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Guild hall arena Pve balanced ?

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I've recently involved myself quite a lot in PvP and WvW. Activities for which my guild trains a lot. And for that, we usually go to the guild hall arena and fight there.

Only problem is : it's a PvE balance.


So i thought : **Why in hell would you use a PvE balance for such a thing ?** PvE people will NEVER have to try their skills on another player. It makes no sense. And there are the fractals and raid golems for that (although one could argue they too could easily be improved).

The guild arena is for people to fight other people, so it would only make sense to get a PvP or WvW balance, so that we could try our damage , effects, durations, cooldowns, etc. on other players, similar to what we would face in the real world of PvP or WvW. Now, i get that PvP balance might not make a lot of sense considering Anet probably wants to push custom PvP arenas for that. But then, why asking us tons and tons of gold for that Arena ? **But at least, introducing a WvW balance shouldn't be that crazy of an idea.** Even more so considering there is no way to "train" your WvW gameplay, while there has some possibilities for PvP (custom arena or FFA arena) and PvE (golems).

And if you consider the fact that you can set up 3 teams (and more) in the guild arena, this really looks like it's meant to simulate WvW landscape.


I'd appreciate some feedback from a dev/rep on that matter.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> The pvp arena in guild hall can still be used ofc but just for fun and not for testing.

It's pretty much always been "just for fun."


In the early days of guilds, my limited exposure saw the GH Arena used for:

* Insta-e-go: he more competitive people used it for "quick" duels (I noted that it didn't seem any quicker than finding a custom pvp arena)

* Intra-guild skirmishes: an overlapping group used it sometimes for 2v2 or 3v3

* PvE training: turns out, it's actually pretty good for 1-on-1 training. I've used it to teach people active defense (when to use a block skill, when to dodge, how to recognize tells, etc.)

* PvE training II: in the old days, the Aerodrome golems weren't as useful or as accessible.


Of those, the third (1-on-1 training) remains useful, although it's usually easier now to coach people at Aerodrome or fractal lobby golems.


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> @"Tidoc Blackrider.9164" said:

> Thanks for clearing that up. Remains the question : why would you even do such an arena then ? Did they think that through or just straight up went for it even though it would be totaly useless so it could become a gold sink ?


As above skills weren’t split back then so it was fine at the time and it is unlikely they have prioritised changing this to the updated forms given the number of projects ring worked in and the abandonment of a guild hall team

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The devs have explained: guild halls are PvE locations; there's no way to use a WvW or PvP build without creating a totally new instance, and custom arenas do that fine for PvP. They haven't said that they'll never get to it for WvW; it's just not a high priority and it's a lot of work, so it's unlikely to happen "soon."


But why doesnt the whole guild hall use the wvw-balance and build? There arent any mobs to fight there. Maybe you could use some movement skills in guild hall, but why not use a mount for movement? So i dont really see how using the wvw-balance outside of the arena could break things.

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> @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The devs have explained: guild halls are PvE locations; there's no way to use a WvW or PvP build without creating a totally new instance, and custom arenas do that fine for PvP. They haven't said that they'll never get to it for WvW; it's just not a high priority and it's a lot of work, so it's unlikely to happen "soon."


> But why doesnt the whole guild hall use the wvw-balance and build? There arent any mobs to fight there. Maybe you could use some movement skills in guild hall, but why not use a mount for movement? So i dont really see how using the wvw-balance outside of the arena could break things.


How would they implement it? It's a PvE instance, so it has PvE mechanics. To give it WvW mechanics would mean that every GH would be WvW, so players would have their WvW builds, even those who never WvW. I'm sure you can see how that would be confusing.


Among the possibilities would be allowing a guild to designate its hall as WvW, acknowledging the potential mismatch that some players might find. That's simple enough to describe. It's a different thing entirely to recreate the guild hall as a WvW instance

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> How would they implement it? It's a PvE instance, so it has PvE mechanics. To give it WvW mechanics would mean that every GH would be WvW, so players would have their WvW builds, even those who never WvW. I'm sure you can see how that would be confusing.


