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Core Dailies

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I'll start by saying that my family owns six different Guild Wars accounts. Guild Wars 1 with all expansions and Guild Wars 2. We play them all and enjoy them.


The top two are the oldest and most advanced. The oldest was my first account back when Guild Wars 1 was in beta, back when the Charr burned Ascalon with FIRE rather than crystals. Man was The Searing a mindjob to see the first time. I STILL hate the Charr after that. ;) The top two accounts have Guild Wars 2 and both expansions. I wanted to play the story. And dang was Heart of Thorns tough at times. And Living World 2 and 3 had me sweating a few times.


The other four accounts didn't have any expansions at all, and one thing we noticed was that the dailies were completely different. One person can do most of the core dailies without any problem. They're usually pretty easy, and you can usually do them in five or ten minutes easy peasy. An event completer could take a bit longer depending on the time of day and population in the your specific shard, but even that isn't hard by any means.


But you add the expansions, and suddenly options disappear. You can't do Jungle Worm today. You need to do an adventure. You can't forage in Maguma. You have to go to Heart of Thorns. No event completer in Caledon for you. Go to Dragon's Stand. Or let's throw out something else so we can hunt a bounty in Vabbi. None of these replacements are EASY. Your average single player alone won't be able to do them. At least not in my family. We're casual gamers and roleplayers, not platformers. Other people may have loved Mario Brothers as kids. We did Final Fantasy. We have to group together to go into the expansion areas. That's work.


I feel like we're being punished for getting the expansions by having a harder time doing the dailies. And being able to glide is not worth that extra aggravation. That's why none of the lower four accounts have Heart of Thorns. We don't like going into that cesspool any more than we have to, and I try to keep that have to at a minimum. Path of Fire with the mounts was another story. Those mounts are dang useful and so we've got them on all six accounts now, and it is something amazing to see a phalanx of family and friends swooping around at once.


But it's still annoying to have to go and kill a bounty with SIX DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS each day. Granted, we group up to keep it from being too many trips, but organizing time to go on a hunting run is a bit closer to a non-trivial task when people have school, work, and other stuff on conflicting schedules.


Now if we could do the core dailies on our own schedules, then we could spend more time when we are together doing other stuff that is interesting. Rather than the daily grind. Maybe going off to slay a dragon.


I'll say it again. I feel like we are being punished with harder dailies because we gave money to ANet so we could have an expansion to make the game funner to play. And yes. The mounts are awesome. But I don't like that the tradeoff for getting the mounts is harder dailies. And the gliding from Heart of Thorns? Oh no. NEVER worth having to go into that cesspool on a daily basis.


If ANet let us do the core dailies we would buy Heart of Thorns in a heartbeat. That's the only think stopping us from getting it. The aggravation of being FORCED to go into Heart of Thorns on a daily basis. A place we hate with a burning passion almost as badly as we hated the Imperial City in Guild Wars 1. A vertical hellscape of annoyances where you can see where you want to go but can't because it is way above or way below you.


Let us do the core dailies. Don't punish us for getting the expansions. Allow us to spend more time doing story or pursuing other collections together, rather than having to take time out of our coordinated schedules to finish off an "easy" daily.


Yes. I know. Not every family has six accounts. Yes, I sometimes ask myself how much money we've spent over the last ten years or so on SIX different accounts and I kinda wince. But...we'd spend more money in a heart beat if we weren't going to be punished in game for doing so. The gliders are nice. But we don't want to be forced to go into Heart of Thorns just to finish a daily grind.


Make it an option. I'm all for it. If people want to go there, I'm happy for them. But give us the same option to do the same core dailies that every other generic Guild Wars 2 account can do, and please stop punishing us for buying the expansions. We spent money to do something fun. To unlock a different way of playing the game. Not to have harder things to do when we aren't really looking for a challenge on that particular day.


Or maybe I AM looking for a challenge. Maybe I feel like slaying a dragon today. But the daily today is to do an event completer in Dragons Stand and to kill a bounty in Vabbi, and after a half our of that, I'm not so interested in hunting down a dragon after all.


Come on guys.


Give us access to all the core dailies again.



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Our family has six accounts, too, with both expansions on five of them (PoF only on the sixth). The difference: none of us see the dailies as game-changing, so we only do those that suit us. On days where there's easy stuff like mystic forger or vista in wherever (including HoT) we pretty much do those across all accounts, but when the dailies require us to go out of their way we simply let them be. There's really nothing that you get from dailies that you can't get by playing other parts of the game or just waiting for another day when the dailies are more to your liking.


