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Thank you for new Skyscale skin!

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I think it's a beautiful skin, but I'm going to wait and see what else they come out with for the skyscale before deciding if I'm going to get it.


So far the only 2k skin I've bought has been the pangolin (aka armadillo, but it's clearly a pangolin) and that's because they're one of my favourite animals and one you very rarely see in games at all. It needs to be something equally special to get me to spend that much on a skin again and this isn't quite there for me.

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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> This leaves me genuinely speechless. Why would you thank someone for selling you something? Moreso something with no value attached? Shouldn't ArenaNet rather be thanking you? You paid them!


I'm not sure why this would leave you speechless. I've worked in sales and retail for nearly 25 years and it is extremely common to be thanked by a customer after they pay for their goods. Generally indicates a satisfied purchase as well as politeness. Not something to be frowned upon for sure

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > It looks really nice, but I'll still never pay such an outrageous price for it.


> Yeah 2k gems is a bit much, i think they are too overpriced on these skins. 1000 gems i can maybe see, its a skin for goodness sake's.


I've been on the nope! fence with these 2k skins since they started adding them to the game.

It's way too much money for a single skin, specially when you factor in the price of expansions.. compare what you get and there's no way I can justify spending that kind of cash on a skin.


I had to get this one though just because of how magnificent it is ^^

Had to utterly raid my material storage to get the gold but it was absolutely worth it :D



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > That particular one I just removed all dyes to get the default ones, which are Blue Rose -> Frost Breeze -> Persephone -> Royal Purple going clockwise.


> Ahh, so it's the ambient lighting that makes it look fiery orange then. ;) Too bad you can't actually create that color in dye channel 3. Oh well. :)


> Here's my color scheme collection for my different characters, depending on their individual color scheme:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/efiHHyZ.jpg "")


> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > ![](https://imgur.com/0Zo2psi.jpg "")


> Now, _that's_ colorful. =)


Thanks ^^


Love your colour schemes as well very nice ^^

This skin is just so photogenic I can't help taking more pictures hehe

Here's a few more :D


![](https://imgur.com/jfSkDE5.jpg "")

![](https://imgur.com/BmUXjr2.jpg "")

![](https://imgur.com/EzOtJ6D.jpg "")


I really like how the last one tured out ^^


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> > This leaves me genuinely speechless. Why would you thank someone for selling you something? Moreso something with no value attached? Shouldn't ArenaNet rather be thanking you? You paid them!


> I'm not sure why this would leave you speechless. I've worked in sales and retail for nearly 25 years and it is extremely common to be thanked by a customer after they pay for their goods. Generally indicates a satisfied purchase as well as politeness. Not something to be frowned upon for sure


Agreed. Even more so if you're buying art or some other creative endeavour from the creator/s. It's not "thank you for taking my money" but "thank you for making this thing which I like enough that I want to buy it". And yes they may also thank you for buying it, because a transactions can (and ideally should) be mutually beneficial, so both parties are happy with the outcome.


In this case there's an added benefit for players in topics like this - it's highly likely Anet will make more skyscale skins in future and all but certain they'll make other cosmetic items so by letting them know when we like something (and what specifically we like about it) there's an increased chance they'll make more stuff we like.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> All the things I can get with $20 ...

> for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.


At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)

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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> This leaves me genuinely speechless. Why would you thank someone for selling you something? Moreso something with no value attached? Shouldn't ArenaNet rather be thanking you? You paid them!


You've never thanked anyone in customer service?


It's a beautifulmount, why wouldn't we thank anet for creating it?


And value attached is personal. I have many little objects in my home that are technically worthless, but the joy they bring is not.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> > All the things I can get with $20 ...

> > for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.


> At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

> A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

> Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)


I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> > > All the things I can get with $20 ...

> > > for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.

> >

> > At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

> > A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

> > Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)


> I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned


Thankfully, yours isn't the majority view. If it wasn't for the gold to gem exchange, I wouldn't have been able to get the mount. I cleaned out my bank for this mount I'm very happy with it.


You don't have to go over either with buying gems. you could buy 1600 and exchange gold.


Think of it like a subscription. Wows, what 15$ a month, thats 180 a year? so long as you're under that you're doing well.

Also, Witcher is unlikely to come close to game hours that one can easilu clock up im MMOs.


