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Burn Guard on WvW


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For starters - the ONLY builds acceptable in zergs is meta firebrand, meta scourge, meta rev and meta scrapper. Maybe meta weaver, but nobody really cares about eles and what stuff they do. Nobody wants a burn a guard in a zerg. It doesnt matter if the build could literally instakill 50 people - it would still take at least 6 months before zerg commanders admit there is another meta and that would probably be under pain of torture. That scrappers convert condi to boons doesnt exactly encourage anything else. This doesnt stop you from joining any pug zerg but you'll still be shunned.


Secondly, for you to build them truly effective you need a glass cannon, with all the pros and cons associated. If you build it with standard trailblazers, you get a tough burn guard sure but burning is the *only* thing you can do and an enemy that can cleanse it will just slap you around. That's why most go dragonhunter heavy dps so they can roflstomp enemies with the longbow at range, traps in melee and burns (also the wings heal is still pretty important). Either way I think it's a fine roaming spec as a dps. Good guards can definetly hold their own.


On a personal level, I actually rather like running one in a pug zerg. Mostly to spite commanders yelling firebrands though.

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> @"GrManosXD.3807" said:

> I've seen people discussing on discord about burn guardian. Whats your opinion on him? Is he good in roaming and zergs?


its good. :)


whats popular right now is stealth bombs. so, if the enemy cant see you, theycant react. what happens is they melt.


burn guard, with a support fb, stealth engi, jalis rev and boon strip scourge will kill.

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It's a meme., mostly to pick off unsuspecting groups of people or are out of position. You can also set burns on people's mounts as otherwise people just walk away from guardians. But it doesn't work against people with proper scrapper support and in fact the presence of scrappers will cause you to do negative damage as burn converts to aegis.


Also DH over Firebrand for cover conditions unless you play against people stupid enough to keep rapid firing into a reflect.... wait that happens a lot.

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For roaming -- by which I mean actual roaming, not 'roaming' in groups -- it's like any gimmick build. It will be very effective when the gimmick works and pretty much trash the rest of the time. So whether you'll enjoy it hinges entirely on how much you would enjoy trying to get the gimmick to pay off . . .

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I ran Risen Howls burn Dragonhunter build 2 resets ago (for the friday reset). Full ascended and ideal stats and runes/sigils etc.


Mind you we are talking:

- 1 Full 50 man squad full of meta classes with 2 supports per party (minimum 1 Firebrand)

- a second spillover squad with 1-3 support Firebrands (around 10-15 people strong) all meta builds


That's what Dzago/Gunnar was fielding 2 weeks ago. **I was the only offmeta build in the squads** (I usually run support FB or warrior).


What burn guard is strong against:

- not organized blobs or groups of players asleep

- siege (even suicide yolo into a grouped up siege position will make it near impossible to defend the siege against your damage)

- downstate enemies as well as ressurectors going for downs

- choke denial

- personal stability and defensive cooldowns make the build quite tanky compared to other full damage classes


What burn guard is weak against:

- range 900 is VERY limiting against well lead blobs. You will notice not being in range a lot

- corrupts

- weak against good roamers, but if you do get some braindead warrior to stay on you while you drop damag ein yourself, you can win

- high movement situations and open field fights until first downs


All that said, it's a really fun build. Definately something I enjoy running in public blobs. Absolute no-go for skrims or when running WvW internal raids.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I ran Risen Howls burn Dragonhunter build 2 resets ago (for the friday reset). Full ascended and ideal stats and runes/sigils etc.


> Mind you we are talking:

> - 1 Full 50 man squad full of meta classes with 2 supports per party (minimum 1 Firebrand)

> - a second spillover squad with 1-3 support Firebrands (around 10-15 people strong) all meta builds


> That's what Dzago/Gunnar was fielding 2 weeks ago. **I was the only offmeta build in the squads** (I usually run support FB or warrior).


> What burn guard is strong against:

> - not organized blobs or groups of players asleep

> - siege (even suicide yolo into a grouped up siege position will make it near impossible to defend the siege against your damage)

> - downstate enemies as well as ressurectors going for downs

> - choke denial

> - personal stability and defensive cooldowns make the build quite tanky compared to other full damage classes


> What burn guard is weak against:

> - range 900 is VERY limiting against well lead blobs. You will notice not being in range a lot

> - corrupts

> - weak against good roamers, but if you do get some braindead warrior to stay on you while you drop damag ein yourself, you can win

> - high movement situations and open field fights until first downs


> All that said, it's a really fun build. Definately something I enjoy running in public blobs. Absolute no-go for skrims or when running WvW internal raids.


I've been trying it out with mostly carrion gear in small groups (2-5). Here are more details for those of you interested in trying it out:


* Vs. lords, camps, and other NPCs, the damage is extremely high (I saw 18k burn ticks!) even without WvW infusions on.

* Vs. most ranged players, it is at an advantage since you can quickly make them run out of defensive cool downs and dodges.

* Vs. most melee or short ranged players, it is a 50/50 split as you can get out-DPS'd on a quick burst, condi overwhelmed, and/or cc chained; if you do manage to get your AOEs down on your location, they will die if they don't back off.

* Vs. zergs, it can bust them if their healers are not on point; you do tag almost everybody for loot if they wipe

* Big advantage is that while retreating, you can lay down very hurtful AOEs behind you to discourage chasers


Overall, I'd say it's a welcome new version of burn guard. Although high on the squishiness scale, if you are not the first focus of group attacks, you can win outnumbered fights. I definitely wouldn't run this as a solo roamer.

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> Nothing is more fun than My Reflect Wall combined with Permeating Wrath right inside or just before a rushing ennemy Zerg =D... Looking the ennemy sharing burning stacks with only 1 button is pure bliss.


I think my highest so far was 400k damage off of one reflect wall in a smc choke. All the tags and bags lol

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I've been running burn guard and hybrid burn guard for years. Rest are just imitations. Don't accept anything but the real Figrin.


But in all seriousness, spirit weapon buff has brought out a bunch more. I run a yolo setup and its great, even against organized groups. It keeps up constant pressure and has a burst that can leave behind plenty of carnage. Yes, it doesn't work head on toward a heavy tank lead, but there are always those squishies and ways to pick off 3-5 thanks to DH's cripples. As the meta changes, so has the build and how you run with it. More heavy pirate ship or pew pew, run reflect rather than spirit weapons. 80% of the time, I'm top 5 in any squad I am part of. But I'll be the first to tell you it isn't for everyone and any more than 2 in a squad is a waste.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Only Even.6193" said:

> > Nothing is more fun than My Reflect Wall combined with Permeating Wrath right inside or just before a rushing ennemy Zerg =D... Looking the ennemy sharing burning stacks with only 1 button is pure bliss.


> I think my highest so far was 400k damage off of one reflect wall in a smc choke. All the tags and bags lol


I've had over 1 million damage off one reflect wall.

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Full dire max out burn duration and go to town on pugs + siege. Stuff melts, you'd be surprised how many ppl don't bat an eye or forget you exist and the funniest is when they keep pew pew'ing into your WoR. Sure it's fun on a personal level but taking it into a squad might raise a few eyebrows once they notice your food buffs... 80% of the time they just want you for your stability/boons regardless of specialization.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:



> Just have to learn how to use it, my post on that is linked above (ty @"Turkeyspit.3965" !)


This is probably the best burn guard build now. Biggest damage where retal is your biggest enemy. Sword spirit weapon on people just catapulting the corner of SMC walls is hilarious when 5+ of them drop.

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