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A plea for veteran roamers to be more dignified

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generally i lay off someone taking ruins til they are done capping but i dont get mad if someone hit me while im capping ruins it meant to be combat and if a random comes across me i expect to die. i prep for when i standing still capping hoping i give them a decent nasty same goes veteran creature i tend to allow other to get something if they are camping but dont expect others to do the same. ive seen guild group allow other to come in and get hits on a veteran creature before so they get creditso it happens but it is combat field and you should expect to die anytime you are out

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Another passive hate thread to roamers i see.

> >

> > Gankers*

> > Some people believe there's a difference, but ye whatever.


> Seems like poeple want different names for PvE and PvP players for this open PvP map tonb arbitrarily attach negative connotations to PvP players just because they suck.


If only good players played the mode it would be empty.

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I am already dignified, I only attack red players running around in hostile areas. :)

On a serious note, I don’t attack clearly afk players (it’s no fun) and I don’t like to jump in on other people fights. I might even spare someone the stomp if they go down easy but actually tried to fight back, no just stand there like a sore loser.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> There is no stopping gankers


What’s your definition of ganker? Anyone that kills you when you don’t want to be attacked while running back to the Zerg to take said players objectives? If you don’t wanna get killed don’t try taking objectives, easy!

If it is more than one player at a time then yea I can agree to call that ganking, but you are still trying to get back to your Zerg to take objectives so... yea.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Red is dead.


> Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar [sic] for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> Oh man, the rage whispers.


> I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar [sic] for a while refusing them thier dailies.


> Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.


Personally, I don't do this. I'm sympathetic to those working on dailies.

And I also think @"sephiroth.4217" is doing nothing wrong: there were foes in the open world. It's perfectly fair to fight them.



If the OP wants to convince people to change their behavior, they should start a guild and make it so fun to belong to that lots of people want to join. They can impose any sort of moral code they like on conduct in game. Some will change their behavior in order to remain.


That's a lot more effective than coming to a generic forum and laying down what seems like an arbitrary and capricious standard for sportsmanship and expecting anyone to pay it any mind.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Red is dead.

> >

> > Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar [sic] for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> > Oh man, the rage whispers.

> >

> > I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar [sic] for a while refusing them thier dailies.

> >

> > Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.


> Personally, I don't do this. I'm sympathetic to those working on dailies.

> And I also think @"sephiroth.4217" is doing nothing wrong: there were foes in the open world. It's perfectly fair to fight them.


Ive never had to resort to this in 6 years until recently.

Most of my gear is Celestial and I need to find areas where people are already dismounted.


Up until Warclaw-

- I always respected duels.

- always let the solo players run past our small groups or one of us would step out and duel the person.

- Never once cared to look for people doing dailies or even ruins.

- would never engage first onto a low rank (im 300+ in pvp and 3k+ wvw) and wouldnt stomp after fight. Would sometimes protect them while they self rezzed out of respect.

- wouldnt chase people who just wanted to get somewhere (and now im chasing 1 guy with 3 people because 2 of them can dismount better than me)


But its a scraps game now.. Take what ever you can get. Thats for when I roam.. When I zerg, I kill anything with a red name plate including wolves by accident because im a condi scourge.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> You show dignity and respect to your opponent/s by giving everything you've got against them, not underestimating them. You should also expect them to do the same.



And if people don't want to be killed by other players or need a safe zone to feel powerful and not have any challenge what so ever.

Open world PvE is a thing that exist

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This is maybe colored by the fact that I never leave my home bl, but I always assume low ranks are vet players on alt accounts. The mount makes ganking zerglings much less of an issue than it used to be, but I have nothing against it when it comes up. I am similar to the OP in that I'm never really looking for an easy kill and always hoping for a good fight, but if I do get an easy kill I don't feel bad about it the same way that I don't feel bad about getting killed. You just wp and go fight again. It's nothing . . .

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Ganking, roaming and zerging are all parts if this game mode. I'd argue that dueling isn't, but that surely is a matter of discussion. AFKing isn't - obviously iit happens, RL happens, but no hard feelings from me when AFK getting killed. No regret when I do it to others .


If you don't wanna take a fight it can be annoying if you get ganked repeatedly, but the enemy players have to assume that you are either running back to your zerg or trying to flip a camp somewhere. Preventing that will weaken the enemy AND killing adds to your server's points.


