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PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

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So many things I want, here is everything I'm concerned about/want, 1 idea per paragraph:


Firslty, turn gen 2 legendaries into gen 1 bis. The system of gen 2 is the worse I've ever seen. :o Compared to gen 1, it requires ton more of mats at a point it stinks. Seriously, no little story and quests, a pure grind hell: So I need 160 mystic curios, then I need the same amount of elder wood and mithril ingot I've just spent to turn them into shard of dark arts. :( Like It wasn't enough, now that I have ars goetia, I NEED AGAIN 100 MYSTIC CURIO, to make another 100 Shards! WANT MORE?! Sure: you need 100 funerary essences (understand 100 amalgamated gemstone) and 100 icy runestones! ;( Nah nah it's easy, you also need 77 Mystics clovers, 250 mystics coins, 2 CONDENSED GIFTS OF MIGHT and 2 CONDENSED GIFTS OF MAGIC. But also, gift of glory, war, battle, mystic tribute. WOW SO MUCH FUN. :angry:

SEE ANET, That's what push me away, giving me the envy to leave the game. I DON'T WANT/I DON'T HAVE TIME to farm MINDLESSY the SAME EVENT 1 MILLION TIME (literally..) TO EARN A GOLD AMOUNT INFERIOR TO AN INQUEST INTERN MONTHLY PAY!!! ;'( :o I don't even generate enough gold to buy cultural armors. But to return to the legendaries, gen two is quaggan poo, it's just bad, not attractive, you can't sell them, no steps, boring, just farm. It just feel rushed without any point. And I recommand you to check the prices between gen 1 and gen 2. Just compare them, you will see how the system is flawed. :/


Secondly, exploration. :D Recently I've learned asuran script and I've translated several texts around Tyria. And I'm DISAPOINTED to see a same text is used on several objects instead of creating a new one just for it making it enriching for the game atmosphere and lore. :anguished: It seems some texts aren't even respecting the culture of races within the game: :astonished: Demonstration banners near Dr Bleent in metrica province, random asuran letters are put on it A SHAME! At least make it coherent! It should have world like "Stop" "Free" "Release the oozes!" "Bookah!" "Impostor!" "Bleent = Evil" ;D

Not Eze Fsee rfhhj...... :(

To continue on it, Rata sum could host holographic panes with news moving on it, really no need to put something important, just thing like "breaking news: doctor plinks arrested for contamining fishes with a mysterious substance" "remember: this evening is organized a party at the statics dormitory" it just make the world more living, it has been made with rata novus with the instructors and all the events. :) Rata Primus was fine but kinda empty, no log, no pa announcers..... (story, map is very nice regarding that).

Rata Arcanum is one of my favourite places with the stop the inquest gate event. All the agents passing the gate and shouting "woohoo", "here i come!", "I made it!", I know it sounds well basic, but ambirnt dialogues are priceless, sandswept isles and rata arcanum were awesome due to their dialogue and environment. Even the end of event when we fight the power suit mk3: once defeated, you have an inquest nsr4 pilot, with a cool dialogue "tactical retreat! it's not the end! I will make you regret this!" Dunno if it's a reference to eggman in sonic, but it's for those little things that I enjoy that game so much.

Another example is the little hut of godlost swamp with the necromant, that hidden event with the book and fleshreaver is a cool easter egg. :+1:


Thirdly a new game mode, combining pve/pvp/wvw, like factions in gw1:

See https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/71717/idea-new-gamemode#latest too long to explain, need a thread for itself.


The uniformity, homogenity, I can't believe that before a new episode is made, that the previous ones have been checked concerning implied organization, already established elements and previous plots.

Since the end of season 2, we got 0 news from aetherblades (no it doesn't work like "they're all dead". I suppose pirates of Istan and so the ones of kourna are former aetherblades but never been confirmed. We haven't properly explored Scarlet's character past/consequences. ONE DAY MAYBE WE WILL KNOW HOW SHE TELEPORTED A DRILL THE SIZE OF TYRIA ON LA. :lol: Asuran gates? Inquest Teleporters? If that can pass still dunno why Inquest haven't teleported yet Exterminator golems in main cities. I don't speak about the whole mordremoth-corrupted sylvaris and Mallyck arc, just non sense, all ignored, scrapped. :scream:


Let's now speak about the greatest joke of all time, they deserve a paragraph, Inquest.

(It's a serious, powerful threat but always shown as noobs, always fail, badly used, through in draconis mons and core was okay) Btw, I could have spoke about centaurs, quaggans and grawls absence in recent ls. It's kinda sad the old core races have been forgotten just like FORGOTTEN /jk, yeah I leave....


0-In Crucible of Eternity/Sorrow Embrace they were able to build specialized golems and have special troops: juggernaut, mark P defensive golem, mark T offensive golem, mark X..... they even have medic and megablaster. Enemies we will never saw again.

