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Prologue equals episode 1?


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> There's some footage on their twitter too




I already saw that on reddit, though I thought that "The Icebrood Saga is coming on the 17th!" did sound ambiguous, because it could mean that it starts on sept 17th but the actual content is received in the time between 17th and a later date, which I fear might be true.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Its sounds to me like its more of what its called..an intro. In writing a prologue is often times the intro or pre event to the story and written before chapter one. OFC in hot the prologue was rally to maguma and it was the first chapter so idk.


But hot´s intro ergo its first chapter was rather short, much shorter than a normal ls episode, so I fear that they will start with just some kind of prologue/intro event, whilst teh actuall episode arrives later, hopefully it´s not going to be like this.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Worst case scenario is that they introduce a tiny fraction of the map which is centered around the Charr and what looks like a celebration. The next episode would then expand the map into what we would usually see in a typical LS release.


And then, it´s still missing the expansion-like content that they said they want to add with the next ls.

Maybe the charr know how to throw a party^^

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Worst case scenario is that they introduce a tiny fraction of the map which is centered around the Charr and what looks like a celebration. The next episode would then expand the map into what we would usually see in a typical LS release.


> And then, it´s still missing the expansion-like content that they said they want to add with the next ls.

> Maybe the charr know how to throw a party^^


They said the expansion level content would come with the sesason. They didn't say it would come in episode 1 of the Season. It's like mounts were delivered in episodes 4 and 6 of Season 4. We had no idea we were getting them before episode one started.

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I think it's more like an Episode 0.

MAYBE we get to move to the starting hub of the next map, but that's it at best.

I doubt we are going to see much more than the trailer they already showed us.

The "prologue" arguably is just there to split the content drought since Season 5 into two halves.

I think Episode one will come late Novembre or early to mid Decembre.

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lol, that's part of the problem here that I hope they will correct, why should we be guessing? Follow thru: Pre-presentate, present, inform, detail, deliver. We got stages 1&2, now how about some of the inform part. These aren't game breaking details and they already have it planned, what is a saga, how many episodes, what should we be excited for? I am working under the assumption that saga just means it would be started but not wrapped up under the season, which is fine, that could have been done under any LW season and I think people would be good with that. Living world should be your building blocks to bigger things.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> So I´m confused, what exactly will we get on september 17th ?

> They call it prologue but is that already the first episode ? Or is it just that, a prologue to announce the arrival of the first episode, delaying the arrival of new content even further ?

> It´s quite unclear.


After seeing what was posted on twitter today I think the answer is:

It's a festival Map.

Minigames and a story snippet is the best we are getting. The Strike mission is probably not unlike "Secret Lair of the Snowmen" in terms of scope or difficulty.

In fact I doubt this whole release will have the same amount of content as this year's Dragon Bash.


I hope I am wrong but I strongly believe I am not, and this will be the first time in a very long time I have felt let down by Arenanet.

If I then have to wait 3-4 months for Ep1?

Not good.


Again, I do hope I am wrong. The strong content delivery starting about halfway through s3 all the way to s4.6 (with the exception of Long Live the Lich) earned a LOT of goodwill from me.

But the unanswered questions from the reveal on friday and the twitter video today has me really wondering.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> lol, that's part of the problem here that I hope they will correct, why should we be guessing? Follow thru: Pre-presentate, present, inform, detail, deliver. We got stages 1&2, now how about some of the inform part. These aren't game breaking details and they already have it planned, what is a saga, how many episodes, what should we be excited for? I am working under the assumption that saga just means it would be started but not wrapped up under the season, which is fine, that could have been done under any LW season and I think people would be good with that. Living world should be your building blocks to bigger things.


I'm not so sure they already have it planned.

For all we know, episode one might still be in the "what could we do for the plot" phase.

Also, it's high likely that the guy on the stage simply exaggerated the word 'saga' and it simply is part of the Season's name.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:


> I'm not so sure they already have it planned.

> For all we know, episode one might still be in the "what could we do for the plot" phase.

> Also, it's high likely that the guy on the stage simply exaggerated the word 'saga' and it simply is part of the Season's name.



lol, don't put me in the role of optimist, I am terrible at that role. But I am assuming that there are a lot steps in the process and that for any project you have to line up the resources in advance so though they might not be done there is a roadmap in place at the least. And since they brought up prologue and saga, someone there made the distinction, so share the why outside of it gives us creative license. You didn't have that before...what was preventing that?


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > So I´m confused, what exactly will we get on september 17th ?

> > They call it prologue but is that already the first episode ? Or is it just that, a prologue to announce the arrival of the first episode, delaying the arrival of new content even further ?

> > It´s quite unclear.


> After seeing what was posted on twitter today I think the answer is:

> It's a festival Map.

> Minigames and a story snippet is the best we are getting. The Strike mission is probably not unlike "Secret Lair of the Snowmen" in terms of scope or difficulty.

> In fact I doubt this whole release will have the same amount of content as this year's Dragon Bash.


