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RIP chrono


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Wow. I thought chrono had already been nerfed too much, but this... I don’t see how this was considered at all a good idea. As far as I can see, this has ruined the fun and utility of chrono in any game mode. Another spec I will not be playing any more. :(


RIP chrono :skull:

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> @"Hectorim Sears.1479" said:

> > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > > @"Hectorim Sears.1479" said:

> >

> > >, but weren't other F abilities pretty niche when cast like that?

> >

> > 1 sec distort to avoid a single timed attack. Remove condi out of combat when traited (that super annoying 15 sec remaining cripple), on demand stability with otherwise useless shatters for your build when traited (and other useful boons for you). A bit of alacrity and when traited quickness from them. Quite a few things I used them for that were just interesting/fun/nice to have.


> When you put it like that, I guess it was quite useful, if not only for quality of life and de-clunking (I didn't know shatter cleanse worked out of combat).


if you have a condi on you, you're still in combat


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> @"alain.1659" said:

> > @"Hectorim Sears.1479" said:

> > Is "dry" shattering so important? Seriously, reading all of the above comments, I'm kind of amazed. Back in vanilla, many builds did not use Illusionary Persona at all...


> I was one of those who did not use IP before. Nut I had the glamour trait, perplex runes, condi set and a great chance in wvw zerg fights.


ahah that was a _long_ time ago.

like, 35 nerfs ago.


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Chrono is unplayable now (am talking bout PvE). Maybe if you enjoy a weapon that manages to generate tons of clones it is less of a burden but with greatsword (and I already had the spawn 2 clones utility slotted prior)... I didn't see any generation of a clone after using a phantasm either (phantasmal berserker). I can't find if this was actually patched out somewhere this year as the most recent wiki notes are from 2018. So on a mob I managed to generate 2 clones max (and if I shattered them, it took as long as third cycle of clones spawn to be able to use the f skills again as they were on cd...). I don't like the new f skill merge on chrono either coz it makes no sense and they feel extremely clunky (I never even used f5 in past really). The o no, I need a little escape skill to not get downed by a mob is merged with this old f5 which makes it not an escape skill so lost my defence there (since it puts you back at the spot you started at even if you do not want to). So basically I cannot use any shatter skills in pve anymore because either I have no clone as its already dead or I have skill on cd to spawn one or the f skills are on cd... Core mesmer is actually more of an e-spec right now..... Switching to mirage ain't an option for me as its condi (and I play power on it) and I simply liked the core mesmer with 2 chrono skills (2 wells)... They took all joy from the game with this change... At least when playing chrono... Other ppl will still complain about clones and illusions in competitive modes I guess... Tho I heard chrono in wvw is dead so it wouldn't suprise me if its the same on pvp since if you even manage to get a clone up its dead in 1 aoe...


Update: I did some worldboss with my old chrono setup and it works on them and champions (as you have some time to build up clones..) Bottom line, always generate 3 clones before using any shatter (since it brings back 1 clone at end). And just pick 1 shatter and ignore all the rest really. I also did my pvp daily in ranked with my old setup. This worked, suprisingly, well enough (I thought my team would hate me for being one but I actually managed to build up my clones). The team will need to help me in a way as I have no defences tho. Tho I managed to 1 vs 1 a bit as well. It still feels clunky tho. Needing clones to use shatters make sense coz well why have clones up otherwise. You just need to pick way upfront what you want to use shatter wise as you have limit amount of uses.

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> When I thought anet couldn't surprise me more, here they come with shatters that can only be activated when you have illusions up. No on-demand shatters to cleanse, heal, interrupt, remove boons, reflect or CS if you have 0 clones.


> Worst mechanic rework ever, the clunkiness is astonishing...

> ![](https://imgur.com/vWlnfZp.jpg "")



# I have [spoken truth before, and shall so speak again!](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/980653#Comment_980653)


> # The answer is that there are HoT owners that still has not bought PoF. This cannot stand. So Chrono must die in all engame modes.

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Building a class around shatter, guess what. The Elite specialiation takes away the opportunity to use your chosen talents. Thats balancing for monkeys. Playing Core Mesmer right now is better then using Chrono. Congratulations, the first Elite specc from HoT vanishes out of the game to boost PoF Sales. Could we destroy other classes main ressources of damage as well? Warriors loosing Adrenalin while we attack them, its only fair that they couldnt use anything of their Class skills, cause mesmer can't either.

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No need to surprised about this change, they did such nonsense shit to warrior before and call it "trade off". Now just move to engi and mesmer elite spec. Next time druid/soulbeast will lose their pet or unable to control it. Im looking forward to see how's new team destroy guild war 2 so they can free from cage and develop other new stuff.

