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Soul Eater Rant


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Understanding the true meaning of the class description is vital in discerning the nature of a classes theme. So when said class is described as 'durable' or 'highly mobile' you can take more of a snapshot of what you will receive other than pure looks. A simple set of sliders might help beginners in seeing how class x fairs against others at base?. So if thematically this class is being touted as durable perhaps stipulating that - 'when entering shroud' you take on that description rather than it being an open ended statement. That's the thing our durability as we know it is not that of a front line fighter at all. As it goes imagine a soldier/knight saying just hold on a sec I'll just take a couple of seconds before we can engage in a fight.. see that's just crackers. But -- a front liner is funnily enough also seen as fodder. You throw them out first with less care than you do with others. So in that sense we are sticking to theme.. we are fodder.

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> Understanding the true meaning of the class description is vital in discerning the nature of a classes theme. So when said class is described as 'durable' or 'highly mobile' you can take more of a snapshot of what you will receive other than pure looks. A simple set of sliders might help beginners in seeing how class x fairs against others at base?. So if thematically this class is being touted as durable perhaps stipulating that - 'when entering shroud' you take on that description rather than it being an open ended statement. That's the thing our durability as we know it is not that of a front line fighter at all. As it goes imagine a soldier/knight saying just hold on a sec I'll just take a couple of seconds before we can engage in a fight.. see that's just crackers. But -- a front liner is funnily enough also seen as fodder. You throw them out first with less care than you do with others. So in that sense we are sticking to theme.. we are fodder.


Don’t Female Norn necros when summoning a minion say “Go Fodder, Go”, which technically implies we aren’t fodder but are supposed to control it, issue though us there aren’t really any “tactical” things about necromancer for this to go off.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.


> I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.


What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> >

> > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.


> What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.


I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > >

> > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> >

> > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.


> I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.


I mean he's not wrong here. No where did you state you were kicked from a party for being a reaper, but rather you just don't want to play it anymore. As much as I hated the removal of the shroud healing from soul eater, reaper is still fine for playing t4s. It just lacks the convenience now sadly.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > >

> > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> >

> > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.


> I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.


No it's not ... no one EVER took a Reaper in their team because of heals in SE.

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People should know by now :


Anet balance philosophy isn't to "balance" the game so that gameplay is healthy, no.


**Anet balance philosophy is to throw a random curveball every 3 months to keep things interesting.**


People are evidently getting sick of their random balance whims, which is why yu see many people taking a break from Gw2.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > >

> > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> >

> > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.


> I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.


No it's not. I still raid and do T4s with my power Reaper and I do VERY well. If you depended on 5% healing in shroud to play reaper then:


- what were you doing before SE was initially changed to give you that healing?

- you clearly are facetanking stuff. A properly played power Reaper does not face tank anything.


So no it is not an ignorant comment, you just need to learn how to play the class better.

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With all due respect, Reaper should not be used in top performing raids or T4 speed runs. Reaper is inherently selfish with buffs. The class DPS is inferior to others. You can be the top performing Reaper and be significantly less effective than a great, but not top performing warrior or guardian. This is the reality.


I trust my own analysis which is also backed up from high end Raiding/T4 guilds and websites. While not my favorite, Metabattle.com validates my claim.


Raid Recommend: No Necro

Fractal Recommended: No Necro


I can do more DPS and support my team more by playing a Warrior or Guardian. For organized groups, the Necro is inferior. That being said, it is good in non-organized groups.... It can do T4...sure. It will never be optimal in its current form. With or without the added sustain. The added sustain was nice, and justified me playing it more.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> With all due respect, Reaper should not be used in top performing raids or T4 speed runs. Reaper is inherently selfish with buffs. The class DPS is inferior to others. You can be the top performing Reaper and be significantly less effective than a great, but not top performing warrior or guardian. This is the reality.


> I trust my own analysis which is also backed up from high end Raiding/T4 guilds and websites. While not my favorite, Metabattle.com validates my claim.


