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What will the Exalted do now?


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It's not a bad point to bring up, though, they at any moment they could say, "WAIT! Glint had ANOTHER part of the prophecy!".. And then pull them back into the story somehow.


But I guess they just protect and support her. I mean, technically, the world isn't free from the threat of elder dragons yet so I imagine they could always serve as caretakers for some new scion at some point, or even Aurene's scions should she have some. Once the thread of elder dragons is gone and the balance restored, I would imagine they would truly no longer have a purpose and would probably want to be freed. Perhaps part of that freedom, although someone above was joking, could involve being "eaten" by Aurene so that their soul or whatever is unbound from the armor. Though I guess they could just have a ceremony and all remove their helmets or something. lol


I hope at some point during this season we get more info on the construction of the Hall of Monuments. I think it's assumed it was the Seers that built it, but it would be interesting to get some story on that.

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**Spoilers for Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire**


Interestingly the speech of the last Forgotten (of Maguuma), discovered when interacting with the tablets in Tarir for the [A Study in Gold](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Study_in_Gold) achievement, sheds some light on the eventual fate of the Exalted:


> "En route to our final destination, we sheltered in a hollow and performed the exalting rituals, but ultimately, we left there as well. One day, Tarir will no longer serve us, and you will move on. Do not fear that day. When it comes, you will know that your purpose has been fulfilled."

> "Glint's legacy is far more than just her offspring, and you must protect it all. The legacy's potential will only be realized in the fullness of time when all its pieces have developed and become defined in response to the world around them."

> "The legacy's most essential elements will seed the new dawn of civilization. This is the precious treasure we leave in your hands. You must preserve it with no expectation of laurels. You too will be forgotten once your duty is done."

> "As the last Forgotten, I have come to understand the vastness of history and the ephemeral nature of truth. Stories of your deeds will warp in retelling. But, you do not do this to leave your mark."

> "You do it to ensure that this world you love continues on after you're gone. Glint's dream of a harmonious future can come to pass. Now you carry the torch of her benevolence."


One day the Exalted will leave Tarir and their other places of power behind and be no more. Given that they need to recharge their bodies, it may be that such uses are limited (thus explaining why they had to hibernate for centuries rather than staying active throughout the years) and they'll just fall dormant forever when all is said and done. Glint's Legacy, as revealed in Path of Fire, also concerns more than just her two offspring as Sadizi mentioned multiple entities that are required to replace Elder Dragons. Barring us bringing some dragon allies back to life from the Mists, it suggests we'll need to hunt for more suitable replacements for the rest of the dragons to truly balance magic in Tyria's Antikytheria mechanism of the All, and the Exalted will be required to stay active until all the replacements have taken their destined place in the mechanism.


Time will tell whether we'll see more of our old (and potentially new if we run into other colonies) Exalted friends and how exactly they'll contribute to the trials to come. I believe they might have some knowledge about the Forgotten purification rituals that cleansed Glint from Kralkatorrik's corruption, in which chase the sylvari Warden Illyra (who performed the ritual on the Risen chicken Twitchy) from Arah explorable should be quite fascinated with them, especially if we can start using the ritual on rare magical sites to cleanse dragon champions of their corruption and find a way to turn these freed champions to the side of good... ;)

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> It's not a bad point to bring up, though, they at any moment they could say, "WAIT! Glint had ANOTHER part of the prophecy!".. And then pull them back into the story somehow.


They technically already did, back in HoT, as Kossage quoted.


Glint's Legacy did not end with Aurene replacing Kralkatorrik. Glint's Legacy in full is the replacement of all six Elder Dragons. With Vlast's death, there's a major setback in the legacy plans, however.


The legacy in full as we can see it is basically:


Step 1: Protect the eggs until they're ready to hatch.

Step 2: Raise the scions in Kesho and Tarir until they're ready for combat.

Step 3: Have the surviving scions replace an equal amount of Elder Dragons.

Step 4: Find more suitable replacements for remaining Elder Dragons.

Step 5: Help them sympathize with mortals before helping them replace an Elder Dragon each.


I expect that the Exalted have already left Tarir, and is now searching for other suitable replacements. Whether this will come from purifying dragon minions as Glint was by the Forgotten or something else remains unclear.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > It's not a bad point to bring up, though, they at any moment they could say, "WAIT! Glint had ANOTHER part of the prophecy!".. And then pull them back into the story somehow.