Incidentally two of our accounts started off as f2p and were thus restricted to core Tyria dailies for quite a while, and in our case those often felt harder rather than easier, but that might've been because those accounts weren't well suited to go into pvp or wvw back then, restricting the pool of dailies available much more than the choice of expansion.


tl;dr: if you don't enjoy the dailies, don't do them. There's nothing punishing you except yourself if you insist of treating them as "must do".

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I have all expansion, and pref do dayli as



2)reg 1 game spvp (so I get top stats, pracitpate or etc)

3)if still 2/3 I join wvw to break 5 npc guards, caravan, or check monument point


after 3/3 I go my favorite content. You don't need collect all dayles in that tab.


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The AP cap means dailies are completely optional, and there is a WIDE variety of options to choose from. If a player cannot find three dailies to complete in there somewhere perhaps the fault lies not with the choices available but with the player . . .

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Dailies are not meant to be trivial, they are meant to be something else to do. You should have to go out of your way to get them done, otherwise, it would just be called playing and may as well be given as you log in along with the log in reward. Some days I do not get the daily quests done, usually if I do not like my options given, or I just run out of time for the day, no big deal, no big loss.

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Dailies ARE meant to be trivial. Small things you do on a daily basis to bring players back into the game each day for a few minutes so ANet can market the various gem store sales in hopes of bringing in money to support the game for the long run. The more people log in each day to do the dailies, the more money ANet makes from impulse buys for that shiny new coat or dragon skin.


And part of that, is making the dailies something people can do quickly and easily and get a sense of accomplishment for it.


The dailies are the hook that ANet uses to reel us all in to buy stuff. ;)

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> @"Medron Pryde.6850" said:

> Dailies ARE meant to be trivial. Small things you do on a daily basis to bring players back into the game each day for a few minutes

And all of the available dailies are just that for the majority of players. There will always be players though that are having a tougher time, either because of personal restrictions (jumping puzzles, daily activities and adventures are the most notable 'offenders' in this category) or simply because the daily in question takes them out of their comfort zone (which seems to be the case with you and HoT dailies).


Personally I do think it is a good thing that ANet offers dailies from a large pool of different activities, even though some of them aren't my cup of tea either (like many of the adventures as well as daily world bosses/bounty runs). Not every daily has to be trivial to every player, or we'd end up with a very restricted set of dailies that would soon get stale. You don't like expansion dailies. Other players would rather avoid jumping puzzles, or daily dungeons, or whatever they could think of.


To give every player their prefered daily choices every day, ANet would either have to blow up the pool of daily choices to the point where most people would quickly come up with their personal path of least resistance that will likely became stale just as quickly, or make dailies trivial to the point where they end up being no more than additional login rewards.



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I tend to find the PvE dailies to be underwhelming. So, I rarely do anything other than Vistas, gathering, and the jumping puzzles I can tolerate. I used to do the PvE dailies in the earlier iterations of the Daily Tasks, but the newest iteration killed them for me. I dislike Adventures, and the daily tasks are the worst example of ludicrous MMO gameplay I've ever seen (if you do them around reset, which is most convenient for me). Since I don't expect ANet to ever accommodate me, I looked for a workaround.


Mine was to do some of the WvW tasks. Even if you don't like PvP _at all_, some of those tasks are (almost) pure PvE, and are very easy to do. This would be especially so if there are more than one of you. The easy tasks include: Veteran Creature Slayer, Mist Guards Killer, Camp Capturer, Big Spender, Caravan Disruptor, Master of Monuments and Land Claimer. Once in a while, I get killed, but that sure beats standing at mob spawn points spamming attacks to try to get a hit in before the mobs melt, or enduring the amazing technicolor dreamcoat at a bounty run.


Good luck.

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> @"Medron Pryde.6850" said:

> Thanks for the tips. I've never done PvP or WvW but that sounds very interesting to try out.


I don't do any sort of PvP in any games. I first ventured into WvW when EOTM was introduced, then started exploring the borderlands. So I'll do the Spender, Monument, Caravan, Guards, Camps, and/or Creature dailies if I don't get 3 in PvE. I do my best to avoid encountering enemy players, but sometimes get jumped and killed. I've learned to shrug that off. If there are too many enemies roaming about, I just skip it.


If you do venture into WvW, be sure to set the reward track to get the Gift of Battle. I save up the daily reward pots, then spend them where I need them - GoB, dungeon tokens, etc. I have over 200 in the bank now.


I have multiple accounts, but only do the dailies on the main usually. All the rest are core-only. But three are getting close to that AP reward that gives 400 gems (5000 AP?) so I've been trying to get the daily AP on them as well. The problem with alt accounts is they take time away from the main, and in a game like this the rewards are greater for focusing on one account and often one character. At least for me, with somewhat limited time to play and mostly non-focused play when I do.

