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Permanent flying with skyscale!

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i was just flying around on my scalescale (legendary skin) in the crystaldesert and was wondering if it was more fun, if you could fly permanently over these beautiful landscapes!

I know that there are a few problems with it, like invisible walls (which are already there though, i dont think this would be a big deal) and that you could just overfly everything dangerous when on your story mission and miss stuff. But what if we could only fly in a map, that we have completed 100%?

You could like get an item or something by completing, which unlocks permanent flying for that area OR make it available through mastery, by finishing every single map.

I think sooner or later, the developers will release real flying anyway and I think they already did a great job with animating the skyscale, but theres still a bit space to the top i think.


What do you think of my idea?

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Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

It killed the damm interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.

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When they were showcasing the Skyscale in a stream, they explicitly said that they do not want unrestricted flight in GW2, which is why the Skyscale works the way it does. Unrestricted flight means that you no longer have to interact with the terrain, which is what GW2 mounts are designed to do.

It's better that way imo.


Besides, if you get up high enough before flying horizontally, you can go really far. That's enough to enjoy the landscapes for me.

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One of the real design achievements of GW2 is that all of the mounts have a unique gameplay and all serve a purpose and have their uses. Some more than others of course, but all are useful in some way and none of them can do everything. The Skyscale comes close to being an all purpose mount, but still has limitations. Remove these and everything else becomes pointless. I don't see unrestricted flying as a natural endpoint and I wouldn't expect it to be implemented.

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What Vyncius says. If you have perm flying then all content below becomes invalid. Same for other mounts. And players would say zones are deserted since theres no folks on the ground. It would also ruin the game experience (ever noticed npcs behave/react based on you and the choices you made in example).

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I don't think this'l ever happen, they chose to make it how it is gradually losing altitude instead of prema flight like in wow or other games, which I think is consistent with their other philosophies (flawed as they may be). Though I kind of agree with you mostly just because it gives me anxiety flying with the griffon or skyscale in a way, I wish I could more lazily and indefinitely fly rising and lowering in a more roleplay-ey way.

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> @"anninke.7469" said:

> Envy me, y'all, because I had a permaflying skyscale. For a while. And then she just vanished from under me and it hurt. :D


I had that bug too... was able to fly around the entire map for like 5 whole minutes... without stopping... and then suddenly the skyscale dissapeared from below me and i fell to my death... was fun while it lasted though.

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You tell all shite. It would be awesome and you know it. It was awesome in Burning Crusade as well. But you deny yourself that it would be awesome. Making stuff 'irrelevant' is a void argument; if you want to do the stuff then do it. And giving us an almost-but-not-really-perma-flying-mount just hurts my guts. That said, there would be the difference of being much slower than the griffon. And besides that you can sometimes 'skip' whole maps with your griffon too. So why all the fuzz about this? Just do it, but anet never does something that is really cool. They always are _not_ going to use the full potential... Instead we have now a super gimmicky, annoying climb mechanic.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> You tell all kitten. It would be awesome and you know it. It was awesome in Burning Crusade as well. But you deny yourself that it would be awesome. Making stuff 'irrelevant' is a void argument; if you want to do the stuff then do it. And giving us an almost-but-not-really-perma-flying-mount just hurts my guts. That said, there would be the difference of being much slower than the griffon. And besides that you can sometimes 'skip' whole maps with your griffon too. So why all the fuzz about this? Just do it, but anet never does something that is really cool. They always are _not_ going to use the full potential... Instead we have now a super gimmicky, annoying climb mechanic.


Ask your average WoW player what they think of Pathfinder. Nothing comes without a price.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> What Vyncius says. If you have perm flying then all content below becomes invalid. Same for other mounts. And players would say zones are deserted since theres no folks on the ground. It would also ruin the game experience (ever noticed npcs behave/react based on you and the choices you made in example).

Seems pretty irrelevant when the griffon/skyscale already got like 90% flight time and can just run/bounce past everything.


But granted, that's also why I fail to see the point of this.


Because we pretty much have it already.

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I just wish there was at least the possibility to fly horizontally infinitely, just so that you can travel on the dragon in like 10 meters height. It just feels so dissatisfying to slowly glide to the ground. Imagine how cool it would be to encounter other players on their dragons travelling around.

To the point "terrains would seem underpopulated since everybody is flying around". There already IS the possibility to hover in the air, does that make an area less populated? In my opinion no, it rather creates more vertical character spread.

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As much as I like the skyscale I wouldn't want a mount that could fly permanently because it becomes too easy to skip everything. Earlier I was going across Caledon Forest and decided to climb up onto the huge 'mountain' in the middle then see how far I could fly on my skyscale. It was fun getting up there ( even though it's much quicker than it was before mounts) and at first it was fun to watch the terrain zooming past below me and see the map from a very different angle.


But that was it. Nothing else happened and nothing else could happen because I was too high above everything in the map, and before I knew it I had zoomed to my destination and was done. It was an interesting view but otherwise much less enjoyable than going across the map normally, I may as well have used a waypoint.

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Making skyscales perma-fliers would not significantly increase our ability to skip over content. We would just lose the challenge of finding roofs and terrain to hop off, which, imo, makes skyscales more fun to fly. Skyscales are so much fun to fly, don't spoil the little challenge of flying them.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> Let me tell you why permenant flying mounts are bad for the game.

> It was 2007 when World of Warcraft got its first expac-Burning Crusade and flying mounts with it....

> It killed the kitten interactions with other players in open world, and it became this afk in major city/lfg fiesta that is now.

> Anet doesnt want that, and they will never give us permenant flying mount.


Never say never.


Early pre vanilla GW2 interviews they also said there would Never being Mounts, NEVER be healers and NEVER be Raids... Those old interviews are lost in the web now days as Anet did a 180 on those over time.

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