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Getting tired of lag in WvW, unplayable


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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> I click on some fast cast aoe few times and nothing happens for like 10 seconds then i get killed for not activating my heals/barriers in time cuz it has a delay.

> long story short: UNPLAYABLE.

> do something about it.


In order to get rid of lags in WvW you need to buy WvW Premium Packet. Check WvW section in your local Gem Store, should be somewhere near Warlcaw Skins.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > I click on some fast cast aoe few times and nothing happens for like 10 seconds then i get killed for not activating my heals/barriers in time cuz it has a delay.

> > long story short: UNPLAYABLE.

> > do something about it.


> In order to get rid of lags in WvW you need to buy WvW Premium Packet. Check WvW section in your local Gem Store, should be somewhere near Warlcaw Skins.


If such a thing did exist, it would most certainly be in the black lion chest.


In all seriousness though, I am sure alliances will fix a lot of the issues. There is also a possibility that it's just on your end.

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Apart from a wired connection to isp, if you have an alternate connection with the internet like on cellphone, try tethering to your phone and seeing if you get the same lag spikes there too, sometimes you might get lucky and they do not share the same routing. Apart from that the only other alternative is VPN which isn't always beneficial for some (location factor, what their current ping is, etc).

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > I click on some fast cast aoe few times and nothing happens for like 10 seconds then i get killed for not activating my heals/barriers in time cuz it has a delay.

> > > long story short: UNPLAYABLE.

> > > do something about it.

> >

> > In order to get rid of lags in WvW you need to buy WvW Premium Packet. Check WvW section in your local Gem Store, should be somewhere near Warlcaw Skins.


> If such a thing did exist, it would most certainly be in the black lion chest.


> In all seriousness though, I am sure alliances will fix a lot of the issues. **There is also a possibility that it's just on your end.**


IF this would be ok , then our entire raid of 50 ppl on Friday , saturday and sunday would have bad pcs or connections or whatever . NO , the problem is definetly NOT on the user side



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It’s not just on his end. I’ve been experiencing this lately as well in NA WvW. I’ve got Fios 1GB connection and a high end PC so it’s Anets end.


Very frustrating when fighting and hitting a skill just to look down and see it never activated due to lag = dead.

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> @"SLOTH.5231" said:

> It’s not just on his end. I’ve been experiencing this lately as well in NA WvW. I’ve got Fios 1GB connection and a high end PC so it’s Anets end.


> Very frustrating when fighting and hitting a skill just to look down and see it never activated due to lag = dead.


Now if ANet managed all of the nodes between every play and Amazon's servers then sure, it'd be on "Anets end" but they do not.

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> @"SLOTH.5231" said:

> It’s not just on his end. I’ve been experiencing this lately as well in NA WvW. I’ve got Fios 1GB connection and a high end PC so it’s Anets end.


> Very frustrating when fighting and hitting a skill just to look down and see it never activated due to lag = dead.


I'm on fiber as well and it sucks for me since the beginning, but at least there were times before the aws server change that I was able to get a full month of non lag states. Now I'm lucky if I even get a few days in a year. I've had to do all kinds of things to get better routes, but that doesn't help when the server itself is having problems.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Now if ANet managed all of the nodes between every play and Amazon's servers then sure, it'd be on "Anets end" but they do not.


I was referring to whoever Anet pays for there server hosting. It’s up to them to get the word out to there third party if people are experiencing issues so generally it does fall back into Anets hands till it gets resolved.



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> @"SLOTH.5231" said:



> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Now if ANet managed all of the nodes between every play and Amazon's servers then sure, it'd be on "Anets end" but they do not.


> I was referring to whoever Anet pays for there server hosting. It’s up to them to get the word out to there third party if people are experiencing issues so generally it does fall back into Anets hands till it gets resolved.




AWS (Amazon) is who anet uses for hosting now, at the start anet had it's own in house servers. However, AWS is enough server power for ANYONE, and most of the big name games use them for hosting, including fortnite, which has a HUGE player base and far more lag sensitive than a MMO is, and they have no issues. What it comes down to is scaling, AWS servers will scale to game load, meaning if you have a huge influx of players, AWS will use more servers to make up for the load....However you have to pay for that dedicated server time. If you set a cap due to costs on how much power AWS will dedicate to your game, you will run into issues once it gets over that.


There are also some issues that are in the back end design, meaning anet has control over everything, from coding to how much server time they are willing to pay for. This has been an issues since day one, though it has been much worse with lower numbers now than back then. Since this has been an issue since launch, it seems they do not believe the ROI is worth it to try and fix these issues.

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> @"zerosouls.4750" said:

> I have been having the same issue the last few days.. rubber banding, skill lag, players/myself jumping from one position to another. Very frustrating and impossible to play like this.


Following up to myself, and this guys comment...


> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> i have a backup isp for things like these. sad to say its either your isp or server lag or someone causing you to lag.


I went ahead and did a dns flush and netsh int ip reset. Then I reset my modem and router as well. Afterwards this, it resolved all the lag I was experiencing and noticeably improved some of my HD streaming as well. Worth a shot to do this from time to time, I just didn't realize I hadn't done it in a while.

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It isn't you. It IS Server side. There's nothing you can do about it. Welcome to WvW. The gamemode that will die the second an MMO launches that can offer the same kind of experience without the horrific lag. Take some solace in knowing that every single person who runs in zergs has the same issue.

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Its definitely server side.


Usually when 2 blobs are fighting eachother, the pressure on the servers are maxed out. Now when a 3rd blob starts coming nearby then everyone starts lagging around and teleporting. The sad part is that the 3rd blob doesnt even have to press any skills to make everyone start teleporting around the map.

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It is kinda sad when you create the possibility to have 3 way fights, but the game itself cannot handle it.

Last night in our keep a nice 3 way fight, what could make for an interesting fight. But I could not click skills at all, sometimes not even skill 1 fired.

This is such an embarrassment.

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> It's even worse on a toon that relies on using skills to survive, not automatic HP upticks and auto attacks, gets unplayable very fast.


> Quit last night due to the lag, and the fights weren't even all that big. I blame the constant aoe spam from necros :-)

*Some* autoattacks.


Try playing the already kneecapped condi scrapper when your pistol shots literally warp straight through people.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > It's even worse on a toon that relies on using skills to survive, not automatic HP upticks and auto attacks, gets unplayable very fast.

> >

> > Quit last night due to the lag, and the fights weren't even all that big. I blame the constant aoe spam from necros :-)

> *Some* autoattacks.


> Try playing the already kneecapped condi scrapper when your pistol shots literally warp straight through people.



My favourite is the bow attack that finally fires off at the target you selected three targets ago which is now out of range and totally wastes the one skill that worked in the last 20 seconds...

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