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Suggestion to make daily fractals stack.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > > Yes there isnt a negative but you dont really make more gold than someone who already now does all their dailies. Thats the point of this system why punish or make someone feel forced to do this content the specific day it comes out if they have more important things to do? (in and out the game)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's not a punishment if you get less gold than somebody who can play on a more regular basis than yourself. I mean, players already make too much gold too easily in this game.

> > > > > > > All in all you ask for getting your next legendary for free/earlier. I think it's healthy if you just wait it out and relax.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No? the fractals will bank at the same pace that they reset now and you will still have to do the same amount of fractals to get what you get now out of them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > IF someone wants a legendary it would prob be faster for them to log in every day and do all their dailies than simply w8ijg for however long and then spending a day or 2 just doing fractals.

> > > > >

> > > > > So, your idea is not needed. Case closed.

> > > >

> > > > My idea would make the game feel less like a chore and for some allow them to play on their own schedule and free time, needed or not is subjective its not gonna affect your gameplay so you are fine to play how you like.

> > >

> > > So how would this work if day 1 3 7 and 10 all have solid ocean for example you would need to complete it 4 times then right?

> >

> > You would have 4 runs of daily rewards banked to solid ocean if you didnt do for 4 days where it was a daily.


> So would all 4 of them trigger on 1 run or would you have to do it 4 times with diffrent instabilities mimicing the dailys?

> I would think its the 4 times route otherwise your just getting dubble benefit.



4 times on that days settup. Instabs afaik are random and dont have a set rotation plus the rewards dont scale based on them so finding a day with the least annoying ones as well as coordinating that with groups would be rather alot of work compaired to just doing it daily or with a premade on a set date.

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If they do this then they’ll also have to do it for:


* Raid rewards including LI/LD

* WvW Skirmish rewards including tickets

* PvP league rewards including tickets

* Dailies

* All timegated crafting

* Dungeon token rewards

* Home instance nodes

* All other nodes

* World bosses

* Daily choice box drop for HoT/PoF


Or we can just take the final step, remove all timegates, let people grind all of their rewards, get bored because there’s nothing left to do, less people logging on because there’s nothing to do, and the game falters.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> If they do this then they’ll also have to do it for:


> * Raid rewards including LI/LD


Raids are in a weekly lockout and unlike fractals they are all worthwhile doing (unless we are told later that they will rework how they work repeatability wise).


I think you get chunky playtime each week when you repeat them and not only i find a week to be a big enough opening for ppl to do them, but with each new entry the list per week grows bigger. Fractals are static at 3/20(or 19) per day.


> * WvW Skirmish rewards including tickets

> * PvP league rewards including tickets


Arent these "play the game feel the bar" type of deal? I dont really pvp or wvw hardcore enough but i remember watching teapot going nolife at them to finish them fast.


> * Dailies


Some daily of sorts make sense considering that the game also has daily login rewards. I find normal dailies fast enough and rewarding on their own that they make sense being dailies.


> * All timegated crafting


This is interesting, i personally dont consider crafting these as content but someone might will idk.


> * Dungeon token rewards


Isnt there a repeatable achievement that gives you tokens?


dungeon freqenter or smth.


> * Home instance nodes


Look normal dailies, these take mere seconds to do per day.


> * All other nodes


I mean i guess tho immersion wise it would be weird for nodes to never end plus that would require node ui to be made from scratch to hold all nodes and all their charges.


I just find this personally abit hyperbole.


> * World bosses


Look metas.


> * Daily choice box drop for HoT/PoF


Those are tied to metas and from what i understand metas themselves have a cd between each repeat on top of the daily cd, one cant farm them because theres forced downtime.



> Or we can just take the final step, remove all timegates, let people grind all of their rewards, get bored because there’s nothing left to do, less people logging on because there’s nothing to do, and the game falters.



Im not arguing to remove timegates. If you want to bank a do 4 solid ocean runs 4 days where solid ocean is a daily run will have to happen. Im just argueing for fractals, CONTENT that you can repeat on DEMAND rn to allow us to tackle it in that way and feel meaningfully rewarded or for the sake of player agency and make our own schedule with this on demand content.


The dungeon frequenter is a good example of this, you could go all day farming dungeons hard and that something i want to be able to do in fractals but without the issue of introducing extra gold inc into the mix or making it so hsrdcore farming can game the system for a "rich get richer" situation.