> They technically already did, back in HoT, as Kossage quoted.


> Glint's Legacy did not end with Aurene replacing Kralkatorrik. Glint's Legacy in full is the replacement of all six Elder Dragons. With Vlast's death, there's a major setback in the legacy plans, however.


> The legacy in full as we can see it is basically:


> Step 1: Protect the eggs until they're ready to hatch.

> Step 2: Raise the scions in Kesho and Tarir until they're ready for combat.

> Step 3: Have the surviving scions replace an equal amount of Elder Dragons.

> Step 4: Find more suitable replacements for remaining Elder Dragons.

> Step 5: Help them sympathize with mortals before helping them replace an Elder Dragon each.


> I expect that the Exalted have already left Tarir, and is now searching for other suitable replacements. Whether this will come from purifying dragon minions as Glint was by the Forgotten or something else remains unclear.


Does that even hold true anymore though? I mean, they eluded to Aurene falling victim to the same madness Kralk had from all the magic but that and the origin of the elder dragons hadn't even really been decided from what it sounded on the livestream. With all this emphasis on her being a new kind of elder dragon of light, how do we know they aren't just planning on retconning the whole six needed for balance thing and making Aurene the one prime elder dragon? If nothing else, it feels like they could easily set her up to be somekind of magic bank that has scions of her own someday and grants them each an aspect.


It really doesn't feel like we will see the completion of that plot trajectory during the lifespan of this game at the current rate. Aurene replaced Kralk, but following this logic we still have to replace Zhaitan and Mordremoth. While we have the potential for the Pale Tree to replace Mordremoth, who does that leave for Zhaitan? And it doesn't feel like a plot they're really going to dive into. So at this point, would they follow that pre-existing notion that they all must be replaced for balance, or just retcon the story in a way that only the excess magic is the one true harm.


Of course, I suppose with the emphasis on the Norn spirits this season, perhaps one of them or they all could collectively replace Jormag should we, and I find this unlikely, need to take him down. This would make way for a multitude of other replacements, but would also require some serious lore reworking.


Or, they're keeping it as is and this dilemma of finding replacements is just story they may or may not get to if the game lasts long enough for them to take whatever other directions they want in the meantime.


Personally, I subscribe to the theory that with this season at least, we won't kill Jormag, because Jormag isn't the "Lovecraftian" angle they're taking, so much as the one that offers us a chance to fight the one that is, the deep sea dragon. I mean I know that's off topic, but I hadn't even thought about the symbolism until I watched a theory the other day in terms of deep sea dragon being water and Jormag being ice.


You would think if the exalted had such a high investment in elder dragons and their replacements, we would have seen more bases than just Kesho and Tarir by now. Perhaps we'll find one in Northern Shiverpeaks somewhere if that were the case. Though I'd much rather find some surviving Seer encampment.


And for that matter, I wonder if the Seer could have some kind of correlation to the spirits of the wild, as they're likely the ones that built the Hall of Monuments and thus were already really far North for some reason. Outside of Jormag persuading Norn to serve him, have we seen any other cases of Elder Dragon corrupted Norn? Could the spirits play a role in that?


The only possible case I can think of are Bloated Creepers from Zhaitan's army, but are those just really large bloated humans and random design decisions from the concept artists? Could they potentially be pre-fall Jotun that have bene resurrected? Are they Norn? But if Norn why are there so many of them? I get "Bloated" means larger than normal, but to make them vertically taller and not just horizontally wider? Weird.


Anyway, just a few random thoughts.


The recent magazine eluded that we'll be getting some more insight into the elder dragons and their motives this season, so I imagine that means that at any moment what we think we know is going to change.


Also, with the talk of the Spirit of the Dragon, I guess we could potentially learn about some correlation between a potentially preexisting state of Jormag in which he was more benevolent similar to the spirits of the wild, or a different being all together that they revere as the spirit of the dragon. It's an interesting new story arc, I just wish it wasn't likely another 2 years before we can answer some of these questions, if even then.


Though as I said, I think we are starting off with Jormag and the Charr for the first few episodes, but wouldn't be surprised to find a quick shift towards the deep sea dragon.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Does that even hold true anymore though?


