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Does anyone feel the same?

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I don't play much anymore as I dislike a lot of the design choices going on right now; And I kinda feel like the game is not meant for me. I participate here on the forums to give feedback and of course ask for things id like to see but I have little hope they will happen or are even listened to regardless of how they are worded. The game is nearly a single player game at this point and raids, guilds, wvw, pvp and all the end game shenanigans really hold no weight or appeal as they are currently. There is no need to be social and there is no need to care for anything in those modes; Open world PvE is so easy that you don't need much more than the ability to look for circles and use your skills.


I stuck around way longer than many of those I played with and tried but all of the things being made are not to my taste (Thats fine, I don't want to be catered to.) However as norn player, as someone who likes furs, bones, hide, and all the cool stuff from Norse/Celtic fantasy and myths there is little cosmetically to keep me engaged. (Everything is kinda ugly outside of the norn cultural armor. And thats limited to medium and light armor on the males. the females look good no matter what) The lore kept me here, and the hope one day the norn would be like they were in guild wars 1. That hope is diminished and the gameplay and design behind balance decisions really puts a damper on me (As a rev main who has tried to stay away from power herald, you guys kinda pushed toward it a lot.)


Stuff Id like to see but understand I most likely won't.

1. Remove armor classifications so we can mix match transmog because there are so many cool pieces of armor that can fit with different classes; At this point it feels like the armor type really doesn't mean much because you will die at the same pace no matter what you're playing if you're not careful. The armor rating really means squat, and this would open transmog up so much more than it currently is allowed to be.

2. Please, please, please add in more viking/ Scottish/ Irish themed armors. Maybe some barbarian like stuff too, with more skin showing for dudes and more gladiator type armors because we have enough normal looking full armors. I want more exposed and savage looking attire; Im tired of my armor not fitting my character in any way shape or form.

3. Fix the classes, please. Bring back build diversity, maybe secondary professions could help? I don't know things don't feel good right now.

4. Let the norn choose whether they are in beast form all the time, or human form. Its lame that all they look like are big humans right now, and thats all the community sees them as rather than the spiritual werebeasts they were in lore.


I understand thats probably alot to ask for and Im gonna get shot down and ridiculed again for it; But Its what I want and what I have wanted. My friends have all left this game and we don't play anything much anymore because I moved to For Honor. (Not much better in terms of communication, or listening to feedback granted.) But I guess it would mean a lot if you came out and spoke with us, interacted with us more than just kind of went silent. We love you guys and want the game to prosper and grow, and be successful and I don't want guild wars to "Die" or go into "Maintenance mode" And guild wars 3 feels like a waste when guild wars 2 looks good, plays good and has aged well and continues to grow graphically. But gameplay now needs to come first, new armors need to look good to entice people to go seek them out and we need more than just collections and grind. We need weight, we need community and we need to be social again in our MMO-rpg. Guilds used to mean something and now they don't we need guild battles, alliance battles and we need to be given things to strive for not for connivance but because they open new doors. Raids are all well and good but I don't see how they will hold us for long; One and done most of the time unless you "Really need" that specific set of legendary armor.


All these changes might bring back older players, ones who left the game or are like me and are kinda here and there waiting to come back and make this our home again. I used to only play this game and now I barely log on. Not because I dislike the game or that Im burnt, its because I have no hope for the future and nothing to look forward too at all. I know it will be a long time till the next living world release which were the only things bringing me back for the two hours Id spend; So Its kinda like im just waiting for that. Festivals, raid releases and other stuff are neat but its not enough to make me want to play ~ Heart of thorns made me want to play, PoF made me want to play because I was excited because I knew cool things were on the way. Right now your silence is more damaging than it is helpful... so please be open with us so we can have faith in you.


Or Don't and continue, It's up to you and Im only one person who doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. I don't feel like im your target audience and I don't feel like you care about Us the players anymore. And that makes me sad because I used to think of you as something special, it might not be true but it feels like it especially of late. I have given up hope, but the doesn't mean Im burnt out or tired of the game because tyria is one of my favorite game worlds and some of my favorite lore is here...

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I am already phasing out of playing GW2. Mostly log in for the dailies now. 1-2 sPvP games and then I close the game.