Usually I do not attack single players, but that's only what I _usually_ do. Same goes for repeatedly attacking obviously weaker enemies. Usually I don't, but sometimes I need participation. Sometimes I am mindlessly roaming about and everything happens on autopilot. And sometimes I wanna prevent enemy players from achieving something. Red is dead. There are good reasons for it.

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> @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > There is no stopping gankers


> What’s your definition of ganker? Anyone that kills you when you don’t want to be attacked while running back to the Zerg to take said players objectives? If you don’t wanna get killed don’t try taking objectives, easy!

> If it is more than one player at a time then yea I can agree to call that ganking, but you are still trying to get back to your Zerg to take objectives so... yea.




Ganker can be:


- You are in a 1v1 when all of a sudden there comes 3-4 other players/blob'd that ruin the whole thing, surely the player I am dueling with stops hitting me, but it's Xv1.

- Spawn camping, and those who like to keep the keeps contested 24/7. Most of whom I saw die were core classes/squishy targets, any target that can't duel/mount and got burst down almost instantly, it was mostly thieves that do this because they can easily disengage far enough to get ooc and re-mount if any of the other heavy roamers decided to dismount and protect the weak ones. *not complaining about thieves here so don't come bragging with me about balance, won't answer*

- A ganker can be a roamer that wants to fight you no matter the build. I am on the mount as a staff weaver/support chrono/etc. when I see a Spellbreaker/Thief/SlB/etc. that jumps around and engages followed by attempts to dismount me, which is clearly a win/infinite fight for them if I ever thought of doing it, so I don't know what they're expecting from me.

- The last type of ganking, and it's not really ganking, we all do this and it's a way to win fights/defend/etc. that is finishing the tail/incoming reinforcements through taking down players, destroying siege or repairing gates/walls, either way this player came to join the squad and you will fight them anyway so taking them down solo or with their group is the same concept of taking down a player that came in to defend/cap.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first.


> Back in the past when I was still learning to become a better roamer, I fought anyone and everyone I met.

> Their class didn’t matter. Their ranks didn’t matter. Their guilds didn’t matter.


> But as time went on, I got better and better at roaming.


> Zerglings became boring to fight against because they were not in the right build and don’t have the same level of experience in solo/small group fights.


> New low rank players were also equally boring to face.


> In short, I stopped picking on Zerglings, new Low ranks etc.

> Players who are not equipped to provide a challenge, I moved past them.


> Yet I see many veteran and skilled roamers still going after a lot weaker opponents.


> Where is the fun, respect and honor in thumping someone who is a lot weaker? Where is your dignity as a veteran roamer?


> Let those Zerglings and new players go!

> We would respect you more for your graciousness and dignity to not farm nooblets like us.


> Thanks with ?


I wish there was a +10 vote button.


**"Pride Is Concerned Who Is Right. Humility Is Concerned With What Is Right'**


**'To Lead The People, Walk Behind Them'**


![](https://i.imgur.com/8R5YUpu.jpg "")


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I remember on many occasions how dignity and humility changed the direction of servers not fighting each other.


I also remember on many occasions where i would witness Mesmers, Guardians and Warriors defending new players against Thieves and killing them as a pack.


The others who stood by watched in fear than back away; teaching them lessons that picking on the weak-less advantage was not acceptable or tolerable in our zerg


The beauty in all of this as a Ranger including other Rangers, would stay in the back line of our zerg to guard them including Guardians and Mesmers.


(Not forgetting Necromancers sacrificing their own lives in knowing they will die to save them)


I Praise the Op for bringing this to Light-Awareness :)


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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > There is no stopping gankers

> >

> > What’s your definition of ganker? Anyone that kills you when you don’t want to be attacked while running back to the Zerg to take said players objectives? If you don’t wanna get killed don’t try taking objectives, easy!

> > If it is more than one player at a time then yea I can agree to call that ganking, but you are still trying to get back to your Zerg to take objectives so... yea.

> >

> >


> Ganker can be:


> - You are in a 1v1 when all of a sudden there comes 3-4 other players/blob'd that ruin the whole thing, surely the player I am dueling with stops hitting me, but it's Xv1.

> - Spawn camping, and those who like to keep the keeps contested 24/7. Most of whom I saw die were core classes/squishy targets, any target that can't duel/mount and got burst down almost instantly, it was mostly thieves that do this because they can easily disengage far enough to get ooc and re-mount if any of the other heavy roamers decided to dismount and protect the weak ones. *not complaining about thieves here so don't come bragging with me about balance, won't answer*

> - A ganker can be a roamer that wants to fight you no matter the build. I am on the mount as a staff weaver/support chrono/etc. when I see a Spellbreaker/Thief/SlB/etc. that jumps around and engages followed by attempts to dismount me, which is clearly a win/infinite fight for them if I ever thought of doing it, so I don't know what they're expecting from me.

