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Am I the Only One Who Finds the Skyscale Obnoxious?

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To start, I don't have the Skyscale so you can enter into this discussion with whatever bias you would like. I started the process of getting it but when met with the currency grind I pretty much stopped playing Guild Wars entirely. Recently, I got back into it for the mystic forge events and I have to say I'm really sick of seeing skyscales. There's so many more than the few I saw when I was still grinding for it. My issue is more with the skyscales whole appeal, the hovering. Every city, wb zone, whatever, is littered with players afk hovering above everyone. I thought at first the hovering mechanic was a pretty sweet but not after seeing 10+ skyscale riders blocking my view of the sky with their hugeass mounts. The wingspan on the skyscale is ridiculous, especially on the new skin. When they're on the ground, no problem. When they're in the sky, say goodbye to your field of view. Ultimately it's not a big deal and this is just whining for the sake of whining(because absolutely nothing will change) but I was just wondering if anyone else was as annoyed by it as well. Thanks

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I don't think the skyscales themselves are obnoxious. I find the fault with crass, inconsiderate players. And even those don't seem to be that common. I generally just move out of the area of effect and mostly that works fine. It's not enough of an issue for me that Anet would take any action. Just a minor annoyance.

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I don't exactly appreciate random players stood directly in my line of sight with eye-bleeding dye jobs on armor either, but they have just as much right to exist in this game as I do. The solution was really simple, went into options turned player character limit down to lowest and 9/10 of them and their mounts disapeared from my screen instantly, just cyan name tags floating around now.

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Yeah honestly, they are annoying. Was in LA yesterday when the new skin released and there were just way too many of them sitting in the middle hovering away. Then not to mention the dust cloud that appears every time they flap their wings, causing all your fps to drop just moving your camera in their general direction. Worse off, I saw Anet tags in the mix of them doing the same thing. Just sitting there, hovering with their dust clouds doing nothing but dropping everyone's frames.


We really need a particle slider or something or a way to disable that. My computer isn't the best, but I still get a decent 50 frames most the time, except when I go to LA. I just can't go there anymore cause of all the skyscales floating about, ruining the place for me.

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> @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> not to mention the dust cloud that appears every time they flap their wings, causing all your fps to drop just moving your camera in their general direction


Yes! I totally forgot about this. I can't even look at the ground without the scales impeding my view.


As others have mentioned it's really not the mount I have an issue with just the players that feel the need to be the center of everyone's attention. Lions arch is really the worst but I remember seeing one of the first people with a skyscale following an event chain. Not even helping at all, don't think he even tagged it. Just hovered over the event as it went on. Fashion Wars I guess.

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Lowering the model limit helps.


But I would personally like to see them place a bare minimum height requirement in cities where if you are not above that point, you are slowly pushed to the ground--much like when you get too close to the ground already.


Just extend that upwards into the sky a moderate amount and you then won't have dragon clutter, flapping all around.


(Yes I own the mount and the new skin. I just don't think afk hovering at the lowest altitude possible, to be seen by more people on purpose, is appropriate at all.)

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> @"hostileskeleton.7364" said:

> To start, I don't have the Skyscale so you can enter into this discussion with whatever bias you would like. I started the process of getting it but when met with the currency grind I pretty much stopped playing Guild Wars entirely. Recently, I got back into it for the mystic forge events and I have to say I'm really sick of seeing skyscales. There's so many more than the few I saw when I was still grinding for it. My issue is more with the skyscales whole appeal, the hovering. Every city, wb zone, whatever, is littered with players afk hovering above everyone. I thought at first the hovering mechanic was a pretty sweet but not after seeing 10+ skyscale riders blocking my view of the sky with their hugeass mounts. The wingspan on the skyscale is ridiculous, especially on the new skin. When they're on the ground, no problem. When they're in the sky, say goodbye to your field of view. Ultimately it's not a big deal and this is just whining for the sake of whining(because absolutely nothing will change) but I was just wondering if anyone else was as annoyed by it as well. Thanks


The collection is not hard.

No one is asking you to do it in 1 day. Just take your time.

I mainly do wvw and was able to get the mount 6 days ago and all i did was wvw track rewards to get the map currency.

About afk ppl say for example waiting for Teq, they mostly hover near the turrets looking towards the sea. And its only a handful of ppl.

If i summoned my griffin on top of where you are standing, you would do 2 things, either move or stay afk.