I am overall not satisfied with the game's current state. There has been a drop in quality in class balance. PvE content, while a bit better than before, is still not up to par with HoT and vanilla. Since we are at the end of PoF expansion cycle (or should have been) there is surely fatigue factor. But since there is no expansion coming, unless LWS5 is the best PvE content ever introduced to the game, I think that will be it for the player population and overall the game continuity. It is unlikely for the game to muster enough revenue to have a large well developed expansion.


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I'd also just like to add one more thing. I've seen people arguing that just because a few content creators are unsatisfied with the game that that does not mean that the game is in trouble. I disagree. If you guys remember when Bless Online crash and burned, GW2 received an influx of Bless refugees. I think a big factor that contributed to that was LazyPeons positive review of GW2 at the same time.


Like it or not, content creators can influence the general gaming population.

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> @"Noble.2670" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> > >

> > > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.

> >

> > Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


> It just seems like needless censorship to me, the post still opened up the possibility for discussion before the title change.



It doesn't just seem like censorship. It IS censorship. And now on to something else.




You know, I can't recommend this game to people. Other people have seen me play GW2, and seeing me play doesn't make them interested in the game. It turns them off from the game. They think "Oh, this looks terrible. Why would anyone want to play this?" I can't exactly argue against them, because their immediate complaints are identical to the complaints that I have about GW2. The reason why I'm still here is because I started playing when these problems weren't there, and I've grown up around them. A frog in the boiling pot, as it were.


A lot of events have caused the rats to flee the ship. Some rats are more skittish than others, but I can't say that I am confident about how things are going now. Any time there's even a hint of bad news, some players are going to jump ship. These include but are not limited to:


(1): Layoffs from NCsoft

(2): Long-standing personalities leaving

(3): Gimmicky events draining the population from the rest of the game

(4): Warclaw

(5): Mount-gate

(6): Consecutive bad balance patches

(7): Lack of updates for more hardcore players

(8): Discovering that the income from GW2 was diverted to other projects that we'll never see a return on, via the worst possible way

(9): Censorship


It doesn't matter if you think these are bad or not. What matters is _other_ people think that these are bad, and that they'll leave the game over it. With no real source of new players coming into the game, this gradual bleed accumulates pretty darn fast.

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> @"yann.1946" said:


> The problem is that what we should do to retain players is not that obvious.


> And they have been doing this using boss rush etc.


Seems fairly simple to me. More content that is accessible and interesting to majority of players, more repeatable content and less spending resources for something with a good chance that we'll do once or twice and never again.


In my opinion, raids were a mistake. Minority plays them and some of that minority might even just log in for raids and nothing else and often those people don't support the game with money. If they really insisted in raids, they should make them more accessible or rather more appealing, if you prefer, to wider audience. Slapping timer on bosses is one way to "force" meta. All casual guild I've been in (quite plenty) have meta build requirement when it comes to raids. If boss is complex but not complicated, fun mechanics, then that should be enough for enjoyable content. Super hard BS boss doesn't equal a good boss. For those hardcore players that want to push for records and erasing content in seconds, they could add a difficulty mode with timer on it, maybe better rewards and perhaps an achievement for killing a boss with timer.


Dungeons should be a thing. Like updated and new one kinda thing. They are accessible by everyone, no special requirements to join (of course not counting player made requirements, since those will apply to every instanced content and you can also make group to make you own rules), no limiting mechanics like agony resistance, can take any class you want, any time, easy to form group for and organize etc. Even one dungeon per LS season and let's say 3 new per xpac would make a big change and more people would enjoy new content.


I know they said they are not going to do new map each episode now, but still need to mention it, since we are talking "bad decisions" or "mistakes (imo). Obviously a lot of resources are needed to make a new map. Entire new landscape that you have to populate with npcs, bunch of events, dialogue, various activities, collections and of course if you don't want it dead in a week, also needs decent meta event. That's a lot of time and resources. Therefore when you do a new map, you do it properly, like Dragonfall. Good meta, tons of events, good rewards, promotes lot of ways of traveling but doesn't force you into single one. You can choose if you'll take mushroom, bunny or jackal to go up. Plenty of space for griffon, enough updrafts etc.


