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Here is my proposal: 1 pip for playing and finishing the match. 1 pip for each 50 points a team scores. 1 pip for winning. 1 pip for top stat.


That would keep everyone engaged. Right now people fall way behind and then take to the chat pane to vent their spleen. So if your team wins and you get a top stat: 13pips. If your team loses 310 to 500 but you get a top stat: 8 pips.


The problem is if your team is down 150 to 300, well, the demons come out. This way a team will fight till the end.



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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Here is my proposal: 1 pip for playing and finishing the match. 1 pip for each 50 points a team scores. 1 pip for winning. 1 pip for top stat.


> That would keep everyone engaged. Right now people fall way behind and then take to the chat pane to vent their spleen. So if your team wins and you get a top stat: 13pips. If your team loses 310 to 500 but you get a top stat: 8 pips.


> The problem is if your team is down 150 to 300, well, the demons come out. This way a team will fight till the end.




thats actually really good idea, props!

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But pips are pretty much useless and doesn't solve anything in pvp. And we're already rewarded with an extra pip for top stats.


If your team is down by over 150 points, the last thing they're looking at is how many pips they gain. Ranked is all about that plus and minus on rating for winning and losing.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > 1 pip for top stat.


> No thanks.



Definitely a no from me too. Last thing we need is more rewards for _"Bro, I got top DPS!Why we lose?"_ types of players. Top stat don't represent one's skill level most of the time. It's a mere indicator for the player to see whether they were on par to their build role. I quite often get ALL top stats when playing my Firebrand - however, that doesn't equal to me being a pvp god - far from that.

P.S. We already have a reward for top stats in form of daily pvp

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The one concern I'd have is that if the difference in pips between winning and losing became lower, it might encourage more botting. Botting is largely incentivised by the fact that getting any reward is better than the nothing you'd otherwise get at times you can't play: if the difference between a win or a loss could be as small as one pip, botting becomes comparatively more attractive.


What you could do is make the gain from a loss be 1 plus 1 for every hundred points. So 400-499 would grant 5 pips (as it does now), 300-399 would grant 4 (making the threshold of 400 a little less important - the current incentive to keep playing just sets people to give up if they don't think they can get 400), 200-299 can get the usual 3, and scores below 200 get fewer points than they currently do. So there's no point at which there isn't at least the incentive to try to push for the next hundred. Heck, the rare game where the loser also has 500+ points could get an extra pip or two as a consolation prize.


For the people who are more concerned about rating... honestly, a scaling rating gain/loss based on how much the losing team lost by would probably help provide them with an incentive as well. A 500-500 game which is decided by the tiebreak algorithm _probably_ should not be worth as much of a rating shift as a 50-500 kerbstomp.


(Although, on the topic, rating gains and losses really should also be based solely on the comparison of the average rating of each team, rather than the current system of comparing a player's personal rating against the average of the enemy team. A player with a high rating compared to the enemy team is usually in the position of having to carry a weaker team, often making it a hard game for them, but they have the most to lose and the least to gain.)

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> I just finished my 10 ranking games and the bots are out worse than I have ever seen. I think now we should get rid of pips altogether.

I had a thread about it, I was thinking to ask Ben if bots complaints being even reviewed to figure out bots that I have reported with 5k games still "pipfarming". So I given up on it :D

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