could learn from Ferrarri about engines. Battlegrounds in WoW are very different things.


Firstly, they are instanced battles with time limits and score caps. While back in the day Alterac Valley could run for days, after TBC, that wasn't the case. WvW doesn't work anywhere close to that, where winning means nothing, and you are playing essentially the same match for a full week.


The majority of players who call themselves 'roamers' in WvW were mocked and derided in WoW battlegrounds, where fighting off point is just a waste of time and resources, as instead they should be fighting on the nodes trying to meet the map objectives. Probably also why no WoW battleground player every complained about not having fights, but anyways...


A WoW battleground is basically a larger scale of our Conquest mode, which is a very different design path from WvW.


So comparing the two is really pointless.


I'm just sitting at my keyboard, laughing at all the players who complain about lack of build diversity, getting one shot with no chance to react, imagining themselves in Classic PvP where every class had only 1 spec to play, only 1 build, and Priests/Warlocks would be 2-shot by Rogues from stealth, or stunlocked to death by mace warriors, unable to even use a key as their character is locked down from 100%-0% health. Yeah, sure is an improvement over WvW /s


Classic WoW was the worst iteration of the game, which had the least balance, least class diversity, worst itemization and worst game mechanics. But /shrug, people miss what they don't remember hating.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > Dead game mode. ANET will do nothing to fix WvW as long as you pay money to transfer to the bandwagon server of the week.


> That’s why I always felt like EOTM map was because players where fighting in WvsW, and Anet tough we were not playing the game as they tough the game should be played, aka the massive ktrains vs empty servers...


> They kinda try to fix it but not towards decent and clever mechanics that promote fair and skilled gameplay

EoTM had **nothing** to do with the gameplay. A way to play WvW despite loooooooong queues was requested/demanded by players and Anet came up with an instanced "lobby". It's as simple as that.


Of course, it was ultimately a failure because the reason people kept complaining about the queues was heavy population pressure on WvW and a broken queue system. By the time EoTM released, WvW had considerably less players and the broken queue system had been fixed shortly before. So all EoTM did was divide players between it and WvW making even less play actual WvW.


If you think EoTM was created because we where "not playing how Anet wanted us to play" you're dead wrong.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

>in WoW Classic PvP where every class had only 1 spec to play, only 1 build, and >Priests/Warlocks would be 2-shot by Rogues from stealth, or stunlocked to death by >mace warriors, unable to even use a key as their character is locked down from >100%-0% health. Yeah, sure is an improvement over WvW /s


I guess it's the lv 40 cap rn but I haven't seen any 2-shots going on from streamers. Not familiar with the abilities like do you need a teammate to dispell or something.


The specs look similar to EQ2 in that you have a certain # points depending on your level and you choose which to invest in. Are you saying there is only 1 "viable" spec to do pvp? I guess that goes for weapons too like dagger over sword sort of thing?


I might buy a couple months at least.. don't think you have to buy the game for classic.


Here's to hoping anet competes and has something out by August.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> vanilla gw2 wouldn't be too bad for wvw tbh. prob would eliminate some of the power creep but not all of it.


I would love vanilla gw2 WvW. The old bunker meta people shouted down before they left was far better than this always-crit-glass-but-invuln-so-i-can-still-tank META we have today.

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