Living story so far is not convincing me to be worth pursuing further for devs. Yes, season 5 might be different according to what they said, but why did we need 5 season to come to that (if we will, we'll see about that). So far, to me, it doesn't seem like living story brought any substantial content that would really improve game, make it fresh and gave you a reason to play more than those few days after episode drops. Expansion would have bigger impact. Both expansions brought some big features that we now use in every map and is part of our every day play. Elite specs, mounts and gliding added a lot of "replayability" and value for the money and resources spent. What did LS bring? Two mounts? By far not the same effect as when we first got mounts, since they are more for the collection than really needed to play the game. I haven't bothered getting beetle or Skyscale and I don't feel like I miss a thing. While if I had no mounts, I'd feel like I'm missing big part of the game. Obviously raptor and griffon can cover most of the traveling needs for you. Beetle and Skyscale are just for fun and perhaps a bit of convenience in some parts.

So, expansion would make bigger, more lasting changes, would hype up more people, even those who might be on a break for long time now and would give Anet money.


Gem store. I fully support gem store, of course. They need to earn money. But when you put nearly all skins up there and barely anything in game, that's a problem. People have nothing to work for. They finished episode in 3 days, what now. Content is so sparse, people are hoarding money. There is not much else to do but farm. So people have money and they can straight up buy those skins from gem store and how is that any good? Anet doesn't get any money and player gets a skin immediately, instead of playing the game to earn it. Yeah, ok, they are playing the game when they are farming gold, but that's different. They can farm strictly fractals with their friends non stop or raids, or whatever hot spot atm. If you would put skins in game, you could choose how they are obtained and give players reason to revisit old places or previous maps. Like with Skyscale that makes you go back to all LS4 maps. This makes those maps not so useless anymore and gives them another purpose and repopulates the maps. It's a good feeling when map is not "stuck in the past". A healthy balance between new stuff in gemstore and new stuff in game would be needed.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not quitting, nor do I feel 'everyone' is quitting. I always see other players when I play.


I'm an "other player" and can confirm that I didn't quit. I can also confirm that I can see other other players when I play.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> >Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.


> Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.


> Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.


> These knee-jerk emotional reactions (worry, after all, is an emotion) really don't make any sense if you take the bigger picture into account, and the fact that new releases are always a time-consuming factor with a MMO game.


It did come after the lay off, I've not disputed that. Nor have I said they were silent, their interactions with the community is what I was referring to. I've worded it carefully. I've also stated this in other posts. They've said they're doing something, which is great. If you read many posts about the sigils etc theres a lot of people offering criticism about it, some constructively others sadly not so.. but none the less there hasn't been a discussion, it's been thrown into the mix and coming out on the 30th with little time for things to be fedback to Anet for them to change, i.e. they don't plan to. Some are valid concerns, this particular issue isn't something I'm interested in.


Anet today released an other statement today about the next chapter, which completely came as unexpected to me. I was expecting news at the end of the month. Which we're getting a 45 minute stream to go over it. Thats what I'm looking forward to and excited for, not blanket lines detailing what we're getting with little information. This is what I'm referring to when I say they've been cut off from the community. It feels they have been limiting their interactions with the community is all.


As for the lay offs, I have never said I disagreed with their decision, and that seems to be what you're referring to. These things happen all the time, I work in a company where these lay offs are happening right now. Please do not assume I'm criticizing them for the lay offs. I've nothing but for praise for Anet for the world they've built and in all my posts I've never slandered them.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> > >Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.

> >

> > Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.

> >

> > Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.

> >

> > These knee-jerk emotional reactions (worry, after all, is an emotion) really don't make any sense if you take the bigger picture into account, and the fact that new releases are always a time-consuming factor with a MMO game.


> It did come after the lay off, I've not disputed that. Nor have I said they were silent, their interactions with the community is what I was referring to. I've worded it carefully. I've also stated this in other posts. They've said they're doing something, which is great. If you read many posts about the sigils etc theres a lot of people offering criticism about it, some constructively others sadly not so.. but none the less there hasn't been a discussion, it's been thrown into the mix and coming out on the 30th with little time for things to be fedback to Anet for them to change, i.e. they don't plan to. Some are valid concerns, this particular issue isn't something I'm interested in.


