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A feature to not load people on their skyscale while waiting for event.

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I would appreciate it very much. It's gotten pretty annoying. I didn't mind it when people were showing off their griffon. I didn't mind it when people were showing off their roller beetle. Having a skyscale almost everywhere in the air has gotten annoying. The damn wings flapping in the air sometimes get in the way and block my view.

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People spent a lot of time & currency to acquire their dragon mounts. Whether they love the mount now or feel meh, they are going to feel that they have to be on it as often as possible to help amortize the expense. Plus, it's the only safe way to AFK in any area that has the occasional foe.


Eventually, the new-car-smell will wear off and people will go back to doing whatever they were doing before. In the meantime, you can turn off your sound or look for other things to do while waiting for events.

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Just turn down your graphics for these events. I have to do this anyway to not crash the game, and can still not use any skills other than those on my main weapon.


I only see name tags of the plebs on the ground below me and my fellow dragon owners hovering at my altitude level. I often don't even see the boss, just the numbers that pop up that indicate that I'm within range and do some damage.

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If you’re flying higher than them, it won’t be a problem. :smile:


On a more serious note, I often afk away from groups before metas start. For metas like TD, it helps to afk in the middle then join at the last second to see which lane needs more people. It’s also less noise from other players using their novelties, skills, etc. And less players my computer needs to draw means less strain on my computer while waiting 10 minutes before a meta starts.

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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> Screen abuses are getting worse in these years and it seems that Anet barely care.

> I wonder why this neat mmo doesn't have such graphic option while others have.


This. There are so many threads and posts of people asking for customization options and to tone down the visual clutter, it baffles me it doesn't even seem to be something they're working on (referring to the post earlier this year after the layoffs on what are Anet's future projects for the game).


I don't mind people showing off something they worked on to get and idling around free from mobs aggro. I don't mind having to turn down some graphic settings to improve performance if there are a lot of players around.


I just want to be able to admire the scenery and actually see what's going on during fights.

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Completely agree, wanted to open a thread myself.

Skyscale afking above other players while waiting for events is getting obnoxious by now.

The constant wing flapping across the entire width of my screen is an eyesore, extremely distracting, annoying and often covers my entire field of view.


Limiting the airborne time to a minute would be nice. If they want to safely afk then let them perma-latch onto a wall or something.

Or just let me hide anyone on a skyscale. Being able to hide other visual clutter like skill effects would also be amazing.



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I don't mind when people show off their Skyscale on the ground but when they afk above me and cover everything with their wings it becomes a nuisance, big time. Everything else is ok but please add an option to hide and mute these airborne zergs :/


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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Completely agree, wanted to open a thread myself.

> Skyscale afking above other players while waiting for events is getting obnoxious by now.

> The constant wing flapping across the entire width of my screen is an eyesore, extremely distracting, annoying and often covers my entire field of view.


> Limiting the airborne time to a minute would be nice. If they want to safely afk they can latch onto a wall without flapping their wings.

> Or just let me hide anyone on a skyscale. Being able to hide other visual clutter like skill effects would also be amazing.




You can't afk on a wall tho . . .


> @"Shep.4026" said:

> Relax, once everyone has flashed their new flashy until its not flashy anymore, they'll all return to idling on the ground and your tan will be back to beautiful.


It's interesting how many ppl think this. The whole point is being able to safely afk anywhere. That doesn't wear off . . .

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And? Not to sound like a jerk, but in life, people will do things that annoy you. Should someone step in at every turn and change whatever someone else is doing that annoys you?


A better strategy would be to just be patient and understanding, and not let it bother you.


Even if these people were purposefully trying to be annoying (like those who place Aviator / Merchants inside meta chests), so what? Seems to me they are the ones with the problem, trying to get attention. Why let it ruin your day? Just let them do their thing and focus on yours.


Because unless these players are actively preventing you from participating in the game by hovering on their skyscales (they aren't), you can bet ANET isn't going to do anything about it.


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Trolls indeed.

Instead of going as far up as they can they tend to hover right above your head.

Often in places where no one and nothing would hurt them.

Showing off is ok, but having the same wing flapping mount shoved into my face at every freaking event is just bleh.

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Idk whats so difficult for Skyscale owners to make sure they get up as high as possible. Me, as owner of one, when I am on one hoovering I make sure I am at max height I can so other ppl don't get blocked screens or dust raking up. Theres no need for any adjustment to the Skyscale if everyone does this.. They can still keep airborne, others can still see their mount/skin when looking up or at greater distance and nobody gets annoyed.

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I find the Skyscale to be extremely practical during the WB event weeks. Sometimes, when I do a full cycle, bosses come up that I have already finished for the day, so waiting AFK for 20-30 minutes is much safer mounted up in the air. You won't die a terrible AFK death while airborne. ;)


I just don't understand those people who fly their Skyscale barely above ground, their wings flapping into people's faces while raising tons of dust from the ground. It's like they are deliberately trolling others.

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