> - The last type of ganking, and it's not really ganking, we all do this and it's a way to win fights/defend/etc. that is finishing the tail/incoming reinforcements through taking down players, destroying siege or repairing gates/walls, either way this player came to join the squad and you will fight them anyway so taking them down solo or with their group is the same concept of taking down a player that came in to defend/cap.

Absolutely nothing of that is ganking IMO.


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I used to be a kind roamer against noobs, but since anet linked the servers I encounter many many players "roaming" in group and always chasing me 1 vs X up and down the borderlands. Since then, everyone I see dies, I dont care if they are dueling, I dont care if they are AFK, I dont care if they /bow at me or whatever....


It its red is dead. I say to myself: "I bet that player has ganked me in group before!" and that is enough to not feel bad about them. They deserve it!

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Who decides just how many ranks of difference is an acceptable target?

> You I suppose.


> How about instead of putting out a post telling people not to attack zerglings you spend the time teaching the zerglings how to gear up and fight properly?


> Part of WvW's problem for newcomers are all these "unwritten rules". All these silly personal "thou shall not"s don't help the game at all. They create a situation where newcomers are afraid to pick up supply and learn what it is. They are afraid to attack other players because they "might be dueling", and think all rewards are on pause until they join voice chat.


> Humblebragging about your code of honor and a poll does not make it any better.


Part of being a zergling is playing in a build/gear that is appropriate for large group play; not small group play. Telling someone to re-gear themselves to be less effective in a zerg and more effective as a roamer per say is not doing them any favors. With that said; anyone is game in WvW. Asking a player to be more dignified in who they attack is a lost cause.


Roamers roam at their own risk. Larger groups can and will run over them and often will go out of their way to make their lives miserable. The nature of the beast.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > Who decides just how many ranks of difference is an acceptable target?

> > You I suppose.

> >

> > How about instead of putting out a post telling people not to attack zerglings you spend the time teaching the zerglings how to gear up and fight properly?

> >

> > Part of WvW's problem for newcomers are all these "unwritten rules". All these silly personal "thou shall not"s don't help the game at all. They create a situation where newcomers are afraid to pick up supply and learn what it is. They are afraid to attack other players because they "might be dueling", and think all rewards are on pause until they join voice chat.

> >

> > Humblebragging about your code of honor and a poll does not make it any better.


> Part of being a zergling is playing in a build/gear that is appropriate for large group play; not small group play. Telling someone to re-gear themselves to be less effective in a zerg and more effective as a roamer per say is not doing them any favors. With that said; anyone is game in WvW. Asking a player to be more dignified in who they attack is a lost cause.


> Roamers roam at their own risk. Larger groups can and will run over them and often will go out of their way to make their lives miserable. The nature of the beast.


Yup, that's how it is. It's a win in my book though. Forcing however many people to divert resources and break up the zerg just to chase down my worthless butt. That's also why I will kill any zergling I see returning trying to make it back to their group. If they are a new player, all the better. Best they learn quick.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> I used to be a kind roamer against noobs, but since anet linked the servers I encounter many many players "roaming" in group and always chasing me 1 vs X up and down the borderlands. Since then, everyone I see dies, I dont care if they are dueling, I dont care if they are AFK, I dont care if they /bow at me or whatever....


> It its red is dead. I say to myself: "I bet that player has ganked me in group before!" and that is enough to not feel bad about them. They deserve it!


...and then they turn at you mid-duel with half of their skills on cd and destroy you anyways :lol:

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So.. it's always okay to kill people, but.. I tend to let people up or not finish them, or at least not spawn camp them repeatedly if it's clear they're new to WvW and have no idea how to fight another player in PvP. It's not that fun for me to kill them if there's no challenge in it. It's probably not that fun for them to get wrecked every time.


I'd say generally my 'mercy algorithm' goes something like:


* if it's a 1v1 (no mercy in 1vX encounters)

* and if they're a low rank player (bronze or lower)

* and if it's clear from the fight they are a terrible at fighting (i.e. not an experienced pvp-er's alt)

* and they're not threatening some WvW objective I need to defend


Then I usually let them get up after I've downed them, and won't chase them if they run.

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