> Anet today released an other statement today about the next chapter, which completely came as unexpected to me. I was expecting news at the end of the month. Which we're getting a 45 minute stream to go over it. Thats what I'm looking forward to and excited for, not blanket lines detailing what we're getting with little information. This is what I'm referring to when I say they've been cut off from the community. It feels they have been limiting their interactions with the community is all.


> As for the lay offs, I have never said I disagreed with their decision, and that seems to be what you're referring to. These things happen all the time, I work in a company where these lay offs are happening right now. Please do not assume I'm criticizing them for the lay offs. I've nothing for praise for Anet for the world they've built and in all my posts I've never slandered them.


To add the the last line, I only ever wish to see them improve.

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Do I feel "Guild Wars 2 is dying" ? No. Not really.


Do I feel the same? Yeah, I haven't really changed much. We are the same, so it's hard to feel particularly "special". Though, I have yet to see anyone steal my "platinum dragon" costume, so I know it's not impossible.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > Wait, I'm quitting? kitten, why am I just now finding out about this? Why wasn't I involved in the decision-making process behind this? I don't even have a passive-aggressive rant about my grievances prepared so people can ask if they can have my stuff. I'm totally not ready for this at all! This is so dumb...


> I don't think it's dumb, I think it's merely a concern a player has. Asking the community if others feel the same way.


Nah, the dumb part is that I just found out that I'm apparently quitting and wasn't given ample time to prepare. Quite the unpleasant surprise waiting for me when I got home from work.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> > >Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.

> >

> > Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.

> >

> > Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.

> >

> Anet today released an other statement today about the next chapter, which completely came as unexpected to me. I was expecting news at the end of the month. Which we're getting a 45 minute stream to go over it. Thats what I'm looking forward to and excited for, not blanket lines detailing what we're getting with little information. This is what I'm referring to when I say they've been cut off from the community. It feels they have been limiting their interactions with the community is all.




So lets be honest we knew the sigils, runes and build templates were coming before the layoffs. They only confirmed they would continue to move forward with it not that it was an announcement, merely don't worry about it. It's coming. the lack of communication is what drives older players away because they have done this before; During the huge content draught between HoT and Core (Toward year three.) And this was when we saw the first exodus of the game where people left and a lot of those people have not returned; Namely the majority of everyone I came to the game with from guild wars 1 save a few.


However now my guild is all but gone and Im sitting here kind of alone, will they come back? Depends really. WHATEVER is going to be shown on the 30th has to be big, as I don't feel living world on its own is enough to take to a showcase (Unless you want a diablo immortal/For honor at E3 fiasco which we don't need.) Im not expecting squat from the showcase I can list everything I expect of them which is not much. Simply more of the same in regards to what we have gotten and what we probably will receive, which will only put salt in the wound because then everyone will be getting hyped over this email and showcase which (If living world is it?) would be a waste of time and money on A-nets part.

1. New mount (Because mount skins do good money, and lets be real we won't see those stop being produced anytime soon.)

2. A trailer for living world perhaps.

3. Maybe some events between now and the release (Probs another two months away. And Im being generous because I highly doubt it will come out in September or august.)

4. more balance/QoL

5. Maybe, maybe, maybe some side stories.



>! Now I am hoping for something larger, and hoping they have decided to do something more grand and awe inspiring to brings us back in and draw us back. Because as many have said ANOTHER year of the same meta/class design/ same old, same old won't help anything it will do more damage than good. Everything I was invested in with Aurene has been finished and I highly doubt she will appear in living world. Kralk is dead, Jormag and primo asleep there are only a few things they can do; And with a living world seemingly centered around being us dealing with the fallout of our decisions while cool (Giving us consequences.) I highly, highly doubt it will do much for the game outside of make older maps traversed for a short time. (then back to farming dragon stand and dragons fall.)

>! 1. Old world Revamp, bring those old maps back up to snuff with what the new ones provide.

>!2. Expansion reveal (At least a trailer, so we know somewhat as to what may be coming AFTER living world.)

>!3. Elite specs

>!4. Class redesigns

>!5. More cosmetic options for all races

>!6. Guild battles, alliance battles

>!7. The release of the WvW overhaul and maybe a new map to go along with it

>!8. Some merchandise like shirts we can order ect.


