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How do you keep your pvp spark going?

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I dont play a lot but I feel like things got kind of stale. Theres a new beta map but its the same maps and mode for a while. Team compositions usually have the same classes and builds and rewards are the same things theyve been for a while. I do Like Guild wars 2 a lot but I feel like its hard to be excited to play it when in ways so little changes. How do you guys stay excited for Guild wars 2 pvp?

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Fighting outnumbered or playing with friends.


Admittingly this season is the first Ive sat out, Ive hit a stage where I only log in if I see friends on discord playing gw2 and they happen to be doing pvp.

If theyre already duo together then I play something else.


Sometimes I think Anet doesn't realise why people play games. Seems to be a forgotten concept to play games with friends and to have fun... All about that grind and self worth now.

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> Pick a class, choose the most unused but fun to play things, make a build that works around them, enjoy trolling in pvp =)

> Bonus: angry player raging at you in map chat because you beat em with a trash build :D

Remind me when I beaten leg mirages and soulbeast with a core mesmer and then asking for "secret" build :joy:

Dont think anything fun is left for me. From highest build diversity among all classes mesmer hit the bucket with only 1 build and everyone cry about it (I dont like it either), a lot of fun, right ?

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My 'Spark' comes from all the negativity from other players. Wow, has it gotten bad! All kidding aside, the skill of a lot of these players now is novice at best--but their ability to hurl insults in open /map /team or even whispers (and then have the audacity to /anon afterwords) is straight META. Its so bad, people are already deciding if they are going to AFK at spawn if they don't like 1 class on their team (especially if its a core class), or if the opposing team 'seems' to have better classes.


But I still play, just as I have since Season 1. When I feel like testing out my 'personal' pvp skills, I hit up WvW, and solo roam. I must say, most ppl in WvW have better manners. They don't +1 on duels....they have not attacked people that do not have a mount (myself included). They are less toxic. Its a shame really that WvW is so neglected by Anet--I don't go there much, but it has a lot of potential to be great--most of it coming from the ppl that play their.

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PRe-game: Smoke a lot of weed

Pre-Match: Block everybody, assess classes in match

In-Match: dominate kids or lose from bad matchmaking or poor personal performance

Post-Match: EZ Clap in shout chat on win , if lose report everybody on the opposing team and then leave


Helps keep that spark alive, if you know what I mean

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> @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> PRe-game: Smoke a lot of weed

> Pre-Match: Block everybody, assess classes in match

> In-Match: dominate kids or lose from bad matchmaking or poor personal performance

> Post-Match: EZ Clap in shout chat on win , if lose report everybody on the opposing team and then leave


> Helps keep that spark alive, if you know what I mean


Well yeah... that step 1.

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