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Season pass (not subscription) [suggestion]


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-Make a season pass that would help cover costs of fairly large new saga content (close to the size of an expansion).

-Season pass is not needed get new free saga episodes.

-Season passes would make logging on in to receive new free episodes unnecessary for a season (roughly a year).

-Passes would include lots of high value and quality goodies to make it a good value (possibly as much as a set of dropped packages or more).

-Higher priced season passes add more goodies accordingly.

-Passes are not required to receive new free sagas/episodes (log-ons would be required in place of it).

-Passes unlock past episodes prior to the last season.

-Season passes could be purchased at anytime.

-Annual season passes start at $30.

If needed, passes must be purchased with money.

-Passes would be an almost needed and high valued convenience item purchaseable annually.

-Passed could also give weekly additional high value goodies (lasting for a few weeks) as a bonus too.

-Passes could also be done as a semi-annual pass if demand deems so.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Why would ArenaNet want to sell the 'convenience' of not logging in?

That's the convenience value of a pass for the player.

If players don't log in during new content release, the playerbase for those map areas may not be as large as during so.

Also they get more revenue.



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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> > So you want to make it subscription based? No thank you


> Do you ever buy gems ?


Why does that matter? It should not matter if I buy gems or not.







When I want to yes BUT sometimes I go a very long time before I get more if there is nothing I want with them.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Can we buy the Season Pass with gems bought with gold or would it be real money only gems?


Possibly only real money but it's only really a convenience item with bonuses to be purchased annually or semi-annually to receive more bonuses. Any possibly only real money to be a better value for anet.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Actualy, to all of you who say "Subscription, no ty". Do you ever buy gems ? How much ? how often ?

> If your answer is "Over 10$ per month on average", i dont see a reason why you hate the idea of sub, when you're spending more money on gems themself.


Because when I buy gems it is for items in the cash shop, that I can continue to use for as long as the gane exists, not to just have access to the game that I already bought.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > Actualy, to all of you who say "Subscription, no ty". Do you ever buy gems ? How much ? how often ?

> > If your answer is "Over 10$ per month on average", i dont see a reason why you hate the idea of sub, when you're spending more money on gems themself.


> Because when I buy gems it is for items in the cash shop, that I can continue to use for as long as the gane exists, not to just have access to the game that I already bought.


Noone said you will lose access to the game.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > Actualy, to all of you who say "Subscription, no ty". Do you ever buy gems ? How much ? how often ?

> > > If your answer is "Over 10$ per month on average", i dont see a reason why you hate the idea of sub, when you're spending more money on gems themself.

> >

> > Because when I buy gems it is for items in the cash shop, that I can continue to use for as long as the gane exists, not to just have access to the game that I already bought.


> Noone said you will lose access to the game.



That is what a subscription is: access to the game lost unless the sub fee is paid.

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There already is an option to pay to skip the requirement to log in during the release window for each episode: you buy it for 200 gems. I really don't think Anet would go beyond that to actively encourage players _not_ to log in during the release period because that goes against a lot of the rest of their business plan. If you don't log in you don't see stuff for sale in the gem store, you're unlikely to hear about special events and other incentives to play and maybe most importantly the people who do log in don't see as many other people around and start wondering where everyone's gone and why there's so little interest in the latest content.


As for all the rest of it with the higher priced bundles giving more gem store stuff that already exists too - it's calling buying stuff from the gem store. They've even started bundling it together to save you the trouble of choosing what you want.


Overall this just seems like yet another overly complicated way of trying to get more gem store items for less money, dressed up as some kind of promotion for the new season.


> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Actualy, to all of you who say "Subscription, no ty". Do you ever buy gems ? How much ? how often ?

> If your answer is "Over 10$ per month on average", i dont see a reason why you hate the idea of sub, when you're spending more money on gems themself.


You seem to be implying that most people who buy gems fit that criteria, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people's average spending is less than $10 per month, and much more erratic, with long gaps where they don't spend anything at all and then the occasional large purchase. (I'm an extreme example of that, I've sometimes bought 4000 gems at once and at other times I've gone for 6 months or a year without buying any at all with real money, it all depends on what I want to buy and how much I'm willing and able to spend on GW2.)


Unless you are one of the people who habitually buys a fixed amount of gems on a regular basis - which in my experience is mostly people who were already in the habit of doing that from subscription games and can't break out of the idea that's how you're "supposed to" do it - there is a huge difference between choosing to spend money for some optional extra cosmetics as and when it's convenient for you to do so and a subscription or season pass or whatever you want to call it which requires you to pay a regular fee up front for access to a game you've already bought, even if they throw in some extra items to justify an inflated cost for that subscription.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> There already is an option to pay to skip the requirement to log in during the release window for each episode: you buy it for 200 gems. I really don't think Anet would go beyond that to actively encourage players _not_ to log in during the release period because that goes against a lot of the rest of their business plan. If you don't log in you don't see stuff for sale in the gem store, you're unlikely to hear about special events and other incentives to play and maybe most importantly the people who do log in don't see as many other people around and start wondering where everyone's gone and why there's so little interest in the latest content.


> As for all the rest of it with the higher priced bundles giving more gem store stuff that already exists too - it's calling buying stuff from the gem store. They've even started bundling it together to save you the trouble of choosing what you want.


