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Raising toxicity


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The new international linking has brought me the worst WvW experience I have ever had. The toxicity has seemingly increased by 500% (that's my personal feeling, not a real number).


People not joining our squad, because the Cmdr wasn't prepared to command in English, but running alongside us were constantly trash-talking our wipes and what not. Trolls started pretending they belonged to a different nation and posted nazi comments in team chat.


Thank you for an awful experience tonight. I might reconsider playing WvW more often. (One can only hope things will calm down after a while, but there is no guarantee.)

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Depends on what server you are and what the link is, and why should the commander not decide what language he is running HIS squad with.


I am on 2 different servers with 2 accounts, I have seen no increased toxic behaviour so far. But perhaps you got my previous link :D

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Meta comes in all kinds of forms ... not just performance. It's unfortunate that the people that are slamming you are the same people that will be starving for WvW when all the people they insulted leave. It's the same in PVE ... all the meta pushers are making themselves extinct by insisting on certain standards where none are needed.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > why would u command in ur own language when ur server is no longer a nation server anymore. its not toxicity, ur being toxic for commanding in ur own language


> Why not? I've been in non-English comms before on NA servers and there isn't a problem.


Agreed, NA servers have never had language homogeneity.

Getting a taste of other cultures is part of the appeal of online games.

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I mean toxicity has always existed, will always exist and honestly is apart of all online communities. Perhaps people need to grow a thicker skin and stop being so sensitive, there is an ignore and mute button for a reason. Just block em and move on; Or turn of the chat as a whole because honestly its not really needed in the current integration of WvW.


I mean its not even a competitive mode when like one player/guild basically controls the majority of the experience to begin with. (Guild MM basically helps people claim and remain in the top socket. And has pretty much since as far back as I could remember~) Hell even PvP isn't even competitive anymore its just another road for rewards so I mean let it go I guess?

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> the life outside is much toxic that the game itself..


> so if you can't handle toxicity in a game, congratulations, you just made yourselves "food" for certain persons outside of your computers.

Not where I live. I must be lucky and none of the research about the internet being a consequence-free environment is true.


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[moderator edit]


As a player on Abaddons Mouth, the RoS has been linked to, I can confirm what Faaris says. I will make good use of the block/report function in the comming eight weeks as it seems.


As for the "english please" part: sure, english is kind of "the international language", but cultural imperialism aside, not everyone can speak it or should be forced to speak it. I can see how removing the language restrictions made relinking an easier task offering more change but I'm yet to convince that it helps the community or the game mode in any way. I know of a few players who chose a german server because their lacking english skills or their confidence in them understanding what's being said in /m or /t, these relinks may drive away those player who were perfectly fine on a german server/in a german linking. Same goes for other regions I guess, be it french or spanish.

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Languages such a joke right now. First time ever I disabled team chat within 2 years. Being international main server, linked to French, team chat full french mode, srsly anet, like already not enough you fk up wvw, now even more gg, like if you hate this game mode so much, just remove it already, why keep making worse and worse. Should work toward making pple who play this game mode happy, not the opposite

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> @"lokh.2695" said:


> As a player on Abaddons Mouth, the RoS has been linked to, I can confirm what Faaris says. I will make good use of the block/report function in the comming eight weeks as it seems.



I agree, AM/RoS team chat was a disgrace the first 2 hours.

Atmosphere was really nice afterwards though, especially great after midnight. Can only hope it will be like this most of the time, rather than like the first 2 hours.

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> @"Tomas.6092" said:

> Languages such a joke right now. First time ever I disabled team chat within 2 years. Being international main server, linked to French, team chat full french mode, srsly anet, like already not enough you kitten up wvw, now even more gg, like if you hate this game mode so much, just remove it already, why keep making worse and worse. Should work toward making pple who play this game mode happy, not the opposite


Quite agree.

They may as well just get rid of wvw rather than just slowly annoy the community to death.


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Normally it's just a small group of boys trying to one up eachother. Block, report, and move on. Germans may think they are singled out, but most of those people are trying to get a rise out of anyone who bites regardless of nationality.


As for other languages in chat, contrary to what EU thinks, in NA servers you see Portuguese, Tagalog, Korean, spanish and even french depending on your server, map and timezone. Rarely do people demand English, scouting though is generally English or along the lines of location number and colours even by the non English guilds. We get you are mourning your loss of community, we all had to do it long ago so appreciate the boon you were given by having it last much longer than most

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