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@"Thornwolf.9721" Nice posts mate. Anet needs to read and take heed of your constructive criticisms and advice, or at the very least would be nice to have some acknowledgement from an Anet Community Manager. All these great ideas put out there just become a "player-to-player talking shop", and who know's if Anet Managers or Devs read them or consider any changes from all these player's opinions ? Contributory feedback from Anet would be nice (not Moderators).


Another game I play, The Community Manager regularly comments on forum as a "go-between" dev team and the playerbase, and some of the better game implementations have come from detailed player's ideas that the dev team implemented (this might have taken 1-2 years, but for the playerbase simply knowing a particular part of the game only came about because of one player's idea is a massive morale booster for the Community, knowing that they have been listened to). Sure you are never going to please everyone, but its the feedback that really counts..even if it's a case of someone from Anet saying "JoeBloggs.1234" Great idea but unfortunately we can never implement that due to xyz reasons; however we are working on something similar.

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My time in to fun out ratio is and has been excessively low with the way the game is updated.


This is why i play less. It doesn't help than Anet as a company has decided that thay have a magic forumla for story releases that bothers me to no end. I prefered the every two weeks method of story and it had me playing more frequently than this new method a new map and story every 3 months. I don't believe this design is healthy and honestly believe the new map part is holding them back both narratively and design wise. They could have longer story bits if they didn't feel compelled to waste design time on maps that have almost no value outside of the initial playthrough.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> > >Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.

> >

> > Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.

> >

> > Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.

> >

> > These knee-jerk emotional reactions (worry, after all, is an emotion) really don't make any sense if you take the bigger picture into account, and the fact that new releases are always a time-consuming factor with a MMO game.


> It did come after the lay off, I've not disputed that. Nor have I said they were silent, their interactions with the community is what I was referring to. I've worded it carefully. I've also stated this in other posts. They've said they're doing something, which is great. If you read many posts about the sigils etc theres a lot of people offering criticism about it, some constructively others sadly not so.. but none the less there hasn't been a discussion, it's been thrown into the mix and coming out on the 30th with little time for things to be fedback to Anet for them to change, i.e. they don't plan to. Some are valid concerns, this particular issue isn't something I'm interested in.


> Anet today released an other statement today about the next chapter, which completely came as unexpected to me. I was expecting news at the end of the month. Which we're getting a 45 minute stream to go over it. Thats what I'm looking forward to and excited for, not blanket lines detailing what we're getting with little information. This is what I'm referring to when I say they've been cut off from the community. It feels they have been limiting their interactions with the community is all.


> As for the lay offs, I have never said I disagreed with their decision, and that seems to be what you're referring to. These things happen all the time, I work in a company where these lay offs are happening right now. Please do not assume I'm criticizing them for the lay offs. I've nothing but for praise for Anet for the world they've built and in all my posts I've never slandered them.


Don't worry. I didn't interpret you criticizing them for the lay offs. If it sounded like that, I'm sorry. And I also didn't expect a presentation of the upcoming Living World right now. On the other hand it's been a little over 2 months since the S4 finale, so it is about the right time for ANet to start talking about it. They didn't even let the release of a full expansion slow down their release schedule, so I don't see why it should suddenly be delayed now. There's nothing at this moment to suggest it will take (considerably) longer this time, except maybe the summer holidays. And I'm hoping we can all agree that ANet employees have the right to go on vacation or take a break as well. ;)


But if there's a certain tone in my post, it's because I've been reading so many posts from people lamenting the lack of communication from devs, some even going so far as to claim we're in a content drought. All I can say is that it seems to me these people weren't around 4 years ago, when the real content drought his GW2. The one before and after HoT is what I'm referring to. When it comes to adding content, those were the darkest days of GW2. And it hasn't even been remotely like that since then. In fact, ANet have hardly done anything different since the lay offs compared to before. I guess yours was the post that finally triggered a response from me. ;)


