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I'm a little disapointed

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grinding for 700 inbscribed shards..

by doing very little available content.. repeatedly

and map exploration awards only 5 shards while the other season 4 maps (except difluorite) all award 25 for map exploration.



who made this decision? who thought it was a good idea to have players repeat hearts and the meta event endlessly and endlessly for a 5ap achievement?

it's not even the easiest map to get a full exploration on.. so why only 5 shards for a full exploration?



I'm not mad.. just a little disapointed

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3 of the 4 hearts are quick and easy at least. I've just done those for a couple days with most of my characters. Meta whenever it's up... Yeah, it's really bad. Just adds to the overall feel of the map being bland and empty, the rewards are also questionable.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> 3 of the 4 hearts are quick and easy at least. I've just done those for a couple days with most of my characters. Meta whenever it's up... Yeah, it's really bad. Just adds to the overall feel of the map being bland and empty, the rewards are also questionable.


yea.. i'm not saying it's *difficult*.

Most of the hearts are really easy, although there's one heart that just asks you kill awakened for 0.02% progress per kill.. that one just takes ages.

The problem is less the currency, and more the fact that you're looping one task hundreds of times.. it kills braincells

the meta event was fun.. at least.. it was until I needed 250 for the mount, 100 for a backpack, and 700 for a banner

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Yeah this was one I prioritised getting the home node for. I don’t mind the meta, but the map reminds me of what a missed opportunity it was so I don’t really spend time there. It’s not the most annoying map currency to farm but it’s not the best map to enjoy playing in and passively get what I want either

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I thought in the beginning it was ok, but realizing I got 2 accounts and had to do it all over again for the mount. Pfff it burned me out for the game for a while I think.

Not a good thing.

Only part I didnt mind was dragonfall because it was fast and more action than all other maps combined. Even the events rewarded you enough to get to 250 fast.

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> @"preacher.9370" said:

> welcome to mmo, where content generally means a grind of some sort



I get the feeling there's a huge difference in how the achievements are handled each episode.

One episode is a huge set of tasks you have to compete, and another just has 25 meta events, 3x1000 kills per area, and gather a few hundred resource.


I wonder if the teams have very little communication in streamlining their methods

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"preacher.9370" said:

> > welcome to mmo, where content generally means a grind of some sort

> >


> I get the feeling there's a huge difference in how the achievements are handled each episode.

> One episode is a huge set of tasks you have to compete, and another just has 25 meta events, 3x1000 kills per area, and gather a few hundred resource.


> I wonder if the teams have very little communication in streamlining their methods


Variation is the spice of life. It would be boring if the same tasks was repeated from episode to episode.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"preacher.9370" said:

> > > welcome to mmo, where content generally means a grind of some sort

> > >

> >

> > I get the feeling there's a huge difference in how the achievements are handled each episode.

> > One episode is a huge set of tasks you have to compete, and another just has 25 meta events, 3x1000 kills per area, and gather a few hundred resource.

> >

> > I wonder if the teams have very little communication in streamlining their methods


> Variation is the spice of life. It would be boring if the same tasks was repeated from episode to episode.


Variation is not the same as occasionally have a bunch of grind-only achievement.

I mean.. eating grass from the garden is also a variation

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Whew, it sounds like I accidentally saved myself a real hassle. When that episode first opened up I stuck my head into Kourna to see what it was like. Needless to say I didn't spend much time there. (I've just dipped in and out of LS 4 without ever trying to seriously complete it.) I had a full set of Volatile Magic gathering tools and have quite a stash of VM on hand. There wasn't much I wanted to spend it on in Kourna so just for the heck of it I got the Kournan Supply Cache home node. Since then, it's been giving me inscribed shards every day that I haven't paid much attention to. After reading the op I went to check how much I've got and there's 985 shards piled up there. If and when I decide to actually do LS 4 to get the Skyscale it will be a bit easier thanks to my accidental good fortune. OP, I'm sorry you had to go through the tedium. I hate mindless grinding too. Thank you for the heads up though. I won't use those shards for anything else until I finally decide if I want to go for the Skyscale or not.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> Whew, it sounds like I accidentally saved myself a real hassle. When that episode first opened up I stuck my head into Kourna to see what it was like. Needless to say I didn't spend much time there. (I've just dipped in and out of LS 4 without ever trying to seriously complete it.) I had a full set of Volatile Magic gathering tools and have quite a stash of VM on hand. There wasn't much I wanted to spend it on in Kourna so just for the heck of it I got the Kournan Supply Cache home node. Since then, it's been giving me inscribed shards every day that I haven't paid much attention to. After reading the op I went to check how much I've got and there's 985 shards piled up there. If and when I decide to actually do LS 4 to get the Skyscale it will be a bit easier thanks to my accidental good fortune. OP, I'm sorry you had to go through the tedium. I hate mindless grinding too. Thank you for the heads up though. I won't use those shards for anything else until I finally decide if I want to go for the Skyscale or not.


Congrats on avoiding one grind. You'll need 250 from the other maps, hope you have a node for each one. I personally, wouldn't mind getting these nodes, just don't have in it me to farm that amount to get the nodes.

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> @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > Whew, it sounds like I accidentally saved myself a real hassle. When that episode first opened up I stuck my head into Kourna to see what it was like. Needless to say I didn't spend much time there. (I've just dipped in and out of LS 4 without ever trying to seriously complete it.) I had a full set of Volatile Magic gathering tools and have quite a stash of VM on hand. There wasn't much I wanted to spend it on in Kourna so just for the heck of it I got the Kournan Supply Cache home node. Since then, it's been giving me inscribed shards every day that I haven't paid much attention to. After reading the op I went to check how much I've got and there's 985 shards piled up there. If and when I decide to actually do LS 4 to get the Skyscale it will be a bit easier thanks to my accidental good fortune. OP, I'm sorry you had to go through the tedium. I hate mindless grinding too. Thank you for the heads up though. I won't use those shards for anything else until I finally decide if I want to go for the Skyscale or not.


> Congrats on avoiding one grind. You'll need 250 from the other maps, hope you have a node for each one. I personally, wouldn't mind getting these nodes, just don't have in it me to farm that amount to get the nodes.


hehe, yeah, that's why I said it would be "a bit easier." I know there's a lot more involved. That's one of the reasons I'm hesitating. Another reason is I'm not sure I need one bad enough to go jumping through all the hoops. So far I haven't bothered with the Roller Beetle, the Griffon, or the Skyscale. The other five mounts seem to have everything I need well covered.

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