> Raid Recommend: No Necro

> Fractal Recommended: No Necro


> I can do more DPS and support my team more by playing a Warrior or Guardian. For organized groups, the Necro is inferior. That being said, it is good in non-organized groups.... It can do T4...sure. It will never be optimal in its current form. With or without the added sustain. The added sustain was nice, and justified me playing it more.


And none of this has anything to do with SE having a heal in shroud or not.


Dude, you are all over the place here. Your first post was this:


> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.


> I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.


So why did you make a post lamenting the fact that you had to stop using your Reaper if you support the idea that Reaper shouldn't be used in top performing raids or T4 speed runs in the first place? That doesn't make sense.


Again, there is thing called 'relationships' ... and it REALLY helps that one exists between the thing you don't like and the point you are making.


For example ... Necro being inferior to other classes ... that doesn't have a relationship to SE healing in shroud. But there you go ... it's your whole point.

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Just because Reaper isn't optimal doesn't mean it can't carry its own weight. This is what people seem to fail to understand. Sure your highest dps ceiling is 8k behing current condi sword weaver (another selfish role) but you are also able to take much more punishment. This isn't to mean you are face tanking, but a strike that can kill an ele won't kill a necro allowing that necro to be healed up and continue doing damage without disrupting the flow of the fight.


You can't keep measuring things by saying that if it's not huge dps it is automatically garbage. Reaper has a nice burst and shines with adds. 31.2k is very respectable for a class that if properly played can't die. This is what you keep overlooking. In PvE, a huge health pool does make a difference as well as learning to dodge. Granted in PvP this advantage quickly evaporates. And before poeple say that other classes have invulnerability and blocks and so on so their damage should be lower, bear in mind you would need to trait/use skills that would lower your dps. The only real exception to this is mirage, which has always been cancer.


If you don't like Reaper, fine move on. But don't come saying it's not viable for end game content, because it is.


> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> With all due respect, Reaper should not be used in top performing raids or T4 speed runs. Reaper is inherently selfish with buffs. The class DPS is inferior to others. You can be the top performing Reaper and be significantly less effective than a great, but not top performing warrior or guardian. This is the reality.


> I trust my own analysis which is also backed up from high end Raiding/T4 guilds and websites. While not my favorite, Metabattle.com validates my claim.


> Raid Recommend: No Necro

> Fractal Recommended: No Necro


> I can do more DPS and support my team more by playing a Warrior or Guardian. For organized groups, the Necro is inferior. That being said, it is good in non-organized groups.... It can do T4...sure. It will never be optimal in its current form. With or without the added sustain. The added sustain was nice, and justified me playing it more.


How is this in congruence with what you were saying? And you still didn't answer my question about how you coped before SE was given the 5% healing. If you wanna be a sheep and follow the "oNLy tOp deEpZ fOr fUn Ernd ViAbilLity" fine go ahead. And if you're more content playing a role that can offer buffs as a dps, good for you. But there are plenty of other dps classes that don't provide buffs in their dps meta build.


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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > > >

> > > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> > >

> > > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.

> >

> > I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.


> No it's not. I still raid and do T4s with my power Reaper and I do VERY well. If you depended on 5% healing in shroud to play reaper then:


> - what were you doing before SE was initially changed to give you that healing?

> - you clearly are facetanking stuff. A properly played power Reaper does not face tank anything.


> So no it is not an ignorant comment, you just need to learn how to play the class better.


Or play another class and be more useful.

Yes reaper isn't as bad as it used to be, but it's not very good as well.

It's just good.


And we do take reapers with us in raids. But most of them sit at 7-10k DPS while all other DPS are doing 17-24k


I do more than that as well, more than the 7-10k, but you cannot reach well played other classes.


Out of all the reapers we took with us, only one managed to outdps me, and only at VG (did whole w1, and I was kite at sab) where i, as a dh, had to rezz several times, while the reaper did only dmg, if I remember correctly.


So for god's sake. Reaper is okayish, but not as good as some people think or try to defend it.


