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Why win each week? Would you play more if you got rewarded for winning each week?

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Rewarding winning servers has proved disastrous in the past. I would rather they not go down that path again, I prefer allowing players to work on their individual reward progress rather than hopping onto the next ktrain and getting wrecked every time they come across an organized guild because they forgot how to fight something besides NPC's and gates.

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winning would be nice if there was a reward for it but i think promote more toxic game play to players that do not wish to play meta builds. i think game should promote players on your server across all the servers. such as top kill player of that week or something along though lines.

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> Its painfully obvious ~~at this point~~ that the only reason to win each week ~~now~~ is to move tiers to find fights

fixed that: there's never been any substantive reason to win except during the so-called WvW Season 1 or Season 2. And while more people played during both seasons, according to ANet, more people stopped playing (and never returned) after they were over.


At first glance, offering extras to "winning" teams seems like it would be great. In practice, it causes folks to flock to a single server to lock in those rewards.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Its painfully obvious ~~at this point~~ that the only reason to win each week ~~now~~ is to move tiers to find fights

> fixed that: there's never been any substantive reason to win except during the so-called WvW Season 1 or Season 2. And while more people played during both seasons, according to ANet, more people stopped playing (and never returned) after they were over.


> At first glance, offering extras to "winning" teams seems like it would be great. In practice, it causes folks to flock to a single server to lock in those rewards.


Which is exactly what happened right before those tournaments happened, players flocked to the servers that seemed like they'd be the most stacked in their division/tier (gold, silver, bronze). I played on Dragonbrand at the time and we got smacked pretty hard by a rotation of the standard T1 servers due to losing a good chunk of our population but being locked into gold. During the other tournament I played on FA and we absolutely slaughtered everyone in the silver league due to last minute pre-tournament bandwagoning resulting in us having a higher population than half the gold league servers.


Rewards for "winning" just exasperates the current issue with population balance.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Its painfully obvious ~~at this point~~ that the only reason to win each week ~~now~~ is to move tiers to find fights

> > fixed that: there's never been any substantive reason to win except during the so-called WvW Season 1 or Season 2. And while more people played during both seasons, according to ANet, more people stopped playing (and never returned) after they were over.

> >

> > At first glance, offering extras to "winning" teams seems like it would be great. In practice, it causes folks to flock to a single server to lock in those rewards.


> Which is exactly what happened right before those tournaments happened, players flocked to the servers that seemed like they'd be the most stacked in their division/tier (gold, silver, bronze). I played on Dragonbrand at the time and we got smacked pretty hard by a rotation of the standard T1 servers due to losing a good chunk of our population but being locked into gold. During the other tournament I played on FA and we absolutely slaughtered everyone in the silver league due to last minute pre-tournament bandwagoning resulting in us having a higher population than half the gold league servers.


> Rewards for "winning" just exasperates the current issue with population balance.


> ~ Kovu


This. If the rewarded people for winning, people would exploit/bandwagon/stack even harder than they do now.

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Prizes for winning would probably make things worse. Even more stacking which would result in longer map queues and it would also crush my FPS because I have a potato computer at the moment.


I would play more if reward tracks were more lucrative and pips were repeatable after diamond.

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Nope, and the reason being, we'd have servers over-stacking themselves to ensure "you" and "everybody else" won't be rewarded. The only way it'd work is if Anet imposed balance coverage across the match. Basically they place you where they want, and that's where you stay whether you like it or not; no transferring.

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Winning only holds any form of merit or relevance if you win fair and square in a somewhat balanced system. Getting further rewards for it (besides winning and the sense of achivement that can come with it) only heightens that appeal. So over a balanced system it is positive but not crucial.


However, winning in an imbalanced system holds no merit or relevance and getting further rewards for that would also compound those issues, making the bad worse. That means that further rewards are also only positive or useful when sprinkled ontop of a balanced system. Without balance the rewards would also hold no merit, positive or relevance.


So the question of rewards is always inherently tied to the underlying issues of balance, the PPK/PPT divide and lacking sense of accomplishment we've had.


Ed. Sorry if a bit incoherent, it's 4:45am my time and I'm half asleep.

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> @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> Its painfully obvious at this point that the only reason to win each week now is to move tiers to find fights, but would that change if you got rewarded for winning each week?


This would just worsen the problems with server transfers in order to manipulate the matches.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Its painfully obvious ~~at this point~~ that the only reason to win each week ~~now~~ is to move tiers to find fights

> fixed that: there's never been any substantive reason to win except during the so-called WvW Season 1 or Season 2. And while more people played during both seasons, according to ANet, more people stopped playing (and never returned) after they were over.


