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How would you change necromancer?


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after seeing these upcoming changes gonna make necro viability be PVE- bad WvW/PVP- meh-almost good but not quite (only keeping some viability due to ability to boon corrupt but that is it)


it got me thinking to how I would change necromancer, now this is CORE necromancer overall and not touching on the elite specs, because that is another can of worms entirely.


first of all I would rework life force to not be a deathshroud mechanic and instead make it 5 additional skills that the necromancer has access to that can be changed to different skills with traits to focus either

boon corruption

condition application

pure damage

but you can't mix and match like say 1-3 of the shroud skills are boon corrupt 4/5 is condition application for balance sake across gamemodes.


also I would rework a majority of the utility skills of necromancer to either be focused boon corrupt and do no damage or do no boon corrupt and afflict conditions/damage, or even add survivability skills. but overall nerf the boon corruption of necromancer and put in more utility and survivability skills and just overall more condition damage skills. since necromancer would be losing deathshroud it will need more survivability in the form of reworked/new utility skills, and just select a few different boon corrupt skills and overall enhance their boon corrupt power while overall reducing the amount of boon corrupt skills available then reworking some of the skills to be pure condition application/damage oriented. Or even give them some more utility skills along with some survivability skills while we are at it.


I would also REVERT Epidemic to it transferring instantly instead of being a projectile, while also making it spread the FULL DURATION of the conditions with a max of 5 targets and a max stacks applied per condition is 25. at LEAST for PVE


rework staff's Aoes to not only be stronger but be a lasting AoE sorta like what plaguelands is right now but in a much weaker state ofc.


Also add a new function of boon corrupt (at least for PVE) to where if there is no boons to corrupt it will instead apply a stack of bleed or vulnerability or something to help compensate the fact that most mobs in PVE do NOT have boons for most of the fight.


I feel like this could help by making balance with necro much easier due to removing deathshroud in all gamemodes as well as nerfing its overall boon corrupt (so its not just a boon corrupt bot) while giving it some survivability in the form of skills so they can be tweaked, also giving options to necromancer players to change their shroud skills to the build they wish to use be it condition or power. But I do feel at the core of necromancer it should still remain a CONDITION application class with some boon corrupt


I know this is just a pipe dream and that Anet doesn't really care about necros enough to rework them but this is just something I felt I needed to write to get my thoughts out, I love necromancer and I just wish it was actually viable without its 1 utility of boon corrupt. and it relying on others to have boons to corrupt for its viability.

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I'm glad you ask!

Right now, other than the usual things I want for all professions like completing the core skill sets and making all utilities usable underwater , I want changes to staff, marks and blood magic to make the necromancer staff feel better and have a more active support role.


I would prefer if marks were spread among different weapons like Guardian symbols, and that marks and traps got a flip-over skill to trigger them on demand so they can be used against enemies that do not trigger traps and marks, like world bosses and objects. Like how preparations work, but not invisible to enemies, and still triggering when enemies enter them.


* Marks:

* Marks are now on every main hand and 2h weapon instead on staff only. Each weapon gets only 1 mark.

* Now marks flip over to a skill to activate the mark manually. Marks triggered manually take longer to recharge.

* Soul Marks: This trait still makes Marks unblockable. Increase life force from marks to 15%.

* Blood Bond renamed Vampiric Bond

* Instead casting lesser Signet of Vampirism, now it heals allies around an enemy when you steal life from them (1s cooldown)

* Also replaces Necrotic Grasp (Staff 1) with Vampiric Grasp.

* Vampiric Grasp deals a bit more damage, deals bleeding for 6s and steals life from enemies with 3 or more stacks of Bleeding.


* Staff:

* Necrotic Grasp

* Mark of Blood renamed Path of Blood

* No longer a mark, now it's a cascading AoE with 600 range l like Legendary Dwarf stance's Inspiring Reinforcement, but starting at target enemy, so there won't be hits between caster and target like with revenant hammer 2 Coalescence of Ruin.

* Still gives regen.

* Increase bleeding stacks to 4 and damage by 15%.

* Chilblains

* No longer a mark, now it's a pulsing Poison Field AoE.

* Each pulse deals damage and poison. Bleeding enemies receive more stacks of poison.

* First pulse deals chilled.

* Last pulse removes 2 boons.

* Putrid Mark renamed Plague Sending

* No longer a mark. Still a single strike blast that deals damage and transfers conditions.

* Reaper's Mark renamed Mark of Fear

* Effects would be unchanged, and remains as the Mark for Staff.



* Scepter - Grasping Dead renamed Mark of Undead and converted into a mark. Same effects otherwise.

* Axe - Unholy Feast renamed Unholy Mark and converted into a mark. Same effects otherwise.