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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned


I agree there should be a 2000 gem payment option and would go further to say there should also be a 1000 purchase option as well.

Either that or Anet should make their item prices more in line with the payment options, i've been saying ever since the 2K mount skins were added that 2000 gems is too much for a cash investment, 1600 is still a lot for a skin but it's far more reasonable.


I don't agree with taking the gold to gems option away though, it's a good gold sink for a lot of people who don't want to spend money on the gem store and it's also a good option to bridge the gaps in the current pricing problem.

Buy 1600 gems for 20 euros and convert 129g into the other 400 gems you need, that's your 2000 gems.

Or you can do what me and Taygus did and sell tons of your materials for the 648g you currently need for 2000 gems, a stack of Mystic coins will make more than half of that for you :)


> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Thankfully, yours isn't the majority view. If it wasn't for the gold to gem exchange, I wouldn't have been able to get the mount. I cleaned out my bank for this mount I'm very happy with it.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who raided my own bank hehe ^^

Agreed, totally worth it and I wouldn't have been able to get it either if not for that option.


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I thought I liked the skin and thinking about it deeper I do like the model. The but applying dyes to the wings make me crazy. The iridescent color scheme makes me freak out. What you apply is not always what you get... Makes me sad that I got it really. Happy others like it but to me its very blah...

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> > > > All the things I can get with $20 ...

> > > > for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.

> > >

> > > At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

> > > A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

> > > Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)

> >

> > I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned


> Thankfully, yours isn't the majority view. If it wasn't for the gold to gem exchange, I wouldn't have been able to get the mount. I cleaned out my bank for this mount I'm very happy with it.


> You don't have to go over either with buying gems. you could buy 1600 and exchange gold.


> Think of it like a subscription. Wows, what 15$ a month, thats 180 a year? so long as you're under that you're doing well.

> Also, Wutcjer is unlikely to come close to game hours that one can easilu clock up im MMOs.


If the point in the gem store is to support the game rather than needing a subscription then allowing gold to gem exchanges isn't good for that, but then my belief is that the gem for IRL prices are so overpriced to make up for the 'losses' allowing that gold to gems option; but then I could be wrong and maybe ArenaNet would just be greedy even without the gold to gems?


I don't think bringing up hours in an MMO is fair, we all know how a lot of those hours are spent and it isn't doing fresh new content like how a full new game purchase would be.


And good to bring up subscriptions since recently so many subscription gaming services seem to be being announced, even the most expensive I've seen in Uplay+ offers a lot of games for it, so even if GW2 charged ~£8 a month for things like skins etc it would seem overpriced compared to what you could spend that on, so no point bringing up that dead game.


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I always found skin packs better for 2000 gems, 2000 is too much for one skin, but they stated that's okay, so I'm happy for the peeps that have enough money to purchase them each time. I know my big maximum is 1000 gems by farming in-game gold. The skin is beautiful for me, but not perfect like shrine guardian in my case: The dragon has giant ears and I hate that type of wings. The body, horns and face are okay, tail too.

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> If the point in the gem store is to support the game rather than needing a subscription then allowing gold to gem exchanges isn't good for that, but then my belief is that the gem for IRL prices are so overpriced to make up for the 'losses' allowing that gold to gems option; but then I could be wrong and maybe ArenaNet would just be greedy even without the gold to gems?


The only way I can buy gems off the TP with gold is if a real person took real money and bought gems from the store, then sold them for gold.


So a player who purchases gems with gold is supporting ANET in exactly the same fashion as the player who purchased gems with a credit card, because if those players couldn't exchange their gems for gold, they wouldn't be buying them in the first place. Both parties are required for ANET to be supported in this fashion.


Removing the ability to purchase gems with gold would lead to an exodus of players who have more money than time, and would rather swipe their credit card than grind for in game materials, and would also likely diminish the interest of some players who don't feel justified spending real money on a 'skin' for the mount they already have.


In other words, ANET is doing this the right way, as evidenced by the fact this F2P / non-sub game remains profitable, in spite of all the criticisms levied by the community regarding lack of content or development.

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> And good to bring up subscriptions since recently so many subscription gaming services seem to be being announced, even the most expensive I've seen in Uplay+ offers a lot of games for it, so even if GW2 charged ~£8 a month for things like skins etc it would seem overpriced compared to what you could spend that on, so no point bringing up that dead game.



