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Triple Trouble trouble


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Hey everyone, I'm trying for several days to get into Triple Trouble world boss, to get my achievements done, but I swear, there aren't any groups, or .. parties, or anything, and if one or two appears somewhere, its always like 10-15 people on a map, trying to get killed few times before slowly dispersing the squad. So yeah, why is the boss event dead? I mean, nobody really does it, even tho its such a great idea, 3 bosses, good rewards, lots of achievements.. it's a shame, everyone in Lion's Arch is telling me, that TT event is dead, and nobody will bother with it.. what's true on it, and shouldn't devs somehow .. idk.. revive it?

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I remember before, groups like gw2community used to do TT, but lately.. I don't see such a groups, and .. well.. As ALWAYS, TT is failing no matter what one does to gather people. It would be fine if Triple Trouble got some rework, or just.. increased rewards, new loots.. cause.. Everyone just chases new maps, or fast usual world bosses, instead of actualy taking the effort of taking down Triple Trouble. Devs, fix this somehow, please.

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There is nothing for the developers to "fix". It is not up to the developers to force players into content. It is up to the player base to decide what content they want to do.


You might try the Players Helping Players forum. I found [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78568/triple-trouble-group "this thread") down there which may be of some help.

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> @"Koods.9815" said:

> Hey everyone, I'm trying for several days to get into Triple Trouble world boss, to get my achievements done, but I swear, there aren't any groups, or .. parties, or anything, and if one or two appears somewhere, its always like 10-15 people on a map, trying to get killed few times before slowly dispersing the squad. So yeah, why is the boss event dead? I mean, nobody really does it, even tho its such a great idea, 3 bosses, good rewards, lots of achievements.. it's a shame, everyone in Lion's Arch is telling me, that TT event is dead, and nobody will bother with it.. what's true on it, and shouldn't devs somehow .. idk.. revive it?


Why would they give you free 3 mastery points when you can get them by purchasing LS?

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Because of how players are spread out, and how farming metas have evolved, TT fell off world boss train. Last I checked, EVO still does an a post reset TT for NA servers.... but later in the night its avoided by pugs. Reset is the closest to a guarantee you can have to an Organized meta happening, since tends to get baked into everyone's daily routine. Pretty much everything radiates outward from Reset Teq and Anomaly, since they're right there back to back.

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> @"Koods.9815" said:

>Everyone just chases new maps, or fast usual world bosses, instead of actualy taking the effort of taking down Triple Trouble. Devs, fix this somehow, please.


Devs can't fix a community problem....... they've tried, and fail on the regular. Upping the rewards will draw people in; but it also generates complaints about the difficulty and overflow since PUGS will almost never organize themselves. I saw that first hand during the Boss rush event. Making it easier won't really change anything, because its reputation is now set in stone.


If you don't believe me? Octovine is so well practiced at this point, Pugs can do the event tagless if they wanted to. The problem, ultimately, is that they do NOT want to invest any effort if they don't think the map is ALREADY organized.... and few are wiling to even speak up and see if theres even people on the map TO get organized. If they don't see at least 2 tags, they assume its just HP train and try to jump ship to an LFG map. I've been there on several occasions where there is overflow, and most would just sit around try to spam join a full map, despite there clearly being enough people idling around east and south gate WPs to run the meta.


The stupid part about all of that is the Tags really don't need to do anything other then run a Taxi, because the pugs (surprisingly) understand the mechanics, and can jump into roles if they are lacking. Teq is even easier to self organize, since you need only about 20 people to handle turrets and boats, and the rest can just react to the situation. I've even seen a late map salvage a bone wall, and ramped up as people kept falling in from the overflow.


Theres just this unshakable stigma that you NEED enough tags to do a meta at the start, or its doomed to fail. But in reality all the tags are really doing is giving something pugs can follow around 'visually", and occasionally give pep talks. And the "critical jobs" for most of these metas are pathetically easy compared to combat in general. I would rank POF bounties harder then most Tyrian metas, mainly due to bounty's having poor broadcasting of their hazards, and a lack of bypass strategies. The hardest would be VB and Serpents Ire, almost entirely because of how you need to split teams up to be effective. Chalk could realistically go auto pilot, because at this point everyone knows where failures are prone to happen, and can split up appropriately in the pre-phase.


The only thing the Devs could do is rework all the old metas to require split groups, so it forces players to habituate it. But the players will fight you every step of the way.

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EVOS and RnT still run regularly. And the TT that happens right after reset is organized as well. Make sure you look in LFG for a taxi to make sure you get into a map with organizers.


I don't know EVOS time but RnT runs the one that the event starts at 8am server time with the taxi usually set up around 7:30am.

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Weird. Almost every time I was there, there were 3 commanders and the map got full pretty easy so that joining about 30 minutes before the event starts got me a spot where it was almost safe (only almost ... sometimes it still failed with the timing) to fully kill it.


Only people that just try to join 10 minutes before it starts ... might end up in an empty map (cause the one with the many players is full already).

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> There is nothing for the developers to "fix". It is not up to the developers to force players into content. It is up to the player base to decide what content they want to do.


> You might try the Players Helping Players forum. I found [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78568/triple-trouble-group "this thread") down there which may be of some help.


I heavily disagree with that. EoTM and vanilla Queendale Champ train were all stuff that players would regularly do these content. But one day Anet made simple changes that killed them. So if they can easily kill off the popularity of stuff they sure can make stuff popular as well to do. So I don't bite that excuse. Everything is on the developers.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > There is nothing for the developers to "fix". It is not up to the developers to force players into content. It is up to the player base to decide what content they want to do.

> >

> > You might try the Players Helping Players forum. I found [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78568/triple-trouble-group "this thread") down there which may be of some help.


> I heavily disagree with that. EoTM and vanilla Queendale Champ train were all stuff that players would regularly do these content. But one day Anet made simple changes that killed them. So if they can easily kill off the popularity of stuff they sure can make stuff popular as well to do. So I don't bite that excuse. Everything is on the developers.

If you see "make stuff popular" as "make stuff braindead easy with rewards miles above anything else in the game", then yes, of course they can do that. I personally don't see any reason they'd want to do that though, especially for content that obviously works as intended.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Koods.9815" said:

> >Everyone just chases new maps, or fast usual world bosses, instead of actualy taking the effort of taking down Triple Trouble. Devs, fix this somehow, please.


> Devs can't fix a community problem.......

TT being an open world boss requiring coordination that is way above what you can expect from an open world pug zerg is not a "community problem".


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