Matchup knowledge is also key to play a good reaper, and horse isn't a good matchup.


Why do you play reaper, when you could be more useful to the group, by putting the same effort into another class, as you put into necro.


Necros dps IS lower than almost all other builds. Which means, lower DPS = more mechanics to do = more (potential) dead/downed people= more likely to fail the next mechanic as well



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> > > >

> > > > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.

> > >

> > > I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.

> >

> > No it's not. I still raid and do T4s with my power Reaper and I do VERY well. If you depended on 5% healing in shroud to play reaper then:

> >

> > - what were you doing before SE was initially changed to give you that healing?

> > - you clearly are facetanking stuff. A properly played power Reaper does not face tank anything.

> >

> > So no it is not an ignorant comment, you just need to learn how to play the class better.


> Or play another class and be more useful.

> Yes reaper isn't as bad as it used to be, but it's not very good as well.

> It's just good.


> And we do take reapers with us in raids. But most of them sit at 7-10k DPS while all other DPS are doing 17-24k


> I do more than that as well, more than the 7-10k, but you cannot reach well played other classes.


> Out of all the reapers we took with us, only one managed to outdps me, and only at VG (did whole w1, and I was kite at sab) where i, as a dh, had to rezz several times, while the reaper did only dmg, if I remember correctly.


> So for god's sake. Reaper is okayish, but not as good as some people think or try to defend it.


> Matchup knowledge is also key to play a good reaper, and horse isn't a good matchup.


> Why do you play reaper, when you could be more useful to the group, by putting the same effort into another class, as you put into necro.


> Necros dps IS lower than almost all other builds. Which means, lower DPS = more mechanics to do = more (potential) dead/downed people= more likely to fail the next mechanic as well




I never said necro is the best dps or that there aren't better dps options. But I am very annoyed at this attitude that necro is automatically crap. I average 18-24k dps myself in raid situations and have met much better Reapers than myself. Problem is that this class attracts a lot of new players/lazy players and as such everyone then gets painted with the same brush.


My ultimate point is that if you enjoy playing this class and are good at it, you will not be a handicap to your squad. I play this game for fun, and I fully understand that people won't like certain classes. But I do not like it either when I am being "encouraged" to play other professions that I may not enjoy to satisfy the self-proclaimed elite. That is not to say that I do not raid with other professions, but my ultimate point is that reaper can now carry its own and is no longer the active hindrance it was a year ago.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Why do you play reaper, when you could be more useful to the group, by putting the same effort into another class, as you put into necro.


Oh I know the answer to this one ... because I can play how I want and the threshold for success if low. In otherwords, you don't need to be more useful.


I mean, if my team wants to **pay me** to play how they want ... I'm all for that to. People do it all the time for raid selling, etc ...

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > > > > I just stopped doing Fractals on the reaper that does significant damage with lesser sustain.

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess they didn't want Reaper to be an option for end-game content.

> > > >

> > > > What you are demonstrating here isn't a problem with Reaper ... it's a problem with your level of play. Reaper is still very much an endgame option.

> > >

> > > I am sorry, but this was an ignorant statement.

> >

> > No it's not. I still raid and do T4s with my power Reaper and I do VERY well. If you depended on 5% healing in shroud to play reaper then:

> >

> > - what were you doing before SE was initially changed to give you that healing?

> > - you clearly are facetanking stuff. A properly played power Reaper does not face tank anything.

> >

> > So no it is not an ignorant comment, you just need to learn how to play the class better.


> Or play another class and be more useful.

> Yes reaper isn't as bad as it used to be, but it's not very good as well.

> It's just good.


> And we do take reapers with us in raids. But most of them sit at 7-10k DPS while all other DPS are doing 17-24k


> I do more than that as well, more than the 7-10k, but you cannot reach well played other classes.


> Out of all the reapers we took with us, only one managed to outdps me, and only at VG (did whole w1, and I was kite at sab) where i, as a dh, had to rezz several times, while the reaper did only dmg, if I remember correctly.