1-During LS1 they're able to build a fleet similar to the pact, and they created the uniforms and equipments of the aetherblades. In silverwastes it's said that scarlet used steam creatures to transport some equipments, the rest, teleported on location. Inquest teleporter abandonned here. No more inquest airships?

2-During LS3, Rata Arcanum came with ton of interesting points: They are able to establish encampments and have data pads to store datas and configure their equipments. First time we see inquest miner. Also a special kind of defense: target marking projector trigerring cannon turrets. Never saw after again. Ah and the nice NSR4 pilot, don't know why it's now called inquest pilot....

3-LS4. Introduction of labs in the continuity of crucible of eternity. BUT here come a huge hole in the logic. In the story, we have exterminator, centurion,phallanx,ballista and cube golems. None of them are found within the map! Plus, why no airships, no turrets from rata arcanum? But here is the greatest mistake: episode 1 in farahnur show us the facility used to have new types of members: SCRAPPER INQUEST (bomber), SUPERVISOR, ENFORCER. You can't add them and then ignore them the episode after. But seriously the one missing the more are medics and megablasters to defend the complex.

Why no supervision golems? I mean it's obvious they've recognized the awakened, the director spoke about them in lab sigma 5 and still, no defense? It's impossible for awakened or joko to pass througj gates and invading the cube, Asura are able to create selective gates and portals, proof: crucible of eternity + lab sigma 5.


Originally what brought me to the game was quests, I'm sad they got nerfed, more obvious ones in metrica province: At the beginning, incomp optics used to put you into a golem now they lend you a golem, it's worse. :disappointed_relieved: The RC golems aren't usable anymore, Inquest poison dispensers was in the lake, not within the hylek village. :/ And the famous inquest stone gates of disrupt sinister triade quest in brisban wildlands which has been removed. I have no idea who changed all the quests but it's the most awful and stupid idea ever, you ruined one of the best aspects of the game: interactivity within quests. I don't care about the speedrunners wanting to complete all the maps in two days. I want to enjoy the quests fully like how they were back in 2013. :) It just requires re adding the interaction and some assets. :+1:


To end this, the unfinished plots.

Since ls3, Phlunt and councellors are investigating in Rata Novus and still, no news from them. HoT story: Is that secret last room of rata novus, leading to a closed door means something? :) I'm sad that we can't explore the cube shown on tangled depths map. What about the remnants in dragon stand? Not even an interactable object. Feelsbad. The whole lore feel like a very bad film plot, something is put just for the sake of putting it, no explanation. Can continue with the ruined path at the north part of sandswept: asuran lab or not?


Now, the future: I want new maps, no gw2 remake of gw1 maps. So woodlands cascades, scavenger's causeway, north of maguuma wastes, unending ocean. (Still, happy for charr homelands and kodan)

A proper balance, with no overpowered class or overnerfed class with each proper viable roles. Raids accessible to all more easily not meta builds only. With a decent difficulty. So maybe strike missions will be that. I'm impatient to play Icebrood Saga.


AH and If I play ENGINEER ASURA I want to drop ASURAN TURRETS please, and not regular humans ones, even charrs should have their own turrets. Assets are already here just use them. :D

I also want an asura centric exploration/expansion. Rata novus was overwhelming, no traces, not asuran script, no data logs, poor environment with some broken assets. Their past have to be properly investigated. Especially now if the saga is covering norn and charrs, the only race left is Asura. :skull: It's gloomy and just unrealistic to state that all asuran undergroud cities have been fully destroyed and all their inhabitants killed. Rata Novus proved again had a powerfull perimeter cannons and vault doors.


I just want to be rewarded for playing, greatly, and not after doing 6 hours of the same events. It's not fun. Ascended gear/mats boxes outside of fractals/raids. Racial Guild hall decos to make a lab, a charr town or norn tavern.... craftable npcs for guild hall like super cloud but instead, peacemaker, lion's guard, pact, charr soldier...




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Any game of this type needs a roguelike dungeon:

You know the drill: start at lvl1 on the first floor with basic equipment. Then make your way to the 50th lvl and slay the wizard of Niwram.

Bring back his amulet to ascend a piece of gear.

On the way, collect unidentified wands, scrolls, potions, food and equipment... And never enter in a fair fight. If you die, you're back at square one.

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An easier mode for raids would bring me back into the game and hold me for all the raid-related achievements and collections. The current difficulty level makes it impossible to get into raids with a reasonable amount of time. Ok, you can try and fail every boss 100 times before you succeed once with the current difficulty level, but that's not fun, so it's no content for me. I've done the other pve-contents over and over enough, so that's about the last thing that's still open for me.

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New PvP game modes. After 7 years it time to move past 5v5 conquest. This game is a major embarrassment in the PvP department compared to gw1.


