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Final nail in the coffin - No WvW updates


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18+ months after the announcement of WvW restructuring and Alliances, this Aug. 30th announcement was the last hope I was holding on to where we could actually get news about this. The fact that the only thing mentioned about this was "We look forward to talk about it in the upcoming months" (MONTHS?!?!) is almost a literal slap in the face to this community.


With over 5.5K hours played (over half in WvW) I can genuinely say I love this game, but it can no longer be my main. I will become what Arenanet has designed, through neglect, this game's competitive scene to be populated by: a casual.


And (god forbid) if our game mode does not get any major overhauls in the very near future, or at least a serious announcement of one I just might be done for good.


GG Anet

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It was billed as an announcement about Living World. It was an announcement about Living World.

It was entirely unsurprising that they barely mentioned anything else.



WvW Restructuring will come when it's ready. They aren't going to push an announcement for it to suit the Living World release schedule, or delay hyping LS5 until it's ready.


I'm not happy that Restructuring is taking so darn long. I just am not hanging my hopes on any single moment of ANet's marketing campaigns, especially since they tend to go ga-ga over stuff that I think barely matters and barely mention stuff that I think will be incredibly engaging to fans.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It was billed as an announcement about Living World. It was an announcement about Living World.

> It was entirely unsurprising that they barely mentioned anything else.


> ****

> WvW Restructuring will come when it's ready. They aren't going to push an announcement for it to suit the Living World release schedule, or delay hyping LS5 until it's ready.


> I'm not happy that Restructuring is taking so darn long. I just am not hanging my hopes on any single moment of ANet's marketing campaigns, especially since they tend to go ga-ga over stuff that I think barely matters and barely mention stuff that I think will be incredibly engaging to fans.


Come when ready for sure. The radio silence is what I'm upset about, not the fact that its not ready tomorrow. 18 months should be enough time to make progress they can talk about.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It was billed as an announcement about Living World. It was an announcement about Living World.

Yeah I dont really understand why people kept hyping it up to something it wasnt going to be. We **knew** it was about the next LW season and only about that. Whatever extra we got would be fluff. We expected zero WvW announcements and got... a tiny bit. Now people complain about that.


This epitomizes the damned if you do damned if you dont approach people have on the WvW forums, lol.

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I knew it would be about living story but I didn't know it would be this much disappointment. There's literally nothing to look forward to for us. They aren't even ready to talk about the restructure update yet. Even the casual players and primarily PvE players are losing it. Nobody is happy right now...I guess except the lore people.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It was billed as an announcement about Living World. It was an announcement about Living World.

> It was entirely unsurprising that they barely mentioned anything else.


> ****

> WvW Restructuring will come when it's ready. They aren't going to push an announcement for it to suit the Living World release schedule, or delay hyping LS5 until it's ready.


> I'm not happy that Restructuring is taking so darn long. I just am not hanging my hopes on any single moment of ANet's marketing campaigns, especially since they tend to go ga-ga over stuff that I think barely matters and barely mention stuff that I think will be incredibly engaging to fans.


It feels like after years of this game mode fizzling out it was more than a year ago that we hear about alliances or any intent to resuscitate WvW, so yes, even in a primarily LW announcement they need to let us know if we need to find a new game or not at this point. The action during prime time is so hit or miss now that I can't warrant coasting another year wondering if any money I put into the gemstore is worth it in the long run or if our chunk of the player base are just being pulled along to empty the rest of the change out of our pockets before we finally quit.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It was billed as an announcement about Living World. It was an announcement about Living World.

> It was entirely unsurprising that they barely mentioned anything else.


> ****

> WvW Restructuring will come when it's ready. They aren't going to push an announcement for it to suit the Living World release schedule, or delay hyping LS5 until it's ready.


> I'm not happy that Restructuring is taking so darn long. I just am not hanging my hopes on any single moment of ANet's marketing campaigns, especially since they tend to go ga-ga over stuff that I think barely matters and barely mention stuff that I think will be incredibly engaging to fans.


Duplicate post BTW.


Nothing you say is wrong.


19 months and counting with the last update on progress being 10 months ago.


Nary an Anet developer note on this front page about... anything.


No updates about the one item added to WvW which, honestly, was an easy way to break into some structures with no updates on the remaining fixes.


Not going to rehash everything else including the exploits into keeps without the mount that still exist but there are now new added invisible walls in DR within the last 1-2 months that MAY be able to be used to prevent those same exploits that exist.


But you ARE correct. The announcement was about LW. That is what we’re were told.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Didn't they make it extremely clear that WvW updates are not tied to any other game updates and will be released whenever they come to fruition rather than a release schedule? Oh yeah, they did.


Yes, but personally it's not just a lack of WvW updates that's disappointing. It's a lack of anything fresh for WvW period. If you exclusively play this mode it's drought indefinite. No new meta, no new content, no restructuring. Just the same ol' and I think there is a pretty predominant sentiment towards the current status quo.


Unreasonable expectations or not, their one apparent opportunity to breath some hope and life into the mode was missed. We're an afterthought, even behind PvP and the one token PvP dude in the room.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> It's almost like completely redesigning a game mode takes a very long time and a lot of work or something..


Like, in relation to an entire story line including maps, quests, creatures, and a new 'raid' system? I wonder where the big time differences are.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > It's almost like completely redesigning a game mode takes a very long time and a lot of work or something..


> Ah.. I’m sorry then.


> I didn’t realize we were getting a full redesign. I thought it was just a population restructure.


> My bad


They're redesigning how WvW effectively works, taking away the current server structure, making a whole new one, adding new features like alliances, testing constantly, adding new ideas, taking others that don't work away.. etc all without destroying what people love about the game mode.


I don't have much experience with game design or coding but even I know that this sort of thing is a huge job that is going to take a lot of time.

I can sympathize with those who only play the game for WvW even though I don't understand why anyone would buy a MMO purely for the pvp.. but this kind of thing is one of those, it'll be done when it's done kinda things.

We just have to wait, and when Anet has something to show or information to disclose they will.

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I dont get the apologists a this point. You guys saying "just wait" is the same as the dev's "soon"; here we are 18+ months later still waiting for "soon" . At some point that response becomes an trope cop out.


I dont think any one of us expected them to give us an announcement FOR WvW. We did dare hope for an update that would make things a more solid than "soon". In my case, I'm done hoping and I'm gonna start moving on.

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