If I'm to be critical, no lore can "hold true" with how ArenaNet has a tendency to ignore or rewrite based on the current rule of cool (that has, more than once, resulted in them writing themselves into a corner and making a potentially awesome narrative flounder, like the recent revelations of the second domains).


But the magazine does have wording suggests that the concept of needing multiple replacements still holds true. It's really hard to say, since the "Prismatic Elder Dragon" and "Elder Dragon of Light" titles given to Aurene could also allude to Aurene eventually becoming the one true Elder Dragon in spite of Season 3 and PoF's stressing of needing 4-6 Elder Dragons to prevent world collapsing.


Like with why the sylvari are "immune" to dragon corruption, ArenaNet seems truly back and forth and indecisive about whether we'll have just Aurene, or if we'll have multiple replacements.


> You would think if the exalted had such a high investment in elder dragons and their replacements, we would have seen more bases than just Kesho and Tarir by now. Perhaps we'll find one in Northern Shiverpeaks somewhere if that were the case. Though I'd much rather find some surviving Seer encampment.


The Exalted's bases are intentionally hidden, and they're ultimately nothing more than nurseries (or stations meant to defend them). With only two scions of Glint, there'd only need be two nurseries, I'd imagine.


> And for that matter, I wonder if the Seer could have some kind of correlation to the spirits of the wild, as they're likely the ones that built the Hall of Monuments and thus were already really far North for some reason.


According to the 2007 PCGamer magazine, the Eye of the North's structures resemble "divine origins". Arah was stated as a reference, though it's apparent the style changed mid-GW2 development - but the Eye of the North does mirror the Orrian eagle usage of things. Though at the same time, there's hints in GW2 that Arah predates the Six Gods' presence.


> Outside of Jormag persuading Norn to serve him, have we seen any other cases of Elder Dragon corrupted Norn? Could the spirits play a role in that?


> The only possible case I can think of are Bloated Creepers from Zhaitan's army, but are those just really large bloated humans and random design decisions from the concept artists? Could they potentially be pre-fall Jotun that have bene resurrected? Are they Norn? But if Norn why are there so many of them? I get "Bloated" means larger than normal, but to make them vertically taller and not just horizontally wider? Weird.


There are risen norn thralls and brutes aplenty. Most brutes are norn, in fact.






And in the story, we see several norn become risen, including Romke's entire crew:












I think you underestimate just how many norn sail the Sea of Sorrows, or live in the Southern Shiverpeaks. Because there are a **lot** of risen norn (and charr) despite supposed distance.


> Though as I said, I think we are starting off with Jormag and the Charr for the first few episodes, but wouldn't be surprised to find a quick shift towards the deep sea dragon.


I feel it'd be weird if ArenaNet is calling Season 5 "The Icebrood Saga" only for it to not focus primarily on the Icebrood and Jormag.

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I suspect the answer is simply going to be that Aurene is still going to need agents. Now that she's got the power of Balthazar and Kralkatorrik as well as whatever she had before, the energy requirements for keeping the Exalted active are probably no longer all that significant - in fact, given the indications that hoarding magic too much is bad for an Elder Dragon's sanity, Aurene will probably benefit from distributing enough of her magic to keep the Exalted active.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> According to the 2007 PCGamer magazine, the Eye of the North's structures resemble "divine origins". Arah was stated as a reference, though it's apparent the style changed mid-GW2 development - but the Eye of the North does mirror the Orrian eagle usage of things. Though at the same time, there's hints in GW2 that Arah predates the Six Gods' presence.


There was a mention, though, about how the Seers used divine magic to make the original Bloodstones.


We HAVE been told that there was something made by the Seers in GW1 somewhere, but it wasn't something that the players could identify as such. Could be Moladune, could be the Eye, could be something else. Could be the Bloodstones, I guess, although I _think_ the relevant quote post-dated that and wasn't referring to the Bloodstones.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

>Could be the Bloodstones, I guess, although I _think_ the relevant quote post-dated that and wasn't referring to the Bloodstones.


The quote came from pre-GW2 release. Interview between GuildMag and Ree Soesbee (Issue 1 I think).


I always figured - after the game came out - that it was referring to the Bloodstone revelation.