They're getting really excessive imo and I have a feeling they won't be around forever.


If you want to watch all the shows and play the games online these days you need to pay an absurd amount of money per month for all the different subs.

Combine that with all the game launchers coming around and the exclusive buyouts going on and it's hardly surprising we're starting to see a big rise in piracy again..


I expect people are going to get very fed up of these services eventually.. I was already fed up of paid Subs by the time XBL rolled out lol

I won't pay for them at all, which means games like WoW and FF14 are completely out of my interest range, likewise HBO, Netflix and other services I won't pay for either and would rather spend more money up front buying TV shows and movies on DVD/Blu Ray.


This translates to Gw2 well since the gemstore sells only cosmetics and upgrades which are entirely optional, thus giving me a choice to pay money or buy with in game gold for items and upgrades I don't need but might want and I'll never be punished for playing or not playing the game.

This gives me a level of freedom with Gw2 that makes me want to drop a lot of money into the game over the years, I can say for a fact that I have put more money into Gw2 than I have into any other game i've ever played in my entire life, and I have no regrets at all about it ^^

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> > > > > All the things I can get with $20 ...

> > > > > for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.

> > > >

> > > > At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

> > > > A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

> > > > Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)

> > >

> > > I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned

> >

> > Thankfully, yours isn't the majority view. If it wasn't for the gold to gem exchange, I wouldn't have been able to get the mount. I cleaned out my bank for this mount I'm very happy with it.

> >

> > You don't have to go over either with buying gems. you could buy 1600 and exchange gold.

> >

> > Think of it like a subscription. Wows, what 15$ a month, thats 180 a year? so long as you're under that you're doing well.

> > Also, Wutcjer is unlikely to come close to game hours that one can easilu clock up im MMOs.


> If the point in the gem store is to support the game rather than needing a subscription then allowing gold to gem exchanges isn't good for that, but then my belief is that the gem for IRL prices are so overpriced to make up for the 'losses' allowing that gold to gems option; but then I could be wrong and maybe ArenaNet would just be greedy even without the gold to gems?


That's actually false, because those gems are already paid for by people who buy gold.



> I don't think bringing up hours in an MMO is fair, we all know how a lot of those hours are spent and it isn't doing fresh new content like how a full new game purchase would be.


Why not? It's still a hobby that one can easily spend hours in. and more than most other games.



> And good to bring up subscriptions since recently so many subscription gaming services seem to be being announced, even the most expensive I've seen in Uplay+ offers a lot of games for it, so even if GW2 charged ~£8 a month for things like skins etc it would seem overpriced compared to what you could spend that on, so no point bringing up that dead game.


Well that's personal opinion. I prefer gw2 model tho and have no interest in any sub based game



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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > > Skin is meh... and the price is outrageous.

> > > > > > All the things I can get with $20 ...

> > > > > > for example... Witcher 3 is on sale for less than that and has tons of content, meanwhile Anet is greedy, wanting $20 FOR A SKIN. It should be $5 at most.

> > > > >

> > > > > At least we have the option to buy it with in game gold..

> > > > > A lot of gold mind you but i'm glad the option is there or I wouldn't have been able to get it :(

> > > > > Could throw 10 euros on 800gems and buy the rest with gold (1200gems for 377g77s at present)

> > > >

> > > > I'd rather the buy with gold option be removed and the price in gems be more reasonable, currently we don't even have the option in game to buy an exact 2000 gems so you have to overspend on that, and the price just doesn't compete with the rest of the gaming market as mentioned

> > >

> > > Thankfully, yours isn't the majority view. If it wasn't for the gold to gem exchange, I wouldn't have been able to get the mount. I cleaned out my bank for this mount I'm very happy with it.

> > >

> > > You don't have to go over either with buying gems. you could buy 1600 and exchange gold.

> > >

> > > Think of it like a subscription. Wows, what 15$ a month, thats 180 a year? so long as you're under that you're doing well.

> > > Also, Wutcjer is unlikely to come close to game hours that one can easilu clock up im MMOs.

> >

> > If the point in the gem store is to support the game rather than needing a subscription then allowing gold to gem exchanges isn't good for that, but then my belief is that the gem for IRL prices are so overpriced to make up for the 'losses' allowing that gold to gems option; but then I could be wrong and maybe ArenaNet would just be greedy even without the gold to gems?