> Overall this just seems like yet another overly complicated way of trying to get more gem store items for less money, dressed up as some kind of promotion for the new season.


> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > Actualy, to all of you who say "Subscription, no ty". Do you ever buy gems ? How much ? how often ?

> > If your answer is "Over 10$ per month on average", i dont see a reason why you hate the idea of sub, when you're spending more money on gems themself.


> You seem to be implying that most people who buy gems fit that criteria, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people's average spending is less than $10 per month, and much more erratic, with long gaps where they don't spend anything at all and then the occasional large purchase. (I'm an extreme example of that, I've sometimes bought 4000 gems at once and at other times I've gone for 6 months or a year without buying any at all with real money, it all depends on what I want to buy and how much I'm willing and able to spend on GW2.)


> Unless you are one of the people who habitually buys a fixed amount of gems on a regular basis - which in my experience is mostly people who were already in the habit of doing that from subscription games and can't break out of the idea that's how you're "supposed to" do it - there is a huge difference between choosing to spend money for some optional extra cosmetics as and when it's convenient for you to do so and a subscription or season pass or whatever you want to call it which requires you to pay a regular fee up front for access to a game you've already bought, even if they throw in some extra items to justify an inflated cost for that subscription.


Season Passes not needed for new free saga content. Only logging in. But if you aren't able to log in, then buy a pass and get some goodies and old episodes with it.

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Untill such a time as ArenaNet and NCsoft communicates with their players properly, and in a productive and respective way (i'e not calling everyone who has a negative view of their recent blunders and lack of communication, toxic), and actually start developing and pushing out some of the content the community time and time again keep asking for, clearly in the majority - not the minority.


My answer will have to be a sound **No** , simply because in my opinion, despite the ludicrus amount of money i've personally spent on this game thus far, they don't deserve a hard pass, or handouts untill they learn from their mistakes. and they certainly don't deserve a steady flow of money, wether weekly, monthly or annually untill they get their act together.

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> @"Wakani.1829" said:

> Untill such a time as ArenaNet and NCsoft communicates with their players properly, and in a productive and respective way (i'e not calling everyone who has a negative view of their recent blunders and lack of communication, toxic), and actually start developing and pushing out some of the content the community time and time again keep asking for, clearly in the majority - not the minority.


> My answer will have to be a sound **No** , simply because in my opinion, despite the ludicrus amount of money i've personally spent on this game thus far, they don't deserve a hard pass, or handouts untill they learn from their mistakes. and they certainly don't deserve a steady flow of money, wether weekly, monthly or annually untill they get their act together.


For new players, you get old episodes with this pass in addition to goodies and convenience.

For old players you get $30 worth of goodies, convenience and any old episodes (before current ones) you might've missed.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> For new players, you get old episodes with this pass in addition to goodies and convenience.

> For old players you get $30 worth of goodies, convenience and any old episodes (before current ones) you might've missed.


Sadly no.


If there's one thing GuildWars2 doesnt need more of, its Monetization, especially with their current level of communication, and refusal to listen to the community.


Normally i woulden't mind, but there are limits, and there are times where enough is enough, for me this is that time. this franchise is amazing, and it's being molested and mistreated grossly, by either ArenaNet, or NCsoft (don't know wich of them, since neither are willing to talk about their mistakes or shortcomings).

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Oh right, ArenaNet doesn't announce an expansion therefore they are out of money and therefore players must come up with solutions on how to make more money for ArenaNet.


Seriously, can we stop this nonsense? I'm sure ArenaNet knows about these ideas and rehashing ancient ideas is not going to do anyone any good.


Gem sales are their main source and apparently they feel they are making enough. Perhaps because they lost 35% of their staff and also the accompanying costs. Personally I feel they should bring out the next expansion sooner rather than later.


But I guess the problem is they were set on another LS and they either want to prove to NcSoft that LS chapters are enough or they're buying themselves time to finally make the next expansion because NcSoft told them so. Either way, it's ArenaNet that got us in this situation and they need to fix it but they are clearly not willing to talk about the future beyond what they're doing now on the release schedule.


I don't like it, but trying to come up with money making solutions that have been by here already many times is really not going to solve anything.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> > So you want to make it subscription based? No thank you


> Season passes are not necessary for new free content release. They are a annual convenience item with goodie bonuses with proceedings contributing to new content.


Id rather contribute by buying the content itself instead of giving my money blindly on w/e anet deems worth investing on.


Like with last year and mounts while the entire game was slowed down.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Oh right, ArenaNet doesn't announce an expansion therefore they are out of money and therefore players must come up with solutions on how to make more money for ArenaNet.


> Seriously, can we stop this nonsense? I'm sure ArenaNet knows about these ideas and rehashing ancient ideas is not going to do anyone any good.


> Gem sales are their main source and apparently they feel they are making enough. Perhaps because they lost 35% of their staff and also the accompanying costs. Personally I feel they should bring out the next expansion sooner rather than later.


> But I guess the problem is they were set on another LS and they either want to prove to NcSoft that LS chapters are enough or they're buying themselves time to finally make the next expansion because NcSoft told them so. Either way, it's ArenaNet that got us in this situation and they need to fix it but they are clearly not willing to talk about the future beyond what they're doing now on the release schedule.


> I don't like it, but trying to come up with money making solutions that have been by here already many times is really not going to solve anything.


This money solution makes for bigger and better sagas.

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