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> @"MashMash.1645" said:

> Nothing.


> Like all old content in the game it will be ignored and abandoned, while ANet moves on to thier new idea (RIP dungeons, S1, Fractal CM’s, Living World Seasons).


Um. How is that a bad thing?


Shoving the exalted everywhere would be a crud move. Their involvement in the jungle and thunderhead fit, and TBH, neither base is actually secure. The jungle is filled with Mordrem and the branded/brandstorm still exists. Story elements that have filled their purpose can retire, only to be brought up if actually relevant to the story.


> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> With Mordremoth no longer a threat to Tarir and Aurene all grown up and ascended, what will the Exalted do now?

> Could we start seeing Exalted emissaries at festivals or in other places?


Mordremoth is gone but the jungle still is filled with Mordrem of various levels, and there could be blighting trees still active. We know when Rox found Garm, she mentioned the jungle was still incredibly dangerous.


As for what the Exalted will do, probably maintain their cities/bases and continue their duties. They have a job to do so I don't see them wandering about and traveling much, unless it directly relates to that.

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> @"MashMash.1645" said:

> Nothing.


> Like all old content in the game it will be ignored and abandoned, while ANet moves on to thier new idea (RIP dungeons, S1, Fractal CM’s, Living World Seasons).


We first ventured into the Heart of Maguuma in 1328 AE, Aurene became what she is now in 1332 AE: four years of in-game-time has passed. So it's not _'old content'_ so much as it is _'in the past'_ content. Hence it would make little sense, in fact would only lead to severe convolution, if everything previously experienced/released was mashed in some form into the current content. Just like any story (and as others have said above) characters/stories/places/etc wax and wane in their importance during the telling.


It's worth remembering that each zone in the game takes place _basically_ in a specific time-period. This is especially the case after development realised that the method of delivery we saw for Living World Season 1 was a mistake. Of course there are some exceptions to this outright, and at other times there is some blurring of the lines, but it is the general case and can help understanding as to why some story themes races/characters appear in one place persistently whilst are seemingly forgotten in others.

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> @"Gorgaan Peaudesang.8324" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > As the Commander would say in a sad tone: I don't know...


> I'm more concerned about the Sentinels.


Unless Aurene instantly got full control over the Branded, they're likely cleaning up the Dragonbrand of hostiles still. If Aurene did get instant control over an army of crystal things, she likely returned their sanity and we'll see her "new minions" in Bound by Blood, and the Sentinels will return to Iron Legion proper (or focus on non-combat cleanup duty in the Dragonbrand).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Gorgaan Peaudesang.8324" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > As the Commander would say in a sad tone: I don't know...

> >

> > I'm more concerned about the Sentinels.


> Unless Aurene instantly got full control over the Branded, they're likely cleaning up the Dragonbrand of hostiles still. If Aurene did get instant control over an army of crystal things, she likely returned their sanity and we'll see her "new minions" in Bound by Blood, and the Sentinels will return to Iron Legion proper (or focus on non-combat cleanup duty in the Dragonbrand).


I think this depends on if the brandstorm has been fully scattered/dealt with. If the brandstorm is active in a section of the brand, it'll continue to cause branded creatures to form (or even repair, as I've read is suspected of branded to happen).


Of course, outside game map time-locks, I'd hope lore-wise Aurene dealt with the brandstorm lol.

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Well, a lot of things could create more branded. Branded champions as well as the Brandstorm.


It's really just a question of whether or not Aurene got instant control over everything Kralkatorrik had control over. One of the teasers for Bound by Blood showcased a lot of Aurene-brand but in a new color (from blue crystals to chromatic crystals) over a large lake. Seems likely that's where Kralkatorrik slept, given we know the map will include that spot (as both Ooze Pits and Doomlore Shrine were confirmed to be present in the magazine). There were no signs of Kralk's branding, so it's possible Kralkatorrik's branding has been transformed by Aurene - the question is, was it done by her rebranding things actively, or was it passively done because she took over his magic and domain.


If it's the latter, then the Brandstorm, and all branded, may be under her control now, and no longer a threat unlike the unchained risen and mordrem. We could even see branded becoming more like Caithe, returning to their senses and society, like the Mordrem Guard had.

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