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How would this interact with teired dailies? Not everyone can do t4s, or wants to do t4s. t4 claims all chests, so if i say - got banked daily rewards for t1 and t2, would that mean i cannot claim banked rewards for t3 and t4 on the same "banked day"?


I feel like it's a waste of data saving info for 80 fractals (20 fracs multiplied by 4 teirs) for people who don't touch them.


And includes recs or not? I feel like recs are an intentional timegate for ad infinitium.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If they do this then they’ll also have to do it for:

> >

> > * Raid rewards including LI/LD


> Raids are in a weekly lockout and unlike fractals they are all worthwhile doing (unless we are told later that they will rework how they work repeatability wise).


> I think you get chunky playtime each week when you repeat them and not only i find a week to be a big enough opening for ppl to do them, but with each new entry the list per week grows bigger. Fractals are static at 3/20(or 19) per day.


> > * WvW Skirmish rewards including tickets

> > * PvP league rewards including tickets


> Arent these "play the game feel the bar" type of deal? I dont really pvp or wvw hardcore enough but i remember watching teapot going nolife at them to finish them fast.


> > * Dailies


> Some daily of sorts make sense considering that the game also has daily login rewards. I find normal dailies fast enough and rewarding on their own that they make sense being dailies.


> > * All timegated crafting


> This is interesting, i personally dont consider crafting these as content but someone might will idk.


> > * Dungeon token rewards


> Isnt there a repeatable achievement that gives you tokens?


> dungeon freqenter or smth.


> > * Home instance nodes


> Look normal dailies, these take mere seconds to do per day.


> > * All other nodes


> I mean i guess tho immersion wise it would be weird for nodes to never end plus that would require node ui to be made from scratch to hold all nodes and all their charges.


> I just find this personally abit hyperbole.


> > * World bosses


> Look metas.


> > * Daily choice box drop for HoT/PoF


> Those are tied to metas and from what i understand metas themselves have a cd between each repeat on top of the daily cd, one cant farm them because theres forced downtime.


> >

> > Or we can just take the final step, remove all timegates, let people grind all of their rewards, get bored because there’s nothing left to do, less people logging on because there’s nothing to do, and the game falters.

> >


> Im not arguing to remove timegates. If you want to bank a do 4 solid ocean runs 4 days where solid ocean is a daily run will have to happen. Im just argueing for fractals, CONTENT that you can repeat on DEMAND rn to allow us to tackle it in that way and feel meaningfully rewarded or for the sake of player agency and make our own schedule with this on demand content.


> The dungeon frequenter is a good example of this, you could go all day farming dungeons hard and that something i want to be able to do in fractals but without the issue of introducing extra gold inc into the mix or making it so hsrdcore farming can game the system for a "rich get richer" situation.


None of what I listed are any different than fractals.

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I don't see a major problem with "Banking" dailies, but it should apply to more than Fractals (why only fractals?)


Now the system itself would have some major issues. First of all, a time limit for banking dailies must be in place. Imagine someone taking a 3 year break then coming back and getting access to all the dailies they've missed? That's just silly/ridiculous and not a really well thought out system. Even requiring the player to log-in to "bank" dailies isn't a good idea either. Also, to those feeling that dailies are a chore or a job, how would they feel if they bank 100 dailies? They'll probably quit the game.


Maybe banking only dailies from a week would be a far better option, so a player can either do them every day, or "bank" them and do them all on the weekend when they have more time. Then at weekly reset (when Raids reset for example) all banked dailies disappear. Much more reasonable than "banking" years worth of dailies.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I don't see a major problem with "Banking" dailies, but it should apply to more than Fractals (why only fractals?)


Could bank to more things, soneone suggested daily crafts as well as some other stuff. I think considering anet monetises very often (on a weekly basis?) and the shop is a rotating one, having reasons to log in often are necessary to an extend.


Small, fast things like home nodes, regular dailies, your daily chak gerent etc i find perfect for this kind of deal.


> Now the system itself would have some major issues. First of all, a time limit for banking dailies must be in place. Imagine someone taking a 3 year break then coming back and getting access to all the dailies they've missed? That's just silly/ridiculous and not a really well thought out system.


Suggested giving them a cap to how many days of dailies you can bank, said cap would depend on anet, i personally think a month or so would be fine (alternatively the cap could be smaller).


