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Predictions for LW preview on Aug 30

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> Here are my predictions:

> 1. It will be Season 5 and not another chapter for Season 4


That's no prediction but an already known fact, and has been for half a year, if not longer.


> 2. The bad guy will be Jormag. Bleh.


My bet is still on the Sea Dragon. I was hoping for a non-dragon storyline, but alas...


> 3. And the whole thing will be "How do we beat Jormag without killing him?" Because killing him could cause the destruction of Tyria but you still got to stop a rampaging Dragon.


That would be such a boring foundation for Season 5.


> Other Predictions:

> 3. Legendaries! Bunches of them


Doubt it.


> That's what I think. What do you think will happen?


We are going to cross the ocean to Cantha and will stumble across Bubbles (or Bubbles will be the reason for us to go to Cantha in the first place, because its shoreline is being threatened by the dragon).

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" @"Inculpatus cedo.9234"

> > So I got a few things wrong. You have any predictions?


> 1. more human trash storylines

> 2. maybe the pale tree? We don't know how she has been, could lead into finding mallycks (Or however you spell the salad monkey's name.) tree, thus leading to more customization options for sylvari.

> 3. Dominion of winds could open up, give us another city (Doubt we will see any new races, ever just like classes. Too much "Work".)

> 4. Probs some flame legion shenanigans, potentially leading to us going to the blood legion homelands.

> 5. Since they said they won't be adding as many maps I think reworks/overhauls to existing core tyria maps are what they are looking toward.

> 6. Black citadel gets destroyed by the flame legion, which is one of the first major losses we can literally fix next episode.

> 7. Mist shenanigans because Kralk messed everything up, our reality is now anchored to theirs and vice versa. Could be cool.

> 8. Hints at the next expansion, if there is one littered through out.

> 9. Someone is gonna die, been setting it up for two seasons and an expansion. My money is on Taimi as we know her time is limited and her sickness is getting worse; Could be us dealing with something like that emotionally charging us into a vulnerable state for "Enter some bad person here, to make things worse."


The nr 5 could also be like drytop and silverwaste were the map opens up gradualy, so ep1,2 3 are on the same map just diffrent layers for example.

I dont see them destroying core maps they stoped those shenanigans in season 1.

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Living world season 2 was based on core tyria maps (where you did existing events), and drytop and silverwastes. It is not impossible they revisit an old map and use some event or the likes on it. Think of revisiting lws4 maps and core tyria. Hot zones they cannot touch as they are locked behind another xpac and same for living world season 3 maps.

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My predictions:

1. A large number of booty-bothered hype-hounds upset that despite all their predictions, they are not getting more underwater content.

2. At least 4 armchair developers (who actually have no experience with games other than playing them) will write walls of text talking about the shame of how badly designed it is.

3. A new armorset is released with the map and we will see 14 threads within the month talking about how Arenanet only puts armor skins on the gemstore.

4. Some form of collectible achievement that people will claim has killed the game for them and goes against Arenanet's "anti-grind philosophy".

5. A lengthy forum thread in the Lore section talking about how this is all about the Deep Sea Dragon when in fact there is not a single mention in S5 about the Deep Sea Dragon.

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So from previous experience i can tell it will be on the scale of Istan or jahai bluffs, since it is the team that made them, the map could be larger since they said they will reduce the number of new maps so it will be more like dry top, silverwastes type that gradually opens up new areas, so if they half the maps to 3 so new map per 2 episodes ,the maps have constant population instead of having most of the people in the better 3 of the season or just the new one.

The story will be mediocre, but bombastic so it grabs attention but not deep, it will introduce some new characters and flesh out some old ones that were left out.

There would be some QOL changes i suspect the legendary runes, no new mount that would be for ep 3, there might be a new weapon set of skins (but it could be for ep2 ),

no new armor skins we already got one the last ep so it is for the 2nd or the 3rd.

I wonder if there would be pre event or the pre event was dragon bash , since the current events team is the festival team and that snowy area stuff feels like we are going after the sons of svanir.

