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I need help with managing multiple accounts please.

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I am trying to quickly swap between accounts without having to remember and retype all the passwords and email everytime. I tried to use the info here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments/multiple_account_swapping


But i cant seem to get it to work, to be clear my game is on my SSD separate from my HDD. Is there a simple way to get the game to remember my accounts so i dont have to always have to retype everything?

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GW2 stores your remembered email/password in Local.dat under %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/. You can copy this file and swap them around to have multiple accounts remembered. This is what the wiki is telling you to do.


A better version of doing that is here:



The simplest method would be using a macro, assuming you're already using a device with macro support.


For a program solution / if you also want to be able to play multiple accounts simultaneously, see Gw2Launcher, which supports both methods.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> Isn't there a command line you can put in a launcher's shortcut that would essentially let you use one shortcut per account ?


There was the old "-email -password -nopatchui" combo that allowed you to login directly to character select, but that was disabled back in January.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I tried to go there but the page says not found. Also are these okay with anet? I dont want to use something that may get me banned.


Outside links are currently broken on these forums, so you'll have to copy/paste it. Is it okay? It's against their policy to confirm, but the concept is allowed and the program itself isn't specifically against the rules.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I tried that wiki cmd line it wont work for me, keeps saying not found.


The wiki is showing how to create a batch file, and must be modified to use your own paths.


If you want to use this method, do it like this:



This is assuming you're using Gw2-64.exe. If not, change every instance of Gw2-64 to Gw2


Open notepad. Copy and paste the following into notepad:


if not exist "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.%1.dat" (copy "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat" "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.%1.dat")

if exist "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat" (del "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat")

mklink /H "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat" "%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Local.%1.dat"

start Gw2-64.exe %*


Save it as Gw2-64.bat, in the same folder as Gw2-64.exe. You may need to save it on your desktop first, then move it to the folder if administrative privileges are required.


Right click Gw2-64.bat and select create shortcut, then right click the newly create shortcut and select properties. Under the shortcut tab, select the target box and add a space at the end, then a 1, so it's like this:


Target: "C:\Example\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.bat" 1


If you want additional parameters, you simply continue adding them on like this:


Target: "C:\Example\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.bat" 1 -maploadinfo -autologin


Click the change icon button and select Gw2-64.exe as the icon. OK out of the properties window.


Copy and paste this shortcut to create another one, then right click this new one and select properties. Change the 1 in the target to a 2 for your second account. Continue doing this for however many accounts you want. Finally, move these shortcuts to wherever you want them.



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