If its blocking your view, no one asking you to stand behind them. Just move under or in front of where they hovering.


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The same thing happens any time ANet releases a new wing-themed backpack: wings everywhere for 2-3 weeks and then people get bored and things return back to normal.


The first group of not-early adopters are now getting their skyscales. Some like showing them off. Some just want to amortize their investment by using them as often as possible, whether for good reason or not. So it will probably take longer for the fuss to die down.



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I don't really find them obnoxious. However there is a touch of envy that I do not have one yet. At first I was annoyed at all the things that have to be done and the gold required. Lots of grinding to acquire the gold. That being said, I think it is an accomplishment to have overcome all the obstacles in order to finally get a skyscale. Don't have one yet, but I am getting closer. I too plan on doing some hovering as a boast of completion of this accomplishment to be shared. Enjoy the game everyone.

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well it could develop a "community etiquette". like in naturally laggy places like lion's arch, where we see 80 fps drop from max potential, no skyscale will be seen. not imposed by the program but the people who own a skyscale themselves.


there are instances that are not naturally laggy, like the Triple Double instance, or some other instances (insert here).. there freely summon your skyscale.


and i hope there would be a minigame out of skyscales, like the one in harry potter wherein they chase a little metal while riding on flying brooms.


could be aerial football/lacrosse/hockey or something like that

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> well it could develop a "community etiquette". like in naturally laggy places like lion's arch, where we see 80 fps drop from max potential, no skyscale will be seen. not imposed by the program but the people who own a skyscale themselves.

I can't imagine that many would choose to do so, after spending all the effort to get a skyscale (and, as we've seen from posts, including the OP's, some people find it a daunting amount of time/fuss/coin). Especially not for people who have decent machines.





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First of all, I hope OP and anyone else who looked at the Skyscale Saddle requirements and gave up, reconsiders. Just do some hearts in the various areas when you can. The pain of the kitten grind faded fast after getting the mount. Secondly, if you have the mount, be a little courteous. I have it and I've been startled multiple times by the shadow of one hovering down overhead. Don't do that if you can avoid it. I know those who have it are happy about it, especially if they just got it. Be nice, encourage those who are still working at it. If you're a mesmer and want to make some friends, offer to help with a few of the worst of the collections (Acrophobia comes to mind, all good thoughts to the mesmer who helped me with that one.) I came to GW2 from WoW and am amazed by the community I've found here. I know there are the occasional kittens, but mostly it's been "Oh you want to join in with this event? Sure, here's how it works."

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I would like to re-emphasise that my personal gripe is with the constant flapping of the big wings, in and out and in of sight, that cannot be avoided. This is parallel to complaints of framer ate loss, and different from any complaint that ppl are showing off their mounts, and many ppl's suggestions is to reduce their clutter on our screen if we choose to toggle it so




Of cos, there's another issue that will worsen over time, ppl afking near bosses after tagging them. It has already started. But that's a different issue.

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There are always people annoyed but what other people have or what other people are wearing. You're not the only one. Some people complain about others being too glowy, about having wings, about having sky scales, about ruining their immersion. I'm more of a live and live live type of person. I like the ability to get off the ground and go get a cup of coffee when waiting for an event. On the ground I can get attacked in the air I'm safe. So sure, I go, I make cawfee, put up the dishwasher and come back. Not sure what that should bother anyone.

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> @"hostileskeleton.7364" said:

> To start, I don't have the Skyscale so you can enter into this discussion with whatever bias you would like. I started the process of getting it but when met with the currency grind I pretty much stopped playing Guild Wars entirely. Recently, I got back into it for the mystic forge events and I have to say I'm really sick of seeing skyscales. There's so many more than the few I saw when I was still grinding for it. My issue is more with the skyscales whole appeal, the hovering. Every city, wb zone, whatever, is littered with players afk hovering above everyone. I thought at first the hovering mechanic was a pretty sweet but not after seeing 10+ skyscale riders blocking my view of the sky with their hugeass mounts. The wingspan on the skyscale is ridiculous, especially on the new skin. When they're on the ground, no problem. When they're in the sky, say goodbye to your field of view. Ultimately it's not a big deal and this is just whining for the sake of whining(because absolutely nothing will change) but I was just wondering if anyone else was as annoyed by it as well. Thanks


The nerve of this thread after the antagonising you did in the Skyscale collection thread.



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