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Just curious: Why exactly does GvG need to be a WvW thing?


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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> The "NEED" part is a good question... As opposed to saying something along the lines of "want". The "want", at least, largely has to do with the Framework of GvG's and how they appeal to certain WvW players. As opposed to strictly sPvP style players. I'm gonna try to simplify this without trying to get too in depth...


> - Basically, what you can learn from doing GvG's can be better brought into a WvW environment vs an sPvP environment. Like what methods of fighting you may find more effective than others while GvGing. The point of GvG's isn't "to be the best"... Not entirely anyways. The point is to **learn** to be better or "why" you are one of the best (assuming you are). Aside from the just pure "fun" aspect. Then hopefully bring that learned experience into WvW as 1 team among many.


> Another (perhaps better) question to ask is... "**Could/Would GvG's still exist without there ever being a "WvW**"?


> I think GvG actually "Could" exist without WvW. I mean for example... You don't need to take/control a tower or whatever just to win a GvG. GvG is after all pretty much purely fight based. And ultimately GvG in the context of GW2... **Is player created**. I don't view it's **creation** much different then saying: "Hey guys, let's play hide and go seek". The sad part, IMO... Is that GvG's, while fun, don't sit firmly as apart of GW2 itself. Not being an inherently supported feature of the game.


> Therefore, the game doesn't in turn show the same level of acceptance/respect for GvG's. Like the player base that creates the GvG's does. Which, is just sad and disrespectful IMO... Because GvG's should be viewed as **more** than just a random game of "Hide and go seek". As previously demonstrated earlier on. Now, "Would" they exists still?... It's extremely likely I think.


> In conclusion. While I don't believe GvG's "**need** to be a WvW thing". I do however, see them as appealing to the WvW player style of fighting (Players that like to fight). While also more beneficial to the WvW environment (not sPvP environment) given what teams can learn from them. To then carry on over into their WvW environment... As opposed to an sPvP environment. Thus, WvW currently fits as a better _home_ than sPvP does IMO ??‍♂️


of course it can exist. just in different format.


i.e. costume brawl 50v 50 in lions arch

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > The "NEED" part is a good question... As opposed to saying something along the lines of "want". The "want", at least, largely has to do with the Framework of GvG's and how they appeal to certain WvW players. As opposed to strictly sPvP style players. I'm gonna try to simplify this without trying to get too in depth...

> >

> > - Basically, what you can learn from doing GvG's can be better brought into a WvW environment vs an sPvP environment. Like what methods of fighting you may find more effective than others while GvGing. The point of GvG's isn't "to be the best"... Not entirely anyways. The point is to **learn** to be better or "why" you are one of the best (assuming you are). Aside from the just pure "fun" aspect. Then hopefully bring that learned experience into WvW as 1 team among many.

> >

> > Another (perhaps better) question to ask is... "**Could/Would GvG's still exist without there ever being a "WvW**"?

> >

> > I think GvG actually "Could" exist without WvW. I mean for example... You don't need to take/control a tower or whatever just to win a GvG. GvG is after all pretty much purely fight based. And ultimately GvG in the context of GW2... **Is player created**. I don't view it's **creation** much different then saying: "Hey guys, let's play hide and go seek". The sad part, IMO... Is that GvG's, while fun, don't sit firmly as apart of GW2 itself. Not being an inherently supported feature of the game.

> >

> > Therefore, the game doesn't in turn show the same level of acceptance/respect for GvG's. Like the player base that creates the GvG's does. Which, is just sad and disrespectful IMO... Because GvG's should be viewed as **more** than just a random game of "Hide and go seek". As previously demonstrated earlier on. Now, "Would" they exists still?... It's extremely likely I think.

> >

> > In conclusion. While I don't believe GvG's "**need** to be a WvW thing". I do however, see them as appealing to the WvW player style of fighting (Players that like to fight). While also more beneficial to the WvW environment (not sPvP environment) given what teams can learn from them. To then carry on over into their WvW environment... As opposed to an sPvP environment. Thus, WvW currently fits as a better _home_ than sPvP does IMO ??‍♂️


> of course it can exist. just in different format.


> i.e. costume brawl 50v 50 in lions arch


LOL... Exactly. Let us all recognize the sad reality that "consume brawls" are better supported than GvG's... ?

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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > > The "NEED" part is a good question... As opposed to saying something along the lines of "want". The "want", at least, largely has to do with the Framework of GvG's and how they appeal to certain WvW players. As opposed to strictly sPvP style players. I'm gonna try to simplify this without trying to get too in depth...

> > >

> > > - Basically, what you can learn from doing GvG's can be better brought into a WvW environment vs an sPvP environment. Like what methods of fighting you may find more effective than others while GvGing. The point of GvG's isn't "to be the best"... Not entirely anyways. The point is to **learn** to be better or "why" you are one of the best (assuming you are). Aside from the just pure "fun" aspect. Then hopefully bring that learned experience into WvW as 1 team among many.

> > >

> > > Another (perhaps better) question to ask is... "**Could/Would GvG's still exist without there ever being a "WvW**"?