> Among the possibilities would be allowing a guild to designate its hall as WvW, acknowledging the potential mismatch that some players might find. That's simple enough to describe. It's a different thing entirely to recreate the guild hall as a WvW instance


I have no insight in their code, but i would guess that it is some kind of flag that thells the map which kind of skills/builds it should use.


That players have their wvw builds in the gh is exactly the point. For players that never wvw would nothing change except that they have equiped the default utility skills for their class, if they never changed them. Different utility skills that you would need to swap out once isnt something i would consider confusing. Everything else like all trait lines is completely irrelevant for players who never wvw, because there is nothing to fight in the gh.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Because WvW maps had no Mounts, and back then, I believe, no Gliding. The arena is a small part of the entire Guild Hall.

> Can't just pick some attributes and not others; it's all or nothing.


Thats a good argument, i didnt think of te lack of gliding mounts on the wvw maps. Currently gliding and mount usage requires some low wvw level, so i guess that prevents making it a wvw map. The warclaw is also the only mount usable on wvw maps. The pvp lobby on the other hand has all that enabled, maybe give us pvp builds instead? Or just add an upgrade that adds a pvp custom server to the guild to use without the constant demand of gold to keep it.

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To clarify, it's two issues, not one:

* Guild Halls are designed as PvE: it's not enough to set the flag for WvW; there are aspects about how it's built that assumed PvE, not PvP or WvW and they'd have to adjust (or create a new map that looks identical)

* Most people using GH are PvE-centric. It wouldn't be good to make GH WvW for everyone and there's currently no provision to allow players to choose WvW vs PvE on _any_ map.


As I mentioned above, neither of those things are conceptually challenging. That doesn't make it simple to implement nor free of cost. There has to be a compelling reason to spend the resources. And, from what we've seen, there probably aren't that many who would use the feature. (Mind you: those interested would probably make great and frequent use of it. Sort of similar to SAB in that regard: very popular among the niche group who likes the idea in the first place.)

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They could make something similar, like the vendor that changes music around guild hall, where you can select do you use pve or wvw balance. Make it reload the guildhall instance on change if needed. Would take some development resources sure, but it would make many people happy too. I am pretty sure it is not that big of a task either.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Do you mean change the entire Guild Hall to WvW from an NPC? So, everyone would have to reload into the Guild Hall and lose their ability to glide or use Mounts? Or use anything else that is restricted in WvW?

> Or, is the Arena a separate instance? I've never used it, so I don't know.


Arena is not a separete instance so it probably would have to effect the whole guild hall

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


Great to hear a response, thanks

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


Go back to the old guild ways. Let small closed guilds function again as they used to.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


I kind find it hard to believe that turning sPvP menu and stats in an instanced location is a difficult task. It should be a press a button on your end, like all sPvP maps.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


Would it be possible to add some sort of decoration that can change the map type?


> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


> I kind find it hard to believe that turning sPvP menu and stats in an instanced location is a difficult task. It should be a press a button on your end, like all sPvP maps.


Guild Halls do not seem to be an instanced location. For example you can WP into it and it uses the same population limiting feature of open world maps as it fills up/empties.

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Two things:


+ Nothing prevents a player from switching to their WvW build to fight in the GH Arena, because that build uses your PvE gear. Of course, that will be quite a bit easier when/if build templates are available.

+ One of the arguments against the implementation of more general PvE dueling is that people who want to use their PvE builds to duel can do so in the GH arena. Switching the GH Arena to an sPvP setup would negate that option.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've discussed all these ideas around guild hall arena and probably more. There are things we'd like to try at some point. But as some have mentioned, the guild hall arena is not high on the current priority list.


Now you done it, now everyone's going to come with their own priorities. ?




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