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What have been your Easiest and Hardest Professions to learn to play?

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I'm a 95% PvE player.


I have found the Necro/Reaper to be Easiest for me. I can pop a couple minions for meat-shields and wade in on full tank-mode as a Reaper or stand back and use the staff for some AoE damage.


Every time I try to play an Engineer I find there's too many options and I'm overwhelmed. I'm going to try again from Lvl 01 and focus on one aspect, maybe turrets.

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Engineer was the easiest for me because I always forgot you could switch weapons and well, don't have to with them. I just wish the weapons were more even in comparison since I love pistol/shield but always tend to get whispers stating I should do ****** because it's better.


Think Revenant has been the hardest for me with Thief coming close. They just aren't clicking right and feel clunky in their energy mechanics. Right now, I'm just tossing tomes at both of them to get them to 80 and then be able to see if I can find a build that would work out for me however I hope it isn't a thing like the Engineer became where I can make it work for me but the open world/soloing won't be as kind.

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I was just chatting about this last night. I solo roamed forever on guard and was amazed at how much easier it was on rev once I tried that, to the point where it wasn't even really fun and I had to move on to another class . . .


I won't say engi is 'hard' exactly, but it does feel clunky compared to other classes. Ele hasn't been a lot of fun either really . . .

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Revenant, Guardian, and Ranger were the easiest for me. Their odd variety of weapon choices drew me in more to learning to build and play as them.


Thief and Mesmer are the most difficult for me in terms of maximizing their potential with their mobility, dps, and survival.


Necro has half repeated mentions in the trait lines that confuse me as to how actually important it is vs how it functions, then you learn Concentration is virtually a dead stat.


Warrior, you build it, basic skills should be doing you fine unless you need to use your utilities.


Engi your utilities are either by your environment/survival needs or by what you want to do to enemies.


Ele, you gotta run through properly or not at all, but the theme of ele itself leaves me uninspired for what it can be toward Fashion Wars and let's be honest they're probably stumped by what to make Ele, Necro and Engi next expansion but not the other professions.




Dragonhunter, Firebrand are difficult to do bad with.


Spellbreaker easier than warrior, Berserker same boat as warrior.


Mirage is easier than Chrono, Chrono takes some getting used to and staying planned, rehearsed, and sharp.


Daredevil dodges for days and is easier than core thief, Deadeye you don't need to be quite as mobile as common enemies drop dead before getting to you.


Druid more enjoyable than base ranger with the heals and support options, Soulbeast takes a second to figure out how you really want to use it and enjoy.


Herald is currently as easy to learn as base Revenant but you are generally stronger using it in terms of output potential, Renegade easier to learn than both and gives you meat shields to work with.


Scourge is condi and very supportive but takes appreciating it properly knowing to do it well, Reaper is strongest with power and pretty tanky because it's up close more.


I have yet to jump into Ele properly, so I cannot really do the elites a fair justice of judgment that mostly looks like me trying power builds and dying in a few seconds between skill wind up and cooldowns, otherwise Weaver DPS is amazing and Tempest is great healer potential.


Scrapper is as difficult as Engi but more effective in survival and dps, Holosmith is easier to learn and near same effectiveness value of Scrapper minus no remote functionality like gyros.

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The first class I started with was the engineer, so... my perspective on this is skewed. Personally, I'd rather rank it by particular builds rather than professions, since that varies much more than anything else. I learned the basics for most of these professions in the wild west days of GW2 PVE, and from there learning the max DEEPS rotation was just learning to run with the tools I already walk with.


Easiest was power herald. At HoT Launch, power herald was basically sword 2 -> sword 3 spam with toggles. Also, I could gauge the right distance to have coalescence of ruin to hit twice, which just obliterated everything. At this point, I was basically a vet, so picking up a new class wasn't that hard.


Hardest... it is a tie between two. The elementalist is one of the harder ones to pick up, not only because it is so frail, but also because when I picked it up, the staff camping tactics weren't discovered yet. I created this crazy mix of fire/air/arcane that alternated between all boons to pulse out buffs to everyone around me. It was hard to play, and it required a lot of skill and practice to pull off.


The other hard one is the Warrior. You're probably thinking: "Wait, isn't warrior one of the easiest ones to play?" Well, you're right. See, 7 years ago was long before fibromyalgia melted my brain. I was actually quite smart back then. I used to do calculus for fun. Picking up the engineer wasn't that hard at all, because I could quickly learn all of the skills that they had, and I could assess the situation and come up with a solution. With an active mind, a jack-of-all-trades swiss army knife is one of the best things to play, because it let me solve problems as I saw fit.