Actual gvg like gw1 was. This wvw attempt at a gvg was a fail and does not support a gvg league or mindset. Gw2 is a complete fail for anything competitive imo. When you look back at gw1 you literally had spam messages of which guild won pop up on your screen. What more competitive and boss then that? NOT GW2 THATS FOR SURE.


As far as I know not many games can claim to have backwards progress in terms of gameplay modes/builds/and play styles but gw2 takes the prize. Imo

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Ok from someone that is playing this for just over year: Fix the long standing bugs and stop steering players to game modes they do not enjoy.


Let me use an example... let's start on a Legendary 1st gen weapon.

Ok collection already tells me I need to play PvE and Fractals.

Then for the weapon itself I need a Gift of Mastery, so that requires me to play WvW because that is the only way to get the Gift of Battle...


I personally enjoy these 3 game modes, but if I wasn't able to buy the Shards of Glory on TP, and had to do PvP to get them, I'd never start them.


I think it is a mechanic to artificially fill surten game modes and that is poor design.

It's not good for me, someone that doesnt like the game mode, nor is it good for the PvP-ers that DO enjoy that game mode.


Second is the drive to quickly introduce new content and make half-baked work out of that. Like the Skyscale.

Initially it was a huge time gated collection. They fixed that later, but come on... you could not forsee that? You could, and you should have seen that one coming.


Then the mount itself... great map completer but that's it... the thing gets stuck vertically on every freaking flower out there and the physics in older maps don't work well with this mount. The times It sticks to invisible walls in unlogical placed is something I rather not keep track of... and the dismount 1 skill is all over the place but rarely where it needs to be, rendering that fire attack useless in most situations.


Also consider that new(er) players like me, are starting content like Legendaries... only to come across dead maps, events nobody is interested in anymore (I solo-ed so many which were absolutely grinding) and broken content (the ORR maps are notoriously buggy) that many just give up on them.


The main thing therefor is: Fix the bugs before bringing new shinies... the list is long, VERY long... Long enough for new players to get discouraged in trying the collections or content.


So to summon it all up: I wish for many additions to this game, but find it pointless to talk about that, untill above issues are being adressed.

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> @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> An easier mode for raids would bring me back into the game and hold me for all the raid-related achievements and collections. The current difficulty level makes it impossible to get into raids with a reasonable amount of time. Ok, you can try and fail every boss 100 times before you succeed once with the current difficulty level, but that's not fun, so it's no content for me. I've done the other pve-contents over and over enough, so that's about the last thing that's still open for me.


The Icebrood Saga will include a new type of content, Strike Missions, that is what you're looking for ? they will be releasing one or more? Each episode and be a bridge to raiding, so easier raid bosses.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > CC immunity after being affected by CC.


> Raising this one up for a guildmate. I like CC in the game but perma stunned and such is not a good thing. Maybe repeats of the same CC translates to some damage or such instead of the CC.



Sounds reasonable to me. I like the idea of well timed CC providing a tactical advantage, a window of opportunity for a fight defining moment, but depriving the other guy of control of his character repeatedly until he is down is something else.

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Engine rework to support GPU usage as well as CPU so I don't sit at 10fps in WvW while my GPU idles at 1% usage

Character model textures rework aka higher res hair, tattoos skin etc etc

Rework of the old maps so it works with the mounts properly so I don't have to hit invisible walls 2 meters into the air etc (I don't actually like mounts and I'm actually very against it but I do use em of course since they are ingame now and most new maps require them to traverse.)

Content that isn't Living story that you can play through in 1-2 days and then wait 3-5 months for the next episode

WVW UPDATE LORD HAVE MERCY PLS (I'm mainly PvE but god damn) give us some WvW

sPvP love, honestly, I love sPvP but I can't stand playing it cause it's not exciting capping the same points after 7 years, makes something new and fresh, bring back the PvP community.

Expansions with new weapons instead of new elite specs, the ones we have are enough. (Maybe dwarf race?)

And last but not least please give us open world dueling...


(These are based of hopes not of things that are actually coming eventually like build templates and such).

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Player housing or revamped home instances (let me put trophies down to show off killing Teq! that shouldn't be a guild only thing!)


But honestly....dungeons especially with the new strike missions coming up. Logically we have dungeons that upgrade to fractals and it doesn't really make sense to have all these new fractals and no new dungeons. It'd also help me refresh myself on who half the npcs are anymore instead of having to check the wiki and go 'wait who was Bottica again?', 'who's Agent Kito?', etc. Like it'd have been interesting to get a dungeon in HoT for the Chak and have Gorrik all excitedly telling you about them while you go through and get him data on like the spit, nesting habits, mating habits, and all that while questioning his bug obsession. Or a dungeon with Agent Kito dealing with the Hamaseen and a smuggling den of theirs possibly having some surviving scarab plague or something.

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