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NA WvW is in freefall


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Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.

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> @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.


how do you plan to save ww?

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.


> how do you plan to save ww?


Everything can be linked to the rise and fall of shattered aegis, the driving karmic force of wvw.

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> @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.

> >

> > how do you plan to save ww?


> Everything can be linked to the rise and fall of shattered aegis, the driving karmic force of wvw.


how so? ;3

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.

> > >

> > > how do you plan to save ww?

> >

> > Everything can be linked to the rise and fall of shattered aegis, the driving karmic force of wvw.


> how so? ;3


PoF comes out, firebrand launches, shattered aegis is powerful due to copious amounts of aegis uptime firebrand gives, life is good. But then arenanet removes aegis on courage 1, and the cracks start to shine through pof. People start chaining bubbles, mega alliances start to form destabilizing servers. Fasf forward to christmas 2018 and arenanet decides to gut shattered aegis. Shortly after we get layoffs, warclaw, and antitoxin nerfs. Finally by refusing to buff SA along with the other 2 zeal grandmasters we start to suffer through chrono nerfs and the removal of detection pulse. The health of the game can be directly linked to how good shattered aegis is at the time, and requires shattered aegis to be strong to upkeep any form of playerbase.

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Depending on whatever is announced on 30th, will either bring those people back/seal the deal/or leave the same sour tastes in the mouths of those that have been asking for changes. I can wish for better stuff, but I know better than to be hyped/have expectations. Whatever the result is, just gravitate to what makes ones self happy for the time being.

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> @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > > > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.

> > > >

> > > > how do you plan to save ww?

> > >

> > > Everything can be linked to the rise and fall of shattered aegis, the driving karmic force of wvw.

> >

> > how so? ;3


> PoF comes out, firebrand launches, shattered aegis is powerful due to copious amounts of aegis uptime firebrand gives, life is good. But then arenanet removes aegis on courage 1, and the cracks start to shine through pof. People start chaining bubbles, mega alliances start to form destabilizing servers. Fasf forward to christmas 2018 and arenanet decides to gut shattered aegis. Shortly after we get layoffs, warclaw, and antitoxin nerfs. Finally by refusing to buff SA along with the other 2 zeal grandmasters we start to suffer through chrono nerfs and the removal of detection pulse. The health of the game can be directly linked to how good shattered aegis is at the time, and requires shattered aegis to be strong to upkeep any form of playerbase.


Another SA thread.

Aren't FB and Scourge the meta for zergs and you want to make one stronger.

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Problem is that when a commander leaves, especially a well established guild commander, a good portion of their guild leaves as well.

My guild leader recently went on hiatus. Instead of 30-ish running 5 nights a week from my guild there are 5-10 running a couple times per week. The rest of us followed to a new game, at least for awhile.


The stagnation of WvW is leading to a high degree of burnout, and yes it will increase as there are fewer and fewer experienced commanders for other commanders to coordinate with. Alliances are too far off to stop the trend.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.


> how do you plan to save ww?


There is only 1 obvious way: First reduce the tiers, then when there is just 1 tier and its still to much, remove the borderlands.

In the end, we will have just one match on EBG.


Only open question is: will this happen before Alliances are released, and do we need alliances, if it already happened :)

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> Don't worry, alliances are coming. They will fix all of this. We just have to be patient.


It is too late for that. Once you let Toxicity loose; you can not stop it without removing its roots. In other word; the only way to save this game is to give it a new rebirth; restruct Guild Wars 2 from the ground up.


The damage is done and it is what it is.


I urge Anet from bringing the Alliance until Guild Wars 2 full reconstruction because if not; the Alliance will expose Toxicity to the masses even more and will damage the game even more.


**Refusing to address Balance first; Alliance will not save the game**


(Yesterday before i quickly logged out from the game due to the same repetitive Toxic experience within the years being +1 shotted.....3 reported commanders called it quit due to frustration; not by the players but by having to deal with the same enemies Toxic design professions wiping their squad players over and over again. Not only the commanders were frustrated but the players including myself who logged out. )


-**Every Professions Are Now Toxic**-


highlight link+copy+paste



**The Alliance system should've been in the game since release**


**The days of bringing everyone together including guilds are over**


--I will continue to take a stand against Toxicity until Anet addresses it--


have a good day

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> > > Every week another group, another commander quits gw2 for the forseeable future. At this rate any sort of competitive wvw scene in NA will be gone by september. With no higher end players to drive the scene and provide content in whatever form, players entering the mode will have nothing to do but hit doors all day, eventually leading to the cold hard death of freeform zergvszerg gamertime, we had a good run boys, but it eventually all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.

> >

> > how do you plan to save ww?


> There is only 1 obvious way: First reduce the tiers, then when there is just 1 tier and its still to much, remove the borderlands.

> In the end, we will have just one match on EBG.


> Only open question is: will this happen before Alliances are released, and do we need alliances, if it already happened :)


mmm 3 tiers and 4 of eu would work. :P 1 tier for all would mean multiple eotm like for wvw, which i dont mind too.

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Doors the Final Frontier: This fall new exciting LEGENDARY DOORS with skins are coming.


Choose between -

Commander's Choice. This door spawns a gigantic face and actively transports you to the shadow realm where you have to 1v1 a veteran champion by yourself. If you fail to do so you cannot join the match for 10 minutes.

Dolyak Walkin. You spawn as a dolyak taking supply away from the current objective running it to the location of your choice. Take an automatic 50% extra damage while doing so and you are on fire the entire time slowly dying. Better move fast.

Underwater Selkie. The doors all change into giant slides that dump you into FFXIV.



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