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What is with the obsession with Condi play?


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To me, all Condi damage has done is ruin the fun of pvp and promoted the ability to spam skills till the other dies. No longer do we find that fun duel scenario where you have to time your attacks, time your fake attacks to bait dodges.


Now all you get is 6 stacks of burn followed by cripple, chill imobo, confusion and torment. Stackable to stupid levels killing you in seconds.

It's not fun and has totally ruined all enjoyment of pvp for me. Managed to see a nice 19 hit 59k burn on myself.


Condi damage in PvP needs a heavy hit and should never have been pushed in the direction it has been.

Rather than these damage tune ups we keep getting in pvp... how about an across board damage nerf to all. along with a healing nerf.


As for condi keep that as a PvE thing, i dont believe it should be in a PvP scenario, but if it is, damage numbers from condi need to be lower than they are and not stackable to what they are as well.



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Anet should change Burning back to how it was for PVP ONLY (and possibly WVW): Burn is stacked up to 9 times but NOT DAMAGE WISE, only duration wise.


I find the super high burn stacking frankly very absurd, lol. If this change were to go through then condi Engineer would make a possible come back.


On to your topic: it's easy. Very easy and effective. A noob running the meme Mirage build could even beat me with ease on many builds

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... okay


* Not all condi is like that. There is only one build that has particularly unfair condi application, and that is Mirage/Chrono/Mesmer due to the clones applying conditions when they attack.

* With every other condi build, **you got hit by an attack in the first place**. You can block/dodge/reflect/invuln, or CC condition attacks just the same as you can with power attacks. Learn to avoid the big ones and you'll take barely any damage. I can fight condi builds with only 2 condi cleanse per 20s. It is doable if you know what to pay attention to. (again, mirage is kind of the exception here because there's not enough defense to use on the clones' condi)

* Most condi builds are in a really bad spot balance-wise right now. If you don't believe me on this, try playing condi engi, condi ranger, condi warrior, etc. etc. Players are able to spec for an absurd amount of cleanse right now. There are builds that a condi player (again, maybe excluding mirage/scourge) literally cannot touch even if they stand there and land every single attack. There is so much cleanse - especially when you factor in supports like Firebrand helping out with team cleanse.


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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> What's with the myth of power builds taking "skill"? Rangerspam, Holospam, rampage cringe, no line of sight teleport nukes, stealth nukes, evade spam while dealing damage, immunity chaining on squishy builds, crowd control spam and all and every one-shot nonesense are in my book even worse.


May be it took "skill" way before hot power creap but not so much now, everything hurts too much.

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Condi is this game is stupidly designed, condi or DoT should work as a AOE skill that keeps ticking damage when you're standing in the AOE, the moment you leave the AOE the DoT should stop. The way it works now is you spam a condi AOE field and everyone insides gets overloaded with condi's but you can't escape it because they'll just stay on you, very poor design.


However condi like bleed and poison should stick on the enemy as it's pretty logical, but things like torment and confusion should not stay on the player and should rather be an AOE field and when you leave it the condi's leave too. Burn could be a condi that sticks on the player but a dodge roll would remove the burn.


Not sure about soft CC Condi's like chill, slow and immobilize, but damaging condi's should not work the way they do now.

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There are actually much more viable power builds than condi.

I think people hate condies because they don't bother slotting condi cleanse, or dodge skills that don't seem to hurt much at first or second hit but do apply condi pressure over time and then they realize they are screwed.

If you have a balanced build very few condi builds are problematic. If you don't, you should know what to avoid.

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You can cleanse 16 stacks of burning, you can't undo a 12k deadeye crit. Condi builds are better against worse players that can't react to condi application fast enough (appart from ci condi mirage where you just can't react unless you burn stunbreaks). It is just a get good issue. Good deadeyes, revs, holos, warriors ... have far less counter play then condi builds.

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It fascinates me that delayed damage is so frustrating to people. They prefer to receive the damage all at once and immediately. It's the same amount of damage either way, the difference is one is delayed and delivered in intervals. I really want to know what goes on in your brains that makes you detest one method of damage delivery with such vehemence.

