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Do you think we will get new elite specializations in Living World Season 5?

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If they did that, it would be a big step towards convincing people that you can have expansion-like Living Story.


Sadly I don't see it happening. Elite specs need a lot of work to create and maintain/balance, and the only reason they bothered with all that, is using the powercreep as an expansion selling point.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> So far, we know next to nothing about Season 5. There were vague plans before the layoffs to have "expansion-like" content on the living world, but we have no idea if that will remain, or if the Season 5 will follow the idea of not adding a new map per release, or anything else really.


> One kind of popular content that could be classified as "expansion-like" would be new specializatons. I have seen a few people wondering if the recent changes to skill types would be a sign of ArenaNet playing with ideas for new specializations (like the command skills for rangers and the preparation skills for thieves).


> Do you think we will get new elite specializations in the next season of the Living World?


New elite specializations? No.


But I hope we get other means of profession progression. New weapons, for example, would be considered "expansion content", but they would work pretty well if they were released during a Living World season.


Core professions need some love, and this would be a great opportunity for that. We can implement new weapon types, plus enable some classic weapons for professions who can't use them yet. Elite specializations shouldn't be the only updates we get, core deserves some attention too. There are many classic weapons which would feel terrible if added through elite specializations, like thief off-hand sword, mesmer main-hand pistol, ranger off-hand sword, etc. They should be added through updates to core elite specs instead.


Then of course, new weapon types would be awesome. Let some professions use them, and save some for elite specs too. [Here are some ideas for new weapon types.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/712235/#Comment_712235)

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While i would like to see a new elite specialization set, i think season 5 will likely just be another standard set of story releases. Hopefully that will then build up to another large expansion but for now i wouldn't expect anything out of the ordinary.

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I hope not, they cant even properly balance the current ones, it's going to be an even bigger mess if they add more, first we have to go through the powercreep bs again because that's gw2 marketing for ya, then we get the complaints about how unfair a class is and how another class always gets the short end... Just no, find another way to diversify classes. Or just leave it and focus on more content.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > So far, we know next to nothing about Season 5. There were vague plans before the layoffs to have "expansion-like" content on the living world, but we have no idea if that will remain, or if the Season 5 will follow the idea of not adding a new map per release, or anything else really.

> >

> > One kind of popular content that could be classified as "expansion-like" would be new specializatons. I have seen a few people wondering if the recent changes to skill types would be a sign of ArenaNet playing with ideas for new specializations (like the command skills for rangers and the preparation skills for thieves).

> >

> > Do you think we will get new elite specializations in the next season of the Living World?


> New elite specializations? No.


> But I hope we get other means of profession progression. New weapons, for example, would be considered "expansion content", but they would work pretty well if they were released during a Living World season.


> Core professions need some love, and this would be a great opportunity for that. We can implement new weapon types, plus enable some classic weapons for professions who can't use them yet. Elite specializations shouldn't be the only updates we get, core deserves some attention too. There are many classic weapons which would feel terrible if added through elite specializations, like thief off-hand sword, mesmer main-hand pistol, ranger off-hand sword, etc. They should be added through updates to core elite specs instead.


> Then of course, new weapon types would be awesome. Let some professions use them, and save some for elite specs too. [Here are some ideas for new weapon types.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/712235/#Comment_712235)


I honestly wouldn't mind 1 or 2 new skills for each class. They did that a long time ago before HoT. I can rock with that. Not sure how that would work for Revenant though....

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I wish, but I honestly doubt it. At best we may get weapons availability per classes, but I dont expect them to develop full traitline and utility skills as well as profession mechanics for Living World. Too much work, not enough time and as mentionned before, Elite specs are Expac's things. Which is why I wish they'd tell us if one is in the work at all, even if it's not at all progressed far. It's the silence about it that's killing me.

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It doesn't matter whether I think they will release new E-specs or not. With a gazillion glaring issues in the hot mess that is the current balance, I _pray_ to every benevolent god ever worshipped that they won't release new ones for the foreseeable future. And I am an atheist.