> So for god's sake. Reaper is okayish, but not as good as some people think or try to defend it.


> Matchup knowledge is also key to play a good reaper, and horse isn't a good matchup.


> Why do you play reaper, when you could be more useful to the group, by putting the same effort into another class, as you put into necro.


> Necros dps IS lower than almost all other builds. Which means, lower DPS = more mechanics to do = more (potential) dead/downed people= more likely to fail the next mechanic as well




in the current wvw meta you will never be able to 17-27k dps vs players maybe 21k vs an npc. There is nothing wrong with reapers damage output they fixed that part a while back the only classes that would out dps a necro in wvw on even situtaions would be a staff ele but thats only for a short period of time because of retal. Rev could out dps a necro in a zerg that also depends if hes getting good hammer bombs but the hammer is not mechanic besides the auto attack its more bursty. Sword rev I think out dps reaper but you will never be able to auto a zerg with sword long enough without dieing. If we talking wvw right now the problem with wvw right now is a returning problem is that with every expansion everyone is harder to kill to the point where players cant do anything alone anymore vs certain groups that can abuse all of the sustain that anet has given to them. Gotta love that people stopped using resistance in the zerg now Im getting condi bombed not by condis that kill but, by condis that hinder movement. So if I'm not in squad I wont help them at all just spec to keep myself alive.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> With all due respect, Reaper should not be used in top performing raids or T4 speed runs. Reaper is inherently selfish with buffs. The class DPS is inferior to others. You can be the top performing Reaper and be significantly less effective than a great, but not top performing warrior or guardian. This is the reality.


> I trust my own analysis which is also backed up from high end Raiding/T4 guilds and websites. While not my favorite, Metabattle.com validates my claim.


> Raid Recommend: No Necro

> Fractal Recommended: No Necro


> I can do more DPS and support my team more by playing a Warrior or Guardian. For organized groups, the Necro is inferior. That being said, it is good in non-organized groups.... It can do T4...sure. It will never be optimal in its current form. With or without the added sustain. The added sustain was nice, and justified me playing it more.


No Reaper dps isnt inferior to others it just needs shroud cooldown again so it can get back into shroud to do the dps but the @"ArenaNet Team.4819" doesn't understand this part or is just ignoring it. Reaper can get 98% increased damage from traits alone in pve and its a little bit less in wvw and might nor vulnerability condition is not added into this 98%. You can take off 20% before the target is at 50% hp but vulnerability can fix that. I have been playing this game since launch I really don't care for pve but I cant let you talk sideways about necro. I do agree that necro is a pvp class and shouldnt be brought into pve but what I said about the damage still stand also people need to understand the difference between burst and dps.

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Reaper has a design feature where its highest dps is either during its defensive transform or spinning like a top using one button.


Arenanet really needs to take a step back and think about that.


Right now, Scourge has a solid place in PUG support. That is what is good about Necro. Otherwise, bring something else. Neither core nor Reaper have the dps or utility to make them really desirable for end-game co-op PvE but simply boosting dps would unbalance competitive modes and make open world even more ROFL-easy.


Fix Death Magic so it provides good group support (boon share, condi management) and delete the mandatory toughness in minor Armored Shroud so the specialization does not automatically mess with aggro control.


Core and Reaper dps do not need increasing if group support is even half as useful as barriers are for Scourge.


Also, please reread the first paragraph, Arenanet.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> In PvE, a huge health pool does make a difference as well as learning to dodge.

Wow, and another one who wants to keep that stigma alive! You just said yourself that a bad power reaper is one that is facetanking damage. If you're really a good player, a "huge" (as you put it) health pool is worth pretty much nothing, cause you can actually block/dodge/evade/invuln/reflect **infinite** amounts of damage compared to that lovely "huge" but finite health pool you are so fond about. And your claim about other classes having to specifically trait/equip and sacrifice DPS, is just "bovine manure": many classes have it in their core class mechanics and/or weapon/utility skills even. Hell, even the Weaver has a few available, without sacrificing DPS.

