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don't let siege damage siege and get rid of way point contested state

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I think a big problem is that siege can damage siege. this is how all siege wars begin, you cant ram or short range cata so you back off. guess what, they have a balli and maybe even a treb. so you build bubbles... etc. ad infinitum. possibly even revert ac nerfs.


get rid of the stupid contested state for way points. seriously, why should one troll be able to prevent an entire server from way pointing? its lame. no one enjoys this.

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Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<


People have been asking for adjustments to the contesting mechanics for years to avoid the cheesiness of individual players being able to shut down entire waypoints strictly for being within breathing distance of a guard. I agree, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Perhaps change it so they have to at least kill a guard or two so nearby players have an opportunity to at least potentially respond. I dunno.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<


so does the scenario I described not happen when you play? that sounds magical. when I used to play it happened all the time. some structures were literally invulnerable without dedicating an hour to siege wars. siege killing siege is the only force behind siege wars, and if I would hazard a guess I would say the majority hate siege wars.

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With the way Gates and walls got their hp nerfed I don't see the need to change things as far as siege goes. If you can't afford building 2 shield generators and keep switching bubbles you probably don't deserve to take over the things your trying to break in to :p

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<


> People have been asking for adjustments to the contesting mechanics for years to avoid the cheesiness of individual players being able to shut down entire waypoints strictly for being within breathing distance of a guard. I agree, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Perhaps change it so they have to at least kill a guard or two so nearby players have an opportunity to at least potentially respond. I dunno.


> ~ Kovu


Unfortunatly the 'good defense' means building Infinite ac's on what i see most of the time

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<


> People have been asking for adjustments to the contesting mechanics for years to avoid the cheesiness of individual players being able to shut down entire waypoints strictly for being within breathing distance of a guard. I agree, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Perhaps change it so they have to at least kill a guard or two so nearby players have an opportunity to at least potentially respond. I dunno.


> ~ Kovu


Oh they changed it though Kovu. You used to have to hit the gate to contest. Now you just need to aggro a guard. Not even hit it. Just go by one on your mount.

Siege should only hit siege imo.

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Wait, you want siege to only be useful against _players_? That's, like, the opposite of what I want. I'd rather siege _only damage siege_, if you want to damage the players come out and do it yourself instead of standing on an AC (or five) behind a wall. But I'll never get that so meh. =<

> >

> > People have been asking for adjustments to the contesting mechanics for years to avoid the cheesiness of individual players being able to shut down entire waypoints strictly for being within breathing distance of a guard. I agree, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Perhaps change it so they have to at least kill a guard or two so nearby players have an opportunity to at least potentially respond. I dunno.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Unfortunatly the 'good defense' means building Infinite ac's on what i see most of the time


It wouldn't be WvW without 20 AC's ;)

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What is wrong with siege wars? You're bandying that statement around as if it's some kind of insult. Siege is one of the elements that sets WvW apart from PvE. You don't come into a WvW fight with a white, blue, green, or yellow (rare) sword. You have golden (exotic), lavender (ascended), or purple (legendary). And then you get one upped by a machine designed to kill. Siege should be the most devastating thing in the game. Walmart arrow carts ought to make a Rangers bow look like a toy; then Superior or Guild versions even moreso.


So first the enemy has to break through your wall, then they have to pierce your armor, and then they hit you. Conventional weapons can't even damage a wall. Yeah, siege rocks.


Not only that it adds the element of resource management. You can cut off your enemies access to supply in prelude to an attack. It's called strategy. If you just want to smash face go play the PvP option, it's there.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Nol Fran Shee.1285" said:

> > What is wrong with siege wars?


> it is totally un-interactive gameplay that 90% of the players can't and don't want to play.


Press F to interact. Then press and hold 1 to choose a power level (a lot like Angry Birds). I guess your definition of non-interactive and mine differ slightly. My definition of non-interactive means hands not on keyboards.


Using a siege engine is a lot easier than having to cycle through a series of keystrokes, watching skill cooldowns, and trying to stay on top of a rapidly moving command tag. Maybe I'm in that 10%, but I bet you'd love some covering fire from an Arrow Cart or a Healing Oasis from a Trebuchet. (Healing Oasis should be an ammo type, not a separate launch process)

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> @"Nol Fran Shee.1285" said:

> My definition of non-interactive means hands not on keyboards.


> Using a siege engine is a lot easier than having to cycle through a series of keystrokes


> Maybe I'm in that 10%, but I bet you'd love some covering fire from an Arrow Cart


with some critical thinking my statement is clear. most people play the game to use their skills to kill other people, not to hop on an arrow cart and press 1 button over and over with great results.





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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Nol Fran Shee.1285" said:

> > What is wrong with siege wars?


> it is totally un-interactive gameplay that 90% of the players can't and don't want to play.


You're just upset that opposing players aren't playing by your rules or preferences... You're getting outsmarted by enemies who are using all available tools and tactics to best you. Ultimately this scenario is a "you" problem, not one with the mode or other players. All working as intended.