I guess I just have a different approach to game development of MMO's. First of all, being 42 I'm from a different generation of gamers. I mean, sure it would be great if developers talked to gamers and took feedback before implementing updates. But I hardly feel it is a requisite, no matter how many people seem to demand it. It never used to be this way before and that has always been fine. And ANet doesn't do that either. They release stuff, they let us know a little in advance what's coming, but any feedback they'll take to maybe change their updates is from the actual use of it in game, not the concept they are working on before implementation. They've always done it this way. The fact that other game studios may do it differently doesn't imply ANet is doing it wrong. I'm also patient, which is an absolute requisite when it comes to playing MMO's. Development takes time. It will be months between releases, for any MMO out there. GW2 certainly doesn't have a worse release schedule than most MMO's out there. Could the releases be bigger? Maybe, and I wish they would be. But after playing this game since launch I know ANet's habits and quirks and don't expect that to change.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I'm not quitting, but my health is not great at the moment, so I'm playing significantly less. I feel I should say this as I'm also fairly critical of Anet and I want to be clear that it isn't because I'm sour.


Hope you get to feeling better soon!

On topic: All I see is people "leaving" because the game "is dying". When in reality, I see new players everyday. I also get the impression that these post are indicative of only a small portion of the game, not its whole. In terms of competitive play, there have been snags, sure, but one must realize this game is more of a relaxing, co-op affair. And honestly, I feel like those that are the mostly upset are upset because their play- mode has fallen to the wayside with these "nerfs" and "broken" builds. I would think that the whole "we're no longer participating in E-Sports (professionally)" would give one the impression that this is not the kind of mode A-Net expected to be as lucrative as their PvE setup. I'm not ya'll and I'm not A-Net; my opinions are my own.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> >

> > > >Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.

> > >

> > > Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.

> > >

> > > Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.

> > >

> > > These knee-jerk emotional reactions (worry, after all, is an emotion) really don't make any sense if you take the bigger picture into account, and the fact that new releases are always a time-consuming factor with a MMO game.

> >

> > It did come after the lay off, I've not disputed that. Nor have I said they were silent, their interactions with the community is what I was referring to. I've worded it carefully. I've also stated this in other posts. They've said they're doing something, which is great. If you read many posts about the sigils etc theres a lot of people offering criticism about it, some constructively others sadly not so.. but none the less there hasn't been a discussion, it's been thrown into the mix and coming out on the 30th with little time for things to be fedback to Anet for them to change, i.e. they don't plan to. Some are valid concerns, this particular issue isn't something I'm interested in.

> >

> > Anet today released an other statement today about the next chapter, which completely came as unexpected to me. I was expecting news at the end of the month. Which we're getting a 45 minute stream to go over it. Thats what I'm looking forward to and excited for, not blanket lines detailing what we're getting with little information. This is what I'm referring to when I say they've been cut off from the community. It feels they have been limiting their interactions with the community is all.

> >

> > As for the lay offs, I have never said I disagreed with their decision, and that seems to be what you're referring to. These things happen all the time, I work in a company where these lay offs are happening right now. Please do not assume I'm criticizing them for the lay offs. I've nothing but for praise for Anet for the world they've built and in all my posts I've never slandered them.


> Don't worry. I didn't interpret you criticizing them for the lay offs. If it sounded like that, I'm sorry. And I also didn't expect a presentation of the upcoming Living World right now. On the other hand it's been a little over 2 months since the S4 finale, so it is about the right time for ANet to start talking about it. They didn't even let the release of a full expansion slow down their release schedule, so I don't see why it should suddenly be delayed now. There's nothing at this moment to suggest it will take (considerably) longer this time, except maybe the summer holidays. And I'm hoping we can all agree that ANet employees have the right to go on vacation or take a break as well. ;)


> But if there's a certain tone in my post, it's because I've been reading so many posts from people lamenting the lack of communication from devs, some even going so far as to claim we're in a content drought. All I can say is that it seems to me these people weren't around 4 years ago, when the real content drought his GW2. The one before and after HoT is what I'm referring to. When it comes to adding content, those were the darkest days of GW2. And it hasn't even been remotely like that since then. In fact, ANet have hardly done anything different since the lay offs compared to before. I guess yours was the post that finally triggered a response from me. ;)


> I guess I just have a different approach to game development of MMO's. First of all, being 42 I'm from a different generation of gamers. I mean, sure it would be great if developers talked to gamers and took feedback before implementing updates. But I hardly feel it is a requisite, no matter how many people seem to demand it. It never used to be this way before and that has always been fine. And ANet doesn't do that either. They release stuff, they let us know a little in advance what's coming, but any feedback they'll take to maybe change their updates is from the actual use of it in game, not the concept they are working on before implementation. They've always done it this way. The fact that other game studios may do it differently doesn't imply ANet is doing it wrong. I'm also patient, which is an absolute requisite when it comes to playing MMO's. Development takes time. It will be months between releases, for any MMO out there. GW2 certainly doesn't have a worse release schedule than most MMO's out there. Could the releases be bigger? Maybe, and I wish they would be. But after playing this game since launch I know ANet's habits and quirks and don't expect that to change.


