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Why do we buy mount skins? What is the meaning of gw2?

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> I would like to see a reduced effort in skins and up the effort in actual content. Especially in open world content. There is very little content in the open world that is actually interesting to repeat. Mostly because rewards are absolutely worthless. It is a better idea to just gather the hell out of maps and sell that and buy it off the trading post as that is infinitely faster than to actually play the game. As for an example of what open world content I would like to see: solo instances made up out of jumpiiing puzzles WITH combat and an end boss to beat the hell out off. Should be hard, should reward WELL. Not this 2 uncommons items 3 silver and 4 junk items nonsense you do even for world bosses. That is not worth replaying.


In other words, you want a means to get "better stuff". If it rewards well, then it's worth doing. Could be crazy, fun, hard, whatever, but if it doesn't stack you full of loot at the end, it's boring. Gotcha.

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The point of GW2 is to change your characters fashion over and over and do fractals until you get the item you want, afk in cities, flex your items that noone cares about, buy legendaries off of the marketplace because nothing is exclusive or hard earned anymore- anet doesn't like leaving anyone out so wouldn't want the person who can only log in 1 time a week to feel left out.


The point of GW2 is that it's a casual mmo model. People are willing to shell out money for mount skins so they can afk in cities and pretend others care.

There is no such thing as accomplishment in GW2, especially since nothing is hard-earned.

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> @"Dunkerzor.9452" said:

> The answer you're looking for is that GW2 has become a place to sell art assets with the skin of the video game. Mounts are one of the more enjoyable parts since they actually have a decent learning curve.


Yeap, apart from the fact you can't actually buy them, when you want ;) You have to wait and hope to catch them in TP, when released.. provided you haven't spent that gold for something else meanwhile..or simply keep playing (e.g. pressing F key and doing daily scheduled routine). I doubt mobs or rng drop are interested in shiny stuff anyway ;) This game is on free fall- instanced story content gets smaller and smaller, simple repetitive actions without purpose get promoted as a gameplay, cosmetics get locked behind a timegate.. doesn't look good.

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> @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

> > @"Dunkerzor.9452" said:

> > The answer you're looking for is that GW2 has become a place to sell art assets with the skin of the video game. Mounts are one of the more enjoyable parts since they actually have a decent learning curve.


> Yeap, apart from the fact you can't actually buy them, when you want ;) You have to wait and hope to catch them in TP, when released.. provided you haven't spent that gold for something else meanwhile..or simply keep playing (e.g. pressing F key and doing daily scheduled routine). I doubt mobs or rng drop are interested in shiny stuff anyway ;) This game is on free fall- instanced story content gets smaller and smaller, simple repetitive actions without purpose get promoted as a gameplay, cosmetics get locked behind a timegate.. doesn't look good.


Yes. I don't know if it's really the way to do a casual mmo where the main part of game play is either dailies to get gold to buy skins from gemstore or don't play the game and get the skins from gemstore with real money and do some random fractals/raids etc if you care enough.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> I have started to question the business model of anet after hearing what the old blizzard devs are now explaining about the failing gaming industry. Why are we buying mount skins? What are the skins for? Sure, they look cool but does nobody care if someone has a cool mount skin? Everytime someone has something cool you are like "wow, let me buy that too" and then everyone has it and it's not that cool anymore and that is the endgame of gw2. Skins.


Stopped reading right here, as you start from a false assumption. I buy mounts skins because I like the way they look, ON ME, for ME. Full stop. I don't care what other people have or think about what I'm using, so how I look to other people is not a driver for me.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > I have started to question the business model of anet after hearing what the old blizzard devs are now explaining about the failing gaming industry. Why are we buying mount skins? What are the skins for? Sure, they look cool but does nobody care if someone has a cool mount skin? Everytime someone has something cool you are like "wow, let me buy that too" and then everyone has it and it's not that cool anymore and that is the endgame of gw2. Skins.

> >

> Stopped reading right here, as you start from a false assumption. I buy mounts skins because I like the way they look, ON ME, for ME. Full stop. I don't care what other people have or think about what I'm using, so how I look to other people is not a driver for me.


You missed quite a lot of the topic. What I try to question here is: What's the point of playing the game if the endgame is just skins and all the content is completing dailies to get money for the skins you can buy with real money to skip playing the game.

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I am definitely reaching that cap, but I think that's because of the extended gap between LW releases. GW2 has been punching out content at a pretty decent rate. Its just a shame that as of late its relying too much on RNG, daily resets and trying to squeeze grind out of old content making it unfun.

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You're overthinking a very trivial matter. It's a game. People buy cosmetics because they like how they look, and want to support the development team. There's no "grand design". No overarching higher purpose. It's just a game. It's supposed to be fun! I think your analytical mind would be better used for more pressing matters.