For the PAX event they will be talking how they will proceed further with the living world and maybe at the end they will drop a teaser for expansion, the last one is more of industry standard and NCSOFT took their publishing and marketing so expect something by the book, if they even announce anything that is.



What i hope is that they will not waste cool encounters on one and done deal going forward and go into making the game fun and less about statistics, some boots on the ground will probably help, since most of the time it feels that they don't know what is making the game work for so many people and they just trow random ideas, which are great most of the time, but they don't work on them further. Statistics don't show if the thing the players do in game is fun for them, most of the time people funnel into activities that are most efficient for some end goal, the path of least resistance, but most of the time it is horribly boring activity as an example from the big daddy of MMOs

WoW AP grind, Facebook game timer tables nobody likes them but they are efficient and everyone does them. It is nice having statistics but they are a tool not a guide and following only them ends up making everything repetitive and sucks the life and creativity of the whole thing and if you watch one of the dev streams for WoW it can be noticed that there is a lot of robotic statements.

I'm focusing on WoW since Arenanet has been taking some ideas from there, but they should look at their mistakes also,( WoW started swiping ideas from GW2 and implementing them half baked, i fully expect they will copy the mount system in some way in the future).

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I hope Cantha with Tengu Race and new elite specs, but I fear it will be same old boring old world shite like Northern Shiverpeaks with Jormag and maybe some Charr Homeland shizzle. Also fluff content like player housing which I despise and maybe a new race, though they denied that from time to time.


One of the preview pics showed snow, so that's why.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:


> The Jormag cult is very plausible. My knowledge is sketchy, but isn't there a Bloodstone in the Shiverpeaks that could be drawn upon?


Muuuuch further south. IIRC the Shiverpeaks Bloodstone was the one in Bloodstone Caves in GW1, and should be between Sparkfly Swamp and Straits of Devastation in GW2.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >

> > The Jormag cult is very plausible. My knowledge is sketchy, but isn't there a Bloodstone in the Shiverpeaks that could be drawn upon?


> Muuuuch further south. IIRC the Shiverpeaks Bloodstone was the one in Bloodstone Caves in GW1, and should be between Sparkfly Swamp and Straits of Devastation in GW2.


Aha OK, that's one idea out then


edit - bit of wiki digging and the entrance is sealed off right in the North east of Straits of Devastation behind a locked door.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They’ve previously said S5 won’t be directly about the elder dragons so if it is jormag I expect that to be background or late in the arc

I can see lws5 being set-up for dealing with another dragon in some way but id see that as more of an overarching theme as aposed to the meat of the season.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> I hope Cantha with Tengu Race and new elite specs, but I fear it will be same old boring old world kitten like Northern Shiverpeaks with Jormag and maybe some Charr Homeland kitten. Also fluff content like player housing which I despise and maybe a new race, though they denied that from time to time.


> One of the preview pics showed snow, so that's why.



Me and a lot of players, are tired of human centric stories. I want Norn and Charr to have their spotlight. If the ls5/expansion will be another human centric story, i wont buy it. We want something new , rather than human and again human centric stories.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:


> Me and a lot of players, are tired of human centric stories. I want Norn and Charr to have their spotlight. If the ls5/expansion will be another human centric story, i wont buy it. We want something new , rather than human and again human centric stories.


Well, so what if you are tired of them? I am not against Norn and Charr stories if a story comes to their way, but I am also interested in human stories. Actually, I just want a story to make sense, whichever the way it goes. Do not discriminate just cuz you don't like something.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > @"SidewayS.3789" said:


> > Me and a lot of players, are tired of human centric stories. I want Norn and Charr to have their spotlight. If the ls5/expansion will be another human centric story, i wont buy it. We want something new , rather than human and again human centric stories.


> Well, so what if you are tired of them? I am not against Norn and Charr stories if a story comes to their way, but I am also interested in human stories. Actually, I just want a story to make sense, whichever the way it goes. Do not discriminate just cuz you don't like something.


Discrimination is a bit too strong a word there.


A lot of us that play nonhuman characters have to make do with headcannon for a lot of things that humans get explicitely all the time. It already has a headstart (since it is a real race) too, so a case can even be made that less attention needed to be paid to it but instead stories went the other way.

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