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Q&A with the Narrative Team

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> @"Julia Nardin.9824" said:


> Man, I would love to write some dialogue variants for some spiders and octopuses. That sounds rad.


Just be aware that spiders talk by drumming their feet and octopuses are a combo of tentacle motion and color shifts on the skin and both have very nonhuman emotions and motivations :D I'm not sure it would fit into an MMO since most players will indeed need a hook to identify with their characters.

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Hi! I'm also in the Zephyrite Order RP guild mentioned earlier and would love just basically as much info about the Zephyrites as you can give!


In addition to that though, the roleplay community has been debating this for age and I feel like it might be a quick easy question: What is the age of adulthood for the various races (including humans)? Is there a legal drinking age, age you can join an order or militia group, age you can get married, etc? This comes up in roleplay ALL the time and the difference of opinions makes it hard to keep scenes coherent sometimes, it would be awesome to have solid ages to work with!


Thank you!

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Are you considering the idea of heroes losing to the threat and the said threat actually affects the world in some ways? If so, how would you implement it without cornering yourself when it comes to writing?


Oh, and one more thing, should we expect some optional dialogues similar to raids when there are multiple players in instance?

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@ Alex Kain.6492 Thank you for the answer, I have some more questions:

1) How many of you, current writers, have played GW1?

→ One more GW1 question:

2) Who's the female mesmer from Prophecies box? I always assumed that warrior = Stefan, ranger = Reyna, ele, monk and necro were obvious. But who's that mesmer girl?

→ Some "bridge" questions:

3) Speaking about Cynn and Mhenlo - have they finally married? Kids? We have several descendants of GW1 characters in-game but none of the pair.

4) Continuing the topic - do you plan to add more books and NPCs that tell the bridging lore? Fractals perhaps?

5) Back to Ascalon - Do you have anything to say about its relationship with Cantha? Mhenlo had many friends there and was always willing to help them, we had Xandra - ambassador of Luxons in Ascalon. It seems they were on good terms so why didn't Canthan friends aid Ascalon against Charr invasion? I understand why Salma and Kryta couldn't but nobody ever asked about Cantha.

→ Ghosts of Ascalon book question:

6) What happened to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Golem%27s_Eye ?

→ Now back to GW2 questions:

7) Any chance of Fall of the Abaddon fractal?

8) Why did Caithe kill Wynne instead of Faolain?

9) What's "typical" dragon lifespan? Could https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shiny still be alive and lurking above Ahdashim raid?

10) Last question(s) involve a certain dragon too... Deep Sea Dragon - is it retconned out of existence? If not, how do you plan to handle it (if you can tell of course) knowing that people dislike underwater combat? Do gameplay limitations annoy you much? Is there that one thing you really wish made it to the game but gameplay or some other (technical or not) reason blocks it?


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I got a question about the Skritt. I wonder how a Skritt thinktank would work. We know they get smarter if they are together. In the Brill Alliance lab they are with 10? (going to the number captured in the event chain before that) and can allready solve sums like 25 times 63. Are there limitations to this? wouldnt they be able to solve the biggest world problems? Or understand all of the theory of all (how many Skritt would require that...then again, how many Skritt are required to screw in a lightbulb??)) Are there any plans to dwell onto the Skritt society (besides having them overdrink coffee).

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Two questions from my side.

Rytlock and Rox: what is their relationship. Rytlock knows Rox since she was in Fahrar and the datamined end of season one presented them as half brother. Now that we know that Rytlock has cubs...could Rox be...?

Narrative method: I really loved branching arcs in the original GW, both in Factions and in GW:EN. Doing some story steps in different orders gives some kind of uniqueness to story experience. I am personally feeling in those cases more bonds to some characters because I actively chose to follow their needs first, I had to decide what I found being a priority. Could you imagine in a potential future in which story steps would be bundled (aka expansion) to consider writing some branching arcs ? In an episodic way of releasing story I see why it would be almost impossible (unless three episodes are released altogether but you can only do one every 3 months...gosh what a frustrating design oO) but in case of expansion ....who knows.

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> @"Julia Nardin.9824" said:

> > @"Psientist.6437" said:

> > A question concerning more nuanced races. Are there general lenses you use to analyze the races, such as economic, religious, or magical affinity/disposition? Personally I would love to see more attention paid to Tyrian economics. I think it would be fun to write and play and build confidence in the player economy.