> > >

> > > I think GvG actually "Could" exist without WvW. I mean for example... You don't need to take/control a tower or whatever just to win a GvG. GvG is after all pretty much purely fight based. And ultimately GvG in the context of GW2... **Is player created**. I don't view it's **creation** much different then saying: "Hey guys, let's play hide and go seek". The sad part, IMO... Is that GvG's, while fun, don't sit firmly as apart of GW2 itself. Not being an inherently supported feature of the game.

> > >

> > > Therefore, the game doesn't in turn show the same level of acceptance/respect for GvG's. Like the player base that creates the GvG's does. Which, is just sad and disrespectful IMO... Because GvG's should be viewed as **more** than just a random game of "Hide and go seek". As previously demonstrated earlier on. Now, "Would" they exists still?... It's extremely likely I think.

> > >

> > > In conclusion. While I don't believe GvG's "**need** to be a WvW thing". I do however, see them as appealing to the WvW player style of fighting (Players that like to fight). While also more beneficial to the WvW environment (not sPvP environment) given what teams can learn from them. To then carry on over into their WvW environment... As opposed to an sPvP environment. Thus, WvW currently fits as a better _home_ than sPvP does IMO ??‍♂️

> >

> > of course it can exist. just in different format.

> >

> > i.e. costume brawl 50v 50 in lions arch


> LOL... Exactly. Let us all recognize the sad reality that "consume brawls" are better supported than GvG's... ?


i wish we can challenge others too.


like i click u in lions arch or any town in safe mode, and then i challenge, you acceptor not then we fight if u accept.


also, in options u can click auto reject duels.

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There's Obsidian Sanctum, where people used to have GvGs all the time. Yes, sometimes people interrupted, but the only way to prevent that would be to make an entirely separate game mode or "special" instances/zones in WvW which would take A LOT of development for a fairly minor pay off. But I've seen people do GvG's in the middle of a map and then complain about being interrupted, and when asked to go to Sanctum they just say no.

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Because if they did have a GvG format, there would be no reason to have wvw. All the current pugs in wvw would have to go to PvP, because the arena was too large. Especially without the population granted to the servers by those large guilds in the first place. It then would truly be a dead game format.

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GvG could exist without WvW in theory, but WvW could never exist in it's current form without GvG. And when there is no raid, the same players ofc pug as everyone else.


Without WvW guilds and GvG, this game mode would collapse into just another EotM copy.


Anyone can tag up and ppt. You barely need armor for it. Especially not if you dodge fights, like most servers do if they don't have a zoneblob.

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  • 11 months later...

> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> GvG was a huge part of Guild Wars, but didn't make it into GW2...


Did GW1 have anything like open world WvW at that time? GW Faction only have from what I know a kind of GvG mode where you can watch them play against each other. I guess that WvW to some degree where meant to offer different way to organise groups into small teams (party->squad) for each side of map (three server vs three server or "Worlds").

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> GvG Is just an established mimimi pattern in the forum now.

> In the meantime there are 3 Arenas for gvg, but mimimi continue.


Three arenas: EoTM, Obsidian Sanctum, Guild hall.


EoTM: can’t fight guilds on your own Server, can’t fight any guild in your own color for a matchup. Size is juuuuusssttt Outside of Longbow range from one side to the other. Can’t control trolls popping in.


Obsidian Sanctum: can only fight guilds from 2-4 (depending on links) servers. Can’t fight guilds on your own server. Can’t control trolls popping in to disrupt. Is probably the most appropriate size space for a GvG.


Guild hall: PvE balance. Takes 20 minutes + to get people in secondary to invites and map instances. Tiny as young cat. Can fight any guild. Can control trolls.


So either you have no idea what GvG is, or you are just completely against it creating your own narrative by being disingenuous.


Either way, GvG hasn’t gotten any aspect of what they’ve really asked for in the past 8 years.

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> @"HiTandMayhem.1378" said:

> Something something .... make guild hall arena with WvW conditions instead of PvE ..... sssomething...


The Guild Arena has more issues than that, since HoT launched, like arena size or inviting other guilds, so even that was an afterthought from Anet towards GvGs.


The EoTM arena is better, but it only has one instance atm, yet I think the OS in terms of size and terrain is still better for GvGs, unless you prefer open field fights. The south ruins isn't a great spot either, because you are at an disadvatage on one side, due to the terrain.


At this point though, GvG won't be anywhere near an official game mode. Sacrx and RG quit a long time ago too, because they could see wvw was not going to get enough good content or support and gvg was going to be far from being officially supported.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Iam just curious, because I dont play GvG. but Why exactly does it need to be a WvW specifically? I often see the request for it. But wouldnt something like that be better suited in SPvP style matches?


GvG threads should be moved OUT of the WvW forum. It's got NOTHING to do with WvW.

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It could work in both modes.. but considering how big the guilds can be in Gw2 it makes more sense to focus it on a WvW thing.


It would probably be best if it was it's own mode though, getting your full guild team into WvW could probably be a hastle sometimes due to the pop cap and the accessability factor that it's open to everyone at all times.