> Even requiring the player to log-in to "bank" dailies isn't a good idea either. Also, to those feeling that dailies are a chore or a job, how would they feel if they bank 100 dailies? They'll probably quit the game.


Chore in the sense that rn they have to log in every day to do 3 of them, it feels formulated, on the clock with no way of tackling it alternatively. What would they do if they logged in after a break or smth and found however many banked runs? Quit? I mean potentially (havent seen anyone quiting over having saved up runs with good gold). They would have a bunch of diff ways to tackle them, do them daily on the clock, do alot of them during the weekends or any other compination.



> Maybe banking only dailies from a week would be a far better option, so a player can either do them every day, or "bank" them and do them all on the weekend when they have more time. Then at weekly reset (when Raids reset for example) all banked dailies disappear. Much more reasonable than "banking" years worth of dailies.


Sure, cap could be higher, maybe to a months worth or lower, again i talked about a cap, saving a years would seem extreme to me id be fine with much much less.


Resets could be a good way of handling them as well since u are given quite abit of time.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > If they do this then they’ll also have to do it for:

> > >

> > > * Raid rewards including LI/LD

> >

> > Raids are in a weekly lockout and unlike fractals they are all worthwhile doing (unless we are told later that they will rework how they work repeatability wise).

> >

> > I think you get chunky playtime each week when you repeat them and not only i find a week to be a big enough opening for ppl to do them, but with each new entry the list per week grows bigger. Fractals are static at 3/20(or 19) per day.

> >

> > > * WvW Skirmish rewards including tickets

> > > * PvP league rewards including tickets

> >

> > Arent these "play the game feel the bar" type of deal? I dont really pvp or wvw hardcore enough but i remember watching teapot going nolife at them to finish them fast.

> >

> > > * Dailies

> >

> > Some daily of sorts make sense considering that the game also has daily login rewards. I find normal dailies fast enough and rewarding on their own that they make sense being dailies.

> >

> > > * All timegated crafting

> >

> > This is interesting, i personally dont consider crafting these as content but someone might will idk.

> >

> > > * Dungeon token rewards

> >

> > Isnt there a repeatable achievement that gives you tokens?

> >

> > dungeon freqenter or smth.

> >

> > > * Home instance nodes

> >

> > Look normal dailies, these take mere seconds to do per day.

> >

> > > * All other nodes

> >

> > I mean i guess tho immersion wise it would be weird for nodes to never end plus that would require node ui to be made from scratch to hold all nodes and all their charges.

> >

> > I just find this personally abit hyperbole.

> >

> > > * World bosses

> >

> > Look metas.

> >

> > > * Daily choice box drop for HoT/PoF

> >

> > Those are tied to metas and from what i understand metas themselves have a cd between each repeat on top of the daily cd, one cant farm them because theres forced downtime.

> >

> > >

> > > Or we can just take the final step, remove all timegates, let people grind all of their rewards, get bored because there’s nothing left to do, less people logging on because there’s nothing to do, and the game falters.

> > >

> >

> > Im not arguing to remove timegates. If you want to bank a do 4 solid ocean runs 4 days where solid ocean is a daily run will have to happen. Im just argueing for fractals, CONTENT that you can repeat on DEMAND rn to allow us to tackle it in that way and feel meaningfully rewarded or for the sake of player agency and make our own schedule with this on demand content.

> >

> > The dungeon frequenter is a good example of this, you could go all day farming dungeons hard and that something i want to be able to do in fractals but without the issue of introducing extra gold inc into the mix or making it so hsrdcore farming can game the system for a "rich get richer" situation.


> None of what I listed are any different than fractals.


Dungeons are repeatable, raid bosses despawn you can do all raids per week and have a much larger reset (which allows for more flexibility, pvp/wvw im not that familiar, timegated crafting i found to work with a banking system i guess, home and dailies to an extend are necessary for daily logins, worldbosses and metas cant be farmed they have respawn timers on top of reset.


Fractals are in the position of being repeatable in the sense that on demand you can start a new one but the value drops sagnificantly to warrant any repeated play (ala dungeons in core gw2 or the repeatable instanced content of other mmos).

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > If they do this then they’ll also have to do it for:

> > > >

> > > > * Raid rewards including LI/LD

> > >

> > > Raids are in a weekly lockout and unlike fractals they are all worthwhile doing (unless we are told later that they will rework how they work repeatability wise).