> Good question! I'll use the charr as an example, since we discussed them pretty in depth while Alex was working on his Rytlock piece for the Requiem Twine series. On the surface, you've got a militaristic race of cat-people separated into three High Legions + the Flame Legion (and the Olmakhan). Before that, they were one group led by a Khan-Ur--so the closest real world parallel we've got is the Mongol Empire with Genghis Khan at its head. Like the charr, the Mongol Empire was formed by someone who united a bunch of nomadic tribes for the purpose of conquering. Both were very good at it (and both were responsible for the large-scale massacres of civilian populations).


> In Guild Wars 2, we're further down the road; the Khan-Ur is dead and most of the charr are split across the Blood Legion, the Iron Legion, and the Ash Legion--all of which are led by a descendant of the original Khan-Ur. Something similar happened after Genghis Khan's death--if you're interested you can check out the Toluid Civil War, even though it's not a 1:1 comparison. Our imperators are on relatively good terms with each other (with the exception of the Flame Legion, _which is a whole other kettle of fish_) because there's strength in numbers, and so far this setup has been working pretty well for them. They're _also_ on good terms with the other races of Tyria due to the Ebonhawke Treaty, which is itself an extension of this agreement that the imperators have with each other. That is to say: they're willing to work together for a common goal. In the past, that was expanding their territory and influence. Now, it's dealing with the Elder Dragon Problem (and other localized threats). That doesn't mean the desire to conquer goes away, though--especially not in older charr whose worldview is pretty entrenched in their personal identities. The Ebonhawke Treaty is still _very_ new in the scheme of things, and no group of people is a monolith. The Renegades and Separatists are pretty clear evidence that not everyone is on board.


> The charr's culture functions the way it does because that's what it was designed to do. Cubs leave their parents when they're weaned to join the fahrar because that's most effective. They're brought up to believe their legion comes first because that's what makes an efficient soldier. They're indoctrinated to view their warband as their family because it strengthens the warband as a military unit. None of this is biological. It's a sociological. Both the Mongols -- and the Spartans, who the charr are also inspired by -- are human, even if their societies function in very different ways from each other... and from our own.


> Present-day Mongols aren't conquerors. Circumstances have changed dramatically. The charr are experiencing a similar shift, and Rytlock is among the first to start questioning the way his culture does things. This doesn't mean he's going to go out and buy a baseball mitt and play catch with his cubs--but it _does_ mean he's no longer shunning his impulse to be more involved in their lives. Historically, charr haven't been _allowed_ to invest much in their young; that doesn't mean they _wouldn't_. The Olmakhan certainly do. And Rytlock has spent enough time with Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch that this sort of thing is no longer the taboo he was raised to believe.


> Not everyone would agree with him, though. Bangar certainly wouldn't--because Rytlock's way of thinking is a threat to his authority. The way things currently work allows him to maintain his power (while putting others, like gladia, at a distinct disadvantage).


> Again: Sociological, not biological. These things aren't fixed. They can and do change.


> Gosh this is already much longer than I anticipated, and it's a really simplified view of everything that only scratches the surface of what's going on with the charr, but I hope it gives people an idea of where we're coming from when we make these sorts of choices--like with the Twine. At the end of the day, the charr aren't human, but the people writing them are--and so are the people playing them. We're not trying to make them exactly like us, but we have only human cultures to draw from. Which is a good thing, I think, because they're all so rich and varied.


> You could make an MMO where all the cultures are based on chimpanzees or dolphins or ravens -- which are some of the most intelligent animals on our planet -- but without nuance or a human spin on them, it's probably not going to be very interesting.


It's interesting that you mention the Mongols, because in my personal RP community i'v always likened Ebonhawke to my home country of Vietnam in the aftermath of the Mongol invasions, even more so in Guild Wars 2 where a lot of the way I view the Fields of Ruin mirrors how I saw Vietnam in the aftermath of the Indochina war as well, the resemblance between their hit and run tactics, as well as Charr societies appetite for war starting to collapse under internal pressure is rather uncanny. Though i'v also always seen it somewhat related to Rome in general and for the Ascalonians ancient Phonecian civilization, in many ways I kind of view Ascalon as a reflection of numerous modern wars and how it warps the cultures therin.


