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As the above. What do you guys think?


I am super hyped that they are going to focus on the Charr and Norn culture. No E-Specs mentioned.

The trailer reminded me of why I play Guild Wars. The artstyle is just 11/10, no doubt about it.

As for the Masteries? I hope they can make them more meaningful.

And the bosses - man, this sounds like a GW1 idea, I love it.

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I am not gonna lie there was some nice tidy pieces of information there but all in all this was just a hugely glorified fanfare of a new living story arc. No expansions, no new elite specs etc.


Overall dissapointing for me personally I am quite saddened because i love this great game and that whole over the top hype train they created was just for one glorified moment of talking about things we knew were coming, the potential of having templates and a new living story. What a shame.

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Not sure what everyone was expecting. We knew it was a LW announcement. What did you expect? Expac? Elite Specs? Housing? Races? LW never had any of that. The stream was just fine for what it was meant for. A LW announcement with some QoL updates.


As for me, I'm fine with it all. It was exactly what I expected. A new LW story and some QoL updates. Looking forward to checking it out on Sept. 17th.

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Well, I liked it. It fulfilled quite nicely what I was expecting from a **Living World Episode** announcement.

Brings the story and lore exactly where I would love to see it.

New world boss mechanics. New masteries, which actually surprised me.

More convenience with native build templates.


It is beyond me why people were expecting mounts or raids or something in a living world episode.

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I'm excited!


I'm also a bit concerned: they said they were trying new things with "saga" vs. "season" and how they update content - what does that mean? I hope it's not like Season One, where content updates were fast and frequent, sure...but also gone forever once new updates came out (Marionette, Battle for Lion's Arch, Aetherblades, etc. etc.).

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > Amazing that PvP got more "screentime" than WvW

> >

> > but hey, we can expect more info on wvw restructuring in the next couple of months...


> Did they say couple of months.. cos I thought they just said "coming months"... that could be anywhere in time to be quite honest.


I'm just going by the usual anet announcement standarts. It's both the same to me at this point.



I'm also aware that this was an LS announcement but then they could've not talk about it at all. Which would've been the better option.

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To be blunt they could have easily saved themsevles some money and announced all of this in there own studios rather then create such a huge hype machine. Example: Start stream 3 days before, a whole auditorium for a living story new arc and some QoL announcments.....I mean im actually hugely dissapointed they angled it in such a way were i was expecting much more then this given all the "hype".

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Anet never hyped up an Living World season like this before so I guess I just expected... more.


I mean it's nice and all, more focus on norn/charr is great and it all looks interesting. But Living World is just filler to me, something to fill the gap between expansions.

But now it seems Living World will once again replace expansions completely (like they tried with Season 1).


I don't like playing a story in small bits every few months.

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> @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> Not sure what everyone was expecting. We knew it was a LW announcement. What did you expect? Expac? Elite Specs? Housing? Races? LW never had any of that. The stream was just fine for what it was meant for. A LW announcement with some QoL updates.


> As for me, I'm fine with it all. It was exactly what I expected. A new LW story and some QoL updates. Looking forward to checking it out on Sept. 17th.


They hyped up over the last season that LW **can** deliver Expansion level content, even to the point of making it an expectation for this announcement. ArenaNet set the expectations here, not the players

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The stuff they announced sounds good and if it was just announced as the usual blog post, I would have considered it a full positive. It just didn't make sense to have an event for this stuff since there's not enough content to justify it. At most, this could have been a good streaming supplemental episode with the dev interviews.


I know they're desperate to build some hype in the face of WoW Classic, ArchAge Unchained, etc., but that's probably backfired. Right or wrong, when you build up excitement like this, people expect expansions, new games, etc.


But at least I'm not a WvW player. I really feel sorry for people who are invested in that area of the game...

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I'm a little disappointed that we're still focused on yet another elder dragon (but they also clarified that there's much more going on). Beyond that, I'm excited to see the Charr homelands! I didn't expect too much so any new content is good.


I'm not sure that build templates are terribly useful since many of us already have 2 or 3 copies of each profession for different purposes. And they make it so easy with tomes of knowledge.

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My thoughts are this.


ANet is trying to cover up by changing the name of what they do and not actually fixing what they got wrong with the previous releases and schedule.

Nothing changed here outside of the name from season to saga.


My expectations for this were already low and it's shocking even to me that they could go even lower than after the announcement but that happened.

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