Can't exactly have guilds going around telling everyone to leave the map cause they want to fight another guild.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > GvG Is just an established mimimi pattern in the forum now.

> > In the meantime there are 3 Arenas for gvg, but mimimi continue.


> Three arenas: EoTM, Obsidian Sanctum, Guild hall.


> EoTM: can’t fight guilds on your own Server, can’t fight any guild in your own color for a matchup. Size is juuuuusssttt Outside of Longbow range from one side to the other. Can’t control trolls popping in.


> Obsidian Sanctum: can only fight guilds from 2-4 (depending on links) servers. Can’t fight guilds on your own server. Can’t control trolls popping in to disrupt. Is probably the most appropriate size space for a GvG.


> Guild hall: PvE balance. Takes 20 minutes + to get people in secondary to invites and map instances. Tiny as young cat. Can fight any guild. Can control trolls.


> So either you have no idea what GvG is, or you are just completely against it creating your own narrative by being disingenuous.


> Either way, GvG hasn’t gotten any aspect of what they’ve really asked for in the past 8 years.


This post is on point. I do give props to the dev who created EotM Arena though because it's a decent little area and they actually did a really good job considering the constraints they probably had. I believe it was just 1 dev who made the whole thing, so they couldn't exactly change mechanics like allowing you to choose teams or anything like that. It was a good gesture from a dev who probably saw the promise in GvG, but works for a company that doesn't really want to dedicate any resources to GvG.


Ideally a GvG arena would have the following:

-Around the size of Obsidian Sanctum

-Allow choosing of teams, so you could fight any guild on any server at any time

-Ability to prevent outside interference

-An area where onlookers could still spectate without interfering

-WvW Balance, or even possibly PvP balance. Not PvE balance

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> You guys forgot Mistlock sanctuary.


> Because ArenaNet really wanted to show off that they can but will not, just to say F you to the community.


You mean Armistice Bastion?


It's a cool little feature they have there. My guild has done a few in-houses in the little open field outside the castle. It's not the best place to fight but it works. Guild hall is just unusable after how different PvE and WvW are these days, so we do AB instead. The biggest downside, of course, is that not everyone has the pass.

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do it planetside 2 style.


make so a guild earn special ressources depending on what it currently hold. (camp, castle, fort?).

create special ops only usable by this new ressource.


special ops:

■ emergency call. start a mass teleport cooldown for all guild members currently in WvW (can be cancelled individually) toward the owned structure. (a charr helicopter could appear above that structure to warn people of an emergency call in that area.)

■ dropship support. call out a dropship over the map with a driver, 2 gunners for both sides and passenger from the guild. the gunner is able to fire the dropship canons just like the air call for stonemist castle. only one dropship can be used per server at the same time. drop ships can fire on ovther drop ships too to damage it or its passengers.

the driver can move close to another dropship to boeard the targeted dropship. both drop ship would move to enter a boarding state. destroy the core of the enemy drop ship to annihilate it.

■ call in the destroyer. a special tank mount you can use to destroy gates, charr heli and dropgates.

■ special canons that deal bonus damage to dropships, destroyers, heli, and siege .


customize your own castle with permanent defence systems, traps and goodies.


well i guess you get the gist of it.

create tools that force quilds to protect their belongings. create a guild rivalry system so specific guilds need to take out specific target territory from specific guild.

reward guilds that hold of territory with a special ressources to use for unique tactics.


let me dream :p

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> @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> do it planetside 2 style.


> make so a guild earn special ressources depending on what it currently hold. (camp, castle, fort?).

> create special ops only usable by this new ressource.


> special ops:

> ■ emergency call. start a mass teleport cooldown for all guild members currently in WvW (can be cancelled individually) toward the owned structure. (a charr helicopter could appear above that structure to warn people of an emergency call in that area.)

> ■ dropship support. call out a dropship over the map with a driver, 2 gunners for both sides and passenger from the guild. the gunner is able to fire the dropship canons just like the air call for stonemist castle. only one dropship can be used per server at the same time. drop ships can fire on ovther drop ships too to damage it or its passengers.

> the driver can move close to another dropship to boeard the targeted dropship. both drop ship would move to enter a boarding state. destroy the core of the enemy drop ship to annihilate it.

> ■ call in the destroyer. a special tank mount you can use to destroy gates, charr heli and dropgates.

> ■ special canons that deal bonus damage to dropships, destroyers, heli, and siege .


> customize your own castle with permanent defence systems, traps and goodies.


> well i guess you get the gist of it.

> create tools that force quilds to protect their belongings. create a guild rivalry system so specific guilds need to take out specific target territory from specific guild.

> reward guilds that hold of territory with a special ressources to use for unique tactics.


> let me dream :p


This is on a par with my dreams of customisable mech-style golems.

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They should include a reward system for those who put up good effort to gvg. I have never tried one in gw2 so I really don't know how well current system is for gvg. In map wvw arena equip with a server spectator option will be nice too...so server keep record of matches for other wvw players to view anytime.

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