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Share your best/favorite moments in Guild Wars 2

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my favorite memories are the first exploring of an area. i did the nostalgia thing where i compared areas to gw. i remember timberline falls and kessex hills thinking how utterly beautiful they were. living story season 1 had some good and bad but the destruction and change in kessex hills how i loved the marionette. seeing the shadow behemoth the first time. i did that event a million times since but nothing like the first time. getting my first mount always thought id hate mounts but getting the raptor changed my m ind on mounts in games

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I've posted before about itemized moments I've cherished. The real meat and potatoes is the social experience.


Gw1 and Gw2 has been wonderful to me, such that, to virtually exist as a female. It has saved my life 3 times. It is straightforward as that. I am loyal and dedicated to GW that has given me a last hope to live, amazing new friends along the way and lots of laughter and voice chat for hermits or introverts like me. It was never about the direct experience of the game, but the experience it directly gave to my life.


Thanks Anet for saving me. ♥️

Thanks to all my close GW frens, they know who the are. ?

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- Wintersday always makes me happy. I have no rl family to celebrate christmas with, so I celebrate the holidays mostly in game. I love the wintersday music, winterday npcs like hoho-tron, the wintersday raid and the bells event :).

- The christmas card I recieved from the devs bc of the GW artist collective.

- the first time on a raptor mount was amazing.

- the lw story part were blish walks with you on the map ^^. I liked it very much.

- the dancing choya event in a LW map. I still do the silly choya dances sometimes in rl with my boyfriend.

- getting my first ascended drop

- the praise Joko meme in chat, sadly it died after the "long live the lich" story.


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![](https://i.imgur.com/JLyAXN2.jpg "")

2012. Still together today, still playing games having fun. What if I would never have asked in chat "can someone tell me where these elusive rares come up a? I want a legendary and I need a fate for the one of my materials to make it out of, I am in the wrong place?" And someone answered..."I'll be there in a sec. I might be the legendary your looking for.." A joke. That wasn't LOL..he still my legendary find. Thanks Arenanet.

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The most epic battle in GW2 is when I defeated a serg of 30 people all by myself. As far as I know, I am the only player that has achieved such feat in WvW.

I once killed a about 20 people in a 30 man serg ALONE with my warrior! Seriously! I am not making this up it is all 100% real.

I was roaming in the desert borderlands when a group of about 30 chased me up the hills near the south fire shrine. I did the following to defeat them:


1.- Attack them with full counter and whirlwind (evades)

2.- Run to the top of the hill and remained near the edge, then using all my survival skills and damage skills I use all my 100 blades, shield, full counter, and endure pain.

3.- I jumped down the hill and open glider about 2/3 before hitting the ground (this gave the illusion that I can jump and survive the fall).

4.- Those with low health (because I dealt huge damage) died when hit the ground.

5.- Those that survived the fall, I finish them.

6.- Not all died, so they kept chasing me. I was receiving so much damage from range, conditions, etc... but my endure pains, shied and berserker stance saved me.

7.- I repeated the same steps. I went up the hill glided down and they followed me AGAIN

8.- More died.

9.- At this point you had think they learned their lesson and stop chasing me, but they did not.

10.- I went up hill again, drop down and now less followed me to their death.

11.- Those who survived realized that it was not going to be easy to kill this warrior beast. If they wanted to kill this **LEGENDARY WARRIOR**, they would need more than 100 soldiers.


I PM the commander and here is what he said:

![](https://i.imgur.com/glRSUXi.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/JLIC1Jk.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/hesHgC2.jpg "")


Too bad I do not record my game play. It would have been an epic video.

As far as I know, I am the only one that has defeated a serg of 30 enemies all by himself in the entire GW2 game. You should have seen how happy I was! I could not stop laughing at how epic my moment was.


If I had recorded a video of that battle, I bet you Anet will build me a monument on the green borderlands with the following caption:

"In memory of the great Aztec Warrior that against all odds, he once defeated a serg of 30 all by himself. Guerrero Azteca; Charr Warrior Master race!"

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My best moment?

No need to think long.... At time the game had no mounts, the world completion included WvW areas and earning 2 gold was enormous (as in a completely different game from what it is now), the instant when I finally got my very first legendary weapon, the Kudzu... Could have cried from happiness!

I can remember, I was in front of the mystic forge with the 4 items in the slots, ready to click to forge, but I was afraid of doing so. I had taken several screenshots in case something would go wrong so I can open a ticket to Anet support! :3

And then I clicked and I got it and the feeling of satisfaction after all the work (that included leveling up of necessary crafters)... I never had that again later. Of course, I did more legendary weapons after that and was very happy, but never that way.

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Account has just not yet reached 3rd birthday, so I missed LW1.


Sylvari first char. Walking into the world. Breath taking. Caledon is still one of my fav. maps in the game. My goto map to chill and relax.

Killing Zhaitan. A friend had to help me. 'Enjoy the party, you earned it'. Oh I enjoyed it so much.