> > >

> > > I think you get chunky playtime each week when you repeat them and not only i find a week to be a big enough opening for ppl to do them, but with each new entry the list per week grows bigger. Fractals are static at 3/20(or 19) per day.

> > >

> > > > * WvW Skirmish rewards including tickets

> > > > * PvP league rewards including tickets

> > >

> > > Arent these "play the game feel the bar" type of deal? I dont really pvp or wvw hardcore enough but i remember watching teapot going nolife at them to finish them fast.

> > >

> > > > * Dailies

> > >

> > > Some daily of sorts make sense considering that the game also has daily login rewards. I find normal dailies fast enough and rewarding on their own that they make sense being dailies.

> > >

> > > > * All timegated crafting

> > >

> > > This is interesting, i personally dont consider crafting these as content but someone might will idk.

> > >

> > > > * Dungeon token rewards

> > >

> > > Isnt there a repeatable achievement that gives you tokens?

> > >

> > > dungeon freqenter or smth.

> > >

> > > > * Home instance nodes

> > >

> > > Look normal dailies, these take mere seconds to do per day.

> > >

> > > > * All other nodes

> > >

> > > I mean i guess tho immersion wise it would be weird for nodes to never end plus that would require node ui to be made from scratch to hold all nodes and all their charges.

> > >

> > > I just find this personally abit hyperbole.

> > >

> > > > * World bosses

> > >

> > > Look metas.

> > >

> > > > * Daily choice box drop for HoT/PoF

> > >

> > > Those are tied to metas and from what i understand metas themselves have a cd between each repeat on top of the daily cd, one cant farm them because theres forced downtime.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Or we can just take the final step, remove all timegates, let people grind all of their rewards, get bored because there’s nothing left to do, less people logging on because there’s nothing to do, and the game falters.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Im not arguing to remove timegates. If you want to bank a do 4 solid ocean runs 4 days where solid ocean is a daily run will have to happen. Im just argueing for fractals, CONTENT that you can repeat on DEMAND rn to allow us to tackle it in that way and feel meaningfully rewarded or for the sake of player agency and make our own schedule with this on demand content.

> > >

> > > The dungeon frequenter is a good example of this, you could go all day farming dungeons hard and that something i want to be able to do in fractals but without the issue of introducing extra gold inc into the mix or making it so hsrdcore farming can game the system for a "rich get richer" situation.

> >

> > None of what I listed are any different than fractals.


> Dungeons are repeatable, raid bosses despawn you can do all raids per week and have a much larger reset (which allows for more flexibility, pvp/wvw im not that familiar, timegated crafting i found to work with a banking system i guess, home and dailies to an extend are necessary for daily logins, worldbosses and metas cant be farmed they have respawn timers on top of reset.


> Fractals are in the position of being repeatable in the sense that on demand you can start a new one but the value drops sagnificantly to warrant any repeated play (ala dungeons in core gw2 or the repeatable instanced content of other mmos).


Fractals are no more special than the other activities I had listed. If fractals were made so that you could bank dailies then people would request the same to be done for everything else.


Essentially every argument for fractals that you have given can be used to support those other activities receiving the same treatment. Pretty much every argument against those activities receiving the same treatment by you can be applied to fractals. It’s quite the double standard.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Resets could be a good way of handling them as well since u are given quite abit of time.


I suggest the 1-week reset because WvW and Raids reset weekly, if the time is longer, then those need to be included in "banking". Keep in mind that Raids are far less rewarding than Fractals, allowing players to play all fractals of the week in one evening (or two) is still stretching way beyond the rewards of Raids, but it's a compromise.


Making it longer than a week will conflict with the schedule of Fractal releases and updates, like adding new Fractals in the future, or making tweaks to instabilities (or adding new ones), or simply changing the order of Fractals when new ones are added. Imo, the fractals you "bank" should be the exact same when you go and play them, or at least most of them.


Further, allowing banking of fractals for a longer period of time, means dead Fractals in between episode releases. Imagine if the bank time was 2 to 3 months, you'd log-in, play the episode, quit the game until the next one, and happily continue with all the fractals you "missed". Then leave again. Same for nearly anything else they'd allow players to bank, they'd be giving players an incentive to leave the game and return only for the next episode, not good for the game.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Resets could be a good way of handling them as well since u are given quite abit of time.