And if you really enjoy facetanking dmg, I opt you to choose higher Armor Ratings above HP, cause it has a much better conversion rate compared to a light armor class. Oh and all these higher innate armor classes all happen to have _several_ significantly higher DPS builds available and you are more useful to your team as well!


> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> My ultimate point is that if you enjoy playing this class and are good at it, you will not be a handicap to your squad. I play this game for fun, and I fully understand that people won't like certain classes. But I do not like it either when I am being "encouraged" to play other professions that I may not enjoy to satisfy the self-proclaimed elite.

I feel your pain, and we all do in this subforum, but you're barking up the wrong tree here! There is only a very small percentage of the GW2 community that is visiting this forum, and there's even less that's reading your post, and probably even less that would still give a d*mn about your statement after reading it. So you're not going to change a whole or part of a community with posts like these.

There's actually only one team that can do something about this, and that's ANet's balance team! I still have SOME hope that they actually read the forums once in a while. And then it doesn't really help that you with a lot of others on these forums come up with that ageing old fable of the Necro with it's "huge" health pool (or _"second"_ health pool: how many times I've heard that one before, although you're utterly useless if you use the shroud as 2nd health pool, but who cares, right?), and it being such a "huge" advantage in the PvE endgame: which it literally is NOT! And if you're really still think it is, you're playing the (PvE end-)game wrong!

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > In PvE, a huge health pool does make a difference as well as learning to dodge.

> Wow, and another one who wants to keep that stigma alive! You just said yourself that a bad power reaper is one that is facetanking damage. If you're really a good player, a "huge" (as you put it) health pool is worth pretty much nothing, cause you can actually block/dodge/evade/invuln/reflect **infinite** amounts of damage compared to that lovely "huge" but finite health pool you are so fond about. And your claim about other classes having to specifically trait/equip and sacrifice DPS, is just "bovine manure": many classes have it in their core class mechanics and/or weapon/utility skills even. Hell, even the Weaver has a few available, without sacrificing DPS.

> And if you really enjoy facetanking dmg, I opt you to choose higher Armor Ratings above HP, cause it has a much better conversion rate compared to a light armor class. Oh and all these higher innate armor classes all happen to have _several_ significantly higher DPS builds available and you are more useful to your team as well!


> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > My ultimate point is that if you enjoy playing this class and are good at it, you will not be a handicap to your squad. I play this game for fun, and I fully understand that people won't like certain classes. But I do not like it either when I am being "encouraged" to play other professions that I may not enjoy to satisfy the self-proclaimed elite.

> I feel your pain, and we all do in this subforum, but you're barking up the wrong tree here! There is only a very small percentage of the GW2 community that is visiting this forum, and there's even less that's reading your post, and probably even less that would still give a d*mn about your statement after reading it. So you're not going to change a whole or part of a community with posts like these.

> There's actually only one team that can do something about this, and that's ANet's balance team! I still have SOME hope that they actually read the forums once in a while. And then it doesn't really help that you with a lot of others on these forums come up with that ageing old fable of the Necro with it's "huge" health pool (or _"second"_ health pool: how many times I've heard that one before, although you're utterly useless if you use the shroud as 2nd health pool, but who cares, right?), and it being such a "huge" advantage in the PvE endgame: which it literally is NOT! And if you're really still think it is, you're playing the (PvE end-)game wrong!


You're accusation is entirely misplaced. What I meant by having a large health being a good thing is this: ticking aura damage from boss, which can easily kill an elementalist, is less a threat; the attack that does land which can do 7-10k damage will still leave you with half your health and so on. Facetanking is when you actively take damage and not bothering to avoid it. Entirely different from being able to handle that unavoidable blow or aura damage. Also if you read carefully, no where did I say that necro's health pool is a huge advantage, just that it does make a difference.


I do not know why you felt that you could come at me as if I am part of the problem. So take your misplaced anger, cover it in butter and shove it up your bovine manure producer.

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