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As someone who spends a majority of time in games roleplaying, I couldn't care less about what other people have so long as it fits in with the lore and aesthetics of my own characters. Most of the game's PvE/WvW/PvP could go away and I'd still log in to RP and customise stuff (though I do enjoy PvE, so I'd be spending MORE time in another game to fulfill that want). Heck, I have characters that don't have any lore or personality or what have you, but I still buy cosmetics for them to look neat when I log in to play them every so often.


> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> You missed quite a lot of the topic. What I try to question here is: What's the point of playing the game if the endgame is just skins and all the content is completing dailies to get money for the skins you can buy with real money to skip playing the game.


It means different things to different people. I know RPers are not the biggest group of players, but our reasons for working towards skins might simply be because it works for our little part of the story. Sure, you could write with others on things like Discord through text only, but it's fun when you can show your RP buddies almost exactly what your concepts look like in your head, on screen.

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I don't buy gems very often. The times I have so far it's been for quality of gaming experience (unbreakable gathering tools with glyphs attached that I wanted). I expect I'll be adding a bank slot and increasing collection sizes at some point. Those things make the game more convenient and enjoyable. I may buy the skyscale skin pack because being able to customize a mount that took that much effort would be worth it. It may be over the course of the year, I'll end up spending about as much as a subscription would cost for another well known MMO, but the difference is it will be for things I choose to buy and see value in. Those might be different than what somebody else would choose to buy. There's even the perfectly good option not to buy gems and play with what you are given or farm enough gold to get the gems that way. A player spending time in the game is worth something all on it's own and Anet knows that. People go where people already are.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > > I have started to question the business model of anet after hearing what the old blizzard devs are now explaining about the failing gaming industry. Why are we buying mount skins? What are the skins for? Sure, they look cool but does nobody care if someone has a cool mount skin? Everytime someone has something cool you are like "wow, let me buy that too" and then everyone has it and it's not that cool anymore and that is the endgame of gw2. Skins.

> > >

> > Stopped reading right here, as you start from a false assumption. I buy mounts skins because I like the way they look, ON ME, for ME. Full stop. I don't care what other people have or think about what I'm using, so how I look to other people is not a driver for me.


> You missed quite a lot of the topic. What I try to question here is: What's the point of playing the game if the endgame is just skins and all the content is completing dailies to get money for the skins you can buy with real money to skip playing the game.


Whats the point of playing a game if the endgame is not just skins?

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:


> So back to the topic. Why are we buying mount skins? Why are we buying things from the gemstore in general? What are they for in the end when everybody has them and ppl just log in to do dailies and log off and the most coolest skins are from the gemstore while the content you clear doesn't really give that cool stuff?



I'm the type of player not influenced by the aspect of an item but by the functionality. This is the reason I don't buy skins for mounts. No matter how it looks, a mount is doing its job in the same way. The same thing applies to other skins - weapons and armors. I craft Legendary weapons for the fact I can change the status and runes/sigils without any additional effort. Even if a Legendary will look as a toothpick it will be OK as long as I can use the features of a Legendary.

This is why I don't buy skins.


On the other hand, I buy products from the gem store. The ones I consider useful for me. I have permanent gathering tools. I bought the glyphs I considered fitted with my play stile. I have some toons with max slot bags number (my goal is to have all my toons like this). I have max space in storage and I have a lot of supplemental bank slots (again - the goal is to have max bank slots) etc.


As a conclusion: If a gem store item has practical uses I will consider it. If that item is useful for me (fits with my play stile) I will buy it. If an item is only a skin changer I will not buy.

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What's fun to some people isn't fun to others.. (Example grinding)

What's an acceptable price for some people isn't acceptable to others.. (Example premium mount skins)

What is percieved to be a fair services for some people is percieved to be a ripoff to others.. (Example Subscription fees)


This is just the natural process of being individuals.. despite corporations and other things attempting to purge us of that and turn us into mindless slaves ever spending and never thinking lol


Why buy mount skins?

Well they're cosmetics and just cosmetics so it really comes down to whether or not you feel paying a little bit of money for a "cooler" looking Dragon or Bunny is worth the money to you.

Personally if the price is something I can live with then sure.. I'll bite and buy some gems :)

Those 2000 gem premium skins though.. no way, they are waaaaayyy too pricy for me to justify a cash investment.

But, if the skin is exceptionally appealing to me like the recent Skyscale one then I will be willing to raid my in game bank for anything I can sell to get enough gold to convert to gems.. hence the Shimmering Skin is the only premium skin I own and I paid no real world cash for it.


There is a lot of things "wrong" with the gaming industry these days.. but what those problems are depends on everyones individual perspectives.

Personally I despise Subscription fees, believe them to be ruining gaming and I and refuse to support any game or service that utalizes them. (farewell console online XD)

But a lot of people think them perfectly fine and fair.. I can't get my head around that but each to their own :)


I've spend a lot of money on mount skins in Gw2 and some may think me mad for it, but I don't feel i've been ripped off or that the money was wasted.

I consider Gw2's Gemstore to be one of the most fair cash shops I've ever seen in a game, which is high praise from me considering I almost never use them in other games due to their pricing etc.

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