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Am i the only person who doesnt care about tengu as a new race?

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I have never really understood the lore behind them, and devs haven't added anything about them since the start (I think).

I don't think they would make an easily customizable character as far as hair/clothing and getting skills/mount animations to work together. Im just really not getting the hype.

A new race would be cool, yea, but WHY tengu?


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If you want to find out why people want Tengu as playable characters, check a forum page dedicated to why people want to play Tengu. Some people have (weird) tastes.


Personally? I couldn't care less about a new race, I just wanna know what is over that giant wall of theirs.

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I have no view on new chars, as I havnt as yet played all the existing chars.

I woudnt mind though the addition of a new skill like WOW Shamans have called 2nd sight which allows you to see beyond the games horizon, so you can see over walls or other obstructions which block sight.

That way you could see whats in the Tengu city.

I suspect the answer is nothing , ie its not rendered.



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I want Tengu as a playable race myself but the way Gw2 handles it's progressing story makes it more or less impossible to add new playable races at this point without a significant amount of time and resources dedicated to incorporating them into the already existing story.


Frankly this is too much work for absolutely no real payoff so it's just not worth doing.


The better solution would be to just let players have a Tengu combat tonic.

I would be fine with that instead tbh.

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I couldn't care less about any other existing no playable races. Tengus will be another race made for fun service, hardly anyone cares of (if it ever will be made playable). Largos, omg, am I the only one that thinks the Largo's 'wings' looks like special underwear, special kind of actress would wear in special kind of movies?

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I'd love tengu, or anything, not because of how much they'd add to the game or not, but simply because its a change of pace.

Tengu just seem like the best contender because they have set lore from gw1, and already have a role in gw2. So they wouldn't feel horseshoe'd in.


That said, i just like for a new race, but accept it will likely never happen and no harm done.

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The same reason people are begging for Cantha, when it's just another stereotypical Asian-themed region. Nostalgia and fanservice. Both Tengu and Cantha mean nothing to players who haven't played the original game.


Since forum communities usually consist of more hardcore fans of a franchise than the general audience, you'll always see a bias towards fanservice.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> (...) That way you could see whats in the Tengu city. I suspect the answer is nothing , ie its not rendered.


I would venture further that, considering the lack of rumors about what lies behind the walls, the guards at the gates cannot even get in, and nobody ever gets out, the civilization is long gone. /justkidding


> @"phs.6089" said:

> Largos, omg, am I the only one that thinks the Largo's 'wings' looks like special underwear, special kind of actress would wear in special kind of movies?


Skin unlocked for some special kind of role players, uh?

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> @"Puma.3645" said:

> I have never really understood the lore behind them, and devs haven't added anything about them since the start (I think).

> I don't think they would make an easily customizable character as far as hair/clothing and getting skills/mount animations to work together. Im just really not getting the hype.

> A new race would be cool, yea, but WHY tengu?

The main reason some people keep bringing them up is because Anet at some point thought of adding them to a list of playable races. That was before launch, however, and the idea never fully materialized. Since then Anet mentioned many times over, that adding a new race (_any_ race) is pretty much unlikely, as it is just way too much work for too little gain for them.



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The answer to any question that starts with "Am I the only person to.."

is almost always:




Personally, I'm good with the races we have now. But *if* (very large if) there would be a new race, I'd want Tengu or something with a similar amount of lore and visual options. No other race in the game now comes close, and most are even defined by the lore as "lesser races" ...which admittedly is really kittenish to say.


As it is, Skritt don't have much lore beyond being a big Shiny joke, Hylek are too dumpy to attract a following, Centaurs simply don't fit the game mechanics.

Maybe a version of ogres, but with "shirt" being a secondary sex characteristic, I'm not sure it'd go well. Kodan are just Norn with bear heads and conceivably even more boring with their armchair philosophy. The waterdrow are ankle deep in personality (woo, athathins, they're gonna show you their katanadeserteagle collection), so all that's really left are the vibrate plumage, history, and *almost got a starting zone* lore of the Tengu.


Buuut, 12 new voice actors and +20% armor development time is a nonstarter so.. /shrug



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> @"Puma.3645" said:

> I have never really understood the lore behind them, and devs haven't added anything about them since the start (I think).

> I don't think they would make an easily customizable character as far as hair/clothing and getting skills/mount animations to work together. Im just really not getting the hype.

> A new race would be cool, yea, but WHY tengu?



No you really aren't.

Those that want this tend to scream very loudly, painting their desires as "needed for the game to survive" or even depicting their personal want as a community one.


The simple fact is this:

If one looks at Gw2 efficiency's stats you can plainly see that the most popular race by far is Human, and the further one gets from human looks the less popular the race becomes in terms of time played (Human accounting for almost 45% of played time across all players, Charr less than 10%). These numbers are of course from the most dedicated players of the game.

Even one of the developers is on record as saying he found it a little disconcerting that the player base didn't enjoy playing the other races as much.


The armchair developers of this forum who want Tengu as a playable race will invent a business case with zero facts or figures on a weekly basis. The will ignore the fact that even the game's bigger competitors had to half-ass their new races by simply reskinning existing ones or gender locking them.

But if you went into Lion's Arch and asked what new playable race was wanted I am sure you would get an even number of votes for Tengu, Skritt and Quagaan.

And none of those choices would be any better than the others.

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You are not alone OP, it would just be another race for strange people to roleplay as. We already have the Charr for those "so inclined", I don't think we really need another playable race. The game is pretty much complete in terms of races and professions, besides what would justify such a huge undertaking?

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after more than 6 years of playing this game , I'm at a point where I need something brand new in term of gameplay . Elite spec did bring that back to 2015 with HoT. With PoF, it wasn't that hype cause it was a redo.


Now I'd rather see new classes and/or a new race added to the game to improve the feeling "lack of gameplay " I currently have.


Balance patches could improve that as well... but it has been too shy for few months now

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