It makes me curious because we've sort of dealt with Separatism though the White Mantle, finding out who was really funding them and stoking the fires of hatred. We haven't had that same thing happen with the Renegades though. Ajax Anvilburn was dealt with early on in the personal story but it's hard for me to believe that Renegades could organize on the level that have in a regimented society like the Charr who generally like to keep a very tight leash on their troops. I vividly remember early on in playing GW2 when I ran into a Charr at one of the Lions Guard havens who said that if troops went rogue the way that Separatists did with humans they'd be dead, which made me wonder why weren't they?


As we move further north is there any chance we'll see more things dealing with the likes of Fume Brighteye and Bangar Ruinbringer? Or indeed, just Charr cultures struggle with a more peaceful agreement with the other races of Tyria in general.

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The Norn have an interesting tension between their culture emphasizing physical prowess and combat, yet also being deeply spiritual, between hunting great beasts to prove your strength and also revering nature. Yet I feel like we haven't seen much of the Norns' spiritual side in quite a while.


How does the story team reconcile these aspects of Norn culture? You mentioned that you're thinking about their shapeshifting, might we get some better looks at the shamanic side of their culture through that?

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I definitely agree with the approach of cutting down the number of NPCs in an arc/episode because there are frankly too many to include with the limited time and budget. However, I've long felt that the supposed protagonist gets put on the emotional backburner a lot in the name of giving the NPCs and their issues spotlight time. Are there are plans to improve on that? As it is, it leaves the impression that nobody really seems to care about the player character or what s/he is going through _up to and including death_ -- which in turn makes it very hard for me to develop any positive emotions for these supposed "friends" the writers made us abandon the Pact for (still a massive WTF moment IMO). Braham's apology is an overdue step in the right direction, at least.


What about the PC and Aurene, will their connection matter in the future? In keeping with the above, Caithe (a character I like, mind) swooping in to become Aurene's emotional focus and interpreter while I'd been craving a moment of connection and reunion with her ever since Balthazar dragon-napped her made me wonder what _our_ bond with Aurene was supposed to be good for after all, except to provide a handful of places to press the special action key. Yes, the final cutscene with her was great and so was flying with her at last, but there are _so_ many "missing moments" and missed opportunities between that and the long-ago episode where we teach and play with her.


If you hope to give a bit more attention to the different races/cultures, will that also include letting them shine in the department of providing unique inputs and solutions? LS3 onwards has been far too heavy on Taimi knowing everything and solving everything with magitech, IMO, and the addition of Gorrik doesn't help in that regard. I really want to see sylvari magic and Dream-connection, Norn prowess and spirit-lore, charr discipline and ingenuity, etc. given room to help us save the day too!

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Ok, some more questions from me, although they might not be answered due to their nature - I'm gonna give it a shot anyway.


Isles of Janthir - why did Caudecus Beetlestone go there before the events from "Head of the Snake" chapter? It was mentioned in passing by Canach, however nothing more came about it. Also, now that the Mursaat and White Mantle are no more and the Eye of Janthir disintegrated itself, is there any reason to visit this place? It seems pretty odd to me, that the Priory never attempted to send at least a squad to dig for some artifacts, or that the Shining Blade haven't secured some area there due to its obvious connections to White Mantle. I know that many people (counting myself) would actually love to visit and explore the place - but now there is apparently no reason for this. I hope to be proven wrong in the future...

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Norn feel like they have been somewhat left out after the personal story and don't have much screen time, there are some running around but most are not that important except Braham. They seem to be left with the cliche dwarf tropes but only with that and not much fleshing out. All the stuff about building legends kinda were left out.

Since the Norn are something of a amalgamation of fantasy dwarf/giant, Celt, Gal, Viking, Scotish, Germanic and Slavic tribes do you think it will be good to use some of the history and the folk tales from each these peoples?

Also please listen to some Amon Amarth before writing some Norn stories, they will need some oomph.

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Are there plans of introducing a new cast of main characters? I will be blunt, i'm sick of the old and current ones, i would probably miss canach and Rytlock a ton, but i think it is time we are given new blood to adventure and familiarize. It was really nice meeting the new asuras even if one of them already met an end

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Hi, I'm a representant of the French forum of GW2. We want to be a part of this Q/A but I don't think someone will answer us in the french forum, so I propose you a translation of our questions, if you could answer it or some of it, it would be very gladly apprieced ^^.