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To me, all power damage has done is ruin the fun of pvp and promoted the ability to spam skills till the other dies. No longer do we find that fun duel scenario where you have to time your attacks, time your fake attacks to bait dodges.


Now all you get is ridiculously bursty skills spammed all over the place, where every single thing - even AA's - are dodge-or-die. It's not fun and has totally ruined all enjoyment of pvp for me. Managed to see a nice 16k backstab on myself.


Power damage damage in PvP needs a heavy hit and should never have been pushed in the direction it has been.

Rather than these damage tune ups we keep getting in pvp... how about an across board damage nerf to all. along with a healing nerf.


As for power keep that as a PvE thing, i dont believe it should be in a PvP scenario, but if it is, damage numbers from power need to be lower than they are and not buffable to what they are as well.

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Condi by design has never been a fun concecpt for pvp play.

Power i get, you can see it you can react to it ( yes there are some builds that take it a little bit far such as stealth into burst, or instant evade teleport while attacking .. which also boggles me as why that is a thing ). Condi however, is spamable, I have had the scenario where i had 6 burn stacks on me, quickly clensed them to then find 4, 5, then another 6 on me, you clense again, skills on cooldown to then be hit by a big slam dunk of torment burning and cripple.


Even if you beat someone as power vs condi. its not fun winning that fight.


Damage numbers need a total tone down for PvP same with healing numbers to make support roles not be too dominant or tanky. Condi needs a total rework for PvP that doesnt win fights by killing fun.


I want to enjoy PvP in gw2, and i did with the matches that did not have condi players in it. Now since we seem to have 2+ in every match, its not fun at all. Its damn right boring.


We really need some big ballsy balance patches out there that have some huge combat changes in them, the pvp scene has been dying for a chance to relive again, I'm just seeing less and less players doing it as days go by.


Make PvP Great Again!

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> Condi by design has never been a fun concecpt for pvp play.

> Power i get, you can see it you can react to it ( yes there are some builds that take it a little bit far such as stealth into burst, or instant evade teleport while attacking .. which also boggles me as why that is a thing ). Condi however, is spamable, I have had the scenario where i had 6 burn stacks on me, quickly clensed them to then find 4, 5, then another 6 on me, you clense again, skills on cooldown to then be hit by a big slam dunk of torment burning and cripple.


... yeah 'cause you got hit by multiple skills! You may not have realized it, but you did get hit again. With the exception of mirage clones, nothing applies condi on you without hitting you first.


The difference is, with power it pops up a giant **BLAM! 10k damage!** alert above your head but when you get hit with condi, you just get a smaller *300 damage* alert and 6 burn stacks pop up on your bar.


Note that it takes some serious skill investment (either a long cooldown or multiple skills chained) to stack 6 burn on someone no matter what build applied it. Trust me, if you got 6 burns on you twice in a row, you did something wrong.


I mean, if you prefer, I'd be happy to change all condi attacks to straight power damage. That'd be amazing for the condi players, to be honest. You wouldn't like it though. You'd be dead even faster.

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Let's say we cut the usual power dmg in half... hack no, let's make it a quarter of it's current dmg. Now let's apply a new twist to it to make it like how condi dmg can stack in high quantities also being able to be spammed in several different types and so make direct attacks hit several times with each hit, while the person attack can only dodge or block 1 or few of the emitted attack, same way you can't dodge condi attacks only like as long as you have dodges, for most professions times 2, or other blocks on cooldown. When you would dodge you'll mitigate only like a quarter of any direct dmg... Let's use the block as counterpart to condition cleansing now so when you block you might get away with a fifth, a quarter, a third or half dmg mitigation of the incoming dmg.


Would you, condi lovers, like to play against such odds? I mean you can already burst with condi as much as you can with a power build... only today I've fought (WvW) against an engi which I engaged, dodged it's most obvoius tells and interrupted his attack, and few seconds later I see my health drop 1 second by over 6k burning ticks that appeared on me out of nowhere. Yeap, a second 12k dmg, my backstab burst almost never hits that hard... And yeah thief is considered one of the more bursty professions.