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WvW is a siege PvP game mode. Siege is actually very easy to counter, it's that most tags today don't know or care about it, they will bang their heads on a wall for hours. I saw this in EBG, they wiped 3 times attacking red keep, because of ACs etc on the wall killing them and their catas. I told the tag how to fix this after the first wipe, they did nothing, after the 3rd, I went to the cliff with one other person and built a bali and cleared everything.


Siege is nothing today, it doesn't even really hurt, back before the AC nerfs, now THAT was siege wars and people knew tactics and how to deal with it, people just can't be bothered anymore and then cry about it when people know how to use it correctly.


I will agree about WP contesting, it was bad enough that people tapped keeps all the time, but now with mounts, ANYONE can do it, over and over again. A WP should not be contested by a single or few people running by. It should only trigger when siege damage is taken, or at the very least a higher metric of people attacking guards etc, say 5 or 10+.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> WvW is a siege PvP game mode. Siege is actually very easy to counter, it's that most tags today don't know or care about it, they will bang their heads on a wall for hours. I saw this in EBG, they wiped 3 times attacking red keep, because of ACs etc on the wall killing them and their catas. I told the tag how to fix this after the first wipe, they did nothing, after the 3rd, I went to the cliff with one other person and built a bali and cleared everything.



This^. The best is the catas right up against most tower walls....



> I will agree about WP contesting, it was bad enough that people tapped keeps all the time, but now with mounts, ANYONE can do it, over and over again. A WP should not be contested by a single or few people running by. It should only trigger when siege damage is taken, or at the very least a higher metric of people attacking guards etc, say 5 or 10+.


I want to get two of us to just continually run around the EBG keeps of our enemies on a mount, and just see how many laps it’ll be before some dismounts and kills me. Between the broken mount dodges and the ways you can contest a keep....


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Nol Fran Shee.1285" said:

> > What is wrong with siege wars?


> it is totally un-interactive gameplay that 90% of the players can't and don't want to play.




Even I throw down siege and use it. It's another dynamic in WvW. And being able to use a treb or balista to clean up an objective plastered with arrow carts is a good thing.


"Running between objectives is totally un-interactive gameplay that 90% of the players can't and don't want to play; let me double click their icon on minimap to teleport to them!".


Being able to contest an objective so easily is kind of lame but it also is something ANYONE can do and doesn't require you to join a blob to contribute some chaos. If you cannot take camps not sentries because the enemy is super defending, start tagging stuff to confuse and distract. Again, it's a dynamic thing that makes WvW more interesting.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > snips

> if done right a t3 tower or keep can stop just about everything thrown at it. siege wars grinds everything to a standstill that can last a long time. why people think this is enjoyable is beyond me.


Because some people like to fight instead of karma train empty objectives?

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Even I throw down siege and use it. It's another dynamic in WvW. And being able to use a treb or balista to clean up an objective plastered with arrow carts is a good thing.


> "Running between objectives is totally un-interactive gameplay that 90% of the players can't and don't want to play; let me double click their icon on minimap to teleport to them!".


> Being able to contest an objective so easily is kind of lame but it also is something ANYONE can do and doesn't require you to join a blob to contribute some chaos. If you cannot take camps not sentries because the enemy is super defending, start tagging stuff to confuse and distract. Again, it's a dynamic thing that makes WvW more interesting.


lol, that wouldn't be necessary if siege couldn't hurt other siege.


ok... this was in reference to siege wars.


having a permanently contested waypoint is incredibly lame. taking longer to reach things isn't interesting, its boring.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > snips

> if done right a t3 tower or keep can stop just about everything thrown at it. siege wars grinds everything to a standstill that can last a long time. why people think this is enjoyable is beyond me.


Not entirely true, usually flash building alpha or guild golems, or rams with 1 shield generator is enough to bust into any T3 very quickly. Especially with the golems, the gates can drop in less than 10 seconds. It’s pretty much unstoppable unless the defenders are already pre-firing their trebs from afar as the enemy is trying to build. Outside of that, there really is no defence to this, that’s why the attackers always have the advantage. There really is no excuse for attackers to break into an objective if they really want to.



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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > snips

> > if done right a t3 tower or keep can stop just about everything thrown at it. siege wars grinds everything to a standstill that can last a long time. why people think this is enjoyable is beyond me.


> Not entirely true, usually flash building alpha or guild golems, or rams with 1 shield generator is enough to bust into any T3 very quickly. Especially with the golems, the gates can drop in less than 10 seconds. It’s pretty much unstoppable unless the defenders are already pre-firing their trebs from afar as the enemy is trying to build. Outside of that, there really is no defence to this, that’s why the attackers always have the advantage. There really is no excuse for attackers to break into an objective if they really want to.



And for most towers, self covering guild catas at range will also pop in fairly easily as well. ESPECIALLY if there is watchtower.


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