NB : I didn't read all this topic so if a question was already asked, please ignore it. Thank ^^


- You said you that you would not put necessarily a new map with a new episode, but some expension of olds maps. Can we know what will be the size of these expensions ? A map of the size of season 3's ? Larger ? Smaller ?

- Why there is no teaser of the season 5 at the end of the season 4, like did it for the rest of the story ?

- Do we will see undiscovered map of Tyria in this season ?

- Elona discovery is done or we will see another maps for this country ?

- With the death of Baltazar, is the balance between the others gods is in danger ?

- Do we will heal the Elder dragons instead of killing them ?

- There will be a new way to move (like the glider) ?

- There will be new elite specialization with the season 5 ?

- Are you planning to release a new guild hall ?

- This season 5 will be bound to Path Of Fire like the season 4 did ?

- This new chapter will takes place just after the last episode or there will be a jump in time (like 5 years or 3 mouth) ?

- Is Zojja will be back anytime soon ?

- Is Tyria evoled during our travel in Elona ?

- Is the season 5 will bring us closer to Cantha ?

- Do we will see Aurene again ?

- Do we will see the humans gods again ?

- New festivals are planning ?

- Do you will updates the festivals or is there will stay the same ?

- There will be a third generation of legendary weapon ?

- Do you work on elite place like you did in GW1 ?


In France, we love GW2 and all the work you did in this game. We support you no matter what and we were sad about the February events. We are a very strong community too and we hope GW2 will live a very long time. Kisses.

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Julia Nardin, thank you for the response. It would be impossible to NOT use human civilizations as a lens for Tyrian races and that lens can discover differences as well as similarities. Perhaps Charr biology can explain some of their social structure. They are large carnivores that would have always required large animals. Large animals are terrible at converting acreage into calories and they migrate. Charr need more territory. Even the introduction of animal husbandry wouldn't change this requirement. Charr would still depend on inefficient animals. Shrink a Charr to the size of a human and it would still take more land to keep the same number of Charr alive. Using Mongol society as a lens, Charr dependence on meat would be similar to the Mongol's dependence on horses.


On the effects of biology on society:


Please spend as much time talking about Sylvari and pollen! The potential for pollen to effect Sylvari society is mind blowing. Does the Pale Tree produce pollen? Does it use pollen to influence the Sylvari? How much variation is there in pollen types among Sylvari? Can Sylvari control when they produce pollen or control the type of pollen. Are Sylvari effected by pollen and are they aware of the effects? Could Sylvari fall in love or lust based just on pollen? Did Caithe find Faolain's flowers and pollen irresistible?

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In the Crucible of Eternity explorable dungeon(All Explorable path) after you first finish fighting Subject Alpha the NPC that is with you Agent Spire says something along the lines of " That's the second ugliest creature I've ever seen" I've always been curious what is the ugliest?

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What color is Canach's glow? It's been orange, green, and golden-yellow at various points. Has it canonically changed independently of the rest of his appearance? (I think he looks best with the oldschool bright orange, but the new gold is pretty reminiscent of it. Maybe it's just there to indicate he's rich now? ;))


Also, have you ever thought of taking him back to Southsun for some cleanup? Southsun is a pretty content-light zone and could use a redesign. I think it'd be a great candidate to revisit and expand upon since the new season's format is opening up the possibility of doing that kind of thing. As much as I love Canach for his snark, I'd also like to see some more serious moments out of him again, and I can think of no better place to do that than in Southsun.


Finally, what do you consider the point(s) that set humans in your setting apart from humans in other fantasy settings? What sets them apart from the other races in Tyria? Whenever members of the community on tumblr make posts discussing the races (whether funny or serious), it's common to see humans left out because they're "bland" compared to the other races. As someone with a human main, it hurts to get left out so much, especially knowing that humans on Tyria are _literally aliens_ and have such a rich history behind them. What aspects do you think someone can point to in order to say "pay attention, Guild Wars 2's humans are _interesting_" and springboard off of to get them included in things more often? (To be clear I'm not advocating that GW2's story be more human-centric, it's had enough of us and sylvari for a while now. Every race deserves their day in the limelight.)

