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Why don't you sPvP?

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Hi guys,


> I wanted to post my question here since it is basically the same 12 people in the PvP forum.


> Why don't you sPvP?


> I can't think of anything more rewarding for end game than GW2 pvp and it is a shame that so many of you opt out. Just curious. Thanks for your input.


I disliked it for some time mainly because of the time I would play. I suppose they weren’t during populated hours and the people I played with made the experience unbearable. And no it’s not the trolling it’s the complete disrespect of the game. It was filled with AFKers, cheaters, and people with no interest in playing competitive but chose to play it anyway just to ruin the experience for those who wanted to take it serious. Now since I play during populated hours, it’s more enjoyable. Regardless, there aren’t enough options, it’s the same old thing, and it gets bothersome after some time. It doesn’t allow for the mind to do anything else. I guess custom arenas is tended for those situations, but it’s not a game mode....it seems bootlegged.


At the end of the day, PvP that highly relies on the ability of others isn’t as rewarding as a more individualistic approach. While playing in teams is nice sometimes, there needs to be an official gameplay for the times where we want to step away from always relying on the ability of others, and instead rely solely on our own.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I used to pvp a lot, got to diamond league in the first two seasons, got my legendary backpack and then lost interest in pvp. My main issue is the lack of team/guild matchmaking. Instead of team rating, they use individual ratings, but that means afkers, quiters and trolls can affect the rating of individual players. Creating uneven matches and causing lots of frustration. The random nature of the matches also causes the toxicity, if there was a proper 5vs5 premade format with team MMRs then toxicity wouldn't exist (at least not as much). But they tried to make pvp much more accessible, press a button, be put in a team of randoms against randoms, the lucky one wins. This accessibility leads to toxicity and frustration as player skill is thrown out of the window, but it's a matter of luck, what kind of teammates you'll get and what kind of opponents.


> Only the automated tournaments work for full teams, but those aren't accessible at all


I couldn't agree more.

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The PvP to me should be done where both teams have one of each class player on their teams to make it challenging it dose not matter if your super pro or a new player, yeah it take longer to get matches ready but at least the game pvp match would be a little more fun and interesting, and yeah their be problems people will have this idea,

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I agree spvp is more money per your time ( when a season is active for pips/rewards) , then WvW... as far as pvp though.... spvp simply isn't interesting to me, and here's why....


Im going out on a limb thinking that most people solo queue.... this leaves room for 4 random people who can completely ruin your win. truth right?

If you win you get ~ 11 pips usually. and only 4 for losses.... huge gap there... youll want to win if you care about making money per hour..


the mode itself... its not about pvp and the team who is better at pvp.... it's more about positioning and getting points

example is our team is kicking there ass, K:D is like 50 to 20. yet we are losing, because we don't have somone capping the points? SO LAME ! this isn't pvp skill...


capping artificially placed pve type goals to get a win... mentality is to stop pvping, and go capture a bell or kill some ai bosses that just spawned? seriously? what about the pvp.....?


the raw balance of the game... ever wonder why you cant run certain runes/sigils/builds in spvp? it's because THE GAME ISNT BALANCED and they have been removed from the spvp mode because the team DOESNT KNOW HOW TO BALANCE.


queue times / forces action otherwise loss... If I gotta wait 2-5 minutes to get into a game that will end up being a 4v5 because a teammate had to leave for whatever emergency, or even dissconnects.. youll have having to try really hard to actually win... your missing 20% of your team.... likelyhood of you getting 400+ points for a loss that has a close victory bonus pip is lowered. why try hard to lose ? gametime+ queue = 10+ minutes wasted.....