The start of HoT. Hey, I just killed big Z. And did LW2. Can't be THAT bad. And died almost instantly. So many moments there... inclusive the hostile reaction from that one exalted. HoT as sylvari main was really gut wrenching.

LW3 is so full of memorable moment. Bitterfrost, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons, Siren's Landing... maps I just adore (and killing Caudecus and the afermath: worth it). Playing with Aurene...

PoF, the maps are gorgeous. The mobs almost ruined it for me. The NPCs I find mostly unlikeable. Whenever I hear 'ahai outlander' I want to strangler that npc... But at least Kasmeer/Rytlock/Canach were a dreamteam.

And then you died. While Aurene watched. WOW

And then LW5 and Aurene died, while you watched. WOW


The end of Thunderhead and Jokos speech are still some things I revisit on a regular basis. Both had a huge emotional impact.


WVW had a huge impact on me. Got into it almost accidentally. Joined a com, joined their TS. Heard them making fun of my build (which worked fine in pve. At least for me). Just said 'yeah, that's me. I am a noob to this, if you have any hints on what to change, tell me please'. And the com actually went over my build with me.


Afterwards wvw had many awesome moments for me.

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I've been playing since beta so It took me a while to think of a big moment that really impacted me. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of really cool moments in this game but I was thinking what was the one thing that really changed my perception. I would say the creation of the Warclaw.


I hated walking around in WvW. In my first year of play I decided to make a legendary back when map completion included all the maps in WvW. Right after I got my gifts of exploration I promised myself I would not be going back. On the announcement about the Warclaw came out my anxiety ramped up because I wanted all the mounts but didn't want to go to WvW to get one. But me knowing myself I knew I had to get it.


So I looked at WvW builds and made a character dedicated for the sole purpose of getting that mount. At this point I was in the mind set of get in, get the Warclaw, get out. Then the requirements to get released come patch day and I then realized I was not going to be doing this on my own. I needed help. So I found a commander and followed. Then slowly my mind started opening to the possibility of sticking with this game mode. It turned out that it wasn't just the walking that ruined it for me it was the lack of player interaction and I came to realized I was not a roamer.


Then the nail in the coffin. I got the Warclaw. It was the final piece to the puzzle. I could get back to the fray much quicker now and it took an even larger weight off my shoulders. I was missing out on an amazing game mode this whole time because of my own hang ups. If the Warclaw would have not been made I would have never gave this game mode another chance.


So if you see a guy running around with all the XP booster one can have occasionally turning into a mummy, ghost, or candy corn just laugh and wave and know its probably me trying to catch up. I'm already up to rank 1,230 and I started playing back in March of this year.

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One of the relatively new players here so I've skipped around the story. (went straight from personal story Lv 70 to PoF for mounts, completed first 2 chapters and dove into War Eternal. It was WILD).


* Best moment is hands down when I created my first character at 2 am in the dark of my college dorm room. I had downloaded the game because back a few years ago when I wanted it in middle school (I saw the designs for Sylvari and fell in love), my computer at that time was far too old and slow to even consider gaming (took a good hour just to log in). Waited a bit more and was disappointed that when I got my Mac, there was no mac version. Forgot about it until that one particular night in college, fueled by stress and in desperate need for drawing reference and stress relief when my brain remembered that I had this lost love of a game. Out of curiosity, checked the site, download available for mac. I immediately got it, made a tiny sylvari man and was immediately blown away by the introductory sequence where I heard his voice and saw my character move. It fit perfectly. Fell even more in love when I began wandering around Caledon Forest, talked to NPCs, did the story. I always worried that I would end up putting this game aside after an hour or two like I've done with all other MMORPGs, but this? No, I was awestruck by everything from details to music to the community and here I am, half a year later, still neck deep in the game.


* In general I loved a lot of this game. It was nice to talk to NPCs and find out small details that added flavor to the world and made it an actual world. It was a nice surprise to find (as a Whispers main) that there were hidden Whispers agents all over. I'm still finding new ones to this day and it always brightens my day when I find one.

* Also the sheer beauty of this game even when everything but environment and textures are set to low for my non-gaming mac laptop that still only runs a whopping 20 fps at high quality internet speeds XD. A delight to discover was the sea oasis/sanctuary in the bottom right corner of the Mount Maelstrom map. The kelp is intractable but I can't find any other game function for that spot and it mesmerizes me. The fact that the devs included this spot (as well as others) for the purpose of just environment and actual world diversity is fascinating for me. In many places around the world of this game (safe spots so my fps doesn't suffer more than it already is), I sometimes stand idly and raise all graphics to max just to see what it would look like in it's full glory and it never fails to take my breath away.


>! ***Spoilers I guess? for War Eternal** Other favorite moment was when we flew with Aurene to chase Kralkattorik. That was one massive adrenaline high, especially considering the fact I was running a 102 F fever and should have been sleeping. My heart wouldn't stop thudding in my chest and I felt myself swell with pride when we knocked Kralk out of the mists. Same with the meta event of Dragonfall. My favorite map right now but that meta is wonderful. I love how there's pylons for people who'd prefer to be on skyscale and flying around instead of physical fighting. Always doing air support for that meta when I join. And I am in love with the "Dragonflight" soundtrack. Each time it plays in the Meta I feel the same rush of energy and pride that I felt in the Living World episode, especially when I'm soaring over Kralk, grabbing the pylons, and seeing everyone else destroying the wounds scattered about his back.