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Yeah i stoped play buffer chrono cause only give boon from wells to allies other than that using like chaos line give only boon to HIMSELF how that make its completely useless and only reason why buffer chrono still run inspiration now its for the 10mans soi. **all the shatter ****trait** now are kind of useless also cause you need at least 1 clone so everybody keep it to F4 for CS/disto or using a bit of it on F1 outside cs for a slice of dps and maybe F3 when cc needed. Buffer chrono really dying slowly they should at least add allies boon when shatter on F1-2-3 like was in chaos trait line before the nerf of SOI. Personnaly they should bring back F5 and add a new F4- and F1-2-3 should give extra boon to nearby allies like alacrity and quickness that will make more sense and you will be able to call it CHRONOMANCER again.

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The worst part is, I still love my chrono but I feel so lost right now with this. I've been playing it since HoT release, and vanilla mesmer since a month after i started playing back in 2013. HoT came out and i fell in love with chrono and what 3-4 years later, it is a completely different thing from what it was back then. So many nerfs and changes, this is a complete rewrite of what it was back then. I tried this mirage nonsense with PoF and it is just not for me. I was really happy with my chrono all this time, and even sucked up all the nerfs, the change to signet of inspiration, the nerf to shared distortion, and many others but this puts the nail on the coffin for me. My chrono is dead. If i knew chrono was going to be like this when HoT came out, i wouldn't have invested all this time in gearing up and mastering the class, because this "trade-off" is not appealing at all. The class is played completely different now. I can't remove a condi or heal or distort on demand like before without having an illusion, but mesmer and mirage can. If i need F4 to distort, i have to WASTE continium split.. WHY? makes no sense. F4 and F5 where fine separate. I would be a bit happy if at least we could have those 2 separate again, but merging those two, plus the illusion requirement is a 10x nerf to everything that it is not worth playing at all.


Please ANET, undo this nonsense.

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Have you guys ever watched that show Catfish? I feel like that right now. After being in love with Chrono for all these years, then going to meet and finding it is not the person in the pictures, or even the same gender it was supposed to be. I don't think I even want to keep being friends with this fake Chrono right now :)

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Ok, here we go.


I got to spend a couple hours this afternoon playing Chrono. I popped out to Ember bay and soloed the jade construct meta event a few times. The constructs are my favorite build-testing mobs, its what I do when I want to get the feel for a new build/skill/profession/whatever.


Conclusion: It is waaaaaaaaay undertuned. Shockly, absurdly, astoundingly undertuned.


This will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the idea of removing IP and distortion as drawbacks. It definitely makes you play Chrono different from core. It took a good hour for me to untrain myself from positioning near mobs when I shattered. The new shatter animations are also really beautiful.




They didn't adjust anything to compensate for the losses. The shatters are weak... Csplit cooldown wasn't reduced... Traits weren't buffed... There is no way I'd select this elite over one of Mesmers core traitlines as it stands now. Which is saying a lot... Core Mes has been hit hard by past nerfs, its 'meh' at best.


The Shatters being objectively weak in a one-to-one comparison with core is compounded into an even worse problem when you factor them having less synergy with core shatter traits because of the loss of IP. I don't get it...


On top of this, you have things like Time Sink (Chrono's Diversion) not getting a reduced cooldown from Mantra of Distraction... Clear and obvious oversight that exposes the lack of any kind of testing phase.



Anet Artists - A+

Anet Balance Devs - F

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> I don't even understand WHY they would do this. WHY. WHY nerf a class that was completely useless in PvP (aside from some Meme oneshot builds) and was already being pushed out by Firebrigade in PvE.


> And why the kitten nerf it by taking away one of its skills AND giving it this horrible, clunky shatter mechanic.


> Where are the buffs to compensate for this?


It's useless for WVW(zerg) too.

....useless for all game mode now !

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> No need to surprised about this change, they did such nonsense kitten to warrior before and call it "trade off". Now just move to engi and mesmer elite spec. Next time druid/soulbeast will lose their pet or unable to control it. Im looking forward to see how's new team destroy guild war 2 so they can free from cage and develop other new stuff.


I don't see why they couldn't pull a spellbreaker and give us one less bar instead.

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RIP Chrono.


As a chrono main, this is it for me. I'm quitting the game.


I want to let you know, ANet, that your poor decisions are making dedicated players like me quit.


You're gonna drive your game into the ground by making updates like these.


Removing distortion shatter, switching cs to f4, and requiring a clone to be active to shatter. Who could've thought of something so stupid to do to chrono with where chrono stands in the meta. The balance team is absolutely out of touch with reality.


I'ts crazy that it's these people that decide on the future of the game and it's playability.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> So, Chrono now can't use full potential of boon removal with Shattered Concentration. Rendering chrono useless in Fractals under No Pain No Gain and Vengeance instabs. Cool. Should i use clone skills instead of boon wells now? =)




I didn't even think of that!!!! Rip removing conditions by shattering!