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No, no more new e-specs, balance is terribly complicated to do well in this game.

New weapons? yes, weapons themselves do not seem like a problem, we rarely get a weapon balance, it is more about traits.


I would rather if they focus on fixing broken traits, continue with their current balance philosophy, but doing much better work with it - if needed, further redesign traits and skills if they just can't be balanced well.


Would be cool if they could do something with the core swap feature they tried and were testing in WvW. It does complicate balance, but if done well, could be very interesting. But it needs a serious and professional approach.

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No. If they were planning for another set of elite specs, they wouldn't be trying to make core specs stand on equal ground with especs (or at least claiming the try to do that). If they were planning of truly giving us an expac worth of features and content, they would have given us an expac.

People read too much in their announcement that they will be able to deliver more stuff with LS, and tend not to notice, that at the same time Anet opened for themselves a possibility of giving _less_.

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Being that business model they have established since the release of HoT and then Pof the answer would be no. Especially since the announcements of such a release of an expansion come out a year or close to a year before they even release it they would have done it a long time ago. The pacing is about once every four or so months so that would mean they would be coming out with a expansion announcement and releasing it during the early fall which is totally out of their normal cadence. Plus along with the current balance issues we won't see anymore elite specs for a long long time.


Although there are some counter points to what I have mentioned too even if you take in consideration the pacing you can also say after HoT the access to season 3 maps was tied into that expansion as well as PoF and season four. Plus the fact that legendary weapons they both for the most part in generation two started and ended during those. So will there be a generation three and if so what expansion would it fall under? As well if there is there is no expansion this would be the first living story season to come and go under the same expansion including more than one season.


So with player in game issues in the mix of this turning point as well as it being one for the story too I've noticed there are players like myself that want to see cantha especially being that the backstory of that region gives the impression of a dramatic turn of events in the last 250 years there. Some are not fans of the original game and that is their choice but you also have to admit without the first game this game would not be as popular as it stands right now without it. So most likely if it were me planning it I would try to keep those players who want something new and not something re-visited which most any player would be like okay that is cool. So I get the picture in the last episode that this was the last *active* threat regarding dragons. Not going to spoil anything for those who have not done this but the elements that have come together for the dragons have created and left things the way you have seen them different groups have forged bonds if you will where these said people will probably begin season five under the aspect of being with these said people under a backstory that will be the curtain for them forever or at least a long while. Then you have specific ones that to me seem like they are the bread crumbs to the continuation of the story. So a place we have not been that follows some pretty obvious bread crumbs would lead me to believe that we have some people who have been brought together with some vaguely related issues. Such as in the ending of season two we had that start of the end of the ascalonian ghosts that never panned out because of the more serious problems. With this rip in this new area it could have some effect that we do not understand yet or realize the potential for and maybe in relation to that problem since gwen and her story lead not so much to all charr but the blood legion who enslaved them at that point in time and you have her descendant Logan and Rytlok that are the closest story we have seen with the history of the two races and being how close they are they won't let history stand in the way of their progress. So people want to go where we have never been before they may get it if something per say where Gwen were to be able to travel outside of that area and come up with a way to lead the ascalonian ghost army to their true actual enemy which also still is a threat today to the other three legions to put the flame legion down for good. Also opens up the door for the Olmakhan to help the legions move toward a new direction under the teachings of Omla where it goes from a tribe to possibly a spiritual legion something the charr have never had. Which also makes me believe that its how ritualist will eventually be brought back if it ever does in the form of an elite spec. As I would put together that being the rangers in the game never have really had a place in large groups of players like wvw for instance and most specs that you play it like a ranger are often the most underused specs for example dragonhunter and renegade both having elements of rangers and elements of their own that never really are used because they do not fit the profile. So along with all of that plus rox being a ranger and among them now it seems to fit. So in the end I will laugh really hard if this is exactly what happens in season five and then an expansion or what not after its over leading us to cantha. You have to admit though that this angle would pretty much leave every story completed and brought to a close for new stories with the exception of the centaur and humans.

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