Only reason Im playing or will play spvp... is to test builds, some of them as I stated just cannot be tested in spvp... but some of them you can test before investing into them for wvw....


other than that Im getting my legendary backpiece from spvp ( 5 days left ) then I wont touch spvp ever again, unless I need to test a build that can be made in spvp

notice I said 5 days left... it caps you at 3 game per day for achievement... I need 15 games in total... why can't I run 15 and get it? because they know ill quit sooner and force me to have a habit of coming into tthe game to get somthing? seriously think, why is there a timewall for this? let alone you have to complete it during an active season, thus expanding the time wall.... sooooo the company intentionally forces an artificial system to keep you from getting what you want? yes. it's not about quality of life... it's about them keeping you in the game to look like the game is more active then it would be otherwise. otherwise we'd farm our items quicker, realise the game isnt what we wanted and quit sooner.


you can do the auto tournies for bonus gold, usually it's so dead you can place last in the tournment and still place high enough overall for bonus gold...


if you queue with friends you may care more about the rankings / tournaments / monthly tournament.... but I simply dont care about that headache, due to listed reasons above...


some people say bots, i've yet to see any and im 50-60+ level in spvp


overall I prefer team deathmatch or arena style... just heads up pvp no bullsheet


Look at pvp in gw2 from the time is was introduced until now... look at the amount of changes it has had, and it's current state.... embarrassing


where is arena / duels / gvgs / alliances


dig through the internet and find posts from like 2017 and 2018 about hey guys! changes are coming! hype you up for pvp! ( yet it doesn't happen...... )


just facepalm... is the dev team missing pvp players? are they all money greedy casual pve'rs? cause that's the majority of the market so they chose to target those ppl?



dont even get me started about wvw....




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Aside from capturing points for almost 7 Years-which gets boring more and more the best reason that keeps me from pvp is that it feels more like gambling rather then skill. You can get lucky and get competent team mates or you don't have luck and get the trash players. There is no skill involved in raising the ranks when you hope for a good group. Also the classes are very imbalanced.

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> @"Zadok.3279" said:

> the mode itself... its not about pvp and the team who is better at pvp.... it's more about positioning and getting points

> example is our team is kicking there kitten, K:D is like 50 to 20. yet we are losing, because we don't have somone capping the points? SO LAME ! this isn't pvp skill...


> capping artificially placed pve type goals to get a win... mentality is to stop pvping, and go capture a bell or kill some ai bosses that just spawned? seriously? what about the pvp.....?


The 'v' in PvP stands for 'versus' which means competing against, that includes things other than just combat. There aren't any "PvE" goals, there are objectives which are there as part of PvP, to split fights rather than one blob, provide comeback mechanics like the Lord, etc. They are also there to raise the skill cap by adding a layer of teamwork, map awareness, decision making, etc on top of just the fighting.


Most PvP games do this (MOBAs, many shooters, etc), unless the combat is super skilled like in a good fighting game, then combat alone provides rather low skilled, one dimensional PvP. This may come as a shock, but the combat in GW2 isn't super skilled, it isn't mechanically demanding or very twitchy, it has passives to bail you out, the game even aims for you, add that it is a cheesefest with bad balance on top on that and well... Which is why to up the skill level it needs a bit more than simply 5v5 in a dumb arena.


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Im just more interested in fighting the other player, making better trades, acting/reacting to how they play.

Also I like using all builds in the game.

spvp isn't for me

only reason I spvp is to maybe test a build, if it can be tested, to finish my legendary armor, ie farm ascended shard of glory (225 needed ) and for my legendary backpiece ( 5 days away ) in total 15 games but i can't complete them because of a time gate system that also has to be done during the season only... convenient right? I can't run 15 games total, I must run 3 games per day for 5 days... dumb system...


after the backpiece and few shards, im kinda done with spvp


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I do pvp, but i can give people a lot of reasons why they shouldnt.


Poor class balance & long times between balance updates.

Power creep & elite specs allow certain builds to be good at everything, while other builds are ridiculously underpowered in comparison.

Low population means poor matchmaking and imbalanced games (silver/gold players playing with top ranked players regularly). Winning is usually determined in the first couple minutes of the game.

Duo que, abusing character swapping, match manipulation make higher ranks and the leaderboard pointless.

Lack of new content (maps, gamemodes).

Toxicity. Competitive games are already more toxic in general, but with all of the above problems you get even more players that are frustrated with the game.




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I do PvP, but i want to see a balance patch soon that reduces all damage forms, then nerfs to the really tanky amulets. As a result lower healing power for all players.