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How is the rest of the world doing? It's hard to guess how communication works in the world of GW2 - they don't have the internet or most of the things we associate with fast communication in the real world, but they do have the Asura gates and an incredibly efficient mail system. Is most of the world aware of what just happened in Dragonfall? Were people panicking about the incoming destruction of the world after Aurene's death? Or is this the kind of thing that the farmers on Queensdale have simply never heard about?


One I'm not sure you can answer: we saw that Kralkatorrik had been driven insane by magic. We then went on to destroy the manifestations of Balthazar's magic, of Mordremoth's magic, and of Zhaitan's magic... And then Kralkatorrik took a beating, but he was mostly sane before being killed. Was Kralkatorrik driven insane by the magic from the other dragons and from Balthazar, and that's why we destroyed those manifestations? Or was he insane before we killed Zhaitan?


Lastly, I just wanted to congratulate the developers and members of the narrative team who worked on the open world content for Episode 4, "A Star to Guide Us". It has a lot of somewhat hidden but amazing content, such as...

* The [Prepare the Pact camp for battle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prepare_the_Pact_camp_for_battle) heart has some text that changes if your character is an engineer (so you already know how to fix the broken golems, instead of having to ask one of the NPCs around how to do it). It's great to see content based on our characters' race and/or profession.

* The [start dialogs between the Elonian factions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Start_dialogs_between_the_Elonian_factions) has A LOT of voiced dialogue based on the possible interactions between different factions; I'm not sure if most players are even going to realize how there are correct and incorrect matches between NPCs from different factions, and how the correct ones have extra dialogue.

* The "side quests" are amazing - the entire time travel story for the Requiem armor set was great, and a nice way to tell a story using only open world content.


This kind of attention to detail is really great.


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Before I pass out I actually had a really question I wanted to ask.


Judging by all the information we've been given in PoF it's pretty obvious there's a new god of war, Kormir insistently uses the terminology of the Six in Facing the Truth, Zafirah hears a voice that is dissonant with Balthazars in some way, I wouldn't put it past Lyssa to somehow caretake Balthazars power considering how he talked about...or didn't talk about...her, and of course he doesn't melt peoples eyes and had to drain a whole lot of magic to get back to where he was before. I heard there was a line about Aurene being the new God of War too but for some reason that got cut.


Balthazar playing humans got relatively little development in PoF despite the fact you'd think they'd probably have the most interactions given the expansion. Will we ever get to see where Balthazars divine energy went? or is that plot thread unlikely to be resolved in Guild Wars 2?

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What did you learn from writing Aurene, and what was your biggest challenge you faced with writing and characterizing her?


In an interview that was performed years ago, a writer said that sylvari could (probably) regrow limbs, but the article for that interview has been deleted, so the chain of citations I followed led to nothing. What's the word on Sylvari regeneration?


And another one. How big is the pact, anyway, and how many people were involved in Pact operations? I'm trying to get a sense of the scale of the anti-dragon operations. Was this more of an elite unit, or more of an enormous army? I know Divinity's Reach ingame is about a 4th the size of the real DR, so I'm just sort of curious about where else that lore/ingame scale discrepancy comes into play.


And a bit of a silly one (and also the last question), but why is Orr still wet and covered in marine life? I don't mean that in a snide way - I'm just profoundly curious. Because the maps for Orr create an environmental narrative which is extremely successful in engendering the idea that Orr rose recently, and they do it so successfully that I'd think they were designed to give that impression. But the lore tells a completely different story. So I'm sort of left wondering how that came to be. Was it originally supposed to have risen recently, then the lore changed, but the map was too far in development to change it? Or was the marine-life-on-land aesthetic just thought of as a cooler than alternatives, and the seeming discrepancy between environmental/lore story was just an unintended consequence?


> @"Julia Nardin.9824" said:


> Man, I would love to write some dialogue variants for some spiders and octopuses. That sounds rad.


Without getting too far off topic, if writing minds outside the sphere of human interests you, then I have a story you might like. It's a hard sci-fi first contact story featuring vampires. And it's free. If that doesn't hook you, I don't know what to say. It's called [blindsight](https://rifters.com/real/Blindsight.htm "Blindsight"). I write unprofessionally, and I think the insight that book gave me into writing different types of minds also greatly improved my ability to write characters in general.


Edited for typos and clarity.