Being honest, I've not been around during the darkest days, I didn't find Guild Wars 2 appealing back then, I started it out on release played it none stop for a short while but then, stopped and every time I tried to get back into it, I was just clueless and had no friends so lost interest very quick, I've now been back for a year.. and something. I'm a 'WoW Refugee' as many refer to us, but the content we got one wow was far less than the content we get here, in my opinion. We don't have a subscription here.


However saying this I read comments and there is a point about the communication side, I'm not saying it's right or wrong but I tend to ignore those who are negative and not helpful in comments but the ones that are, are not moaning for the sake of it. They do love the game and giving their feedback on certain aspects they think Anet are weak on, communication I agree is one of them, but I'm comparing it to other games. WoW refused to listen to the community, after beta testing their latest expansion, the players reported a lot of issues. They just brought out the game with all the issues, scaling was wrong, boss bugs you name it, and Blizzard had to fix it, with it still having issues 5 months + after a release. They released an unfinished game, they denied ignoring fans for all the issues and they looked stupid. I think for the most part they just don't want to see people going down the same route. As for me, I'm not complaining about content, other than that bit of feedback theres no issues for me, I'm in love with the game, I've got like 5 years worth of content to catch up with, not a fan of the grinds but I'm actually enjoying the road to get to the end goal so it were. (i.e. Legendary Armour)


I'm 29 and years of gaming I've learned that ignoring the players who play this game day in and out, who might have some insight on what could help improve the game by giving honest feedback, by testing or other means just tends to lose trust. Also, to add I don't want to test these, this should be for players with far more higher knowledge of the game to help with what works what doesn't and how it can work/change. Whilst it may not have been a thing for 7 years, doesn't mean to say they shouldn't change or adapt to a growing fan base.


It's merely an opinion, but to reiterate, I don't hold any grievances or negativity toward Anet, making that clear. I'm excited for the new content and I only want to see them improve. The game is fantastic, and a credit to them for sticking to this.


Edit: 'Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs' might not be the correct wording from myself, it's just what I've seen in terms of how things are communicated. I should have added that it's my observation.

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> @"Greg.7086" said:

> @"Thornwolf.9721" Nice posts mate. Anet needs to read and take heed of your constructive criticisms and advice, or at the very least would be nice to have some acknowledgement from an Anet Community Manager. All these great ideas put out there just become a "player-to-player talking shop", and who know's if Anet Managers or Devs read them or consider any changes from all these player's opinions ? Contributory feedback from Anet would be nice (not Moderators).


> Another game I play, The Community Manager regularly comments on forum as a "go-between" dev team and the playerbase, and some of the better game implementations have come from detailed player's ideas that the dev team implemented (this might have taken 1-2 years, but for the playerbase simply knowing a particular part of the game only came about because of one player's idea is a massive morale booster for the Community, knowing that they have been listened to). Sure you are never going to please everyone, but its the feedback that really counts..even if it's a case of someone from Anet saying "JoeBloggs.1234" Great idea but unfortunately we can never implement that due to xyz reasons; however we are working on something similar.


You flatter me, thank you. I feel like what you reference would be a great step in the right direction; Even the smallest bit of addressed talks between us and them would be very, very nice. As a player and a guild wars lore and world lover, and someone who has grown up with this game Id love to be able to interact with the dev's and offer player insight to issues. Players can break a game, mold a game and find stuff within the game that the dev's might never of known about and this is because to us this is a game and to them this is a job and code. We need one another and the only way guild wars 2 can thrive is if we work together; The dev's need to give a bit back to the community but we need to be kind, civil and above all willing to work with them to achieve such a thing.


Rome was not built in a day ~

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