So, yeah, in contrast to burst dmg which is called that cause you can't use it all the time in contrast with sustain, condies can sustain burst amounts of dmg over time. Most of the professions there don't have nearly enough condition cleanse, resistance and other forms of condition mitigation to counter all the condi bombing thrown around, while for neutralizing bursts there are numerous ways in the game and it's a must to be able to that if you want to survive in a fight. Yeah, you need reflexes, awareness, positioning and other human input traits to do so effectively, but non the less there are, also since the burst usually has either huge tells or huge drawbacks (like spending most of your combat resource, getting into an unfavorable position or other). You dodge a burst, you are safe for some time, cooldowns, endurance are recovering for the next burst. You dodge a condi attack, never mind there are another dozen coming, you don't, pray you have something to cleanse them or play something with boonstack & resistance, cause passive gameplay is what we all want...


Now that I think about it, I have this genius idea of a WvW event week called "The Passive Week" where all direct dmg is removed and the only way players can fight is with condies and boons.


Anyways, the ranting is closed, condies in my opinion should only be toned down form the burst level of dmg they can do now, and those who build for heavy condi should have the same drawbacks as those who build for heavy power, meaning to spend the other 2/3 secondary attributes on enhancing condi, not getting tankier. I mean, you go full power, you glass cannon, you go full condi, it's not fair to do same amounts of dmg or more over time and also get a sustainy secondary stats. You either go glass or compromise in the damage side.

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The newbs that like big numbers without much effort usually tend to go Condi Mes, Burn Guard, or Spam Scourge. First 2 don't require much skill. just use blocks, evades, dodges, invulnerability, and lots of CC for a minute or 2 straight. All While putting out life ending conditions after life ending conditions.


Just mash buttons get damage avoiding for you and deathly conditions for your enemy. Newbs love it and that's how they bring in money from the less skilled button smashers. Each expansion is just more spam crap after spam crap for least 1/3 of the "new " specs in each expansion.

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So instant damage has more counterplay than the same damage applied over time with an option to mitigate it after the fact via cleanse, resistance, or invulnerability?


Every condi application is a hit that can be dodged, blocked, reflected, etc., just like every direct damage hit. The difference is you can still avoid most damage from the former even _after_ being hit, unlike the latter.


People who have issues with condi are usually either:

* New - There is an additional layer of learning with condi in terms of just memorizing the icons and learning what weapons and skills apply them, even though condi is actually _more_ forgiving than direct damage for failing to avoid the hit in the first place;

* Too used to the overall lack of condi builds in this longstanding power meta, and don't carry enough cleanse. Then get tilted by the two builds in the entire game capable of posing a condi threat;

* or both.


And how are Mesmer clones robotically sprinkling a stack of condi at set intervals any different from other AIs like Ranger pets and Necro minions nipping away with direct damage attacks, which hit for more and take effect immediately?


Go play a condi build if you think it's so much easier than your power build. Then realize how little decisive killing power you have as your damage is constantly removed and thus has to be constantly reapplied all while surviving long enough for it to tick.

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originally meant to be a simple counter to d/d ele, bunker guards and basically ripped apart shatter mesmer in terms of meta so it became popularized in both wvw / pvp... then condi builds got buffed even more before celestial meta cancer became a thing and has evolved now into this spam fest where every little attack can apply 3-4 different damaging and non-damaging conditions at once.

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Conditions just need a bit of toning down on extreme situations vs players.

This can be done with a Dynamic Balance measure that will not affect most of gameplay, only extreme situations of condi overstacking.


After they allowed conditions to stack over 25 on NPCs, they also applied to change to players.

Players and NPCs can't have the same limitations.

Confusion does less damage to players than to NPCs. So it's possible to make conditions work differently on players.


To prevent overstacking of conditions on a single player, we just need two changes on the limitations of applying conditions on players, but only on players: A maximum stack of 15 on any given player for any condition, and a total cap of 50 stacks among all conditions on each individual player, counting individually those stacked by duration.

Only the strongest stacks would apply on a player: Longer duration, higher condition damage. Any past the cap would not be removed, it would just be put 'on hold' until a stronger one ends and they get a free 'active condition slot' they can occupy.

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