Balance is the big thing that puts a lot of people off, which really needs to be sorted soon... else there really will be less and less people playing Spvp.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> (**Guild Wars Is The First And Last Guild Wars**)


> (While nothing happens to turn the game around into a healthy competitive learning-effort Fun game, Guild Wars sends out its regard to all players alike that it cares for you and still remains unmoved and Irreplaceable.


> **Come join us in Guild Wars** where healthy competition matters and your time-learning-efforts experiences are valued and are rewarded




A recent video and a good one.


I'm shocked.


/slow claps

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What keeps me from PVP is 1. It is the same mode, running cookie-cutter builds and if you want to get up in the ranks, you need to min/max and spend a lot more time in a virtual environment then I care to. 2. The overall experience of the mode is toxic, and just not for someone who likes to come home and wind down, not to be belittled by others cause of skill/title/name/guild/profession/blood type/car/etc... isn't what they like/want. 3. To many people saying "git gud", like they even know what that means. If you think "getting gud" in a game is going to help you in life, guess again, and try and enjoy the game. Sigh, I'm getting to old for this kitten.


2 cents

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who really wants to keep capping spots on 6+ yr old maps?

plus you get queued up with people who have a potato for brains.


I ALSO don't like the fact that any new player can come in a ranked arena on their level 1 elementalist, with no clue how to play..

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> @"Puma.3645" said:

> who really wants to keep capping spots on 6+ yr old maps?

> plus you get queued up with people who have a potato for brains.


> I ALSO don't like the fact that any new player can come in a ranked arena on their level 1 elementalist, with no clue how to play..


No they can't. You need to reach rank 20 before you can queue for ranked.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Puma.3645" said:

> > who really wants to keep capping spots on 6+ yr old maps?

> > plus you get queued up with people who have a potato for brains.

> >

> > I ALSO don't like the fact that any new player can come in a ranked arena on their level 1 elementalist, with no clue how to play..


> No they can't. You need to reach rank 20 before you can queue for ranked.


Actually, you can. Once you reach rank 20 with one character, you can join ranked PvP with another character of rank 1. If you wish to make your legendary backpack, you are forced to play with every profession, meaning rank 1 every time, learning from scratch every time, and being carried every time while you try to learn each new profession.

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Honestly, I wish I would leave PvP for good, but it's too addicting for me.


I dislike Conquest but at the same time I've built connections, made friends, and when I first started Conquest the dueling part was very fun. I never cared about the actual point-holding aspect of it, dueling other players and brandishing my build's damage output in teamfights feels satisfying.


I really am envious of players that PvE and don't touch PvP because that was my **dream** when playing Guild Wars 2. PvP was always at the forefront of what I wanted to do in the game, simply because I was addicted/too comfortable to playing it. When it came to PvE I was never in the mood, whereas I wanted it to be. I never got into Raiding because of this addiction :/ joined no guilds that held exciting PvE events, so I could never really see the potential.


Why do I so hate PvP then? The stale balance (if balance had an expiration date then I get you could say Guild Wars 2 has expired gameplay, not recommended to play past a certain point...), stale gameplay (we're sick of Conquest, add 2v2s back please!), toxicity & competitiveness is over the top for such a small population, and long queues (3 minutes-and-below average queues would be great).


I wish I was just permadishonored from playing PvP, so I could be forced into PvE or WvW. Is that a thing? To ask for that in a ticket, haha.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Puma.3645" said:

> > > who really wants to keep capping spots on 6+ yr old maps?

> > > plus you get queued up with people who have a potato for brains.

> > >

> > > I ALSO don't like the fact that any new player can come in a ranked arena on their level 1 elementalist, with no clue how to play..

> >

> > No they can't. You need to reach rank 20 before you can queue for ranked.


> Actually, you can. Once you reach rank 20 with one character, you can join ranked PvP with another character of rank 1. If you wish to make your legendary backpack, you are forced to play with every profession, meaning rank 1 every time, learning from scratch every time, and being carried every time while you try to learn each new profession.


What in the heck are you talking about? If you're rank 20 you're rank 20.

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