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Number of accounts in "the family" is irrelevant. If there's one account per person, then I don't see how there's any special burden to "the family" for doing dailies that justifies a change. If one person is playing multiple accounts, then I have no sympathy for their own choice to compound the required time and effort to complete dailies.

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Dailies exist as a way for ArenaNet to influence players to participate in the kind of content ArenaNet feels needs additional participation.


They are not going to give you additional options if the result of those options is that you do less stuff they want more players doing.

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> @"Medron Pryde.6850" said:

> Blame the player.


> Very helpful.


It's more helpful than making false claims about the difficulty of finishing dailies or the consequences of failing to do so . . .


> I will note that not all players are professional gamers.


> Most are casual players in fact.


> It is a simple fact of the gaming world.


Yes, and most of us finish our dailies accidentally as we go about playing the game. If finishing dailies is important to you, and you find burdensome something so many others find so trivial, then yes, you would benefit from trying to identify what is different about you and how you can change that, rather than expecting the game to change for you. You would find this exercise very helpful :)

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Mine was to do some of the WvW tasks. Even if you don't like PvP _at all_, some of those tasks are (almost) pure PvE, and are very easy to do. This would be especially so if there are more than one of you. The easy tasks include: Veteran Creature Slayer, Mist Guards Killer, Camp Capturer, Big Spender, Caravan Disruptor, Master of Monuments and Land Claimer. Once in a while, I get killed...


> @"Medron Pryde.6850" said:

> Thanks for the tips. I've never done PvP or WvW but that sounds very interesting to try out.


Let me add a thumbs up to IndigoSundown's suggestion. I enjoy running a solo roamer through WvW and even as an older, slower player I can solo the tasks Indigo lists. WvW as a family group sounds like it would be fun. There is a learning curve of course but its not too onerous. I started in WvW for the first time about a week after the Warclaw was introduced and got my mount two and a half days later.


As to the op's main point, about letting people with the expansions still choose from all the core Tyria daily options, that seems fine to me. Generally I do a mix of open PVE and WvW dailies, completing as many of each as I can. With both expansions I often am doing PoF bounties and jump over to HoT events when they come up, even though I dislike the HoT maps. If more core Tyria dailies were available to me, I'd do them too while still doing the expansion dailies. The rewards are small but I like them and doing dailies right after the reset has become a regular routine for me that I enjoy.


> @"TheAgedGnome.7520":

>...If there's one account per person, then I don't see how there's any special burden to "the family" for doing dailies that justifies a change...


:) Don't know about your family but trying to get six members of my family to all do something at the same time is worse than herding cats. Rounding up three to four of us at any given time is doable but more than that requires ginormous amounts of phone/text coordination because folks are so busy and are going in so many different directions. :)


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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:


> > @"TheAgedGnome.7520":

> >...If there's one account per person, then I don't see how there's any special burden to "the family" for doing dailies that justifies a change...


> :) Don't know about your family but trying to get six members of my family to all do something at the same time is worse than herding cats. Rounding up three to four of us at any given time is doable but more than that requires ginormous amounts of phone/text coordination because folks are so busy and are going in so many different directions. :)


There is no game requirement to complete dailies at the same time.

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I actually tried WvW today, and I'm about as good at PvP as I've ever been. AKA...Not good. ;)


An amusing thing happened, though. There were a couple experience guildies wandering around, taking forts and such, and we were taking stuff around the edges. Well, they decided they didn't want us taking their supply depot, came at us from behind, and tore us apart. A few minutes later, they conquered another fort we were close to with some other soldiers on my side nearby. They rode out on warclaws and took ALL of us apart. A few minutes later, I saw them riding towards us in the distance and told everybody to run. We turned and ran. I kept expecting them to run us down from behind, but they didn't. Either they didn't see us, which I doubt, or they saw us, recognized us, and figured they'd put the fear of god in us enough that we wouldn't mess with their territory anymore. Which we didn't. ;)


In the end, as others have echoed, I really just want everybody to have the same options when it comes to the dailies. We can choose what we want to do or not. I just dislike the idea of having options taken away from us because we bought more than other players. It doesn't seem fair I guess.

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I didn't realize the WP was free. Or the rest. Nice. And no...it really wasn't a big deal. But seeing two guys able to cut through everything we could do with such ease was really...disheartening in a way. It's like they barely worked at it. Also rather aweinspiring. Those guys knew exactly what they were doing and did it like clockwork. And they cleaned our clocks rather well. ;)

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