> At first glance, offering extras to "winning" teams seems like it would be great. In practice, it causes folks to flock to a single server to lock in those rewards.


Thats not actually true. Server placement has always been a big incentive for some players to stay in or avoid a tier/matchup. In the past we had glicko matchmaking which was very slow to adjust matchups, this allowed servers to basically not care about points for weeks at a time, and if they wanted to stay in that tier because they liked the matchup they would have push weeks. Now we have 1up/1down matchmaking which allows much quicker match adjustments, so if a server doesnt like a matchup it can simply skip a week. If it wants to stay in a tier it can go for second place.

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We dont need to ostracize more players from another game mode because they dont conform to "meta" in order to be the "most efficient" possible to win everytime.


What matters is that everyone is on the same level field, and that everyone gets the most of what they can get, equally. Dont punish losers for losing, or the only one playing will be the same server, over and over, and will only encourage bandwagonning to oblivion, or straight up giving up when faced with a stacked up server. As it stands, underdog servers can fight Viciously and give the big dog a run for it's money, Simply because Participation gets you rewards. And you get the same amount whether you win or lose, based on how you participated.

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Only way I can imagine it working, would be to somehow have a set amount of rewards, and divide it on the number of active players that week. To the degree that if you stack it, you get next to nothing. But it would still be pointless, because it still just means the stacked servers get 50copper each a week. And an extra [spike].


The shift over to personal rewards was a good one in this regard. It does make people a whole lot more selfish in WvW, but at least it doesn't strangle the entire mode.


I'd really like to see rewards somehow shifted over to fighting other players. Win or lose, as long as you're actually fighting them, even if you die, get more rewards. Don't reward karma-train un-defended paper objectives etc. I think that's the only way to get people to actually care about fighting each others again.


(Would likely just make people stand in a holed up SMC and slaughter each others, respawn, run back and ignore the PPT. But honestly, that still sounds like an improvement)

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> @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> Its painfully obvious at this point that the only reason to win each week now is to move tiers to find fights, but would that change if you got rewarded for winning each week?


it would have to be recognition of my guild, i.e. slayers xd top nsp sea guild or eu guild for me to do it. or an exclusive armor skin x weapon skin.


because commanding is self gratification. i do it for my friends not for myself and i'm not a martyr to do it for the server. >.< i.e. i can buy myself a car irl. but i cant if its for me alone. i saw this nice. 3k worth gaming rig too yesterday, but i cant buy it simply because its for me.


things i can see. top scout for the week, server vote, for popularity.


top commander for the relinks. etc. voting public too.


i know i wont win these since its a popular thing and i am an angry mean commander sometime, but it would be fun. i can vote for some who do their jobs well. i.e. fabian, alaric, nico, jai or tyron, groagma


but it would give us recognition.

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Its a very odd question to ask when you are *literally* rewarded for playing more today. Thats what the reward tracks does. Winning would only put a condition on it - a meaningless condition. Continous games that are meant to be played for the sake of providing content and enjoyment for all dont generally do that.

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> @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> Its painfully obvious at this point that the only reason to win each week now is to move tiers to find fight


You mean that even after 7 years fight guilds still don't know, that they just need to click one single button and get magically teleported to a fight arena called "EotM"? You can even write a message to your favorite fight guild at any time and ask them to jump to EotM for that high quality fights. You might earn less pips and reward track progress, but get more bags as a compensation.


There really is no need to ruin WvW by losing the match on purpose, just to get better fights next week. Would ppl then play more? Absolutely!


Just imagine ppl have fun by playing a game towards the set game goal. Its a game, simple as that. Winning should be meaningless to an extend. And losing on purpose should not be rewarded with better fights.


PS: maybe have this read as well


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The current system is better. The more you participate the more you make. Tie it into a weekly reward for just winning and you would just encourage stacking and that doesn't help matchups. I would like to think that people prefer matchups that are more balanced versus one side zerging the others.

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I see both reasons of voting honestly. The problem is we all gotta dance around the elephant in the room known as "Transfers" aka "Population Imbalence" here. Creating a dumb down/less meaningful/insulting sense of "Winning".


If that was fixed ultimately... Yes. I would abosultly love to try to Win something. Would give me more purpose to actually try in WvW. I'm the kind of person that like's to have goals/purpose's... That's just how I get more enjoyment/fulfillment in what I do .

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