* Dagger - Dark Pact renamed Dark Pact Mark (say that 3 times fast) and converted into a Mark. Bleeds self on cast. Same effects otherwise.

* Spear - Deadly Catch renamed Deadly Mark and converted into a mark. When triggered, it pulls enemies to the mark location instead self. Same effects otherwise.

* Trident - Feast renamed Mark of Hunger. Same effects on trigger.

* Greatsword - Nightfall renamed Mark of Nightfall and converted into a mark. Same effects otherwise.


Scourge won't get a mark in torch since marks would be in the main hand weapon for 1h weapons.

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> At this point seeing their direction and interpretation of what's required I'd personally ask Anet to leave us alone. Just do nothing. Every turn just adds 1 takes 2 or changes things for the sake of change. Let's just cut our losses.


I would say doing so would admit defeat, but knowing Anets direction with necro admitting defeat might be better than seeing the class just outright die. I honestly would like it if they just SKIPPED an ENTIRE content drop update just to focus ALL THAT POWER into reworking Necro from the entire mess that it is right now. where is feels like crap to play in PVE and is only viable because of boon corrupt in WvW/PvP and without it, it is garbage

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> Yeah I get you there, they just do more harm than good. I cant see them bothering with a full rework but I'd eat a bag of turnips if they did.


I would spend 200$ on the game if they reworked necro IN A GOOD WAY, not just slapping a new coat of paint on a heap of garbage and calling it a rework

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How I'd change the necromancer?


1- Change some boon corruptions into an ability to corrupt boons into specific conditions instead of conditions based on the boon corrupted (Scourge do that already it's time to push the concept onto core and reaper)

- _feast of corruption_ corrupt boons into torment

- _unholy feast_ corrupt boons into vulnerability

- _spinal shiver_ corrupt boons into chill (thus increasing chill duration of the skill by 1s for each boon corrupted)

- _dark pact_ corrupt boons into bleed

- _enfeebling blood_ corrupt boons into weakness

- _nothing can save you!_ corrupt boons into chill


_This set of change is a simple way to reduce the condi mess in WvW and make boon corruption on those skills a bit more focused for the necromancer._


2- Make combos a relevant and reliable part of the necromancer (nowadays, nobody care about them)

- _Life reap_ (reaper) now is a whirl finisher

- _Chilling nova_ your combo finishers while in shroud additionnally carry a chilling aura. (whatever the combo field in which you combo while in RS, you apply chill on top of the normal effect of the combo)

- _Manifest sand shade_ no longer proc on F2 to F5 skills

- _Demonic lore_ grant a whirl finisher on shade skills (F2 to F4, F5 proc a whirl finisher with each tic). Your shade skills successful finishers additionnally apply torment.

- _Desert shroud_ reworked to pulse weakness and reduce damage received by allies standing in it's area by 15% (PvE) and 10% (PvP/WvW).


_This push condi reaper back on track, make scourge a proper support with an intelligent single target dps build option. Reducing greatly it's aoe damage pressure in WvW which can only lead to more profession diversity in zergs._


3- Cleanse DM of it's overflow of minion traits.

- _Flesh of the master_ and _death nova_ removed

- _Beyond the veil_ no longer grant protection to minion but grant protection to up to 5 allies.

- _Necromantic corruption_ the minions now transfert all condition on them when you use minion's active skills instead of transfering them on hit 1 by 1.

- _Flesh of the master_ replaced by _Lich's mantle_: gain dark aura (4s) whenever you enter shroud.

- _Death nova_ replaced by _vile miasma_: your dark fields also poison (2s) and weaken (1s) foes every seconds.


_It's a pain to have to say it but minions don't interact in any way with GW2's necromancer's core mechanism. It's thus an abherration to have so many traits dedicated to them._


4- Minions

- _Putrid explosion_ now scale based on the necromancer's stats.

- _Rigor mortis_ is a 100% projectile finisher.

- _Taste of death_ now scale on the necromancer's healing power.


5- Miscellanous

- _Lich form_ replaced by _grim specter_ (increase _grim specter_ CD to 90s, the skill is now instant, break stun and gain stability every seconds.)


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I would give some invulns to necro somewhere so they can actually be defensive out of shroud and when in reaper shroud be more on the offensive.


I would love if condis in core could be buffed hugely so that you could build a proper condi build from core. I became a necro to be a kind of plague spreading necromancer who raises the dead. I think we need some separations of abilities if scourge is to ever do damage, or make it a full support since at this point its clear scourge was a huge mistake we are paying the price for, and people will not stop complaining about it until its useless.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I would give some invulns to necro somewhere so they can actually be defensive out of shroud and when in reaper shroud be more on the offensive.