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Each of these come with the caveat of "I am not affiliated with ArenaNet in any fashion that gives me insider information, so what I say here might be Jossed in the future".


> @"Batel.9206" said:

> This might seem like a tongue-in-cheek question, but I'm being serious (as much as is possible for me, anyway, haha) : is there a lore reason why we can't reforge Caladbolg as any weapon (staff, torch, warhorn, rifle, etc.) but instead only as a select few?

> ~~shameless pleading mode activated: please can we get a Caladbolg staff/full set of weapons, pretty please with a Taimi on top?~~


I think the idea here is that Caladbolg, being originally a sword, is only _so_ malleable. Orchida, Rosa, and Solana are all blades of various lengths. If you look closely at Iridi (the scepter), it's essentially the original handle of Caladbolg, with the ball at the end being Caladbolg's pommel. Astera (the shield) is the furthest from the original Caladbolg, but it is still essentially a greatsword with the blade shortened, widened, and twisted to become more of a barrier than a blade.


Turning into other weapons, particularly weapons with intricate moving parts like firearms, was probably well outside its capability.


It could be interesting, however, to see a future chapter - after the Pale Tree has recovered more fully - where it's possible for the Commander to commission a customised Caladbolg-style weapon of a different type.


> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> Finally, what do you consider the point(s) that set humans in your setting apart from humans in other fantasy settings? What sets them apart from the other races in Tyria? Whenever members of the community on tumblr make posts discussing the races (whether funny or serious), it's common to see humans left out because they're "bland" compared to the other races. As someone with a human main, it hurts to get left out so much, especially knowing that humans on Tyria are _literally aliens_ and have such a rich history behind them. What aspects do you think someone can point to in order to say "pay attention, Guild Wars 2's humans are _interesting_" and springboard off of to get them included in things more often? (To be clear I'm not advocating that GW2's story be more human-centric, it's had enough of us and sylvari for a while now. Every race deserves their day in the limelight.)


They actually have a completely different narrative role than humans usually have in fantasy. Think of the typical elf-human relationship started by Tolkein - elves are the original civilised race that after fighting tooth and nail against the forces seeking to destroy the world, ultimately dwindles and leaves the world for humans (often humans that indirectly contributed to the elves dwindling by ignorantly taking opportunistic bites out of elven holdings while most of the attention of the elves was focused on not letting the world get destroyed). Humans in Guild Wars 2 seem to be taking a similar role to elves in this respect - the history of civilising and defending the world (since the elder races withdrew or were wiped out) is mostly found with them, but they're not what they used to be. Presumably, they won't go all the way to disappearing off Tyria - but if the gods did succeed in their "garden" project, maybe they would.


Another aspect that makes them a bit elf-like is that they're one of the more spiritual races... but while their deities are arguably the most powerful and shaped the world in ages past, they exercise little or no power in the world in the present. They also possibly have the best _intuitive_ understanding of spellcasting of all the races. Asura have their technomagic, but they get as powerful as they do only by using technology - there are a lot more powerful human spellcasters than individually powerful asura (asura tend to be dangerous only when they augment their natural abilities with their technology) and while in asura artifacts form follows function, human history has a collection of powerful enchanted artifacts where their appearance has little or no relation to their function. Sylvari have a similar degree of connection to magic, but they don't have the centuries of collected history to draw on that humans do - the spellcasters of most other races (even the asura to an extent) are largely drawing from human-developed traditions, even if some of those traditions have proven to be obsolete.


Finally, one thing that I think makes humans special that _is_ more traditionally human-like than elf-like is community-building. Humans are belligerent and often get into wars, but they're also one of the races that seems to be best at forming alliances. There was an old interview, for instance, that indicated that the first time the sylvari had a _positive_ first contact with another race, it was with humans. Humans have, in various times and places, formed alliances with dwarfs, naga, djinn, centaurs, Forgotten, tengu, asura, norn, sylvari, quaggan, skritt, and now charr, and possibly others I don't recall. Granted, humans have also been in wars with some of these races, and not all these agreements have lasted, but humans do seem to be among the most suited at founding a community where disparate races work together (a quality that, out of the other races, is mostly shared by the sylvari, but biology aside the sylvari are probably the most human-like race, and the sylvari have only been around for a few decades, so they've mostly taken their place in the community formed by humans rather than forming it themselves.

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