Jesus christ this nerf hits even harder than I thought...

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As a ex thief main... Hahahahah this is what yal get .. All These years of complaining about thief having us hget these weird nerfs [ cd on missed stealthed attack, loss of ports to alot of places , daredevil nerfs, oh and ricochet shot ill never forgive u] this is what mesmers get



As a chrono player im am very sadden and baffled at the changes and, the person who came up with them, the person who ok it, the testers , the person who finalized this.




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This is another proof that the balance team of this game sucks. They do not absolutely care about the classes playability.


Just needed to read the patch notes a few days before going live to see this coming. This change completely destroys Chrono not just for PvP/WvW but for PvE as well.

People in other companies get fired for much less. This is ridiculous.


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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> As a ex thief main... Hahahahah this is what yal get .. All These years of complaining about thief having us hget these weird nerfs [ cd on missed stealthed attack, loss of ports to alot of places , daredevil nerfs, oh and ricochet shot ill never forgive u] this is what mesmers get



> As a chrono player im am very sadden and baffled at the changes and, the person who came up with them, the person who ok it, the testers , the person who finalized this.





Just pointing out the cd on missed stealth attacks was one of the most cleaver things balance team did.

Before you could spam till it connected rendering aegis, blocks, evades useless.

I would have liked to spam mind shatters till it hits without destroying the clones if it didn't but it would be awful for the game.

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> @"Menaka.5092" said:

> > @"Hectorim Sears.1479" said:

> > > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > > > @"Hectorim Sears.1479" said:

> > >

> > > >, but weren't other F abilities pretty niche when cast like that?

> > >

> > > 1 sec distort to avoid a single timed attack. Remove condi out of combat when traited (that super annoying 15 sec remaining cripple), on demand stability with otherwise useless shatters for your build when traited (and other useful boons for you). A bit of alacrity and when traited quickness from them. Quite a few things I used them for that were just interesting/fun/nice to have.

> >

> > When you put it like that, I guess it was quite useful, if not only for quality of life and de-clunking (I didn't know shatter cleanse worked out of combat).


> if you have a condi on you, you're still in combat



Of course. It was late in my time zone, apologies.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Just pointing out the cd on missed stealth attacks was one of the most cleaver things balance team did.

> Before you could spam till it connected rendering aegis, blocks, evades useless.

> I would have liked to spam mind shatters till it hits without destroying the clones if it didn't but it would be awful for the game.


I think that's exactly what Anet's intention was with these changes to Chrono. Removing IP hits the cheesy one-shot Chrono build the hardest. No more massive bursts from OOC stealthed Chronos. You're going to have to actually engage first to build resources. I sincerely believe these changes are good for the overall health of the game. The problem is they didn't follow up and make positive adjustments to the rest of the Specialization to make up for the loss. It feels like half a rework (the negative half...).


Where's the rest?


This is exactly the sort of thing they should be doing across all the professions- Cutting the cheese mechanics. Unfortunately, their balance cadence is so painfully slow we're stuck with UP/OP specs for intolerable time spans.


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> @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Just pointing out the cd on missed stealth attacks was one of the most cleaver things balance team did.

> > Before you could spam till it connected rendering aegis, blocks, evades useless.

> > I would have liked to spam mind shatters till it hits without destroying the clones if it didn't but it would be awful for the game.


> I think that's exactly what Anet's intention was with these changes to Chrono. Removing IP hits the cheesy one-shot Chrono build the hardest. No more massive bursts from OOC stealthed Chronos. You're going to have to actually engage first to build resources. I sincerely believe these changes are good for the overall health of the game. The problem is they didn't follow up and make positive adjustments to the rest of the Specialization to make up for the loss. It feels like half a rework (the negative half...).


> Where's the rest?


> This is exactly the sort of thing they should be doing across all the professions- Cutting the cheese mechanics. Unfortunately, their balance cadence is so painfully slow we're stuck with UP/OP specs for intolerable time spans.



The adjustments do not feel awful in play, but the ramp time for Chrono can be a bit slow. Once going it feels much smooth than before to me, and the QoL change to clone tracking is superb (about 7 years behind when it was requested however), ensuring 3 clone shatters has been much easier though and makes the profession feel much more consistent.


Chrono would benefit from a change in the application of damage from shatters, or a change to the core mechanism of clones to remove them from being destroyable once they are used for a shatter (with accompanying change to make the effect hit all at once so it can be properly blocked or dodged, consistency on both offense and defense for PvP). Such changes would affect a very minor of traits, requiring scaling on some traits to become a bit different, but the effects would really help with balance across the board.


Chrono seems to benefit much more from boon and condition duration after the changes, which is an interesting change, the effect of having full uptime on Alacrity on self and Slow on enemies being that of almost chain casting shatters and illusions.

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