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What is your opinion about Jormag's gender?


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They have always even in the art books considered and used the word "He", The only elder dragon EVER to be considered close to female originally in concept was mordremoth. They were going to give mordremoth the "Hive mother" theme, where she was a female who used a very manipulative nature to convince the sylavri that they were wrong in their ways. For the love of all the spirits I have NO CLUE WHY THEY SCRAPED THAT, it was such an interesting idea for it to be a Her and serenade her "Children" back into their rightful place.


Im hoping they don't necessarily shoe-horn it in for jormag, I honestly like the concept that it is one of the dragons who really doesn't have a gender. Considering perhaps it has multi-personalities based on the whispers and perhaps is both, it could be interesting. Perhaps male norn are easier to sway than females which is why its so rare for females to be corrupted, and to top it off survive because the males will kill them off. Wouldn't it be a kicker if we found out that the harbinger of its coming would be a descendant of jora? That would be such an ironic stab at the first female norn to stand against jormag's sway.

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Just because it identifies as non-binary that doesn't mean it's intersex or anything like that. Perhaps the OP should have written: what is the sex of Jormag, referring to it's biology, rather than it's gender identity. I'm not sure how far surgery can modulate a voice from a woman/man's vocal cords and larynx to sound like the other gender, and Jormag's voice sounds biologically male to me.

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> @"Funky.4861" said:

> Just because it identifies as non-binary that doesn't mean it's intersex or anything like that. Perhaps the OP should have written: what is the sex of Jormag, referring to it's biology, rather than it's gender identity. I'm not sure how far surgery can modulate a voice from a woman/man's vocal cords and larynx to sound like the other gender, and Jormag's voice sounds biologically male to me.


Doesn't need surgery. I know two, unrelated, women who are regularly mistaken for a man when talking on the phone (and occasionally in real life if the person responding isn't looking at them) because they have unusually deep and masculine sounding voices for women.


> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > I voted for female presenting, because it's been confirmed that Jormag's VA is a woman.


> So Siri & Co are female, too? ;)


> What's the gender of a robot building a robot? Or of a 3D-Printer printing a copy of itself?

> It's just the old-fashionedness of our language that let us classify everything as male/female.


Many people do refer to them that way. There's a woman at work who always confuses me by talking about "her indoors", as in "I told her indoors to remind me, but I guess she didn't hear". I know she lives alone and it always takes me a minute to remember she means her Alexa.


With non-speaking technology it seems to be more arbitrary whether English speakers call it male, female or neither (in some other languages most objects are assigned a gender) but I've heard that happen to. We have a mix of male and female laptops at work, but for some reason the printer is always referred to as male.

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Even if the VA is a female I would say that Jormag is male...I am pretty sure that while most Norn refer to Jormag as "Dragon" I remenber seeing in game NPCs saying "him/he" when talking about Jormag, but that wouldnt be the first time that Anet goes against their own lore...in the end dont really matter, as long as Jormag ends up being a good ED as a villain...Zhaitan so far was the best to me, while his fight was really something else, i guess he had more time to developt the quest and motivations and the character itself. I really liked the interactions with the Rizen, even more the old priests, other dragon minions(Kralk, Mord, Primordious) are most of the time just mindless creatures.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Many players, including Wooden Potatoes, have this theory of Jormag being female because of the voice that was having in the new saga cinematic. What do you think... do you agree or disagree with this theory ? I would like to hear the Arena Net devs confirming on this one so we can stop analyzing every bit of a detail.

> Edit: Because of the many given opinions so far I would like to add. I'm not asking about what sex organs Jormag is having, because a lot of players are having mixed opinion on this subject and escalate and give quite the abstract thinking. I'm asking about what gender does Jormag represent in your opinion given the new saga cinematic? Is it giving you a male or a female characteristics.


Friends, may I point you to a [tweet](

) from Tom on this topic? It appears you failed to include another option in your poll. I hope this helps everyone that was wondering! I know Jormag's gender may not be important to some people but for the lore buffs wondering how the ancestry of dragons work and how they approach things like gender I think this is an interesting find.


Also in this quote, Tom says "we’re treating it as a “how do they identify?” thing rather than a physiological question. It all derives from thinking of EDs not as animals but as people" and I think that is super great.


Edit: For those who are a bit confused about the question, "gender" can differ from biological sex characteristics. In fact, in many cases "gender" is an entirely different facet of someone's identity. I encourage those who are a bit puzzled on this issue to go through some googling because (as the scholars of the Priory would say) "Knowledge is the greatest treasure".

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> @"EmperorMoth.2709" said:

> Edit: For those who are a bit confused about the question, "gender" can differ from biological sex characteristics. In fact, in many cases "gender" is an entirely different facet of someone's identity. I encourage those who are a bit puzzled on this issue to go through some googling because (as the scholars of the Priory would say) "Knowledge is the greatest treasure".


This knowledge is not needed in my country because the people in my country care more about how they've been treated than getting offended of what verb you use on them. I know it looks quite crazy to think of a country that is not racist or sexist... and when you meet someone who does not care about racial or sexual stereotypes it looks to others who live in a country that is having this kind of issues a bit off... it look's a bit racist or sexist to them....for example: In my country we say...

Does Jormag look blue to you ?


-Then he's a blue dragon and not purple.

^ Is that racist?

Does Jormag sound male to you ?


-Then he uses male voice, thus having a male persona, thus not a female. Who cares about what he has between his legs. Also isn't more logical for him to have a female voice that can lure more males like the sirens calling the pirates to their doom? Hmm...

^ Is this sexist nowadays ? Because it wasn't before 5-10 years. Even kids can differentiate is a kid a boy or a girl from their haircut or cloths given by their parents so people don't wonder.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> I voted for female presenting, because it's been confirmed that Jormag's VA is a woman.



If you are familiar with the anime franchise. Many male characters are voiced from a female VA. For example: Naruto is voiced by a female, Goku from Dragon Ball is voiced by a female, Dexter is voiced by a female, Pikachu also is voiced by a female and yes Pikachu is a male before you argue because of his tail being sharp and not round like the female pikachues, even Bart Simpson is voiced by a female VA. So yeah... it doesn't matter who voice him... what maters is how does he sound and look like at the end.

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