> I hope I am wrong but I strongly believe I am not, and this will be the first time in a very long time I have felt let down by Arenanet.

> If I then have to wait 3-4 months for Ep1?

> Not good.


> Again, I do hope I am wrong. The strong content delivery starting about halfway through s3 all the way to s4.6 (with the exception of Long Live the Lich) earned a LOT of goodwill from me.

> But the unanswered questions from the reveal on friday and the twitter video today has me really wondering.

To make you feel better, you know Living Story Season 2? Its prologue was essentially the Festival of Four Winds. When the Festival started 2 weeks prior, there were hints of things to come. Right when the Festival ended...bam, the LS chapters started with the crash of the airships from the festival. Expect something on the lines of that, where this "festival" will be here for a bit...and then get wrecked by the first chapter of the IS.

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> @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > > So I´m confused, what exactly will we get on september 17th ?

> > > They call it prologue but is that already the first episode ? Or is it just that, a prologue to announce the arrival of the first episode, delaying the arrival of new content even further ?

> > > It´s quite unclear.

> >

> > After seeing what was posted on twitter today I think the answer is:

> > It's a festival Map.

> > Minigames and a story snippet is the best we are getting. The Strike mission is probably not unlike "Secret Lair of the Snowmen" in terms of scope or difficulty.

> > In fact I doubt this whole release will have the same amount of content as this year's Dragon Bash.

> >

> > I hope I am wrong but I strongly believe I am not, and this will be the first time in a very long time I have felt let down by Arenanet.

> > If I then have to wait 3-4 months for Ep1?

> > Not good.

> >

> > Again, I do hope I am wrong. The strong content delivery starting about halfway through s3 all the way to s4.6 (with the exception of Long Live the Lich) earned a LOT of goodwill from me.

> > But the unanswered questions from the reveal on friday and the twitter video today has me really wondering.

> To make you feel better, you know Living Story Season 2? Its prologue was essentially the Festival of Four Winds. When the Festival started 2 weeks prior, there were hints of things to come. Right when the Festival ended...bam, the LS chapters started with the crash of the airships from the festival. Expect something on the lines of that, where this "festival" will be here for a bit...and then get wrecked by the first chapter of the IS.


Comparing it to s2 does not make me feel better.

S2 and it's delivery were miles behind S3 (which was, in turn, miles behind what we got in s4)

I recently replayed through it and it's not good. It's disjointed, very weakly written and relies largely on highly forced, text-based conversation to achieve characterization. Few of the encounters are memorable in terms of fights or mechanics. Many are downright poor by the standards Arenanet has lived up to recently.

I enjoyed maybe 3 chapters of it.


I recall not so long ago when I finished LW3.6, then waited what was the average amount of time between releases, got a full expansion and waited a normal amount of time and got a very strong lw4.1.

Now what is happening is I got a very strong LW4.6, and am getting a festival map as an intro for a rebranded package called a "Saga" that the developers have already said will include less new maps than I was getting before.... and no solid information about when the "real content" (5.1) will be delivered.


I'm willing to buy in just because the past 2.5 years of this game have been really great and S4.6 in particular really knocked it out of the park.

But when I saw that preview video today and realized it was a new festival styled map a certain reality set in. Telling me we are going back to the old cadence and style of delivery is not going to make that better at all.


I was pretty happy with the game for a solid 2.5 years and this new direction is not going to win me over with minigames and a charr rock band.

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My interpretation, based on how they talked about it and what was shown in the trailer is that functionally it will be a full episode but the story won't 'really' start until the next episode. This one is going to be about the charr conference/party, so we'll maybe meet some new characters and get some info on what's happening with the charr but there will be little/no mention of Jormag and if the Icebrood are involved it will be towards the end.


So as people have said like the intro to a book where it sets the scene for a story but doesn't dive right into the main plot.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> So I´m confused, what exactly will we get on september 17th ?

> They call it prologue but is that already the first episode ? Or is it just that, a prologue to announce the arrival of the first episode, delaying the arrival of new content even further ?

> It´s quite unclear.


It's just what they said it is, a prologue: an **event or action** that leads to another event or situation. It includes new content,Episode 1 will follow at a later date to be announced.

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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > episode 0.5 from what i've heard this prologue just contains some introductions and a small map to serve as a hub


> Thats just pure player speculation.


From what we’ve seen though it seems pretty likely. Unless we get involved in Charr drama the story hasn’t really started with this episode. And there won’t be much to the map in terms of antagonists. I’m assuming it will be just that, a small festival map. I don’t even think there will be mobs to fight. Just activities.



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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> So I´m confused, what exactly will we get on september 17th ?

> They call it prologue but is that already the first episode ? Or is it just that, a prologue to announce the arrival of the first episode, delaying the arrival of new content even further ?

> It´s quite unclear.


They were pretty vague but it sounds more like an episode 0? I am guessing sort of like we got at HOT before we actually got to the zone.


I just hope that we do not have to wait 3 months after it to actually get an episode 1.

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