Warrior, however, I started only a few months ago. My body is wracked with a debilitating disease that makes it so thinking hurts, concentrating hurts, trying hard in game makes me dizzy, and I can't remember my own phone number anymore. Learning a new class under these conditions is... not ideal. Even if the DPS rotation for banner berserker is just f1 spam with intermittent axe skills, I can't remember their order for the life of me and my hands refuse to pick up the rhythm of the class. I have to mouse click half of the skills because my hands just don't move anymore.

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Necromancer and guardian were my easiest. Although one might say that my necromancer build is very specific, and so I probably am not "using it right" based on most necroes.


Elementalist remains the only class that I'm not using well regardless of circumstances. This class is so scattered, I cant for the life of me makes anything worthwhile with it. Engineer is relatively complex, but I got a fair handle on it now, given it was my starting class, and I've actively mained it for 5 years.

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Only playing core so far. And I played from release until end 2013. Then after a long break back to the game in June 2019. I had engineer, guardian, elementalist and ranger to level 80 by end 2013. Thief about level 70ish. Mesmer, warrior and Necro were pretty new and I just started leveling those 3 (+ thief) to level 80 manually by doing story and some core map completions.


Necro, warrior and guardian felt pretty easy. Warrior tons of damage already with underleveled gear and without lots of player skill. For necro the many pets help. Guardian similar to warrior but more survivability/heal skills.


Most trouble I have with thief/ranger. But ranger only back then when I still had underleveled gear while leveling. I missed a b it more AoE options with 1h sword (bow snd weapon set) and finally some exotic gear it felt nice + with the pet for survivability. Thief ... similar problem: Missing some AoE a bit ... less survivability. I don't know how it will play when soon I upgrade to exotic gear for level 80 char.




Middle tier are the remaining ones: Mesmer, engineer and elementalist. Elementalist has hard rotations that require lots of skill. But also that moving while damaging (keeping you outside of danger a bit) skills I remember especially in the fire attunement dagger and staff. Was okay in combination with some survival skills (arcane shield and mist form).


Engineer was my first char. Played him wrong. (Trying for turrets and stuff.) And I'm not even playing him efficiently most of the time ... but running around with bombds and tons of knockbacks (rifle, gadgets) while having mixed set of gear (a bit toughness) and lots of survival skills ... make him lower dps (when not played at 100 percent efficiency for dps) but easy to survive and I have most hours played on him - my main char.


Mesmer felt harder in 2013. When I came back ... maybe because I got better or because of changes ot the core skills ... feels nice so far. AoE from shatter is good. Also sword skill 2, time warp elite for additional/faster damage ... and the temporal curtain for pulling enemies at 1 point ...doesn't feel to hard and that without lots of skill. (I consider myself not a skilled player at button acrobatics and quick/complicated rotations.)

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At 80th it's mostly down to finding a build I like for each profession.


Even so, the easiest to play is either my staff Daredevil or my Scourge.


Hardest is by miles and away the weaver. I seem to have a continuous brainfart every time I log on with it.


Leveling back in gw2 before the expansions, the easiest to learn was Ranger for the meat shield pewpew playstyle. Hardest was probably the mesmer as it took forever to get anywhere in anything.



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Warrior was easiest to get into. But Necro, Ranger, Guardian were not bad either.


Hardest for me is Mesmer. I have a mental block when it comes to Mesmer.


> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Every time I try to play an Engineer I find there's too many options and I'm overwhelmed. I'm going to try again from Lvl 01 and focus on one aspect, maybe turrets.


Try the holosmith out, if you can stand getting up to 80 and getting the hero points. I'm finding it more fun than core engi. Maybe[ this open world build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Elixir_Bomber " this open world build") would work since it mainly uses the bomb kit?



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> @"Udolpho.1209" said:

> Try the holosmith out, if you can stand getting up to 80 and getting the hero points. I'm finding it more fun than core engi. Maybe[ this open world build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Elixir_Bomber " this open world build") would work since it mainly uses the bomb kit?





I have a few tomes to get to Lvl 50ish and could skip a bit closer using crafting and finish it all up with exp. boosters.

I won't buy a Lvl 80 Boost on a character I may/not keep for long.


I appreciate everyone who has responded here. I'm glad many people have the same feelings toward certain professions as I do. I feel a bit more normal.

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