> That's actually false, because those gems are already paid for by people who buy gold.



> > I don't think bringing up hours in an MMO is fair, we all know how a lot of those hours are spent and it isn't doing fresh new content like how a full new game purchase would be.


> Why not? It's still a hobby that one can easily spend hours in. and more than most other games.



> > And good to bring up subscriptions since recently so many subscription gaming services seem to be being announced, even the most expensive I've seen in Uplay+ offers a lot of games for it, so even if GW2 charged ~£8 a month for things like skins etc it would seem overpriced compared to what you could spend that on, so no point bringing up that dead game.


> Well that's personal opinion. I prefer gw2 model tho and have no interest in any sub based game




> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > And good to bring up subscriptions since recently so many subscription gaming services seem to be being announced, even the most expensive I've seen in Uplay+ offers a lot of games for it, so even if GW2 charged ~£8 a month for things like skins etc it would seem overpriced compared to what you could spend that on, so no point bringing up that dead game.

> >


> They're getting really excessive imo and I have a feeling they won't be around forever.


> If you want to watch all the shows and play the games online these days you need to pay an absurd amount of money per month for all the different subs.

> Combine that with all the game launchers coming around and the exclusive buyouts going on and it's hardly surprising we're starting to see a big rise in piracy again..


> I expect people are going to get very fed up of these services eventually.. I was already fed up of paid Subs by the time XBL rolled out lol

> I won't pay for them at all, which means games like WoW and FF14 are completely out of my interest range, likewise HBO, Netflix and other services I won't pay for either and would rather spend more money up front buying TV shows and movies on DVD/Blu Ray.


> This translates to Gw2 well since the gemstore sells only cosmetics and upgrades which are entirely optional, thus giving me a choice to pay money or buy with in game gold for items and upgrades I don't need but might want and I'll never be punished for playing or not playing the game.

> This gives me a level of freedom with Gw2 that makes me want to drop a lot of money into the game over the years, I can say for a fact that I have put more money into Gw2 than I have into any other game i've ever played in my entire life, and I have no regrets at all about it ^^


> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > If the point in the gem store is to support the game rather than needing a subscription then allowing gold to gem exchanges isn't good for that, but then my belief is that the gem for IRL prices are so overpriced to make up for the 'losses' allowing that gold to gems option; but then I could be wrong and maybe ArenaNet would just be greedy even without the gold to gems?

> >

> The only way I can buy gems off the TP with gold is if a real person took real money and bought gems from the store, then sold them for gold.


> So a player who purchases gems with gold is supporting ANET in exactly the same fashion as the player who purchased gems with a credit card, because if those players couldn't exchange their gems for gold, they wouldn't be buying them in the first place. Both parties are required for ANET to be supported in this fashion.


> Removing the ability to purchase gems with gold would lead to an exodus of players who have more money than time, and would rather swipe their credit card than grind for in game materials, and would also likely diminish the interest of some players who don't feel justified spending real money on a 'skin' for the mount they already have.


> In other words, ANET is doing this the right way, as evidenced by the fact this F2P / non-sub game remains profitable, in spite of all the criticisms levied by the community regarding lack of content or development.



A way of buying gold with gems could easily exist without a gold to gems system with it, there will always be people that would want to buy some gold with gems, they wont disappear, but losing gold to gems would mean more (not all) that would have to buy from the gem store with real money - but it should be at a more competitive. and reasonable price.


To the player buying gold with gems, the thing they are buying - that they have put value in to be worth that exchange of money - is the gold (or you could say the time/effort saved for them to acquire that gold), not the ability for someone else to be buying gems with gold; the gold has 0 value to arenanet, so the buying a skin from the store with it is buying something with nothing really.


As for the recent wave of subscription services, yeah I'm already fed up that so many seem to be coming with the inevitable exclusives but the point is really about the value for money, either those or the also used example of buying a full game for that money compared to a £21.25 mount skin? it seems so greedy, you could buy multiple decent small indie games for that on steam, you cannot ever justify that somehow this skin took more effort to make to be worth the amount in gems.



Edit: I don't really care about about removing gold to gems, just the feeling that it seems the inflated real money prices for gems must be caused by it existing; or what else could it be? Do Anet think not enough people are around to buy it for a reasonable price to make it worth it to them making it, so they rely on the few that always will no matter the bad value?

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