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How to fight two scourges


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How to fight Scourges?































From over here. Their mobility is nonexistent.


edit- Oh, are we talking about a 1v2? Well, rough. Hope to burst one down quick, otherwise backoff until a more favorable scenario presents itself.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Yup, seriously. 2 scourges and a FB and a team that likes to fight in the middle and can’t cleanse, and won’t rotate. It’s like that movie the killing fields.


Most firebrands and scourges aren't very good. So you pick out the scourge with the worst positioning and punish him.


Outside of literally just arken who is playing FB in ranked I think its just run exclusively in MATs now.

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Yeah, I have been playing scourge in solo q for about 1.5 months, and I can say that its effectiveness entirely depends on the team. Condi pressure and team support is nice, but I also need a team that knows how to focus and, well, function in team fights (and believe it or not, that's rare). Scourges are easy game otherwise; stun, chill, slow, immobilize, and they are done.

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Necro is weak against:



-high mobile classes

And has bad self sustain.


Necro has in general the most weaknesses of all classes.

That's why it will always be on last spot in a wvw class roaming ranking.

And that's what you do most of the time in PvP. So...

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Are we seriously complaining about scourge in 2019? A scourge without a firebrand is free food. And firebrand+scourge in ranked as a dedicated duo is WAAAY less effective than having two dedicated side noders, or a side noder and rotational damage like Spellbreaker+Rev.


FB scourge duo is only less effective in the wrong hands. There are extremely few good FBs.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> What class has the most cleanse? That’s all that matters anymore.


Scourges are balanced by their inability to do anything to you unless you're determined to hug them. Kite them until they burn cooldowns, run in, put damage on them and leave. Or meet them with anything that has an attack over 900r.


Never fight two of anything on your own. leave.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> no seriously, I'm playing with folks who can't seem to heal or cleanse at all. what support build has most team cleanse? I don't care if we lose every game, I just want to give it a try.


You would have this problem against any enemy team setup if your team is clueless. Your best bet is try to play sides and stay away from team fights.


Overall, dual scourge is not a good setup, particularly without FB. And even with FB, they are too immobile. Things like dual rev or dual holo is far more problematic to face.

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I will say that as an Engineer, who runs sword shield holo, I have a hard time with scourges in my current build. They just seem to have endless "wells" to spam. I usually try to soften them up with my mortar kit, then try to shoot them with the holo pistol thingee. But when they convert my boons it's brutal. I really got to figure out which animation is the one that insta converts my boons..... probably for me a learn the opponent would be helpful.


I also find there are some pretty bunker-y scourges out there. I suppose may be Ranger and DE would have less issues. I'd probably do better if I had rifle.

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> @"shion.2084" said:

> snip


Holo in general is weak to scourge, S/Sh is the peak of this counter. You are forced to go into melee range without cleanse bursts and of course die in progress.


The susainy scourges are probably running blood variant, it can do wonders in good hands and that's why a blood scourge main was 1st in EU last season.



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> @"shion.2084" said:

> I will say that as an Engineer, who runs sword shield holo, I have a hard time with scourges in my current build. They just seem to have endless "wells" to spam. I usually try to soften them up with my mortar kit, then try to shoot them with the holo pistol thingee. But when they convert my boons it's brutal. I really got to figure out which animation is the one that insta converts my boons..... probably for me a learn the opponent would be helpful.


> I also find there are some pretty bunker-y scourges out there. I suppose may be Ranger and DE would have less issues. I'd probably do better if I had rifle.


That is what I am running too. And my team expects me to spam them with boons, but then two scourges and a fb show up at mid and I just can't cleanse enough. I actually swapped out to elixer c, but even then, I convert to boons and then they are right away converted again. I even tried a resistance rune.


BTW, I have been doing a bot call out at the beginning of every match, and usually I only get one live response. Sometimes I get two. But that means I usually have three or two players who are either bots or do not communicate; and is there any difference I wonder?


And so I end of working the sides and getting my numbers and some fun 1v1s but, playing holo solo is not really all that much fun.


Maybe there is a ceiling to this game. I don't know. I really don't care if I win or lose, but I don't want to play if I can't impact at all what is going on. Some times it seems I may as well go play dice.

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It's been a long while since I hopped on DE but what griefs scourges the most is DE rifle #2 kneel which is a repeatable immob so they cannot dodge + does pretty high dmg. Then there's sbeast sic em sniper... melts targets. I've also tried condi DD with poison bomb but it's not always as effective since scourge can cleanse on F2.... but man is it hilarious landing 40+ poison stack burst with venoms + thieves guild and watching them struggle to clear it all in time.

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