> I would love if condis in core could be buffed hugely so that you could build a proper condi build from core. I became a necro to be a kind of plague spreading necromancer who raises the dead. I think we need some separations of abilities if scourge is to ever do damage, or make it a full support since at this point its clear scourge was a huge mistake we are paying the price for, and people will not stop complaining about it until its useless.


the second I heard "the elite spec for necro will be a support class" during the PoF preview era, I thought. o no, o no no no no no no no. what part of NECROMANCER makes you think SUPPORT/HEALING? they should of just done a HARD condi class, to be the opposite of reaper, the previous elite spec


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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > I would give some invulns to necro somewhere so they can actually be defensive out of shroud and when in reaper shroud be more on the offensive.

> >

> > I would love if condis in core could be buffed hugely so that you could build a proper condi build from core. I became a necro to be a kind of plague spreading necromancer who raises the dead. I think we need some separations of abilities if scourge is to ever do damage, or make it a full support since at this point its clear scourge was a huge mistake we are paying the price for, and people will not stop complaining about it until its useless.


> the second I heard "the elite spec for necro will be a support class" during the PoF preview era, I thought. o no, o no no no no no no no. what part of NECROMANCER makes you think SUPPORT/HEALING? they should of just done a HARD condi class, to be the opposite of reaper, the previous elite spec



I think though scourge was supposed to be a offensive support, its just that it has so much tied together that you have massive offensive/defensive support.


Point is, we need to fix scourge so we can have condi somewhere, because i don't see a chance of ever having a true condi spec until scourge is fixed, because people will continue to Q_Q and when the qq happen nerfs will happen. Necro should have been properly fixes sooner.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > I would give some invulns to necro somewhere so they can actually be defensive out of shroud and when in reaper shroud be more on the offensive.

> > >

> > > I would love if condis in core could be buffed hugely so that you could build a proper condi build from core. I became a necro to be a kind of plague spreading necromancer who raises the dead. I think we need some separations of abilities if scourge is to ever do damage, or make it a full support since at this point its clear scourge was a huge mistake we are paying the price for, and people will not stop complaining about it until its useless.

> >

> > the second I heard "the elite spec for necro will be a support class" during the PoF preview era, I thought. o no, o no no no no no no no. what part of NECROMANCER makes you think SUPPORT/HEALING? they should of just done a HARD condi class, to be the opposite of reaper, the previous elite spec

> >


> I think though scourge was supposed to be a offensive support, its just that it has so much tied together that you have massive offensive/defensive support.


> Point is, we need to fix scourge so we can have condi somewhere, because i don't see a chance of ever having a true condi spec until scourge is fixed, because people will continue to Q_Q and when the qq happen nerfs will happen. Necro should have been properly fixes sooner.


thing is tho they made it worse, instead of fixing necro when it was just reaper + necro they added scourge into the mix so now it is much more difficult to fix. because if they fixed necro to around what I said at the start of this post, then any conflicts with necro will likely just stem from scourge and they can then just focus on scourge instead of having to look at all of necro, but no Anet went the stupid route because they don't care about necros and like to make the description of necro one day "IT'S NERF OR NOTHING!"

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > There's already so many suggestions in this forum.

> > If someone from anet reads this, pls read the other posts as well


> that is implying that they actually listen to our feedback which from the past couple of years as proof, they do not


Over the past few years we have gotten a lot of stuff we have asked for. There is a difference between listening to feedback and doing what we want that people seem to misunderstand.


The changes they have for scourge in PvP and WvW aren't that bad and do address some of the absolute dominance in those game modes that the class , along with FB, has had since it's been released. Only thing they need to do alongside is increase the healing power coefficients and/split the personal and ally barrier amounts.


Necromancer isn't anywhere near as bad as it's made out to be. It doesn't need s fill rework. Core could use some more changes but it's actually progressively seeing more play.

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I would revert plaguelands to how it used to be. Unless your trying to take out siege ( and even then it's becoming useless) it's mostly useless.id make path of corruption to where it's a boon strip and unable to recover boons for 5 seconds.the amount of boon upkeep in this game especially on soulbeasts and literally every other class is stupid.

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I would like necro to stop being such insanely selfish class in PVE. I understand that classes need to be diverse, but Reaper is currently the only pure DPS that provides NOTHING towards the team.The problem is that necro has in fact bunch of nice supportive spells, but they are a complete joke at current state. Vampiric presence is just embarassing.

They could atleast shake up Spite trait abit so that you could avoid overloading yourself with Might. I hate when I already have dedicated 25 Might teamcomp and realize that 2 of my traits are literally without effect.

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