* Aside from the beauty though, some humorous moments have to have been picking up a random fallen item (a bottle for example) and my sylvari male yelling over-enthusiastically, "LET'S DO THIS" and I'm screeching at my screen with a mob heading towards me, "NO YOU'RE NOT THAT IS NOT A GOOD WEAPON."

* Got my friend into this game as well and telling her (who was at level 30 or so) that there was a cool place I wanted to show her that was about level 70 but warned her that she's not strong enough to survive there yet. She ran ahead of me, and got one-hit killed by a random griffon. We couldn't stop laughing for a good while.


* And the most humorous yet most terrifying moment for me was definitely during the Augury Rock Meta Doppel Event. It was my first time, and I was just running through the map doing nothing in general and I had no clue what the massive orange circle covering the map meant. (This was my second month of playing and I had only been in PoF for a few days). Nothing was more confusing and chilling than seeing the small notification that all my waypoints had become inaccessible and the blood-red words scrawled across my screen, "_Something is Coming for You_"__I opened my map to see a champion-like mark on the map heading straight towards me. And the map chat was in panic because I was nowhere near any of the planned areas. (I am Satiru in the chat here).

![](https://i.imgur.com/IynkssQ.png "")

I quite literally was in the middle of nowhere. Had stopped by some ruins in the center of the map out of confusion. XD

![](https://i.imgur.com/1qrBFMC.png "")

^the map chat in that was gold for me.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> **Admin, I don't know how to make the .jpg weird frame smaller.. out of my league.. feel free to edit it, thanks.**


Seems it's just badly cropped. Open the image in paint, click and hold on the lower right corner of the page (not image, but the blank, white page itself) and drag it to the left/top to match the lower right corner of your image. Save, upload and that's all. :D

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I went into a new PoF map and was just fighting random monsters and then I get a message on my screen saying something was coming. I look around and see nothing. After a while a normal scorpion bug thing comes out which results in me laughing my ass off as I casually kill it off. The messages kept coming after I killed it so I thought another was coming so I was cockily waiting. What ended up coming was a large doppleganger of me that was way more powerful. I ended up running away as fast as I could while occasionally checking behind and to my horror it was still following. I was stuck in combat and couldn't waypoint and as I continued to run I realized there didn't seem to be a range where it would stop. Just as it was about to get me a large zerg comes and starts fighting it. I was saved!


It was the first experience in GW2 where I felt scared as it was more powerful than me, it wasn't stopping, and I had no idea what was going on as the game is usually casually easy and this was outside of my expectations. It wasn't until after when I checked wiki did I realize what it was.

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> I went into a new PoF map and was just fighting random monsters and then I get a message on my screen saying something was coming. I look around and see nothing. After a while a normal scorpion bug thing comes out which results in me laughing my kitten off as I casually kill it off. The messages kept coming after I killed it so I thought another was coming so I was cockily waiting. What ended up coming was a large doppleganger of me that was way more powerful. I ended up running away as fast as I could while occasionally checking behind and to my horror it was still following. I was stuck in combat and couldn't waypoint and as I continued to run I realized there didn't seem to be a range where it would stop. Just as it was about to get me a large zerg comes and starts fighting it. I was saved!


> It was the first experience in GW2 where I felt scared as it was more powerful than me, it wasn't stopping, and I had no idea what was going on as the game is usually casually easy and this was outside of my expectations. It wasn't until after when I checked wiki did I realize what it was.


Mentioned this same exact thing for one of my best moments too. I feel like we begin to underestimate how much pure terror and fear we can feel once we're Lv80 and just doing PvE and not story or actively aware of the meta. I'm pretty sure I haven't felt as much fear and confusion since this particular memory lol

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Jukhy.2431" said:

> > ![https://i.imgur.com/4qBT3Rb.png](https://i.imgur.com/4qBT3Rb.png )

> > Screenshotted one of my favorite moments, **so thank you everyone @ Anet** for the last part in this amazing story.

> > Another memorable moment would be the epic personal story ending listening Fear Not This Night.

> > (Sorry if this is considered as a spoiler.)


> I too screenshot this moment ^^

> I have it as the background for my second monitor :D


I know I'm necroing this post but it's been bothering me for a while with this particular question. Could you tell me which episode this screenshot is from? I can't find any other information on it and it's beautiful and I'd love to see if for myself.


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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"Aru.4156" said:

> > Could you tell me which episode this screenshot is from? I can't find any other information on it and it's beautiful and I'd love to see if for myself.


> It's from "Descent," the last story step of _War Eternal_, the last episode of LWS4.



Thank you! Gotta go and get that screenshot now :D


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