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Djinn’s Dominion has been added to ranked play.


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Main reason i dislike the map is due to its size. It is by far the smallest conquest map, and it has no verticality to boot. This means that high mobility builds and builds that take advantage of high ground are just bad on it.

Also the 2nd mechanic can be completely ignored as it is low impact.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> The map is not that bad for slow classes, but the bonus mechanic is worthless, the gained abilities are way too bad to warrant losing the caps. You gain nothing of it and if someone gets it it will be the winning team.


Pretty much. I'm not sure I've ever even managed to make good use of one of the skills granted, let alone seen it make enough of a difference to warrant diverting a player to get it (or prevent the other team from getting it). Only point to getting it is to progress the achievement if you haven't got it already.

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This thread is a perfect demonstration of why I more or less despise the pvp community. So many people acting like old cats that complain about every new map added to the game just because it isn't just a basic reskin of an old map and then they have the gall to complain about a lack of new content for the game mode. Djinn's dominion is a nice map, it is symmetrical enough you can't really argue for one team having a distinct inherit advantage, and I haven't noticed it to be particularly buggy so it is fine by me, learn and adapt though I would like to see the skills from the lamp made more relevant, they are pretty ignorable in my experience.

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> @"Rukia.4802" said:

> I actually like this map but it has a useless 2nd mechanic. You guys really want bigger maps with more circle wars, travel time, and less fights? Lol. We aren't getting new modes so we may as well embrace whtever their interns develop for us in pvp.


Sadly , there's plenty of maps where the specific mechanic is being ignored 90% of the time. As an example:


* Legacy => lord almost never done (except for stomp games or trolls)

* Niflhel => Beasts are weirdly killed more and more right now but I remember a time where it was never touched.

* Khylo => the treb is now dormant ... made a slight come back once but died again soon after.

* Skyhammer => the mechanic is way too strong to be ignored.

* Capricorn => same the points given are huge.

* Temple => same ... really strong after the rework.

* Coliseum => usefull but not mandatory (high mobility classes take the most out of it)


So basically , from all ranked maps :


* 3 maps have strong mechanics


* 3 maps have useless mechanics (or less effective than just zerg the points)


* 1 map actually depending on the utility needed.


I'm not surprise that the lamp mechanics isn't that usefull but still makes live to the ranked map rotation. I've seen worse things to be honest. Probably why spirit watch isn't in ranked yet.

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I think there is a distinction between "rarely used" and "not useful". Khylo and Coliseum have mechanics that are sometimes useful, but which can swing the game (or at least an encounter) if used well. Khylo, honestly, I think can make TOO much of a difference if someone is good with the trebuchet, it's just that most people haven't put the effort in. Honestly, I prefer old Skyhammer over playing Khylo when the enemy has a good treb user, it's just that they're few enough that they don't come up every Khylo game.


Legacy has, as you observe, become a bit of a trap, since it's now been made a lot harder to actually kill the lord and the lord is right next to the enemy spawn. I've seen games where someone pushing for lord has meant a loss for the team, and generally when it is a benefit it's because of the psychological effect (the defender overreacts to the threat, allowing the attacker's team to win the points as the fight away from the lord becomes a 4v3 or 3v2), rather than by killing the lord.


Djinn's mechanic is one that you pretty much ignore if you want to maximise your chances of winning.


Personally, I don't have a problem with Djinn. It's a reasonably fun map even without a mechanic, although it does have the problem some maps have that holding mid is perhaps _too_ much of an advantage. It could probably benefit, however, from going back into beta for a few more tweaks. For instance, if capping the djinn arena gave a small amount of points or decapped enemy points Skyhammer-style, this might make it worthwhile for more than achievement hunting.

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I hate this in every indescribable map.


This map has very little cover, promotes zerging, and bait traps people into getting useless buffs. Thanks Anet, you know, I always wanted to see people do more stupid tactics to try and throw games while I climb. Might skip this season as well at this rate.

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Been getting that map on my rifle thief a lot. It's absolutely horrible - it seems there are random no port spots scattered across flat ground? Somehow? Anet how do you even manage that. I can be on a step near the midpoint (not even that little fountain thing) and teleports won't work.

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