> I suggest the 1-week reset because WvW and Raids reset weekly, if the time is longer, then those need to be included in "banking". Keep in mind that Raids are far less rewarding than Fractals, allowing players to play all fractals of the week in one evening (or two) is still stretching way beyond the rewards of Raids, but it's a compromise.


> Making it longer than a week will conflict with the schedule of Fractal releases and updates, like adding new Fractals in the future, or making tweaks to instabilities (or adding new ones), or simply changing the order of Fractals when new ones are added. Imo, the fractals you "bank" should be the exact same when you go and play them, or at least most of them.



I was thinking if not for a weekly reset after the cap new dailies replace the old, that would include any resuffling or new fractal that might have happened while keeping the (bulk) avaialable from cap for you to at any day. But maybe thats more tricky.


> Further, allowing banking of fractals for a longer period of time, means dead Fractals in between episode releases. Imagine if the bank time was 2 to 3 months, you'd log-in, play the episode, quit the game until the next one, and happily continue with all the fractals you "missed". Then leave again. Same for nearly anything else they'd allow players to bank, they'd be giving players an incentive to leave the game and return only for the next episode, not good for the game.


Yeah w/e the cap would be it shouldn't be anywhere near multiple months. Kinda tricky balance but i want the playstyle of "this day ill do just fractals, or my raids (on the weekly reset), or dungeons etc. Raids and dungeons sorta have that (mostly dungeons).

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> How would this interact with teired dailies? Not everyone can do t4s, or wants to do t4s. t4 claims all chests, so if i say - got banked daily rewards for t1 and t2, would that mean i cannot claim banked rewards for t3 and t4 on the same "banked day"?


> I feel like it's a waste of data saving info for 80 fractals (20 fracs multiplied by 4 teirs) for people who don't touch them.


> And includes recs or not? I feel like recs are an intentional timegate for ad infinitium.


In theory it should bank all dailies from all 4 tiers for you do to, doing t4 will do all 4 tiers but doing anything lower consumes that tier plus any lower but the higher tier ones would remain as they do now.


The System poe follows it banks diff tier maps for you do to, there doing the highest doesnt reward all the lower ones due to the nature of maps there but at least ui wise the system could be very similar to that.


Have some icon or smth next to each fractal on the fractal list with 4 numbers (white, yellow, orange, red indicating a tier) doing a lower tier doest take away the higher one but doing the highest one takes the lower ones away as it does rn.


I proposed having a cap to how many you can bank and considering that each daily have a t1-t4 versions all would be saved up till the cap. Alternatively what someone else here suggested is for them to reset after a while, same aproach but after a while the banked runs dissapear.


This still allows you to bank runs and do them in w/e way u want.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> i don't like this idea. what if you like playing everyday but your friends be like "no, today instabilities are terrible, we're gonna do daily twice tomorrow"? that just creates conflict. also on bad instability days you won't find players in LFG because everyone is waiting them out.


What if tommorow's instabs arent really that much better? Tho i could see such confict because of random isntabs.


Even better imo they could just rever isntabs to being set for every fractal since that was a better system ^^

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> i don't like this idea. what if you like playing everyday but your friends be like "no, today instabilities are terrible, we're gonna do daily twice tomorrow"? that just creates conflict. also on bad instability days you won't find players in LFG because everyone is waiting them out.


As I said in my post above, this suggestion can only work with this:


> Imo, the fractals you "bank" should be the exact same when you go and play them, or at least most of them.


When you bank a fractal it banks everything related to it, including instabilities. It's also why the reset timer needs to be quick enough so any changes to instabilities and additions of new fractals won't affect as many players. If the Fractal you bank is not the exact same when you run it, then there are many risks and problems with banking it shouldn't be used.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> I just started getting back into doing fractals, personally I think there should be more dailys for them than there is now, I seem to get them all done pretty quickly and am left wishing there was more to do.


You can play how many fractals you want a day just keep churning em mate.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > I just started getting back into doing fractals, personally I think there should be more dailys for them than there is now, I seem to get them all done pretty quickly and am left wishing there was more to do.


> You can play how many fractals you want a day just keep churning em mate.


Nah it's not the same without the daily reward chests, it would feel pointless for me to farm without gaining pristine's, which I need for FG. I am reward/progression driven.

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